My fortune cookie reads...the ingredients in a good life are to Learn, and then earn...and we will all eventually yearn...
Well Mr cookie, well done, my turn
Strong, healthy relationships have their own ingredients...lets start with our enthusiasm to explore and grow with our partners. Find our partners attractive from the soul out. Share physical affection, just as much as, emotional connection...remember to place your partners needs within your eyesight...don't ever take your partner for granted. The backbone to all relationships is the ability to communicate...discuss anything and everything with Complete HONESTY...while actively listening and being able to hear what your partner is saying. Compatibility...Mesh...the relationship is a living entity therefore it has to coagulate into a co-functional manner. The ability to entirely engage your partner...keep interest through intelligence...challenge...need each other. Finally the foundation to success is accepting your partner for whom they are...this means you respect and hold consideration...ultimately recognizing and tolerating...(to accept does not necessarily mean to agree with, comply, or give in).
Be yourselves, love yourselves, and just maybe you can love others...
This is captain Pat Benson acknowledging the recent release of lieutenant Hughes from he is free to marry his love of his life fiancee Alyssa Pasedeno.
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