Friday, October 30, 2020

Do I Really

 I'm in a funny spot, as we speak.

(aren't we all)

Sometimes, I want to finish the fight and reap all the gifts life wants to bring into my path...and they are grand, countless and seemingly priceless.

Other times, I feel like just getting to my car and disappearing into another identity and All.

I have no reason to complain, because i have already been gifted a lot more than what most people can ever dream of.  But, it's not who "I" feel that I am meant to be.

Safety with certainty vs alternate life of unknowns.

Most will argue that safe equals smart.

Yesterday, I had hoped...really, really hoped for a defining moment of timing in my life to help support this walk that we all have to endure.  I needed luck, and luck did not find me.

Now, i find myself frustrated with disappointment.  What should be is not happening, and i am getting fed up with the Greed and nonsense that plagues this world.




if only the world was flat

if only this world was governed through fairness

if only good comes to us all


We are challenged to the brink of destruction, and then the world takes a step back and watches how we cope with our troubles.  It's in darkness that our shine helps us see.

Which brings,

This, My...OUR world being this spinning rock hurling through this vacuum that we call space...

Ruled by those who know survival at all cost, by any means necessary.

Good, Bad, Ugly and indifferent....

You either adapt to survive or be feasted upon by the hungry vultures surrounding us all.

s o

We make a God

Because we fear an end that we call death

and Because we need a sense of order amongst all this chaos

We conform because we have safety in numbers

why are we here?

To survive and protect our breed...ensuring the next generation takes the next step.

h a r s h

No One Pretends to care, because its about winning at all costs.  You need to protect yourself first and foremost

What If Enlightenment to a Higher Conscious were to become our End Game?

I boast a reality that I can Only See, and I do what I can to Share

because we all are here to screw it up, so we can then figure it all out

some of us get it, some of us can't

some of us might, some of us almost

while the rest have no shot other than to just be

good, bad, ugly or indifferent

My two cents of a rant that just happened to be

just like we all are now, being

Just or Not

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Socially Emotional

 I find the Water's v a s t n e s s






For it's seducing my mind

to enter it's Abyss

of Eternity


But in its


I'll miss

The Sunshine that spawned my soul

the priceless gift that i hold

Near and Dear

with all my tears and sorrow

Pain lets me know

that this is no illusion

nor does it hold False Hopes

from there, I derive the strength to rise


Fight through

my own battlefield

of Pleasure to Torture

...a truly personalized Hell

This is my dream, my walk

and I insist on going until i can't no more

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


As for, they are our windows
To a realm beyond comprehension
A place of peace and solace
For I dream further than the stones of my confine
The boundaries of my flesh
The very gates of my prison
I swim In an endless conscious
Of want and desire
Where hath has no fear
Just love with no lost sorrow
A galaxy of dimensions
Infinite pleasures
These walls can not hold me
For my immaculate expression
Is omnipresent
and my mind can exist 
In a land of forever

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

One Mind between Two I's

You need to learn to control your thoughts and in turn gain a better grasp on your mind, mood and behavior.
Why try and control things around you if you can not control what's inside of you?

         to Control
                         your Mind
                                         and Reality
                                                           will Follow

Monday, August 31, 2020

Sadhguru Says, I do Concur

"If your idea of trust in others is if they behave in a manner that you expect...that is not trusting, that's cunning."
Rather learn to trust your behavior in the wake of any and all uncertainty.

"The mind is a very powerful instrument,
Every thought,
and emotion
that you create
The very Chemistry
of YOUR Body."

"If you learn to create the right climate in your body, mind and emotion...
your health, well being and joy will be well taken care of."
We make our own peace and happiness, we do not find it outside of our existance.

"Anger, resentment and hatred are poisons that one drinks and expects somebody else to die.  Life does not work like that."
Anger, resentment, hatred and jealousy are self inflicted traumas that only afflict the host and taint the  immediate landscape.

"No Work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your mind, body and emotions that make anything stressful."
We are our own reality.

"Don't be Dead Serious about your life, it just a play."
Hence why you should live each day with a smile and the knowledge that's it's your greatest gift.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Here's My Too Cents On a Penny Thought

Have you ever felt as if nothing has been going right for you?
(especially at this very moment in time???)

Well, that's exactly how I am feeling right about now.
All seems to be crumbling around me, and I can not seem to stop any of it.
This epidemic is completely upending everything around me.  This world I live in seems to be burning itself from the inside out, and everyone seems to hate and distrust anything and anybody that seems to be different from what they deem as normal or acceptable.
Financially, I am senselessly sinking a slow death contrary to what should logically be happening.  Thus instigating a needless angst in my otherwise historically calm and serene life.

Then...I try my hardest to remind myself of how lucky I am with my strong health, my quality of life, a family that loves me and friends that would do anything for me.  Plus...I am a well educated, fit, tall and handsome man.  I have plenty to be thankful and grateful for.
Yet, my world is unraveling in this rhythmic tune...and I am unable to reverse this inevitable collapse.

I am waiting to awake from this nightmare that we are ALL stuck in...sitting on the sidelines and constantly watching the depths of humanity dictating day to day life.  I'm not the type to preach about religious virtues (primarily because I see virtues irrelevant of religion, but more so an obligation to humanity)...but our sins are the root cause to all this rebel rousing that has bequeath our daily lives.  That is a direct shot at what the human Ego is responsible for.

Change is necessary, otherwise we are going to wipe ourselves from earth's history.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Same creatures share false shadows
Life's lesson harden our essence
Thoughtless actions, hateful words
Bitter minds taint lost souls
Vengeful eyes assault our light
Darken the path we stand to walk
Eroded respect manipulates integrity
Losing all trust of the host and road ahead
You wait for that moment where 
and hope
For love to prevail
but know that in your heart
That your path is no longer
The destiny that once was
Will ever be...

We work in simple miracles to learn things the hard way, unfortunately trust is a must
and once it's lost, it's lost forever

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Words Aptly Spoken

We have taller buildings but shorter tempers
wider freeways but narrower viewpoints
we spend more but have less;  we buy more but enjoy it less; 
we have bigger houses and smaller families; 
more conveniences, yet less time
we have more degrees but less sense; 
more knowledge but less judgement
more experts, yet more problems; 
we have more gadgets but less satisfaction; 
more medicine, yet less wellness
we take more vitamins but see fewer results. 
We drink too much; smoke too much; spend too recklessly; laugh too little; drive too fast; get too angry quickly; stay up too late; get up too tired; read too seldom; watch TV too much and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values; 
we fly in faster planes to arrive there quicker, to do less and return sooner; 
we sign more contracts only to realize fewer profits; 
we talk too much; love too seldom and lie too often. 
We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life
we’ve added years to life, not life to years
We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. 
We’ve conquered outer space, but not inner space; 
we’ve done larger things, but not better things; 
we’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; 
we’ve split the atom, but not our prejudice
we write more, but learn less; plan more, but accomplish less; 
we make faster planes, but longer lines; we learned to rush, but not to wait; 
we have more weapons, but less peace; 
higher incomes, but lower morals; 
more parties, but less fun; more food, but less appeasement; 
more acquaintances, but fewer friends; 
more effort, but less success. 
We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication; 
drive smaller cars that have bigger problems; build larger factories that produce less. We’ve become long on quantity, but short on quality.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; 
tall men, but short character; 
steep in profits, but shallow relationships. 
These are times of world peace, but domestic warfare; 
more leisure and less fun; 
higher postage, but slower mail; 
more kinds of food, but less nutrition. 
These are days of 
two incomes, but more divorces;
fancier houses, but broken homes.
quick trips, 
disposable diapers, 
cartridge living,
 thow-away morality, 
one-night stands, 
overweight bodies 
pills that do everything from cheer, to prevent, quiet or kill. 

It is a time when there is much in the show window and nothing in the stock room. 

Indeed, these are the times!

“The Paradox of Our Age” 
in Words Aptly Spoken

by Dr. Moorehead 
(from his 1995 collection of prayers, homilies, and monologues used in his sermons and radio broadcasts)

Monday, May 11, 2020

c e n t r i c

Take a deep breathe in,

then slowly exhale.

Step back.

Very few people can set aside their ego and humble themselves.
humans through their egos, make themselves too prideful to admit fault and mistake.  Instead, the ego protects itself by diverting blame.
The ego does not acknowledge responsibility of its errors,
The ego, in the image of perfection, is flawless...
Humans, their ego
Are centered in the existance of me
"This World, is my world"
The Only World
Anything (not pertinent) around 'me' is just the shadow of insignificant remnants
and I,
The Ego
Create the color that fits the puzzle of here
A puzzle, with the solution, conducive of my mood of existence right now

I know that isn't right, but none of this is about being right.
If being right was the end game, I would be in a different state of here and now.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Hope Loves Eternal

Take a sip from my mind to give yourself a taste of my soul,
which is eternal and everlasting....

I'm glad you found humor in monkey vs robot, because no one at work knew what I was talking about.  I had to show them the video, and at that point I just had to share it with anyone and everyone...from here to as far as this internet thing can fetch...which is far, far away
from now until a time long ago

Good Times
Well I hope so, and it's all about Hope and I'm not talking about Solo.
Unless, of course it's Han Solo.
At that point, all hope was lost...and then a new hope arose.
A rose to my pretty lady.
Flowers, to me rejuvenate everyday life with freshness.
I actually really enjoy fresh greenery.
The greener the better, but you knew that already.  In all actually...You always knew that.
(Which Is very GooD)
Unless, you're Steve Perry and then you just suck.
I had a strong thought in mind to fly myself to a ufo convention out in the dessert of Southern California.
That pipe dream ended mercifully for me in a matter of six minutes with a donkey kick from reality.
Those really suck, worse than Steve actually.
It's nice to hold onto dreams, and in my dreams I often find the impossible.
That's short for
i m possible
According to most, I am impossible.
Not for long, and not for far.
 This small rock, that's flying through space at ungodly speeds
Spinning fast enough to keep us glued to it
Within a zooming Galaxy
That is our reality
That is our life
But, today I've come to the true meaning of why I am encapsulated in flesh on this rock
and it's to unconditionally love
It has to start with me and selflessly extend out
with Peace
Peace Out

Saturday, January 25, 2020

What Has Many Faces

Humans are a funny bunch.  They feel most comfortable in familiar environments, with others that share similar features and agreeable conditions.  It's because it is safe, and safety comes in numbers.  When you examine our recent ancient history, some six thousand years, you will find one repeatable pattern.
More specifically, conflict in the name of belief.
Therein lies the world's most polarizing and destructive question that shapes OUR planet daily.
Who's/What is your God.
Time and time again, if that answer doesn't coincide with the perceive correct belief...well, that will lead to a fight...

Not unless you let it.
Go on and ask me what I think....?

I'm spiritual without any religion. There, I said it.
To me, God is the eternal and everlasting universal energy that spawned my existance.  I don't have to place a face on it, nor does it have to explain or justify itself to me.
I should feel fortunate enough to experience it, hold no regrets in the process...and appreciate every moment.
Because it goes by fast, and it holds a very fragile presence.
It's meant to teach me everything that I am willing to endure but not necessarily learn.
Along this journey I call life, I get to meet you.
I can make whatever I choose to make of it.
It's my reality, it's my truth.
I don't care if anyone even pays attention, because I am not trying to instill my will, thought or beliefs on anyone.
I believe in free will.
So use it, but don't you dare abuse it.
Life is fleeting, so learn to appreciate persecute it.

That's my two cents, when you only asked me for a penny per thought.  Keep the change, you'll need it.