Let me revel with my sinful toys, on my terms in my own world...and I promise, like the devil that I am, that I will never attempt to control or manipulate you or your toys on your own playground...let's pretend to agree, even though, we both know...nothing is ever what it seems...
disgraced in the face of tyranny
Truths underline an inequality of justice.
In this existence, in which both our worlds coexist...
Fair is fair...
Just is just...
Both a result if the majority haves versus nots.
Let me not have this majority...but grant me choice and free will...and I will choose to be less, but with more substance of higher standard.
Standards come with words and laws...
This world, in which I am...has too many rules and too many know it alls...
Know it alls seem to know much less than they realize...
It's sad when you know that what they realize is far too less to even be recognized...
I, am my own father...son...and Ruler
Unrecognized by all other governing individuals...
Whom walk a line,
so thin and brittle...
Littered in violent hypocrisy...
Collapsing under pressure...folding tightly as this world shifts towards shattering hammers wielded by Titans...whom hold no empathy, nor any remorse.
I pledge, my allegiance to my ideas
(Clear and void of any and all restrictions)
Free of any persecutions...
To be forthright and honest.
My past is dead, and buried
My future is unwritten, and far from determined
My present, seems curious at best, eventful at worst...ongoing at its simplest...
Dead and unwritten by its complexity.
s m i l e
At Me
c r y
For this world to change...before it corrupts your mind and taints your soul
...before it changes you all
Your voice is your tool
Your goal should be a better tomorrow...
Because, as of today...as in the here and now...
It all seems to be fading
Into a dull,
Out Dated factory line.
Do you approve?
To herd the sheep that you are apart of?
Into a listless fate
Of meaningful nothings?
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