Speaking with someone that I have known well over a decade...she told me something which rang with many truths. She said that "I'm one of the Good Guys", and that "I should not allow someone else to change that about myself. My previous posting was beneath me. It would be something that My character would not do", and she was correct...I stooped to a level of craziness that only those people that I intended to target would understand. It spoke to a very specific population. They claim that they are happy, I don't necessarily believe them....otherwise why expend the energy they have to convince me of that. True happiness is so elusive, it comes from within, not from outside and around. You can not find happiness behind a tree or under a rock. You find your happiness from with in your heart. A heart that has love, a heart that has compassion. You find happiness on a cloudy day as well as a sunny afternoon. Happiness exists during a full moon and during an eclipse...it should and can happen any where and every where at any and all times...regardless of where you are and with whom. Someone just yesterday told me that I am happy every day that he has seen me. That is his perception of me, and its nice to see that he believes that. I try to be myself, and true to who I am. And the more you get to know me, the more you'll get to see my multi facet, yet ever so complex character...we are all truly unique in so many different ways...every single person is special all onto themselves.
P.S. If Kathryn and her entourage are right
whether I dispute their claim or not
its their perception of me that I bullied them in some way.
I'm sorry that you feel that I have done that
I have never endorsed bullying
its an ugly aspect of the human dynamic
Growing up as a child I spent countless days
fight and defending individuals that were
victimized by some sort of bully
I apologize to you Kathryn
I would never want to be a bully
especially to you
Live and Let Learn
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