Thursday, June 30, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Proverbial "We"

From the Eye of a Philosopher's Stone

Panacea was the Mythological Goddess of healing...her mysterious potions and exotic elixirs resuscitating those in need of effect becoming a remedy for all diseases and prolonging life indefinitely.  Figuratively speaking, its a solution to any large scale obstacles and difficulties...A Restorative Tonic

Often enough you find individuals in search of their "spiritual", "philosophical" or "religious" Panacea...their magic bullet...down that road of righteous being...a pious state of existence free from their soul's burdened past, free from their "sins"
from their deviant behaviors directed onto others
ultimate forgiveness for all past repugnant, distasteful and nonchalant acts of disinclined behavior


Can it be that easy?
that simple?
Should it?

The better approach would be to treat each other better in the here and now...without the mercy of any philosophical or religious backing...treat each better simply because its the best humanistic approach to co-existence.
Nothing can undo past transgressions and ill-fated situations
Only, positive and productive current and future actions can and will build better cultural/worldly/community cohesion

Sunday, June 26, 2011

This World that We all Co-Habit

Is only as real as you perceive it...
all set limitations are ones
that you have invented
all distractions
are ones that you've recognized
instances of misfortune
can be claimed as fault
or viewed as new opportunity and/or challenges

The universe that we exist in has been materialized by your mind...
the question begs to be asked...?
what exists beyond the mind
What truly is real?

Most Simply Put
around you
are fast moving molecules
"randomly" colliding
creating mass
as your mind can only perceive it
So, lets sum it up
lots of space
o p e n space
filled in with borders
by your mind

Like I asked already
Why have you set limits?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"The World has become nothing more then just another Commerical"

-thoughts and sentiments from a slick talking, fast moving Los Angeles "hustler"...easy on the eyes with her long Platinum Blonde hair and demure curves, her soft luscious lips speak with a graceful lull quietly numbing my mind to the logic and sensibility that my morals and ideals reside...she, being one JaimeLynn Harum, is very convincing that I need to abandon my ethical views and follow her down a path of Selfish Greed...motored by the back stabbing practices that have bled Green for The RED WHITE and BLUE for the better half of the past six decades under this Militaristic Regime that came about post world war IItwoII
 the devil speaks, she's daddy's chocolate and here to satiate a sweet tooth

I do see fault within the distorted sense of values and outlook on views in THIS society...whereby there is a lack of genuine concern for each other
When was the last time you helped out a complete stranger and expected nothing in return? 

When the world's mysticism precludes its shadowy secrets, one must only speculate to the truths he (or she) seeks...These are my words, from my thoughts

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Go ahead

and Google it
Swelly Belly
In Latin...Swellibellicus
Whats the purpose if its a helpless cause
How depressing
that nothing can get done about it

Next Lesson, what did the Romans refer too the Adductor muscle group of the hip?
Google it, because you will not believe me how chauvinistic their society far have we actually come with that aspect of our primal outlook?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lets Define the meaning of a "Good" Person

Its not a job or task that gets performed...with duty and obligation comes that responsibility.
Nor is it the defining practice of supporting a family, again once you enter that becomes expected that one only does what a family needs!
Rather, its the nature of the character...
the instinctive morals one possess
the right from wrongs
its what the heart true appetite desires
its urge of  the Good
or the thirst of the Bad|main5|dl9|sec1_lnk3|71899

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
it's about learning how to dance in the rain!"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Greatest Biological Treasure

What are the Lungs of Mother Earth
The Rainforest
20twenty% of the worlds O2 supply comes via the Amazon Rainforest...yet only account for six6% of the Earth's surface...home to half (1/2) the plant and animal species in the world...some thirty30million species (including many medicinal plants)...
This Lush terrain is being destroyed at a rate of a football field per every second
You have Got to love the corporate world that BIG brother Backs|main5|dl2|sec1_lnk3|71953

One for Everyone's Bucket List Indeed!

Lets eliminate the most obvious fact of this parade, which is the attention pinnacle for exhibitionists abound...this was by far the most interesting and most certainly, the coolest parade that I have ever witnessed.  Fact number One:  Beer is sold to anyone willing to drink it while spectating (or parading)!  Last I saw, public drinking during parades was punishable by citation.  Not in Coney Island.  Fun Fact 2:  Every minute or so the parade would all spectators have an opportunity to interact with the parade.  Next year I'm going with a camera (*and I absolutely hate getting my photo taken...I have finally found an exception).  Weird fact numb3r THR3E:  Families.  It seemed that anyone with a child, brought their child to this.  Children, Booze, Naked People...I guess its OK, after all it is Coney Island.  Had I not been by myself, I may have opted to loiter (post parade) and seek out the many to be found after parties...something tells me that this is where the wildest point of this pagan-like festival exists...had you seen the party goers, you'd understand.  This truly was the coolest parade that I have ever me there next year.

Next Festival that I will look into going...Burning Man

Friday, June 17, 2011

Authentic Thought(s)

Comparing yourself to Others
it takes more energy to be competitive with someone
it does to embrace, nurture and support them

What does it take
to recognize that we really are 1one1
once you realize this
start to change the couple that may listen
they may help out a few others
those in turn may support more
the merrier
eventually to many
before you know it
the world will change before your eyes ii

Just one last thought.
Acknowledge the truth about y(our) flaws
never be ashamed of your humanity
as well as recognize
the power of your goodness
make yourself more
accepting of yourself
more importantly
more compassionate with others
= better human beings

tap in to your deepest trust
face the difficulties

There is Good (light) and bad (dark) in us all
don't fear either
use it to empower and help
S i m p l i f y !!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Old Friends revisited

Dealing with personal matters close to my heart, here is a glimpse into my soul and see for yourself the honesty and integrity that comes with my true essence, my being.
Most people only get to know me from a distance...the sun from a distance is smaller then my thumb nail...
Very few people get close enough to me to feel and experience my nature...
This is my private affair
This is my confidentiality exposed 

     You should make plans to see me, because you want to see me...not because you feel you should or shouldn't.  There is no approval necessary to see anyone.  It is up to you whether you truly would like to see me again, and people often do what they want.  I have always wanted to see and celebrate this parade at Coney Island that will take place this upcoming Saturday.  This parade celebrates the summer solstice, you are more then welcome to be apart of my company at this very unique parade.
Be good, be well and be blessed

Captain Patrick Benson
PS I have done so much better in communicating with you once I eliminated all those people that were giving me so much ill advised advice


and I mean NEVER...

Underestimate other People's Stupidity

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Thoughts and Prayers

Go out to friend and colleague Alex Pierre
Migrated from Haiti back under The Reagan Regime
made a new life for himself
in a country where so many have come
Only to be stricken by undesired genetics
Allergy to brain function and normalcy
an aversion to health and wellness well my friend
and may your God lead you to down the path
of well being

Friday, June 10, 2011


Yummy Yum Yum I Say!

Ever have a Hankering for the flavorful, robust...almost buttery texture of a Plank-Grilled Salmon lightly coated in a delicious Grape Relish?  Matches well with an earthy and acidic wine...
Manga!  Manga!
Medium Bodied with an ethereal quality...
springing with a bright acidity
dancing vibrantly with a toasty dry cherry and cola subtlety
Strawberry, Plum
Plump and Juicy
Black and Red
Bon Appetite!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bob once told The World

"There is NOTHING more Stable then Change"

-Bob Dylan

Once you realize that everything changes....then what worth is there in trying to hold on?

-Lao Tzu

Its up to you to change for the better

-KK aka Capt. Patrick Benson 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Friend, Co-Worker and noted Blog Reader Mary G.

swears she doesn't understand
How in the World
can i?
do i?
sustain so much
Energy for all my nonsense?

I Just DON"T GET IT!!!

Can SOMEONE please tell me WHY?
Do people fear sharing themselves
Must they Hide their true nature
is it that they fear?
That they feel condemned by
that they must Hide
WHO they Are?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

June is...

The Queen of all Goddesses
maybe you knew that, if you know your Latin History

I've come to a conclusion this morning
that life only offers two Priceless Gifts
Your Health
your Love

everything else is negotiable

The Summer Solstice is Seven17Teen days away
Shortly before, the Mermaid Parade takes place (June 18th)
in Coney Island...
I have always wanted to go to the Mermaid Parade
its the wildest parade in NYC

Friday, June 3, 2011

What is a Canuck?

It's a slang term for Canadians, ambiguous in origin and varied with meaning (from a term of affection all the way up to a derogatory insult).


I'll admit it, here is my confession....I am, by far, a very difficult individual to predictably anticipate what I will do or say, or for that matter...what direction I will travel to.  This will confuse people, this may frustrate some.  My apologies to both...neither is my intention, its just who I am.  My creativity has made me boundless to any rules and regulations that so many of you abide by.  My rule of thumb, don't expect me to do something that I have not told you that I am planning on doing.  I, for the most part, do what I set forth out to do (often enough, I will verbalize with you my intentions).  In other words, i follow through with what I goal set...even if it takes me a lifetime to achieve.  Its just who I am.  Dr Seuss I am not, though don't be surprised if you spot me in a red and white striped top hat I tell you...just don't think you know what I am thinking (more times than not, I barely know what I am thinking, how could you?).  Still there?  Good!  I'm getting confused writing this little exercise out, are you?
There is an old French saying that says
"its best to be Understanding, then to be understood"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

For entertainment purposes only, enjoy|main5|dl2|sec1_lnk3|67263

I wonder what the "Zodiac Gods" would say about an Aquarius and a Scorpio?
I've been interested in her since the day I saw her one year ago...if its in the stars, then it shall meant to be.