Tuesday, June 28, 2016

All the Right Angles In All the Wrong Turns

Life so shamelessly angers me...because everyone around does not seem to comprehend it

It's Tuesday morning on my calander and my clock reads roughly a quarter to eleven.  Nothing to do, nothing to say...no place to go and no person to see. Like a blind bat I play fiddle with words, knitting them together to bring a thought before your eyes....and it is your eyes that I am coming to see...for it's the bridge to your mind...an endless mind of eternal hope and doubt.  Where would we be if it weren't for our dreams? For...there is where...you will find the purest of aspirations brimming with a naive confidence and an undivided ambition for the ultimate degree of successful expectation....all for this life's transient yet luxurious desires...Vibrant with fight, angrier than any rooster and more violent than a violin...
as in you and I
As Well As
Everyone We have come to know
Fall victim to this "paradox" of taking everything you can and destroying whatever you can't have
All in the name of a better, safer tomorrow...

How self centered of us

Humans are the epitome of a virus
Spreading an uncontrollable greed to all reaches of humanity
Creating Gods only to disbelief in their existance...
This arrogant greed will swallow this world whole in a deluge of distinguished entitlement....
After All
man is the center of this world
At least according to him, her and everyone else...

The Human Condition
Our flesh is our prison
Our knowledge creates our principles, morals and ideals
Our prejudice sets our limits
Our arrogance blinds us
yet our hunger drives us
and our thirst WILL drown us
If there's a God...we can all use the help
But you can't help those that don't want to be helped...

I wish, with all my heart that I can live long enough to see the change that I am hoping for

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday Monday

It's only Monday...and I feel as if I can barely recall this past weekend...
As Well As, a long ways away from this upcoming event filled weekend.
But hey, at least I have The Mermaid Parade on Saturday in Coney Island and the Pirate Festival in West Sayville...plus the Strawberry Festival out in Mattituck this entire weekend.
If I make it out of here, I will make it to there.
See Ya

The Mamas and Papas


roots grow to where there is water

In general terms, Samskara is the ancient Indian philosophy of how our (past and current) experiences root themselves deeply within us and subsequently create the basis of the subconscious mind to lay the ground work for our expectations, behaviors, emotions and memories.
This "imprint", in essence, manifastates itself anywhere from our instincts, impulses, impressions, disposition...all the way to our own self worth.
Hence, how this value system impacts our created memories...and in turn define our sense of happiness or suffering...and in my case, my lack of contentness with how Things Are.
Some people might even call that Karma...
and Karma is what Karma was...and What Karma will be...
(quick aside, Karma is the belief that our past actions affect our fate)

Interesting study that I came across.
The behavior/mood of approximately 250 senoirs living in an assisted facility.
Prior to the start of the study, a baseline test determined depression levels of the seniors living at the facility.
A high volume of them were moderately depressed, and understandably so.
Then a campaign was introduced to them...a Hugging Campaign.
That's right, Hugs...
The Theory was that if they had more physical contact, it would enhance their mood.
So...to kick off the festivities there was a flash mob to the song Macarena


With the Entire staff of the assisted living facility.
Hug Me buttons were given out.
There were contest prizes award to high volume huggers.
Before you knew it, the grumpy old guys in their walkers were asking for hugs....
The seniors went as far as to create their own flash mob.
Net result: seemingly all borderline depressed seniors tested the second time around in the happy to be here range.
The Human Touch
The Human Experience

You can decide for yourself.

Jefferson Ferry is the assisted living facility that conducted this study.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

born more of light than heat

It was A most pleasant surprise to be Resolute in my own true way
With no confusion and without any outside interference
I am in the midst of converging thought with action
On this beautiful road where desire meets heartbreak
against the headwinds of accepted wisdom and logic
come truths riddled with limitations and disappointments

My Wealth
is rooted somewhere between
My Heart
My Mind

in the wake of this difficult birth
unfolds a wonderous life
Without question
Yours and Yours to decide
Amongst a savage society that masquerades with class, order and sophistication
The only thing sophisticated I can witness is the machinery constructed to facilitate our own demise
Our own cruelity comes with great creativity
A creativity that instinctually alienates anything foreign to our reflection
Principles fostered by greed, sloth, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and Pride
Hate is our mental byproduct
Anger is our escalulated motivator
Destruction is our net result
Burning our forest when we can't see the blue in our sky....only to char the fruits that nourish our being
and sheer our flesh with the naked sun
Destruction, unfortunately is our main primal reflex that has buried our past beneath acres of ash

How can humanity lift from this arrogance and ignorance?
And evolve in a positive direction
Where meaning has substance
We can all value each other
Love needs to be our highest value
understanding and accepting are the tools in achieving the goal
of Global Unity

Otherwise in a thousand years, no one will know that we ever existed....