You'll be OK because you have strong support from people who believe in's that simple. Life in general is A series of trials and tribulations that everyone must face with Many consequences...these challenges never single out any one specific individual. Everyone endures this fate (in varying degrees, nonetheless, everyone is subjected to them).
It takes fight and inner strength, and the wherewithal to stand up to the challenge (no matter how intense)...and decide
"I can survive this, and it will make me Stronger"
It's not A matter of lying over the situation, it's about finding the gumption to "weather" the STORM!
All truths seem to have three phases.
The Initial reaction is created from denial and gets displayed with ridicule.
When the truth can't be hidden...then it gets violently opposed!!! Fought for the purpose of dissipating or disappearing. Humans have this peculiar phenomenon with resisting change (even by a truth)...perhaps it's all due to fearing an unknown fate?
Finally, the truth will prevail...and become self-evident, and hopefully accepted...
To fight a truth, would be analogous to fight the coming of dawn...
Inevitable and insurmountable.
The only truth you need to focus on is Survival...
Survive the challenge and hurt that life has brought you...
Because life brings it to everyone...
If life didn't,
What would be the purpose of living?
doesn't come from things you can do...
it comes from Overcoming things
you once deemed impossible
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