Our thoughts exactly, Sandy. So we picked out some of our favorite quotes from TV dads offering love advice to their children. It’s not all the best advice ever, but they mean well, you know?
Happy Father’s Day!
1. On Meeting the right person:
“There are dreamers and there are realists in this world, you think the dreamers would find the dreamers and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not the opposite is true. See the dreamers need the realists to keep the dreamers from soaring too close to the sun. And the realists? Well without the dreamers, they might not ever get off the ground.” – Cam, “Modern Family”
[Source: Tumblr]
2. On impressing your date:
Uncle Jesse: [D.J. wants to learn to drive with Danny] Hey, Danny, come on. I’m sure when you were 15 you were dyin’ to get behind the wheel of your mom’s Pacer.
Danny: Not me. I was perfectly happy taking the bus. And my dates were very impressed with the extra leg room.
Danny: Not me. I was perfectly happy taking the bus. And my dates were very impressed with the extra leg room.
-”Full House”
[Source: Tumblr]
3. On sex:
“The mere fact that you call making love ‘pop pop’ tells me you’re not ready.” – Michael, “Arrested Development”
[Source: RapGenius]
4. On cooking dinner for your significant other:
“Soup? You know how I feel about soup. It’s a side dish.” – Keith Mars, “Veronica Mars”
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5. On winning them back after a fight:
“I don’t think that you want to write poems. Poems is not the way you’re going to get your woman back. What you need to do now is go to the next level if you want Justine back. Begging. You need to do some serious begging.” - Cliff Huxtable, “The Cosby Show”
…After that you kind of need to watch the clip to understand how awesome this quote is.
6. On relationship expectations:
“You see trav, that’s what being a man is. Living in constant fear of disappointing a woman.” – Bobby Cobb, “Cougar Town”
[Source: Tumblr]
7. On how to treat them right:
“That’s the whole point of a surprise party, you take somebody you really love and you play ‘em like a fool.” – Jay, “Modern Family
[Source: gifrific]
8. On settling an argument:
“The basic fact is you can either be happily married or you can be right. But you can’t be both.” – Burt Chance, “Raising Hope”
[Source: Tumblr]
Bonus: Words of wisdom from Walter Bishop, “Fringe”
“The only thing better than a cow is a human! Unless you need milk. Then you really need a cow.”
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