Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How Smart Do You Really Think You Are?

For the Most Part(?), I'd like to think that my relatives are bright and creative people...Some brighter then others...God Only Knows what My relatives think of me. My Co-Workers say that I am smarter then I look (is that a left handed compliment?)...my girlfriends in my past say that I'm dumber then I give myself credit for (an eloquent insult, no?). The merchants I frequent never know what to expect from me. If I were to write an autobiography of myself...maybe I start at the end, and then fill in the blanks with flashbacks (but of what?). I meet many people because of my job and life style. I make many friends...not everybody takes to me, especially at first. I'm quiet to the new folk, and quite frankly that scares them. My memory is potentially flawless, my math skills are a decibel or two away from a calculator. Ket called me rain man once...but she fails to realize that logic drives my car, which I am an excellent driver, yeah. I take Yoga class every day, so I can stop my thinking...otherwise I would forever...I love to philosophize...even on Tuesday's. I am who I am, and I make no apologies nor any excuses. I was born to be who I have become, and I don't even attempt to hide my essence in someone elses garb. I'm just myself, and if you take the time to get to know me, you'd know not to take me too seriously...therefore you shouldn't get your feathers in a big ruff...The only thing I will apologize to you for is that I won't apologize for who I am. I'm open minded enough to accept anyone and everyone for who they are...it would be nice of you to do the same as well. I do find that stupidity is rampant and ignorance is the disease that plagues this planet...

Accept yourselves and each other...
Learn to Love
Forget how to hate

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