She started it by stating to me that she is very shy and extremely quiet...
"how about you?"
I am far from shy...
but what I am, almost to an extreme count is Reserved. The two often get confused or somehow conjoined into being interpreted as identical patterns of behavior (and understandably why). My quiet demeanor only mistakenly compounds others beliefs that I am of the shy varietal. My quiet and "shy-like" nature helps me hide my highly competitive and truly feisty and dominant driven instinctual state.
These misinterpretations/misunderstandings have cost me relationships...there isn't a day that goes by that I wish, absolutely wish that other people make an honest effort to learn my nature...without prejudice and Expectation.
Perhaps, people guard themselves out of insecurities and shortcomings...therefore it's easier to maintain a distance. What those people lose out on, is becoming...truly acquainting with someone who may (or just as easily may not), move them for the better in a direction they never knew off. That experience is something that will never be Known unless effort is placed forward in its direction.
That is my experienced state of perpetual injustice...
I say, get to know everyone and pass no judgements along the way.
After all We Are ALL Human...and we need to accept each other!
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