Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I think too much about everything.  It is my gift And my curse.  It's where I go to and come from.  It's how's I live, it's where I'll die.  It's neither here, nor there...but everywhere.


My deadened mind.
Feed this beast that lay inside.

I am in no clique. No Thank You...I'd rather starve under the desert sun...than give thanks to a thankless group of moaning mopers that merely exist to feed and breed....
What a pity...what a waste...

Feed Me More...
I want your Real ideas...I want your Sincere thoughts...
Crumble up your disguises...
Burn, Slash...Crush...Destroy...
Scatter the Mindless Herds that have blanketed Heaven
A L L ow  M E
To free your Minds

Escape to a paradise...
Free from judgement, free from punishment

Think of me as a roaming Rorschach. 
One in which draws others out from a darkened blindness...I do my best work, when left to think undisturbed.

Feel my Thought, Speak with my Voice...
Live, the path I am walking on...with 

That Road is all of Ours

1 comment:

  1. Well...for 'whatever' reason. ..THIS is post is one of my bookmarks & I actually NEEDED it right at this moment in time.... I was honestly afraid to find my path & my person to love b/c I thought it would take away from the excitement of my treasure hunt but... actually - it makes me shy as well as happy to keep coming 'home' to you...in different ways...

    I find comfort, closeness & intimacy in your words, thoughts mind... I 'do' Love you KDB <3
