Tuesday, April 25, 2017


I have random ideas, much like anyone who is willing to climb the walls of unencumbered thoughts.  Thoughts March up and down our minds, just like a parade...and its up to us to choose a focal point...as its up to us to choose to let it go....like a ripple in the water, it fades with distance and time.
Time is more than a watch or a calendar.  Time is a point, or is it the point?  Simply put, Time is a human invention.  Time means nothing if you don't know what to do with it.
Does time have a start or finish?
Does time rush us?
Does time allow for appreciation?
Does time forgive?
Can time count?
Time on counts if we make it count.
Even out loud.  Or spoken softly....but can it be heard?  Can it be felt?  Does feeling make us aware of existence?  Are we so simple that we need that external reinforcement for stimulation?
Perhaps, we are bland like water?
Water is the reason why we exist.
Whether I can walk, float, fly or drive...water is always the reason why.
You might as well rename our planet Water...since that is what it is mostly holds.
A cosmic chance billions of years ago, and now we have this...
Who is grateful for this, or that?
Everyone should be...because there will come a time of cessation...and when that happens...what will you have to show for your brief time with us on earth and water?
Life may be cyclical....but....Remember, The One constant rule in existence is change.

I find it peculiar that we get mad at the mirror for what it shows us.
Without water, there can't be a mirror.

Monday, April 17, 2017

This Is Us

Being alive, as we all are, is not the same as experiencing living life.  There are many factors, namely intrinsic ones that often dictate how alive we really are.
Fear. Separation. Hate. Anger.
Fear of letting go, hence why we clench onto the material.
Fear of surrendering to the unknown.  It feels safer to suffer with the familiar than to release into the uncertain.
Fear of change....what if the alternate reality can't satisfy us as our current and/or past reality served us?
Fear feeds off of worries, usually found in the past.  Fear focuses on the future...all the while ignoring the present.  That is what happens when you sacrifice the present for the future.
Fear is our prison, it also serves to disconnect us from what's around us.  It causes rifts, it causes misunderstandings...it causes us to build walls with moats and to put up signs restricting who comes and who goes.  Fear fuels problems that lead to feuds.
Fear is what's holding back the growth of humanity.
When the tradition of fear is overcome...That is when our heart opens with joy.  A day without fear becomes a day with freedom...Because you are no longer your own prisoner.

True self is a non-self. We are the energy which has sprouted from a universe abundant in life.
When our awareness reflects our understanding that we have come from borrowed energy, the elements of our universe....and that there is no separation between us....once our wisdom makes that connection, we should realize that we are not all separate entities within this universe...but rather, we are all interconnected.
You can think of this as a garden, and we all co-exist within the same garden.  Once that idea becomes known, our outlook should change how we think, how we act...and how we treat one another.  Perhaps even losing the anger and hate that creates a lack of cohesion.
Truth be told, We are truly fortunate to be given the chance to consciously experience the gift of life.

With this insight of non-self and impermanence...one should make the effort and focus into maximizing the experience of life...each and every day!
Making our words, thoughts and actions relevant and aware in living the present moment...while avoiding submerging ourselves with fear, worry and ultimately suffering. 

We Need Mindfulness for a Better Future.
We Need Collective Enlightenment in order to better preserve the World of Tomorrow.

Freedom isn't given to us, as much as, created within us
The Same applies to happiness.

One more lasting thought
Life is way too important to take too seriously