Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Selfie in Time

"If We Could Take Selfies of our Souls....
Would You Find Them 
Attractive Enough 
To Post?"

My Harsh Reality (which rarely mimmics it's own reflection)
Funny how I have never been one to
A) take a selfie
B) post any sort of picture of myself....whether here, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or wherever!
(Heck, I just avoid pictures altogether...I find them vain, shallow and obnoxious)

I am not any better or any worse for it...I just am who I am and I could care less
(El Eee Es Es)
Who notices
Who agreed
Who understands
My point, this point or any point...

If you want to be a difference maker
Become understanding
Become forgiving
Become that change that this world lacks

Last night I watched a bunch of glassy eyed strangers try to wrap their still minds around the idea that this world isn't here 'Just' for them...
rather, they are here because of 'it'...
This world will exist far longer then any of us ever will.
We 'Are' mere visitors here,
guests, so to speak.

What's in our soul does more than defines connects us to our host...and those vibrations will echo throughout time and space.
Like a ripple in the water, our time will eventual(ly) run out...but that rock we threw will forever find a home once it settles gently to the bottom
of an pond
It's still our home
Our place
But....It's just not only our home and place
We are all on borrowed time and space...
Use it wisely, spend it generously....
Be delicate with grace and elegance
Awareness comes with
Wisdom coupled with empathy
Because you never know how far your ripple might reach.

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