stood in the Storm...
and when the wind did not blow her way,
She adjusted her Sails."
It started off With Our Friend "Joe"...and this one question "Can I Get a Date?" P.S. For all new readers (and all are truly welcome here), I do recommend that your first read should be the initial entry which was posted on September 27, 2010 (titled as 'Single Life')...this all started back then. Once you read the first entry, feel free to read any other in any order. Most importantly, please feel free to share and voice your thoughts. This is all our forum!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Late Night @ IHOP
Personally, I take my introspective time to appreciate my surrounding environment...not to pass judgement in order to swell my ego.
I recently asked someone
"Who are 'We' to pass judgement?"
Passing Judgement....
It's a vain and pretentious mindset.
Learn to appreciate your positives.
Figure out how to improve your negatives
(After all, we are all created equally imperfect)
...it's how we deal with our flaws and insecurities that truly demonstrates our character.
You can choose to quietly belittle other flawed individuals
You can choose to continue your introspective journey...and find the necessary means to understand yourself better.
We all have our positives...and we are all plagued by our personalized demons...
The Choice is yours to determine your path.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
My Morning Chat with Bucky Number 2
Like all things, there are advantages and disadvantages with being single. Overall, I have seen time and time again, people in stagnant and unfulfilling relationships...walking through the motions because they would rather have something (someone), rather than nothing (or in search of that someone).
Key questions when evaluating relationships:
A) am I happy?
B) are my needs met? Am I being understood (am I understanding of them)?
C) am I evolving into a better individual as a result of being IN this relationship?
D) am I good for my partner?
E) are we on the same path? Similar plans?
F) are they who I need to be with, and am I who they need to be with?
What's the functuality of the relationship?
How compatible are we? Will we BE compatible (very difficult question to accurately predict/answer).
People change, always...it's called human development, and the process starts at birth...and runs up until death...for better or for worse, drastic or subtle...it happens to us ALL.
Sometimes, individuals evolve under a positive pretense, and mature into an irresistible and becoming aura of goodness...other times, people are soured with bitterness (plagued by misfortune) and burn bridges through their destructive tour of a lost sense of self and worth.
Not everyone heals,
Not everyone kills...
Some people are positive, while others will forever be negative.
Some people provoke negativity in us, while some will shower us in a basking glow that will spout a tender positive atmosphere.
(Relationships in which we ignore the negatives, and make excuses for the inadequacies...Harbour the unhealthiest of connections...and lead to a dysfunctional state...often destined for an abysmal, ill-fated and unhappy end)
Make no mistake about it...
Every relationship takes a BIG effort.
At this point, one must evaluate if their effort is worth their energy.
One common denominator is all successful relationships is...C O M M U N I C A T I O N
The Holy Grail of eternal relationship life...
Without it we drown in a lonesome bifocal existance of emotional insignificance and unrequited loveless indifference.
Without it we lose a sense of 'Us' and 'We'
and often forget who we are (or were)
I am fully thankful that all my past experiences have brought me here today, whereby I understand my 'self'
and I know,
How I can contribute to the 'us' and the 'we'
More Importantly, what I Need to do in order to initiate and nurture that process.
Keep in Mind...
It will always take two to tango
Just because you may do the right thing(s), does not insure that the best scenario unfolds...
And when it doesn't, it's not your fault if the other person had a different plan
Or they changed into a foreign/unrecognizable individual/existence.
We can't help everyone,
Not everyone wants/deserves our spirit
Ultimately, look inside soul...and figure out
The Who am I part first,
And Then...
Know what you can give, and what you need...
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Good Human Nutrition
Rob Rhinehart wanted to change the way he ate.
The 24-year-old, who has difficulty finding time to shop and cook as a software engineer in Atlanta, researched what nutrients his body actually needed to get from food. He then created Soylent, which, according to Fox News, is a "drink mixture of vitamins and minerals which includes calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K."
Rhinehart began swapping his daily meals for his Soylent formula. We caught up with Rhinehart to talk about his new diet.
Rhinehart admitted that he was surprised at the results. "I did not expect to get so much healthier. I was just trying to survive. It was kind of weird to suddenly be able to run for miles without getting tired, sleep better and feel mentally sharper."
He was also saving time and money. "I save about two hours a day and $350 per month, not to mention avoiding the stress involved with shopping, cooking and cleaning dishes."
Rhinehart now consumes Soylent for 90 percent of his meals, and he thinks the formula could be the ideal replacement for unhealthy fast food. If it seems odd that someone could exist for months without actually eating, consider Rhinehart's explanation in an interview with Vice that "we need carbs, not bread. Amino acids, not milk. It's still fine to eat these whenever you want, but not everyone can afford them or has the desire to eat them."
Rhinehart wrote on his blog that he assumed he would get tired of the taste, but hasn't yet. Not only does he continue to like the taste of Soylent, but he no longer craves the foods he once did. "I kind of lost a taste for the pizza and cheeseburgers I craved before. My favorite food now is sushi."
We wanted to know what Rhinehart's friends and family think of his new diet. He admitted that "initially, they thought it was weird." However after watching him become healthier, "they're now on it as well."
Soylent could have exciting implications for the world's hunger problem. The formula would be cheap to buy (about $100 a month if produced at scale) and Rhinehart wants it to be as easy to get as a cup of coffee.
"I want everyone to have the means for a healthy diet," Rhinehart explains. "I don't want anyone to have to worry about food or nutrition, and still enjoy the fun, social aspects of food when desired. I am also optimistic about food security and aid prospects."
Sonali Ruder, D.O., sees a formula like Soylent being useful as a source of nutrition for people who are pressed for time, and admits, "it’s a much better alternative to many other quick meal options such as fast food."
However, Dr. Ruder believes that this type of diet is unrealistic for most people and would not be filling. "There is evidence that the act of chewing sets off a reaction in our bodies that induces the feeling of satiety," she explains. "After we eat or drink, stretch receptors in the stomach send signals to our brain that make us feel full. However, liquids are emptied out of the stomach faster than solids, so we tend to get hungry again faster after drinking rather than eating."
Wondering if drinking your meals is actually healthy? Read this report on the downfall of drinking your calories.
Smarter than a fifth grader?
Granted, many of us give ourselves much more credit than we deserve...in regards to our intelligence....
Monday, June 17, 2013
Advice from Dad
9 Pieces of Love Advice From Our Favorite TV Dads
by Marla Pachter on June 13, 2013
Our thoughts exactly, Sandy. So we picked out some of our favorite quotes from TV dads offering love advice to their children. It’s not all the best advice ever, but they mean well, you know?
Happy Father’s Day!
1. On Meeting the right person:
“There are dreamers and there are realists in this world, you think the dreamers would find the dreamers and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not the opposite is true. See the dreamers need the realists to keep the dreamers from soaring too close to the sun. And the realists? Well without the dreamers, they might not ever get off the ground.” – Cam, “Modern Family”
[Source: Tumblr]
2. On impressing your date:
Uncle Jesse: [D.J. wants to learn to drive with Danny] Hey, Danny, come on. I’m sure when you were 15 you were dyin’ to get behind the wheel of your mom’s Pacer.
Danny: Not me. I was perfectly happy taking the bus. And my dates were very impressed with the extra leg room.
Danny: Not me. I was perfectly happy taking the bus. And my dates were very impressed with the extra leg room.
-”Full House”
[Source: Tumblr]
3. On sex:
“The mere fact that you call making love ‘pop pop’ tells me you’re not ready.” – Michael, “Arrested Development”
[Source: RapGenius]
4. On cooking dinner for your significant other:
“Soup? You know how I feel about soup. It’s a side dish.” – Keith Mars, “Veronica Mars”
[Source: Tumblr]
5. On winning them back after a fight:
“I don’t think that you want to write poems. Poems is not the way you’re going to get your woman back. What you need to do now is go to the next level if you want Justine back. Begging. You need to do some serious begging.” - Cliff Huxtable, “The Cosby Show”
…After that you kind of need to watch the clip to understand how awesome this quote is.
6. On relationship expectations:
“You see trav, that’s what being a man is. Living in constant fear of disappointing a woman.” – Bobby Cobb, “Cougar Town”
[Source: Tumblr]
7. On how to treat them right:
“That’s the whole point of a surprise party, you take somebody you really love and you play ‘em like a fool.” – Jay, “Modern Family
[Source: gifrific]
8. On settling an argument:
“The basic fact is you can either be happily married or you can be right. But you can’t be both.” – Burt Chance, “Raising Hope”
[Source: Tumblr]
Bonus: Words of wisdom from Walter Bishop, “Fringe”
“The only thing better than a cow is a human! Unless you need milk. Then you really need a cow.”
The Dos and Don'ts of B R E A K I N G UP
Thinking about breaking up with someone this weekend? Do yourself a favor and read this list before accidentally doing something egregious, like dumping them over Snapchat.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Is Hot Yoga Cruel and Unusual Punishment?
Personally, I love Yoga...
And I love heat...
So, I don't mind Hot Yoga.
Now, Kelly on the other hand
Not a BIG Fan...
Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Hot Yoga
Article by Kelly McLauren Posted: 06/05/2013 6:03 pm
Kelly decided to go to the local Hot Yoga studio for two main Reasons....with her own words:
1) I realize that I haven't been there in so long that they might accidently give me a free week again and I might accidentally let them.
2) I realize that I might be fat.
My teacher introduces herself as Yoga Bandana, or at least thats what it sounds like to me. We begin class by setting an intention, she suggests 'Gratitude' but i've done hot yoga before so my intention is 'To Not Die.' We start out in downword dog which is where you discover that you have unusually tight shoulders and see-through pants. An upside-down glance toward the mirror informs me that wearing khaki spandex without underwear was unwise because when I bend over you can definitely see my butt. Also, several pubes have worked their way out of the front of my spandex like the first blades of grass through frosty March soil. My hopes that no one has noticed my pants problem deflate when I see that the guy behind me is staring at my ass. This guy is about fifty years old and his hair is as long as his shorts are short. No shirt. Does he not realize I can see him in the front mirror? He immediately answers this question by catching my eye in said mirror and refusing to look away for several poses. I try to avoid his gaze to no avail; he has a strange magnetism.
Now we come to my least favorite part of the Sun Salutation: Chattaranga. For those of you who don't know, Chattaranga is where your hands are shoulder width apart, you lower yourself from plank until your elbows are half bent and hold yourself still, hovering a few inches above the ground forever. It could be likened to the low push up position or waterboarding. Finally, we make our way back to downward dog, the "resting" position (resting?!).
At this point I am going out of my mind with pain and would gladly give the enemy national secrets to make it stop. I have sweat at least two gallons as evidenced by the large circles in the fabric surrounding my armpits, neck and yes, crotch. I am definitely in the lead for sweatiest yogi. It's probably been about twenty minutes. I wait another 5 before looking at the clock because I want to be very gratified when I see how much time has passed. I finally allow myself to look: we are seven minutes into class.
Yogabandna tells us to relax completely. The guy who's been staring me at obeys instantly, letting out a huge fart. And this is no ordinary fart. Its an I'm-a-vegan-and-get-all-of-my-protein-from-beancakes fart. Silent but very deadly. I know it's him because it smells like the way he's looking at me. I seem to be alone in finding the fart extremely funny.
Next comes Eagle, where you wrap your left leg around the right one nine times and your arms mirror this up top. To no one's surprise I can't do it. I tell myself it's because I'm too sweaty, i can't get a grip but deep down I know it's because of my kankles. My huge, Scottish ankles (evolved after centuries of pulling carts of potatoes through the mud) don't have the usual tapering, it's just a leg with a foot attached, no transition. I once went to the doctor for a sprain; he said "Wow! That is one swollen ankle." It was the other one.
YogaBandana tells us to take a deep breath and I do. Right on queue, bean cake guy out-relaxes himself. Between the moisture that's fogging up the windows, the 100+ degree heat and the smell, I have a sudden realization that this is what it feels like to be inside a fart. Except not an ordinary fart cloud where you would just take a nap probably, this is a torture chamber fart cloud where not only are you trapped but are forced to hold excruciating positions for years at a time. I believe i've heard of such a place, they call it Hell.
As I step back into downward dog my back foot slips, throwing me entirely off balance. Each individual limb tries to grip the slippery surface so now I look less like a downward dog and more like a dog on roller skates. I touch back in with my intention to not die. The teacher notices and she adjusts me, shifting my pelvis forward and holding it in place. At first I feel violated, then I relax, realizing that someone else is actually doing the work for me, then I begin to really enjoy it and now I'm wondering if I'm a lesbian. As if holding my pose, holding my breath and trying to avoid beancake guy's gaze isn't enough, now I'm having a sexual identity crisis.
My new girlfriend instructs us to chose our favorite pose from today's class and "find our full expression" so I snuggle into child's pose.
I suddenly realize that this Om Shanti song has been playing for 17 minutes and the only two words in the song are 'shanti' and 'om' arranged in various creative ways such as 'om shanti' and 'shanti om.' As it's playing, we assume the aptly named 'corpse pose.' I close my eyes and the ancient Indian art works its magic; I relax beyond thought. Beancake guy follows suit.
Now is my least favorite part of class where everyone chants "Ooooommmmmmmmm" together slowly three times because they haven't heard enough of that word in the 'om shanti' portion of class. I hate this part because everyone chants "Om" with meaning but they don't actually know what "Om" means. I was raised Buddhist -- its actually Sanskrit for 'Gullible American.'
Finally, we "Namaste"' our way out of there, lugging sweat soaked yoga mats which are now as heavy as a tires (but not as sanitary.) I make a beeline for the locker room where I strip down naked, leap into the best shower ever, towel off, and step onto the scale. I've lost five pounds! (Please don't respond to this blog saying it was all sweat. I don't believe you.) This gratifying moment makes the whole class worthwhile. Although I will be far too sore to return for the remaining six days of my free week, I can't wait for two years from now, when my instant weight loss and yogi's high are the only thing I remember about this experience (and the people at the front desk have forgotten me again).
The Best of George Carlin
Truth be told...
George was the best!
Here is one little snippet of George.
George was the best!
Here is one little snippet of George.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
My Four Truths
Always do your best
Your Best may change from moment to moment,
(It will be different from when you are healthy versus feeling sick)
Either Way...always strive for your best
Don't take everything Personally...
Nothing others do, is because of you
What others say and do, is a reflection...a projection of their reality
When you become IMMUNE to the opinion and actions of others, you won't become A victim of needless suffering
Let your word be Impeccable...
Speak with Integrity,
Say ONLY what you mean,
Never speak against your self...
Or gossip against others
Use Your WORDS as a direction with love, truth and honesty
Don't make Assumptions...
Find the Courage
to ask questions
and Express what you Really Want!!!
Communicate CLEARLY with others,
it helps avoid:
and drama
Self transformation starts from within and ripples out to all those that you touch...
Be your best
Be mindful and aware
Make your word powerful
Be clear
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
At what Age do Males emotionally mature?
I know, I know...
It's not the type of discussion/debate that has one conclusive outcome...because every person is wired just slightly, making us different from the next. That is what makes us all SO unique.
I came across this news story, based on a recent study
Men Mature at age 43
If I ask women, how would they respond to that statement?
Do Men mature emotionally e11even years after women? As this study would insinuate?
Then, as my math would have it...
A 43 year old man is best suited for a 32 year old woman?
Well, maybe...
I don't know...
I guess if they had a Viagra prescription.
You know...
It won't matter.
There are many, endless combinations of people emotionally connecting.
It's not the type of discussion/debate that has one conclusive outcome...because every person is wired just slightly, making us different from the next. That is what makes us all SO unique.
I came across this news story, based on a recent study
Men Mature at age 43
If I ask women, how would they respond to that statement?
Do Men mature emotionally e11even years after women? As this study would insinuate?
Then, as my math would have it...
A 43 year old man is best suited for a 32 year old woman?
Well, maybe...
I don't know...
I guess if they had a Viagra prescription.
You know...
It won't matter.
There are many, endless combinations of people emotionally connecting.
Men Aren’t Fully Mature Until Age 43 – Plus the 15 Most Immature Things Men Do
I don’t know, my husband is 43 right now…and still has his moments!
With just one study, I think we can explain every single thing you’ve observed in your marriage, and all your friends’ marriages too. A new study has found that the average man doesn’t become fully emotionally mature until age 43. And that’s way later than women. Women are mature at age 32 . . . a full 11 years earlier.
About 8 out of 10 women surveyed say they don’t think men ever get mature. They also ranked the most immature things guys do.
Here’s the top 15. (I am going to check the ones my husband does!)
1. Finding it HILARIOUS when they burp or pass gas. (Yep)
2. Eating fast food at 2:00 A.M. (On occasion)
3. Playing video games. (With the kids)
4. Driving too fast. (YES!)
5. Laughing at swear words. (Yep)
6. Playing loud music when they drive. (Still likes to rock out)
7. Playing practical jokes. (Yes)
8. Trying too hard to beat kids at games and sports. (Nope)
9. Staying quiet during arguments. (Yes!)
10. Not being able to cook simple meals. (He can do this one)
11. Re-telling the same stupid jokes and stories when they’re with their guy friends. (YES!)
12. Not wanting to talk about themselves. (Nope)
13. Hating books, because they think they’re “boring” or because they have a short attention span. (No)
14. Doing crazy dance moves. (OH YES!!!)
15. Letting their mom do their laundry. (I sure hope not)
Video of Chad Johnson Slapping the Ass of His Lawyer
And he recieves a thirty day jail sentence!
Look at the video.
This Judge, Kathleen McHugh...she seems too ego driven...a complete power trip.
Granted, Chad "Ocho Cinco" Johnson is a supreme idiot himself....more than likely deserves a reality check as well!
And he recieves a thirty day jail sentence!
Look at the video.
This Judge, Kathleen McHugh...she seems too ego driven...a complete power trip.
Granted, Chad "Ocho Cinco" Johnson is a supreme idiot himself....more than likely deserves a reality check as well!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Exist...and Live
Living is...
Existing with emotion
Carrying love and concern
Investigating doubts
Challenging boundaries
Investing in people
Recognizing dreams...and striving to achieve them
Believing in something...anything...
Planning beyond the immediate...yet never losing appreciation for it
Cherishing those that matter...forgiving those that don't
Taking chances...sometimes more than once
Knowing how to stand...after you experience a fall
(Scars heal, scars reminds us of our lessons)
....memories exist, so accept them
Breathing gentle into that in which we find beautiful
Kiss under the sky...whether black, grey or blue
Feel the drizzle of a rain drop....or the moistness of a snowflake...
Sand underneath and in between your toes
Hear the roar of a crowd..or the take off of a Jet engine
Taste a wine that you can't ever clearly name...or remember
Smell the flowers of Spring...or the foliage of autumn
See life for what it is
Our lone priceless and precious gift
Existing with emotion
Carrying love and concern
Investigating doubts
Challenging boundaries
Investing in people
Recognizing dreams...and striving to achieve them
Believing in something...anything...
Planning beyond the immediate...yet never losing appreciation for it
Cherishing those that matter...forgiving those that don't
Taking chances...sometimes more than once
Knowing how to stand...after you experience a fall
(Scars heal, scars reminds us of our lessons)
....memories exist, so accept them
Breathing gentle into that in which we find beautiful
Kiss under the sky...whether black, grey or blue
Feel the drizzle of a rain drop....or the moistness of a snowflake...
Sand underneath and in between your toes
Hear the roar of a crowd..or the take off of a Jet engine
Taste a wine that you can't ever clearly name...or remember
Smell the flowers of Spring...or the foliage of autumn
See life for what it is
Our lone priceless and precious gift
Times change...people may not
An Illustrated Guide to Jealousy Through the Ages
by Jessica Olien on June 05, 2013
What was dating like way, way, way back in the day? We asked cartoonist and illustrator Jessica Olien to share her interpretations:
Friday, June 7, 2013
Best Chocolate Ever!
Being that I am chocoholic, I have dabbled in anything immersed in chocolate and sugar...
Yummy YumYumYum
Recently, by dumb luck...I discovered the absolute best tasting chocolate.
Granted tastes are specific...but, I am very confidant that if you are a fan of dark heavenly yumminess...you will love my selection!
Guaranteed...otherwise, my apologies.
The company is a Raw Organic company based out of Brooklyn.
Their name?
The flavored I loved most...?
Cacao and coconut bonbon
(Did I say yum?)
Yummy YumYumYum
Recently, by dumb luck...I discovered the absolute best tasting chocolate.
Granted tastes are specific...but, I am very confidant that if you are a fan of dark heavenly yumminess...you will love my selection!
Guaranteed...otherwise, my apologies.
The company is a Raw Organic company based out of Brooklyn.
Their name?
The flavored I loved most...?
Cacao and coconut bonbon
(Did I say yum?)
Monday, June 3, 2013
Taco Bell anyone?
A picture recently surfaced on Taco Bell’s Facebook page of what appears to be one of the chain's employee licking a bunch of tacos. While the circumstances surrounding the public display of taco shell affection are unclear -- as Consumerist notes, it’s possible the shells were destined for the trash -- it may make us think twice before buying our next Doritos Locos Taco.
Taco Bell spokesman Rob Poetsch wrote in an e-mail statement to The Huffington Post that the company has "strict strict food handling procedures and zero tolerance for any violations."
"When we learned of the situation we immediately contacted this restaurant's leadership and although we believe it is a prank and the food was not served to customers, we are conducting a full scale investigation and will be taking swift action against those involved."
This apparent Taco Bell worker isn’t the first fast food employee to see a photo of themselves go viral for all the wrong reasons. A KFC worker was fired earlier this yearafter she posted a photo on Facebook in which she was dangerously close to licking some mashed potatoes.
Yet it's arguable where human saliva ranks among the grossest fast food anecdotes ever, especially after workers took to Reddit last year to share some of the more disgusting things they’ve witnessed on the job. Melting chicken nuggets, anyone?
15 Awesome Benefits of Being Single
Number 15
You CAN s l e e p Diagonally on your own bed...or anywhere else that you Want
Quiet Weekends
NOT having to hang out with someone else's friends and/or family
Spending My Money...on THINGS I want to spend my money ON!
Opportunities to check out all what "ifs"
Guiltless Flirting
You Will have 'The Best' stories
Big Decisions come from One Voice, and One Voice Alone...
You Don't have to 'share' YOUR remote
No One checks up on your Diet
You can have sex with anyone...If You Want
Top Choice!!!
First Date Butterflies
You CAN s l e e p Diagonally on your own bed...or anywhere else that you Want
Quiet Weekends
NOT having to hang out with someone else's friends and/or family
Spending My Money...on THINGS I want to spend my money ON!
Opportunities to check out all what "ifs"
Guiltless Flirting
You Will have 'The Best' stories
Big Decisions come from One Voice, and One Voice Alone...
You Don't have to 'share' YOUR remote
No One checks up on your Diet
You can have sex with anyone...If You Want
Top Choice!!!
First Date Butterflies
The Perks of Yoga Keep On Coming
The 5 Ways Yoga Improves Your Sex Life
by Steph Auteri on May 28, 2013
People tend to fixate on very specific mental images when it comes to yoga and sex. They hear Yoga Sutra and think Kama Sutra. They remember that story they once read about the Orgasmic Meditation (OM) movement or naked yoga or yogasms. They picture the cheesy movie scenes where men watch a sex video and one of them drools, “wow, she must do yoga!” They envision Sting and Tantric sex…couples having intercourse while staring deeply into each other’s eyes, achieving levitation right before they experience multiple, simultaneous, universe-altering orgasms.
Or something like that.
I have never experienced simultaneous orgasm. And the closest I’ve ever come to levitation is that time I went into a headstand in yoga class, fell over, and magically landed in king pigeon pose. But I can share with you five ways in which yoga can improve your sex life.
1. Flexibility. When I first started yoga, I couldn’t touch my toes in a forward fold. Now, when I’m in bed, I can hug my leg to my chest and kiss my thigh (which makes it easy for my husband to sling my leg up and over his shoulder in order to achieve deeper penetration during intercourse…I love the extra stimulation to my cervix). If you’d like to achieve this increased flexibility, go to yoga. Or develop a home yoga practice that focuses especially on hip openers, pelvis openers, and groin stretchers.
2. Mula Bandha. A well-balanced yoga practice regularly incorporates strength-building poses that require you work your mula bandha. Basically, as you do your standing poses — warrior poses and lunges and balancing poses that force you to support your own body weight while contorting this way and that — you end up contracting the muscle between your sphincter muscle and the muscle that controls urination. Yes, this is the yogic version of what is commonly referred to as “exercising your kegels.” And when you exercise your kegels, you can have stronger, more intense orgasms (as can your partner, if you squeeze him/her).
3. Yogasms. And speaking of orgasms, I’ve found that there is something to all the yogasm hullabaloo that popped up in the media last year. In addition to the stimulation that occurs to your nether regions when you work your mula bandha, and the improved orgasms that can occur from working that area, yoga helps you build body awareness in a way that — at least for me — has helped with my arousal levels. I’m not going to promise that you’ll be able to think yourself off (though that’s a definite possibility). I will say, however, that — at the very least — you may be able to think your way into extreme horniness.
4. Mental Health. I don’t know about you but, when I’m feeling angry with someone, I’m less likely to have sex with them. Unfortunately, when I was struggling with chronic depression and anxiety, I was angry a lot more often. Once I began practicing yoga, I became a lot less crazypants, which was a boon to my marriage. This is what I mean when I say that yoga is about a lot more than just the physical benefits. Between the poses, the breathing exercises, and the meditation, yoga can make you a lot more balanced. Which is generally code for: more sex!
5. Partner Yoga. As you can see from the points above, your partner doesn’t have to do yoga with you in order for your sex life to benefit. But if you’re open to trying something a little bit different as a means of improving intimacy in your relationship, try partner yoga. It necessitates closeness and builds trust. And working out together can boost endorphins. If your partner needs a little extra encouragement, just show them this video. Hot.
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