They all take work, and depending on the fit...some more so then others. Its irrelevant of how much love you may have for the that other will still have to make the effort to/and work with them to succeed. Nobody is perfect, we all have faults. As long as you can accept the individual and be willing to work with them...then its possible to work a relationship to its fullest potential.
P.S. Simplest Life Lesson regarding Human Interactions
....we will also continue to learn from each
and about each other
Its how we will spiritually and emotionally evolve
It started off With Our Friend "Joe"...and this one question "Can I Get a Date?" P.S. For all new readers (and all are truly welcome here), I do recommend that your first read should be the initial entry which was posted on September 27, 2010 (titled as 'Single Life')...this all started back then. Once you read the first entry, feel free to read any other in any order. Most importantly, please feel free to share and voice your thoughts. This is all our forum!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Instincts in a Moment or an Entire Evening
One1:30thirty in the morning, its well past my bedtime on a thursday night. The Charm of this appealing evening has dwindled to a painstainkingly boring exodus of another predictable journey. But, before we leave...lets have have one final chat with two young lovely women...Meet Ms Rebekah and Ms Michelle. These two young beauties are very passionate about their desire to nurture children. Both aspire to become young educators...its what satisfies their appetite. The ladies have charisma and they are very magnetic with their stories and antedotes. Rebekah is shorter then Michelle with wavy light brown hair and, if I am not mistaken...almost greenish in tone, her eyes gazed straight to me. At one point, she lifted her shirt and showed me her belly (she also showed me her right ankle as well). A very friendly and chatty lady with a terrific smile. Michelle is tall, she appeared to be approximately FiveFoot5'8"Eight...or somewhere around there...her high heals make appear even taller. She has wonderfully straight long brown hair and bluish eyes...her sarcastic wit would occassionally lash its subtle a whip, striking a if to perhaps provoke a response?or seduce a mind?its just who she is...a little angry...nonetheless, still humoring even if she may harbor a sadists heart. During the day, shes pushing pills to the many millions of Amerians whom are convinced that something is wrong and that they will find their cure from a pill box...everone has a problem and it needs to be fixed...if they want to be normal, or regular...whatever you want to call it...I say every one is unique and that they should embrace their own individual beauty. Rather then dim that allure, share it strong with the world...
The conversations were going great, along with seeing Rebekah's ankle I was shown Michelle's "arthritic Ballerina" left knee...My bill is in the mail girls! They were intrigued in our stories, they wanted to find out who we were and what we were running from...they wanted to know "our baggage"...they did share some of theirs (that would only be fair). Naturally, what would you think I would recommend to their request??? I obliged their requests even though the ladies had N9NE cats between the two of them...who am I to judge anyone!!! The evenig came to a close and Joe asked Michelle for her number. She grabs a napkin, pulls out her lipstick and jotts it down. She runs away. Rebekah bids us both a good night for this informal and spontenous double date...the girls disappear into the night..shortly thereafter becoming a distant memory. Joe unfolds the reads Jennifer 555-BuzzOff
Perhaps, Next time buddy!
To Ms Michelle, it hit her like a wave of intuitive repulsion. She didn't know why (or maybe she did), she just knew to be cautious with Joe. Last night was not the right night, or for that matter...maybe no night will ever be right in her mind to be a friend of Joe's. Perhaps her amibitions sat elsewhere, her interests existed in some other form or dimension...who am I to say, nor is it my business to speculate. I have never been able to read people's minds...and if I could, I would never admit to it!
The conversations were going great, along with seeing Rebekah's ankle I was shown Michelle's "arthritic Ballerina" left knee...My bill is in the mail girls! They were intrigued in our stories, they wanted to find out who we were and what we were running from...they wanted to know "our baggage"...they did share some of theirs (that would only be fair). Naturally, what would you think I would recommend to their request??? I obliged their requests even though the ladies had N9NE cats between the two of them...who am I to judge anyone!!! The evenig came to a close and Joe asked Michelle for her number. She grabs a napkin, pulls out her lipstick and jotts it down. She runs away. Rebekah bids us both a good night for this informal and spontenous double date...the girls disappear into the night..shortly thereafter becoming a distant memory. Joe unfolds the reads Jennifer 555-BuzzOff
Perhaps, Next time buddy!
To Ms Michelle, it hit her like a wave of intuitive repulsion. She didn't know why (or maybe she did), she just knew to be cautious with Joe. Last night was not the right night, or for that matter...maybe no night will ever be right in her mind to be a friend of Joe's. Perhaps her amibitions sat elsewhere, her interests existed in some other form or dimension...who am I to say, nor is it my business to speculate. I have never been able to read people's minds...and if I could, I would never admit to it!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Mapping Human Dynamics
Speaking with someone that I have known well over a decade...she told me something which rang with many truths. She said that "I'm one of the Good Guys", and that "I should not allow someone else to change that about myself. My previous posting was beneath me. It would be something that My character would not do", and she was correct...I stooped to a level of craziness that only those people that I intended to target would understand. It spoke to a very specific population. They claim that they are happy, I don't necessarily believe them....otherwise why expend the energy they have to convince me of that. True happiness is so elusive, it comes from within, not from outside and around. You can not find happiness behind a tree or under a rock. You find your happiness from with in your heart. A heart that has love, a heart that has compassion. You find happiness on a cloudy day as well as a sunny afternoon. Happiness exists during a full moon and during an should and can happen any where and every where at any and all times...regardless of where you are and with whom. Someone just yesterday told me that I am happy every day that he has seen me. That is his perception of me, and its nice to see that he believes that. I try to be myself, and true to who I am. And the more you get to know me, the more you'll get to see my multi facet, yet ever so complex character...we are all truly unique in so many different ways...every single person is special all onto themselves.
P.S. If Kathryn and her entourage are right
whether I dispute their claim or not
its their perception of me that I bullied them in some way.
I'm sorry that you feel that I have done that
I have never endorsed bullying
its an ugly aspect of the human dynamic
Growing up as a child I spent countless days
fight and defending individuals that were
victimized by some sort of bully
I apologize to you Kathryn
I would never want to be a bully
especially to you
Live and Let Learn
P.S. If Kathryn and her entourage are right
whether I dispute their claim or not
its their perception of me that I bullied them in some way.
I'm sorry that you feel that I have done that
I have never endorsed bullying
its an ugly aspect of the human dynamic
Growing up as a child I spent countless days
fight and defending individuals that were
victimized by some sort of bully
I apologize to you Kathryn
I would never want to be a bully
especially to you
Live and Let Learn
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Word of the Day
Oh yes indeed, the perfect adjective to describe the pleasantries of a one Ms Kathryn read correctly. Her words in which she chooses to communicate with me, her demeanor in which she responds/interacts with me by are best described as....Having an irritable disposition: Cantankerous
Yummy and delicious, right? What makes me so special??? I recently had a date with another woman and she basically called me an uninteresting, self-centered dick! Oh boy, I am very special. Anyhow, back to Kitty Kat (she does go meow)... I feel her emotional immaturity has brought her to a state whereby she is unable to forgive and accept...more then likely a residual of her past relationship well as coupled with some sort of personal issues, perhaps involving intimacy (but hey, I'm left to guess). She is unable to amicably communicate to/and with me. I have repeatedly asked her for a simple lunch date, and she weaves and fabricates a wall of excuses...guarding, protecting what Kat? You can be so silly. I feel that I am being polite and within reason to make such a request...I can be, and am quite the gentleman who is courteous with good etiquette. You should meet me out for lunch Kat...and afterwards you'll realize that all this energy (negative energy that you've being building up) was for naught. Fifty56Six00Hundred or so readers in Forty46Countries...if anyone has any feedback on what Kat should do, please let us know.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
May You...
Find The Peace that Calms Your Soul...
Find The Health that Keeps Your Body Young...
Find The Will to Speak with Kindness..
Find Love That will Embrace Your Spirit..
Find The Joy and Happiness
To Treasure Each The True Gift that Life is in our Path
and most Importantly,
May You Find the Safe road onto which you take that Journey
Find The Health that Keeps Your Body Young...
Find The Will to Speak with Kindness..
Find Love That will Embrace Your Spirit..
Find The Joy and Happiness
To Treasure Each The True Gift that Life is in our Path
and most Importantly,
May You Find the Safe road onto which you take that Journey
Monday, July 25, 2011
For Your Information
P.S.I could have sworn that
I was witness to a
Ms. Mikalah Gordon-like Siren
Singing sweet melodies
this past Saturday
her friend
and fellow Blogger
made for some wonderful conversation
Hello and good day ladies
Shortcuts to Spirituality #Number Thirty31One
inspired by Tom Stine and Harry Commando | ||||||||||||
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Chanteuse too Tease the Soul
"The earth will touch us...but can we feel her caress? The Universe will serenade us...will we be seduced with the Tune? When the heavens whisper...will we be aware of the endless reflections?"
The words inscribed on the flesh of philosophy, beyond any harmonic temptation...enticing the mind with a freedom it recklessly seeks...a complex boundless labyrinth...
Magnetized by such vivaciousness...solicited, enchanted, allured by the countless captivators my path my new readers that I met last night, navigate the seas that I have ensnared you within. You've bewitched my spirit and I in turn will share my soul...
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Number Forty44Four
United Arab Emirates
The Good Word is Spreading amongst
I see a lot of Fives and Fours
Perhaps Luck favors
5'sn4's today
Never take Life
makes it out
I see a lot of Fives and Fours
Perhaps Luck favors
5'sn4's today
Never take Life
makes it out
an Idea
live on
Friday, July 22, 2011
I can't tell You..
How many times that I've been in the right when others have intentionally poisoned the traveled path out of lust, arrogance or ignorance...hopefully Karma will extend its justice through the "hands of coincidence"
When thought and doubt torment the mind...confusion is the haze that skews the direction in your vision...walk straight with a clear mind and an honest soul...
When thought and doubt torment the mind...confusion is the haze that skews the direction in your vision...walk straight with a clear mind and an honest soul...
Still indented
NIKE is officially not the only sponsor for Michael Vick...recently Fuse Science inked this reformed figure to an endorsement deal. This past week, Michael went before congress to propose a bill for harsher penalties placed upon violators against animal cruelty...more specifically, people convicted for Dog Fighting. Its a noble attempt Mike, but are you volunteering to serve the extended penalty? That might prove your worth on the matter...what do you say Mike, do we have a deal?
I believe anyone can evolve and reform their essence...
I feel everyone has the ability to change for the better...
Mike wants us to believe that he has done just that...
can we trust him?
can we forgive him?
Forgiveness is important to a soul, are you able to forgive?
Only if its sincere, authentic and legitimate...
We, as a race have domesticated many animals for two main reasons. Help our survival and to have companionship...
Notice, these animals are not on the planet for our outlets of abuse.
Pets help our souls|main5|dl4|sec3_lnk3|80073
I believe anyone can evolve and reform their essence...
I feel everyone has the ability to change for the better...
Mike wants us to believe that he has done just that...
can we trust him?
can we forgive him?
Forgiveness is important to a soul, are you able to forgive?
Only if its sincere, authentic and legitimate...
We, as a race have domesticated many animals for two main reasons. Help our survival and to have companionship...
Notice, these animals are not on the planet for our outlets of abuse.
Pets help our souls|main5|dl4|sec3_lnk3|80073
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
We live in a society, and by here I am referencing The United States of America...whereby we need to diagnose everyone with some sort of if everyone is abnormal...thr3e words sum that philosophy up WTF. Every individual that I have met in my life...and I have met many people (as per my profession enabling me too) unique onto themselves. Everyone is a bit different. Some people can be similar, yet everyone is still singular and personalized...with traits and behaviors specific to each person
So Don't Go Around Generalizing!!! Perhaps..we are all better off being more accepting of each other, rather than looking to be accepted?! When personality/behavioral faults exist, why are we all so quick to blame...accuse...diagnose.
Nonetheless what is ADHD?
Problems with heightened states of inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity...or some sort of combination of those behaviors. Children seem to be the primary focus of this disorder...but adults can be diagnosed (I am not an advocate of diagnosing everyone with something!!!) as well. So, who suffers from these sort of symptoms???Any guesses???Yes!!!
Specifically...women during their PreMenstrual Syndrome.|main5|dl6|sec3_lnk2|79773
So Don't Go Around Generalizing!!! Perhaps..we are all better off being more accepting of each other, rather than looking to be accepted?! When personality/behavioral faults exist, why are we all so quick to blame...accuse...diagnose.
Nonetheless what is ADHD?
Problems with heightened states of inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity...or some sort of combination of those behaviors. Children seem to be the primary focus of this disorder...but adults can be diagnosed (I am not an advocate of diagnosing everyone with something!!!) as well. So, who suffers from these sort of symptoms???Any guesses???Yes!!!
Specifically...women during their PreMenstrual Syndrome.|main5|dl6|sec3_lnk2|79773
P.s. Angie says that PMS is a Bitch
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Friends are our Guardian Angels
Friends are quiet Angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. 
Death by Sausage
This Past Fourth of July...
Joey "Jaws" Chestnut retained his Title, he is the current reigning Coney Islands Nathan's Hot Dog eating champion....(by the way quick fact, the classification for hot dog meat is SLUNK)...can you say YUCK! He 8 sixty-two "dogs" in ten10minutes (his record is sixty68eight)....yum???not quite!!!
"Winning tastes pretty good, I feel Greeeaaaaaattttttt!!!!"
sure you do Joey...
Joey does have company in the world of odd dietary habits...
ever hear about the Bug Fest? I can't wait to see the Roach Race...
Tunarama anyone? You can Tune a Piano, but never a Tuna...remember that! P.S. Tuna Tossing has been a sport since 200 AD Olympics in Athens, Greece...just saying
Its great to be a Hick...well, maybe not....
My deepest and sincerest apologies to any Hicks that may be reading you forgive me?
Nonetheless, check these contests out for yourself
Bon appetit!
P.S. Assault by Sausage?|main5|dl1|sec3_lnk2|81676#s317003&title=Dumb_Crime_Masterminds
Joey "Jaws" Chestnut retained his Title, he is the current reigning Coney Islands Nathan's Hot Dog eating champion....(by the way quick fact, the classification for hot dog meat is SLUNK)...can you say YUCK! He 8 sixty-two "dogs" in ten10minutes (his record is sixty68eight)....yum???not quite!!!
"Winning tastes pretty good, I feel Greeeaaaaaattttttt!!!!"
sure you do Joey...
Joey does have company in the world of odd dietary habits...
ever hear about the Bug Fest? I can't wait to see the Roach Race...
Tunarama anyone? You can Tune a Piano, but never a Tuna...remember that! P.S. Tuna Tossing has been a sport since 200 AD Olympics in Athens, Greece...just saying
Its great to be a Hick...well, maybe not....
My deepest and sincerest apologies to any Hicks that may be reading you forgive me?
Nonetheless, check these contests out for yourself
Bon appetit!
P.S. Assault by Sausage?|main5|dl1|sec3_lnk2|81676#s317003&title=Dumb_Crime_Masterminds
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Fernando Botero Angulo (born April 19, 1932)
His Name, Botero
Italian in Origin, with an English definition of Botero being "boat maker"
Fernando is a Colombian figurative Artist and Sculptor who is influenced by various styles of art (including Abstract Expressionism)...he is Self-Titled "the most Colombian of Colombian Artists".
His preference for subjects to depict...???
Painting FAT UNREALISTIC people,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024&bih=597&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
Its like a Blank Canvas
Italian in Origin, with an English definition of Botero being "boat maker"
Fernando is a Colombian figurative Artist and Sculptor who is influenced by various styles of art (including Abstract Expressionism)...he is Self-Titled "the most Colombian of Colombian Artists".
His preference for subjects to depict...???
Painting FAT UNREALISTIC people,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024&bih=597&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
Its like a Blank Canvas
Monday, July 18, 2011
Baby Steps
Congratulations to Joe, he begrudgingly pursued Ms Kerry when his guts pushed him to run...In fact, within his mind he had already been rejected...Deflated, Defeated...he wanted to leave without sharing his final word...I insisted he stay until he finishes what he started!!!Be a Man about it...stay! Ten10Seconds. She came on back to tell Joe that she never gives her number out...She could be lying, but who cares...She asked for Joe's number...he wrote it down and folded it inside the check receipt. Maybe Kerry remembers to take it/find it/look for it...perhaps her co-workers mistakenly/intentionally get rid of it. It doesn't matter what happens next, Joe tried his best...Pass or fail, at least he tried rather then wonder what if
Failure teaches us what it takes to succeed
Progress not Perfection
Mistakes = Learning
Case in point...
A very Prominent Historical Figure (PHF) failed to win a bid/seat in 8eight8 separate elections for Four4Four different public elected positions over the course of twenty28eight years (Senator, State Representative, State Assembly and Vice President)...His name was Abraham Lincoln whom won the 1860 Presidential election to become The 16th President of the United States of America...and was re-elected for the same public office in the 1864 election...
More Recently in our state of Modern Day Creativity, some mystical mind has anointed Abe as...Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter...if you don't believe me, check it out
Failure teaches us what it takes to succeed
Progress not Perfection
Mistakes = Learning
Case in point...
A very Prominent Historical Figure (PHF) failed to win a bid/seat in 8eight8 separate elections for Four4Four different public elected positions over the course of twenty28eight years (Senator, State Representative, State Assembly and Vice President)...His name was Abraham Lincoln whom won the 1860 Presidential election to become The 16th President of the United States of America...and was re-elected for the same public office in the 1864 election...
More Recently in our state of Modern Day Creativity, some mystical mind has anointed Abe as...Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter...if you don't believe me, check it out
P.S. here is my teaser for the Day
the very lovely Ms. Robin Mcleavy
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Transition week
Over the next week or so, my place of business will be relocating to brand new Green Facility. My place of employment is the premises from which I get to use a computer. My place of residence has No cable or internet connection, therefore the place I can communicate with you is via the PC at work. Case in point, due to my relocation, you may not hear from me over the next week...and I have so much to share with you all.
Our forum expands to over fifty52twohundred00 readers in forty42two countries (the Newest two being Taiwan and Latvia)...Who would have thought a country Long Island Loner would extend his philosophical tentacles that far around the Globe. Lets continue to grow together!
Our forum expands to over fifty52twohundred00 readers in forty42two countries (the Newest two being Taiwan and Latvia)...Who would have thought a country Long Island Loner would extend his philosophical tentacles that far around the Globe. Lets continue to grow together!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Common Strangers
I met this very Lovely French Woman for cocktails at this Italian Restaurant in Mid Town Manhattan this previous evening. She has European Charm, she is funny and extremely intelligent....with a welcoming smile and gorgeous blue eyes. She shared with me a story that I found too tempting not too share with the rang with too many parallels in regards with incidents far too familiar to me.
Her hopeless romantic side gave into her lovers insistence...they left together with the cat, his "uncle".
Fast forward three years...a lot can happen in three years. People change physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. A rift too deep to mend now exist between the mademoiselle and her monsieur...arguments are the norm, love is lost...
He opts happens with couples whom are unable to rectify or mediate tumultuous relationship scars...its easy and cowardly to opt out, and the weak often find that as their easiest option to liberty.
"Keep the cat, its not my uncle"
Her man leaves her all alone with a kat she does not want...the "uncle" is still around, and Ms Stephanie still does not like cats...
She does what she always wanted to do, find a sap to take her pet and get what rings true to her heart...she loves Otis Redding, a cream colored Pug (choose Pugs not Hugs!). Her cat now lives with her Mother...supposedly the cat understands French, I don't know about that but I'll take their world on that...C'est la vie!
Happy ending for the cat, Otis, the monsieur and the mademoiselle...i think!
Not too long ago I heard Dave McKinney's Story. This Bikini Mogul from NYC falls for this stunning tall blonde from the woods of Long Island...her name is Faith. With her long Locks and sleek legs she burrowed a path deep within David's heart...poor Dave, men are always idiotic when their hearts start making decisions. The same can apply to women too. Faith agrees to move in with David into his summer home in the Hamptons with some conditions (one of which)...involves rescuing two cats, a his and hers type of scenario. What happens next? Dave becomes the proud father of two kittens...He has never touched a cat prior to that? Paradise lost, it takes them about three months living together to realize that personal unhappiness has weened its way into their domain...Dave comes home one day and finds Faith and her belongings...gone...
But she left her two little darlings.
I don't even know if she left a note...
I never had a sense of respect for cowards and their weasel like antics
Poor Dave, heart broken with two cats...
He is wondering if anyone wants a cat?
Sorry Dave, I have one of my own
*What is it with People and their fixation with rescuing animals or their Pets...some people are just not meant to have children of any sort*
Her Ex Beau (we are traveling beyond a decade) convinced her to go to an animal shelter...This Monsieur loves Cats (Ms Stephanie hates Cats, she does not trust them..she thinks they are conniving and mean, very untrustworthy companions)...with a persuasive plead his undesirable request besieged the bleeding heart strings of an impulsive and impressionable young woman...His Compelling Petition "this cat is a reincarnation of my dead uncle, he belongs with us!!!"Her hopeless romantic side gave into her lovers insistence...they left together with the cat, his "uncle".
Fast forward three years...a lot can happen in three years. People change physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. A rift too deep to mend now exist between the mademoiselle and her monsieur...arguments are the norm, love is lost...
He opts happens with couples whom are unable to rectify or mediate tumultuous relationship scars...its easy and cowardly to opt out, and the weak often find that as their easiest option to liberty.
"Keep the cat, its not my uncle"
Her man leaves her all alone with a kat she does not want...the "uncle" is still around, and Ms Stephanie still does not like cats...
She does what she always wanted to do, find a sap to take her pet and get what rings true to her heart...she loves Otis Redding, a cream colored Pug (choose Pugs not Hugs!). Her cat now lives with her Mother...supposedly the cat understands French, I don't know about that but I'll take their world on that...C'est la vie!
Happy ending for the cat, Otis, the monsieur and the mademoiselle...i think!
Not too long ago I heard Dave McKinney's Story. This Bikini Mogul from NYC falls for this stunning tall blonde from the woods of Long Island...her name is Faith. With her long Locks and sleek legs she burrowed a path deep within David's heart...poor Dave, men are always idiotic when their hearts start making decisions. The same can apply to women too. Faith agrees to move in with David into his summer home in the Hamptons with some conditions (one of which)...involves rescuing two cats, a his and hers type of scenario. What happens next? Dave becomes the proud father of two kittens...He has never touched a cat prior to that? Paradise lost, it takes them about three months living together to realize that personal unhappiness has weened its way into their domain...Dave comes home one day and finds Faith and her belongings...gone...
But she left her two little darlings.
I don't even know if she left a note...
I never had a sense of respect for cowards and their weasel like antics
Poor Dave, heart broken with two cats...
He is wondering if anyone wants a cat?
Sorry Dave, I have one of my own
If I smile, so might you...
The Ass
Good Reason to
Wear Pajamas to
Tattoo Of
The Year
Latest Grill
These are a must
The Ass
Good Reason to
Wear Pajamas to
Tattoo Of
The Year
Latest Grill
These are a must
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Here is one of my Quirks
I (as in me) find random peculiar items, and I become fixated with them (I find humor in the irregular idiosyncrasies and oddities of life...and to think that someone once accused me of being TOO serious?) kick for today....drum roll please..........A Mechanical Bull. How great would it be to own a mechanical bull? Seriously, think of all the hoping parties I will be hosting over the next decade!!!! Remember our beloved football moron Ocho8Cinco5 and his split second of fury attempting to ride a pissed off great was that?! Its coming to my house, strap them up and come on over...bring your cowboy hat and cowboy boots...EIGHT8SecondsofFURY=FUN!
Finding Joy
Natalia shared this with me, I in turn will share it with you
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Who is Patrick Benson?
A common enough question that I felt truly compelled to answer...its my Pen Name. Long story short, I mistakenly heard this Jabroni friend of mine (known as Hollywood Hughes) call me Patrick Benson. (He actually called me Palatzo something or another, who knows). Anyways it had a nice ring to it, so I kept it because it seems to be the type of name that sticks. The rest, shall we say is history.
P.S. I am not a sailor
Really, I'm not
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Thank You to...
the Country of Portugal...marks the fortieth (the Big Four40Oh) country to have dipped an eye to the skies that I've painted out of words and thoughts that we all need to think over.
Thank you to all forty countries
thank you to the over five thousand readers that have come and gone
Thank you to all forty countries
thank you to the over five thousand readers that have come and gone
Instincts of Fidelity
"As Humans our emotions are just as much a part of our health as our diet and living conditions"
- Roxy Monotob
Is Monogamy a human instinct? I say its not, but with that said I know that monogamy is a lifestyle that if practiced, will lead to stability for the subsequent generation (assuming that the parents will be supportive and nurturing to their offspring). Hhhmmmmm...
Why would monogamy not be an instinct? From a primal standpoint it is instinctual that the few, strongest cluster of males offer the best support and protection to females (while passing on superior physical genes....this creates greater fitness variance). The weakness in the genetic pool for that species naturally dies out under these terms. That is instinct, wipe out the weak, empower the community with a strength to maximize the possibility for growth. Fair? Not so much, but who says life is fair...its about survival.
But we are Human, we have a conscious that we share...we verbalize it, document it...we like to "discuss" things.
This means that monogamy becomes a learned behavior...making us one of the few species that are taught to be monogamous as adults. There are exceptions (individuals that never marry but have relationships, marry multiple individuals concurrently or consecutively, or there are open relationship arraignments). Just as an aside, even if BOTH partners claim to be OK with open relationships...jealousy and depression will eventually find their way between these partners...this ultimately will create some sort of animosity and mistrust.
Where is this discussion headed for? A Discussion and evaluation of personal Discipline!? Yes, of course that factors into this. Personal happiness? It is important to satisfy the self, that in turn will exude the positive individual one can be...but how will happiness be found and at what who's expense? Examination into Self control? That too is an element...but if you truly love someone, you will naturally possess that loyalty necessary to remain faithful...if your faith is in question, then perhaps your selection of mate may not be your ideal match. When you find someone important enough to you, you will naturally discover how easy discipline becomes to stay monogamous. Monogamy does go beyond a personal boundary because it affects the entire dynamics of a family. Since it takes a long time for offspring to fully mature...When partners stay monogamous they ensure that the survival of their progeny takes its course with the resources to attract mates of their own. In polygamous scenarios, that survival may get compromised...and if it does not, then surely those necessary resources beyond development will certainly diminish...potentially minimizing your offsprings chances of attracting a mate. It goes beyond any moral implication...deeper then any thought, feeling and behavior any one individual may experience in their environment...Monogamy is a selfless act to protect your mate and your children! Now therein true strength!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Each individual holds their own personal is one belief that is as old as human history
They are/were referred to as people who through the love of God have consumed all human limitations and have been endowed with spiritual attributes...defined as holy souls who have severed attachment to the earthly world, freed themselves from the fetters of self and passion...who have aligned themselves with performing dutiful acts...attaching their hearts to a higher purpose...a merciful kingdom
They are/were referred to as people who through the love of God have consumed all human limitations and have been endowed with spiritual attributes...defined as holy souls who have severed attachment to the earthly world, freed themselves from the fetters of self and passion...who have aligned themselves with performing dutiful acts...attaching their hearts to a higher purpose...a merciful kingdom
Embodiment of a natural element with explicit manifestation in physical realms
Saturday, July 9, 2011
What is...?
"Smelly Hair" Syndrome????
Everyone has an occasional "bad hair day," but for those unfortunate people stricken with a condition known as "Smelly Hair Syndrome" a bad hair day can mean relationship problems, taunts from coworkers and even expulsion from school. Consider these examples:
The odor is so strong that other people can easily notice it ("I know my co-workers could smell it and I was so embarrassed.") Spouses and significant others have also told us that the odor is problematic because it can transfer to towels and pillow cases. For some people the smell is noticeable right after showering; for others it starts a few days after they've washed their hair. We received several comments from people who shower before sleep and wake up with a smelly scalp. Interestingly, one person pointed out that their hair starts out with one scent right after washing and changes to a different odor about 12 hours later. In addition to the malodor, some people experience increase in oily hair and scalp. One woman notices a "thick, oily, flour-like substance on my scalp."
Without a satisfactory medical explanation, people are left to figure out their own cures. Our readers have tried just about everything you can think of, including medicated shampoos like Nizoral, Selsun Blue, Neutrogena T/Gel, Head & Shoulders and Denorex. They've used tea tree-based products (like Giovanni Tea Tree Triple Treat conditioner) because of the alleged anti-fungal properties of tea tree oil (unfortunately, most tea tree oil shampoos contain very little of the actual oil). In desperation, some people have even tried medicated pet shampoos.
Others have forsaken commercial products for home remedies like lemon juice, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, aloe vera, neem oil, chlorophyll supplements and a mixture of honey and cinnamon. One person even uses hand sanitizer on her scalp two or three times a day. Then there's the most elaborate of all the treatments we've heard of: "I go to this salon where they rub a liquid into your hair, wrap it in plastic wrap and steam it. This is followed with something they call 'frequency treatment' -- it is a glass rod attached to a machine and they deliver something like an electrical impulse." Like "One Flew over the Cookoo's Nest? That Ken Kesey fellow gets all the props!
What really works to treat Smelly Hair Syndrome? Of all the solutions proposed by our readers, two seemed to provide reasonably consistent results: Dial antibacterial liquid body wash and sulfur-containing soaps. These treatments make sense from a scientific point of view, if the cause is bacterial or fungal. An antibacterial agent (like the Triclosan used in the Dial bodywash) could prevent bacteria from growing, while sulfur could reduce scalp oiliness thereby eliminating the "food" that bacteria or fungi need to grow. For those who haven't had success with other treatments, these two options maybe worth a try. Of course, you should consult with a dermatologist to ensure your symptoms aren't caused by psoriasis or some other condition.
If you or someone you know suffers from Smelly Hair Syndrome, leave a comment and share your experiences with the rest of our readers. If you are a health care professional with experience with this problem, please leave a comment and share your advice.
Or a simpler conclusion...use shampoo and hope that you don't miss!
-Article by
Perry Romanowski
and Patrick Benson
to a much lesser degree
and Patrick Benson
to a much lesser degree
"I wash my hair and by the middle of the day it has a sweaty, muggy smell ... I'm a sophomore in college, never had a boyfriend, never even kissed a guy, all because of this smelly demon that I have had to cope with since eighth grade." -- Corrin,
(I'm really sorry to hear about that Corrin)
(I'm really sorry to hear about that Corrin)
"I go to work everyday because I have no choice, but my co-workers are very cruel to me because of the bad odor they smell coming from my head. They don't know how hard I try to take care of this problem." -- Sierra
(that really sucks Sierra)
(that really sucks Sierra)
"An 8-year-old girl said she was removed from her classroom at a Seattle school because of the way her hair smelled. She has now missed a full week at Thurgood Marshall Elementary." - KIRO TV Reporter
(How was that meeting with the superintendent)
What's going on here? What is "Smelly Hair Syndrome" and can it really be so socially stigmatizing? After receiving hundreds of questions about this issue we were intrigued to find out more.(How was that meeting with the superintendent)
The symptoms of smelly hair
We discovered that Smelly Hair Syndrome manifests in one striking symptom: a horrific odor that emanates from the hair and scalp. According to the people who have commented on our blog, the olfactory character of the smell varies from person to person. Some describe it as "... stinks like a diaper." Others have compared the smell to "sour milk, wet dog, moldy hay, potatoes, an old shoe or dirty socks, a jacket that's never been to the dry cleaner, and an oily smell mixed with vomit." The most unusual description we've heard was "... sort of a cross between Dorito's Bold BBQ chips and cinnamon (and not a sweet smell, actually kinda foul) and maybe a hint of cheese." And, finally, one unfortunate reader told us that "my hair is so smelly that sometimes flies buzz around my head." Who's hold the fly swatter?The odor is so strong that other people can easily notice it ("I know my co-workers could smell it and I was so embarrassed.") Spouses and significant others have also told us that the odor is problematic because it can transfer to towels and pillow cases. For some people the smell is noticeable right after showering; for others it starts a few days after they've washed their hair. We received several comments from people who shower before sleep and wake up with a smelly scalp. Interestingly, one person pointed out that their hair starts out with one scent right after washing and changes to a different odor about 12 hours later. In addition to the malodor, some people experience increase in oily hair and scalp. One woman notices a "thick, oily, flour-like substance on my scalp."
Causes and cures
These secondary symptoms made us wonder if a potential cause of Smelly Hair Syndrome could be seborrheic dermatitis (seb-o-REE-ik der-muh-TI-tis), because it causes an increase in oil production and flaky scalp residue. However, according to Mayo Clinic's webpage, scalp odors like those described above are not typically associated with seborrheic dermatitis. Furthermore, our readers tell us that in many cases their doctors have not been able to identify a definitive cause. Many said that their doctors didn't take the problem seriously: "I even went to the dermatologist. Twice! He never heard of such a thing and seemed to not even believe me which made me very angry! Why don't these doctors have a clue?!" "I went to see a dermatologist. Which was of no help! I got prescriptions and so forth but nothing worked."Without a satisfactory medical explanation, people are left to figure out their own cures. Our readers have tried just about everything you can think of, including medicated shampoos like Nizoral, Selsun Blue, Neutrogena T/Gel, Head & Shoulders and Denorex. They've used tea tree-based products (like Giovanni Tea Tree Triple Treat conditioner) because of the alleged anti-fungal properties of tea tree oil (unfortunately, most tea tree oil shampoos contain very little of the actual oil). In desperation, some people have even tried medicated pet shampoos.
Others have forsaken commercial products for home remedies like lemon juice, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, aloe vera, neem oil, chlorophyll supplements and a mixture of honey and cinnamon. One person even uses hand sanitizer on her scalp two or three times a day. Then there's the most elaborate of all the treatments we've heard of: "I go to this salon where they rub a liquid into your hair, wrap it in plastic wrap and steam it. This is followed with something they call 'frequency treatment' -- it is a glass rod attached to a machine and they deliver something like an electrical impulse." Like "One Flew over the Cookoo's Nest? That Ken Kesey fellow gets all the props!
What really works to treat Smelly Hair Syndrome? Of all the solutions proposed by our readers, two seemed to provide reasonably consistent results: Dial antibacterial liquid body wash and sulfur-containing soaps. These treatments make sense from a scientific point of view, if the cause is bacterial or fungal. An antibacterial agent (like the Triclosan used in the Dial bodywash) could prevent bacteria from growing, while sulfur could reduce scalp oiliness thereby eliminating the "food" that bacteria or fungi need to grow. For those who haven't had success with other treatments, these two options maybe worth a try. Of course, you should consult with a dermatologist to ensure your symptoms aren't caused by psoriasis or some other condition.
From the comments we've received, Smelly Hair Syndrome appears to be a real problem that is unresolved for many people. Based on our readers' input, the medical community has not yet provided a satisfactory solution. According to our understanding of chemistry and hair and scalp biology, shampooing with sulfur and Triclosan-based soaps may offer some relief. We hope that more definitive treatment options are identified by the medical and cosmetic science communities.If you or someone you know suffers from Smelly Hair Syndrome, leave a comment and share your experiences with the rest of our readers. If you are a health care professional with experience with this problem, please leave a comment and share your advice.
Or a simpler conclusion...use shampoo and hope that you don't miss!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Fate Happens...You Decide
Ignorance never settles
P.S. Adversity is the
Prosperity of the
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