I've seen Kai, and I understand why Joe is attracted to her. She is young with flawless milky white skin. A bright, big and beautiful smile...expressive enough to ignite any dying flame. Her petite frame is still voluptuous with just the right amount of curves. The sun dress that elegantly drapes over her svelte physique only extenuates her lean silky legs. She has an innocence, yet the devil still controls her libido. Her perk is contoured with her flirty quirk. She is smart yet playful. Her charm has tamed many rattles...herein lies the conundrum. Her heart has been stolen by a jealous thief...whom refuses to let her disengage their dysfunctional connection. She knows its in her benefit to find a better, stronger, more stable suitor...yet her loyalty will not allow her to take those steps of free will necessary to escape her own self imposed emotional Alcatraz-like imprisonment.
An abandoned heart in the midst of tumultuous waters....surrounded by lonesome sharks, waiting to feast at the first hints of blood. Its easy to analyze from my side, see the dysfunction. But Kai needs to initiate her freedom walk. A boat came to that island that she is deserted herself on...its comes by weekly, only to leave without any passengers. Yet, that skipper only blames himself...calls is a failure...what he fails to realize is that the passenger fear whats beyond those closed borders that she feels so comfortable being confined by...Kai, you can not discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of your shore...
As I watched Joe's boat dock. I had a good thought in mind to get a little chummy with two young ladies nearby (both of which, in my opinion where better looking then Kai), and attempt to recruit their help in order to draw Joe's attention away from Kai. Kai was with her friend Shay (an overly thin, late twenties with a Very Short hair cut). The other two unfamiliar ladies adjacent to Joe/Kay/Shay's table were both petite and very pretty...one was blonde the other a red head (bordering on burgundy). I was going to ask the two ladies to call Joe over so we can leave because we had some potential plans elsewhere...I was planning on asking the girls to help my buddy because he continually goes after gay women and never succeeds...and then falls into a state of uncontrollable depression...
What stopped me from initiating my plans was this doofy looking fellow who sat with these two young ladies (you can tell from their body language that they were hoping for better company...and they almost did get their wish). Better luck next time ladies...all thr3e of you...Better Yet, Good luck and God bless to all!
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