Monday, February 28, 2011

El homenaje a mis Lectores

     El idioma español es el segundo la mayoría de los dialectos utilizados en nuestro planeta. ..Yo deseo mi habilidad que el conjunto incluyó una comprensión adecuada de este idioma desenfrenadamente hermoso y ultra seductor. Este homenaje sale a todos mis Amigos latinos en este pequeño planeta que todos nosotros llamada en casa. Gracias por hacerme aparte de su rutina. ..este es todo nuestro foro, para congregarse, discutir y entonces reflexionar nuestra dirección. ¡Puédalos tienen un maravilloso y Bendijeron fin a su segundo mes de nuestro joven año quieto!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

On this Day


Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from exile off the Island of Elba


Withstand the Test of Time

Shakespeare truly is timeless...his skill of creating the Human Spirit can sustain the pitfalls of any century...people will continue to be (just themselves) that...People.  Regardless of place or time.
Spending hours of my day, in a Hot and Humid room...not a word crosses my mind that has no place where thoughts thrive and hopes soar.  I leave the room, emotionally cleansed yet physically drenched from a past of soulful journeys and misplaced deeds.  My hair, long and wet...dangle past my shoulders, draped over my back staining my grey sweatshirt all along my upper back...reminding me of my work.  I'm Loose, I'm Relaxed...I am Calm...
Like a quiet shoreline shrouded by the shade of a dark crystal clear moonlit sky...At peace, soft waves meekly splash their hearts up against the sandy shore...followed with that slow rippling rustle created through the rough retracting drag back into the endless ocean...disguised in an infinite cycle of life experiences
Waves Transfer energy with no permanent displacement of the particles of the medium.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

To Show an unfelt Sorrow is an office Which the False man does easy

I Dare do all that may become a Man:
He Who dares do more, is None.


Chemistry...what attracts two=two individuals together?
Is is personality?
the ideal compliment...
Emotional?  Psychological???Personality Traits?
Is it physical attraction?
the "Perfect Fit"...
Where does the Perfect balance exist
Is it the Calm vs Tumultuous?
Persistence vs Impulsive?

Map the First Connection 1st!

It certainly significant to be able and capable to love yourself before being able to adequately dedicate that love to somebody else...if you can not love yourself, you most certainly will be unable to love anyone else
Learn to love yourself, figure out who you are...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Thirty36Sixth Birthday

To the Individual whom was the inspiration for this entire Blog!
      The third3rd cycle of life according to the Chinese calender...may this cycle bring you the joy, happiness and success that you have thus far sought out throughout the many adventures that life has brought you!
Happy Birthday buddy!  You know that you will always have my support!

Love is a delicate flower

Tender and care for it...feed it...and it will Blossom
Before you share, you must learn to start yourself, even with all your faults.  Embrace who you are, harness those emotions and then re-emit that energy, sending that love back effect, its love that you, yourself have created from within.  Once you are ready to share that goodness, you must then identify what fits well for you.
Realistically identify what your values, needs and preferred lifestyle are...this will help you attract a suitable counterpart, someone whom compliments these "parameters".  But be prepared to offer yourself as that complimentary piece in this puzzle.  You, vice-versa, should be the right person for your partner.  Making this a connection that t2o conscious individuals are committing themselves to the work (and all individual necessary changes) in order to achieve the solid foundation for a desirable relationship.  Remember to seek realistic ideals and partners!!!  The best relationships are the ones predicated upon a workable system balanced through connection, communication and compromises!  The thr3e CCC's
Success will come from you, blaming your counter part will never solve or undo relationship obstacles and/or challenges...success is internal, frustrations and lack of solutions rarely (if ever) exists as external tangible barriers...focus on fulfilling your end and watch growth blossom
The common thread of this success is the ability to communicate...misscommunication breeds Misunderstanding, Tension and unhappiness...which leads to failure.
Good Communicators not only possess the ability to openly express one's self, but also to actively listen without judging.
As an aside, I cannot reiterate how irritating i find judgmental individuals...false assessments (a word that resembles assumptions) often lead to erroneous decisions.
Spend time together and see how well you think and communicate a solution at hand?
One final thought
Power Corrupts
Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Congratulations to Joseph and Alison Demaria

On a wonderful ceremony and reception this past Saturday evening.  I was blessed to be apart of such a beautiful union between two wonderful individuals.  Be blessed!

I was very blessed actually, seeing old friends and making new ones.  Socializing in a positive environment is extremely healthy for the psyche.  My buddy Richie is attempting to persuade me to befriend his new lady friend's friend Donna.  Thank you for the invite buddy, but i am passing on this...its not the time nor the place.  I appreciate your support and concern.

When i get some more time, i will actually write something more thought provoking...something with more grit and grip...
Be well, be good, and be blessed!
Oh by the way, i wrote a pleasant and friendly little letter to my old friend Rosemarie today...I hope she receives it and reads it.

I've always liked my woman a little picante
and always caliente
Kathryn knows though, that she is the hottest
and most definitely the spiciest

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friends love you and care for you

"Don't pretend to love others,
really love them"
-Heather Parman

     Interesting thought of the day...increased working hours, coupled with the increase in popularity of the internet, this dual  chain of events have created a deterrent to the development of close relationships.  Research also seems to show that young adults who are loners are more prevalent to substance abuse, and adults (who are loners) are prone to higher blood pressure, lower quality of sleep, increased emotional tension and bouts of anxiousness.  Individuals with smaller social circles also seem to have heightened levels of stress hormones...which often leads to a suppressed immune system.
     Friends are great to our health...When you need to hear the bitter truth, they will never lie to you (in order to win favors).  Friends have advice (sometimes too much), they also offer their help (for better or for worse).  Friends accept us for who we are...they laugh, cry, and provide comfort for us.  Friendship at times is selfless, or it could be nurturing.  When family is not around, its our friends that take care of us...friends will sacrifice for you.  Some friends are good at holding onto our secrets (whether its our worst idea or our silliest wish).  Friends feel happy with your success, and sad with your failures.  Friends share your joy and make you feel that there is somebody that still cares about you...when you have friends you never feel lonely.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thank You 4 Being My Valentine

It serves as a reminder of how loved
or how lonely one's life is
every four14thteenth day of the Sec2ndond month

Mine involved a stunt...a stunt that perhaps 4our beloved people may never forget...
I delivered a Barbie to the only Doll I know
Received with a smile coupled with A thought of what could have been
miles away...

The mysteries of life are truly endless
and the risks that come with those journeys
are boundless
so take a leap
and fool fate
...aim high in the clouds for the unexpected
afterall, that is where i am told
Heaven existz
...or does it
maybe its somewhere much closer
if at all

I've certainly kept my promise
only kind words for a gentle and fragile soul
encased in impenetrable shell
there to shield and deflect
any assaults the world hurls

Its easier to not as soci ate
then to dare...and burn
but if you land high enough
you just might find the right
c l s o u l d

with Risk
comes Reward

                             ( ...Windows to the Soul)
A sparkling smile with blazing eyes (absolutely gorgeous)...her inner and external everlasting beauty is the Reward that i have Risked
She would always tell me to Hush! when i would share my compliments with her
She is the world most stunning woman

 *I Must tell you all
That Kathryn Tells me
There is a Zero Chance
to ever reenter
any relationship with her
I am Saddened by this
But i need to respect her wishes
If we are meant to reconnect
Fate will Find the Way

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It happened on Friday

The trio converged at Autumn's (or is it April...i always get confused on her name)...circling their prey...Slowly...meticulously...ever so quietly taunting him like hyenas surrounding their fawn.  One gets bought a drink leading to an eruption...Yelling, Confusion...Chaos.  the angry one leaves
"I'm locking her out, she is your responsibility"
-First Text
"Loose my Num#er"
-Final text
Wowwwow Thinks our protanagist
April, Autumn, some season...or month, comes over with her own curiosities
"so what was that about?  Did you have anything to do with that?"
"I Hope Not" was the reply "I hate this feeling, there is a pit in my stomach"
My answer is simple, stand by what you want and what you like...and never apologize for it.  Making excuses and apologies for who you are and what you want *(but don't ever hurt anyone with intentions of hurt) only skews avoid expressing your true desires, you'd be lying to yourself and to the world.
Intentions in my opinion determine what my emotional reaction will be in response to someone else actions and behaviors...its all in the intentions of someone's act!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Quar1/4er to thr3e on a Saturday afternoon, and i am stopping by ol'McCarthy's for a quick lunch and beer.  Smothered around the rectangular bar sit about a doz12en "regulars".  The bartender (i never even bothered to get her name) is a middle aged curvy woman who hasn't realized that your youth of her twenties20's disappeared over a decade ago...her skin is surprisingly clear.  Everyone knows everyone, with one exception...that would be I.  My mental sketch pad at hand, i listen to the various follies of their daily lives.  Ralph, the mid thirties fella sitting across from me...his wife left him over two2two years ago...his sadness still lingers, and his grief is at hand for the world to witness.  I overheard his saga...
After his separation he meets Amy.  Young (just older then college age young), with red hair, curves, and a chest you would swear was made from Mattel.  His new excuse to forget about his wife, was short lived, yet still fun...Ralph's new friend Amy shortly thereafter introduces him to some of her friends...He meets Jody.  She's young too.  Jody is sweet and intuitive.  Plain, yet still attractive in looks.  A natural athletic build, that has yet to fulfill it's potential.  Jody is plagued with a romantic heart, and a soul that strums its cord with a hand of a goddess.  She sees the beauty that Ralph offers.  Ralph enjoys every moment but seeks no romance...and then one night, these two lost souls connect with a touch only a St Gordon can bestow.  The next morning, Ralph reasons only with regret..."i can't be the bad guy"...Jody has a sister, who gets introduced to Ralph.  Her name is Mandee...and Ralph is smitten.  He begs, pleads, and grovels...Mandee is not flattered nor charmed...Yet she still with her hand holds the string to Ralph's little fragile h e a r t.
What a situation...Jody is chasing Ralph, Ralph's eyes follow Mandee...and they all know Amy...what's going to happen next?

Ten Ejections Fifteen Fights...thats old school

Shortly after i wrap up my afternoon fitness training, i have made a lunch rendezvous with my buddy Joe.  We will head over to the Smith Haven Mall area for lunch and do a little shopping (maybe even stop by Barnes and Noble).  He promises to share a blog-worthy experience.  Joe is lucky to have a friend like me, i make that extra effort to help him out any opportunity i get...after all, he is the inspiration for this Forum that we all congregate too and discuss our social interactions.  We share nice stories, sad stories...some are interesting, while others boring...
But the truth remains, almost twenty20two2hundred00 readers have graced and glanced over what we all contribute too...this is a human experience...this is true what happens...
Welcome my Indonesian reader, you are the twenty23third country to share what we all do
Be Good
Be Blessed
and do one random good deed
for a complete stranger

...and i will be back shortly
after lunch
Life is stranger then Fiction

Ps Last Night I met the most beautiful
female puppy dog
I've never seen that breed before
She is an Australian Cattle Dog
Known as a Blue Heeler

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Poets and Pigs are only appreciated after their Deaths

Within the past hour, i received a response from Kathryn and she had some choice words for me, she called me a liar and that i am ridiculous...and most of all that i am stretching for something that doesn't exist.
I wished her well and left it at that


I finally communicated what i wanted too, albeit probably too little too late though (two weeks 2 late)...I put the blog before Kathryn, and it cost me her trust and sincerity...If only i could press the rewind button and recreate a sequence of events, the last two weeks would be a forgotten memory, and more then likely my evening plans would be considerably different.  We live life to experience...and through experience we are put in a position to be exposed to lessons.  Now it is up to us to recognize these opportunities and become more enlightened individuals.  Ultimately that is our gift that we have all been granted.  The past may be filled with random series of highs and lows, but the future, if done right will have more highs then lows...that would be because our adaptability.  We are who we are, and at the end of the day, we will remain to be...but we can all improve, regardless of where we feel we exist...

This is a record, and let me restate it, I am sorry Kathryn...I had no business starting problems for so many people...that was my mistake and that i truly wish that i can be cleansed of my wrong doing

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I am who i am...and that is not to say that i do what i might

-that's not Sues, its  Benson

     We are Fi5e days away from St. Valentine's invented (Hallmark) holiday for lovers...a day loathed by the lonely and cherished by the loved...Its also Creston's Birthday, Happy Birthday Creston...While some celebrate, others will sabotage...which brings me to Susan (she hates Valentine's Day).  Can you say Misery?  Which we will define as a situation or state that causes great emotionally suffering and psychological agony...its a curse placed upon your soul...a true Greek Tragedy.
Susan is looking forward to telling Gordon that he is gaining weight (which he appears to be doing, but i rarely see him)...Susan is looking forward to creating some Misery within Gordon's world...The only true injustice that exist in Gordon's life, is his love and adoration, not only for Susan...but the rest of the Zimmerli well as, the rest of the remaining female population...if anyone is looking for a facebook friend, ask Gordon...He just might be Saint Valentine 

PS too much is similar to not enough
Will I have a Valentine?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So How many Dogs can you Handle?

The sight was to die for,
Tall skinny Kathryn holding horrible Henry the hotdog, Willow-Willow (that's Henry's little sister), and fluffy snow dog Koda bear...One1 woman, thr3e Dogs (all on their separate leashes)...On on1e common hand
What happens next?
This amazingly sweet (soon to be homeless) snow dog...emotionally delicate and frail...a puritanical white bathing beauty, her coat rings an unstained reflection off of the bright snow cover Winter Landscape...
Out for a walk in the road of Fun and adventure...with freedom so close...she wants to be to run and roam, at will (its her instinct)...her mind reads "Run, Koda, Run"...down the road...but she can't...Held back by that trio, anchored to Kathryn's clasp.
She makes a quick break...Feels the yank from Kathryn, Koda stumbles back and runs straight in front of Henry, Willow, and Kathryn...weaving a trail of cloth and chain...Willow gets pinned right up against Kathryn's leg...Koda zig zags back and traps Henry right in front of Kathryn's opposing leg.  By this point the leash wraps itself around Koda's left front i so eloquently watched Kathryn, Henry, Willow, and Koda Topple clumsily to a lightly slushy and somewhat slippery sidewalk...
It was a sight that humored me then, as it does now...
I bent down and helped the fo4r of them up and out.
We resumed our walk, the Sunday walk was nice, yet a bit too short (sucks to be short)...its always nice to see Kathryn.  I missed not spending any time with her during the past ten or so days.  Her beauty is internally, as well as, externally everlasting!  She is stunning
After all, she is on the path to become the Hottest Ninety90year Old

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Strength does not come from physical capacity...It comes from an indomitable will."
-Mahatma Gandhi

And i will say that my Soul is Unbreakable

Redemptive Consciousness

Shibalba, otherwise spelled Xibalba...
     The Mayan creation myth with the first father, he sacrificed himself in the name of creation.  Shibalba translates to the "place of fear" and it symbolizes the underworld yet is seen as a nebula (new life evolving around old life)...This is why spring is my favorite season
     The world around me reawakens from a seasonal hibernative state...sprouting glowing green colors from all sort of directions...even the air tastes different.  Clean and crisp, absolutely breathtaking...with a beauty that is beyond mesmerizing...tantalizing even the furthest of souls.

Heartfelt Regret         
Childlike Antics

With a flourishing beauty, shining so bright as spring-like weather exposes her everlasting gorgeous smile and playful Spirit.  There isn't a woman on the planet that holds that much beauty (from inside the soul to outside of her heart)...Heavens eyes have been laid upon me

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I once overheard this Dr...

and he said something along the lines...
"...Be Who You are and Say what You Feel because those who mind Don't Matter
and those who matter Don't Mind"
- Seuss

And I always say, never apologize for who you are and for what you want!

Ps and do what you have to in
order to get what you want 


Its cold (albeit colder days have passed) and overcast...looming threat of cold rain...Joe is still regaining his gusto for the day...i wonder what today will bring for his fortunes and mine
I have a hankering for the festivities at the Blue Point Brewery in East Patchogue today, if i can emancipate Joe's entrapped psyche, just maybe he might be able to enjoy himself.
I've been told by many over the span of my lifetime, that i am a peculiar individual who has a knack for saying and doing the unexpected...

Expect what?
and how far exactly

Wake up Joe
wake up before its too late
Dreams are just that
sleep to rest
dream to fly

See you in your dreams

Hey Apple!?

Relationships on any level are the wild card commodities that life offers us all...some of us are apples, some of us might be oranges, a couple of us might taste like pears, i might have even on occasion found a marshmallow or two2.  But at the end of the day, we are all unique individuals...and we need to learn how to get along, for the better...

Some days we just need to learn our lessons in ways we never anticipate.  Life is filled with teachings...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hear and Speak

     Everyone has there own way of communicating.  Some people are better at it then others.  I suppose if you truly wanted to communicate, you eventually find the means to do it.  There are two facets of communicating...There is a listening aspect, and There is a Speaking aspect.  Both aspects fit like a puzzle.  Perfect cohesion.  A Ying to the Yang.  I wonder, when reason steps forward and reveals thetruth.

Kind Of Ridiculous

     Five5five Vowels, thr3e of which are U's and Oh...its an interesting word ridiculous.  Lets not forget the two2 final I'I's...interesting pickle here.
Kathryn had asked me (via you learned your lesson)...
No Good Deed goes unpunished.
Her reluctance to actually meet face to face and sort out this outrageously ridiculous scenerio is infantile, as well as idiotic.  Maybe she is looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction?  I probably have those too
I have given her ample opportunities to discuss this misunderstanding...Uninterested!
Her favorite phrase.  Why exactly?  I wonder, at the end of the day, if and when that day comes and the dust settles, and she sorts through the facts would she actually be big enough to admit it?  I understand why she's created her distance...she feels its best to cut her losses now, after a potentially mischievous situation.  I have repeatedly stated that has been a gross misrepresentation of facts here.

Communication.  The common factor why all relationships succeed or fail...Communication.  So where are they?  You know, the WMD's?  Right?
I figured that Kathryn could (or i should say would be) a better, or stronger communicator.  She has it in her.  Luckily for her i have patience, the perfect compliment to Impulsive behavior.  I'm still scratching my heading wondering how and why this all wound up so out of control.  Maybe I'll email the liaison.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pegasus of Love

     The most evasive chase during the pursuit of personal happiness might just very well be that search for your ideal mate...most people do not even know what their "ideal" mate will be like or where to find them.  We look for signs directing us on our paths.  Take cues from our surroundings.  We all eventually find someone...unfortunately, the majority of the world's relationships end in one way...

I was at a position where i wasn't so certain...better yet...irrelevant of my feelings, willing to test to see if what i was feeling was legitimate.  My conclusion is simple at this point, and i am not merely stating this as a means to wave a white personality is not one that gives up...but rather, more of a regretful vent.  I met a quirky woman, who has a list of oddities as vast as a volume of encyclopedias.  She is set in her ways, in constant search of worldly enlightenment.  Her endearing curiosity of how the world turns is always a sweet (she would call me sweet) outlook on worldly matters.  She takes care of her family, friends, pets and clients with the utmost precision and respect...coupled with a tremendous amount of caring love.  Her preference is to quietly sit at home, to read...or sweat...or even watch HBO.  A long story short, i found someone whom fit like a puzzle piece with me...could it be that simple?  Many people can go en entire lifetime in search for what fell in my lap.  If she were sick, i would immediately tend to her care.  If she was stuck somewhere, i would be the first to be concerned and willing to make any arrangement necessary to accommodate her well being.  Did this make me vulnerable?  Maybe just enough to unnecessarily stir the pot!  Is this why i sabotaged a budding garden, poisoning it with a vengeful spite of stupidity?
  She is reluctant to see me, begrudgingly receiving my text messages and emails...ignoring all but one1one of my calls.  My misrepresentation has shut out the one person i should have let in without question.  She asked me on Monday if i have learned my lesson...Like a burn scar, sizzled into my fleshy heart.  Its a scar i can show her, so she can see with her own 2eyes2.  Her defense is distance, and the injustice could be the happiness i may have been able to offer her.  This is an ultimate sacrifice...the fact remains now, i will do whatever i have too in order to to convince her that what transpired was nothing but an aberration...who i am is drastically different then who appeared.  Will she ever find thetruth.  I sure hope so.

What i may need to do tonight, is soar up high and see if i can catch a dragon in the sky...that is what i will need to do to convince her of the pureness that exists and i have to share.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Right

Key will Un lock any Door


...but not all Men, as boys lack the lessons on how to develop healthy and happy relationships with girls (and women)...NOW, as adults, Men Lack the necessary skill set vital to experience loving and healthy relationships that they may deserve....Hmmmm, sounds like an excuse, right???
     Boys are trained to be task oriented, developing problem solving skills (with, for the most part a good hard working ethic...granted, this will vary within each individual).  This learned behavior induces no real base of development for emotions critical for intimate relationships.  This may create a demand of opening, expanding and sharing feelings that may be difficult to properly express...This may lead down the path of a rocky road of self-destructive emotions and behaviors in relationships.
  In order to circumvent such journeys, a couple must learn to openly listen and communicate in a strong and effective, healthy way...breakaway from that mindset that relationships are inherently negative and difficult situations.  Remember, that bond is a living and existing entity that a couple must be continually fed in order to grow and strengthen...therefore you must be motivated to work upon it and improve it...perfection does not exist in our world...after all to Error is to be Human.

To succeed, one must OVERCOME (and free oneself from) fears, frustrations, and helplessness in the emotional minefield of Relationships.  Become aware of the many complex and confusing emotions and obtain the Wisdom and awareness of the energy within that emotional floodgate...properly feeding that life that we call our relationship.  Everybody deserves to be happy.

PS will the groundhog discover a shadow or forecast six more weeks of winter?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Speaking on the behalf of one of my Readers

Again, thank you all for your support and contribution for building up a following on our "communal" forum (two2000thousand readers in 2twentytwo2 countries)...this is for all of us to read, ponder and discuss...therefore every opinion is an important one.
I would like to voice one opinion from one of my readers, who could not quite finish posting a concern...everyone has a voice and here is your Mrs. Karen.
Karen is protective, and rightfully so...friends (good friends) watch out for each other.  The best of friends make it a point to steer their loved one away from danger.  Far, far away from danger.
If i were savvier with gadgets (and electronics), i would insert a link at this point in today's discussion...and it would be a link to Dennis Leary...(gimme a sec to see if i can pull it off...)
Lets see if it worked, this goes out on Karen's behalf and anyone else, whom may share the sentiment...seriously, my sincerest apologies go out to you, i hope you can  find it in your heart for acceptance.