Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What is Supersymmetry?

When a connection exists between two fundamentally different types of particles and/or individuals...otherwise, known as a superpartner.
*All Objects within our Universe consist of strings and branes*
Vibrating filaments and membranes
Of Energy.
Electromagnetic force + Strong Nuclear force+ weak nuclear force + Gravity
Brings us Everything

Are people a microcosm of existance?
Just one example, that exemplifies/symbolizes everything?

The Answer lies in traveling faster then the expansion rate of known existance!

...but, to question life, and its meaning?
It's purpose behind "The Big Plan" or the "Grand Designer"
If in fact either or does exist.

Why must faith be blind?
Without evidence?
or any Tangible measure?
Why is faith only a devote theory?

This is Exactly how I percieve the current state of existance...
Motionless to understand the direction of where (I came and will go).
Time is the dimension that holds these answers.
Travel faster then time...and the where can be experienced.
But then, the question will become...can you be able to get back to The here and now?

Perhaps tats the sole experience the here and now...considering how fleeting everything is?

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