Saturday, July 9, 2016

You Might Be

If you think that you are the smartest person here, there or for that matter...anywhere
If you could care less of other people's input, opinions, feelings, comments, concerns or questions
(Because they could never be right)
If you constantly interrupt others
If you have no manners when around others
If you could care less of what might be happening to anyone other than you
If you firmly believe that God was made in your image
If you constantly need to swear and insult others or pick on them
(Especially if you do it through the Internet)
If you break up with someone via text
If you need constant attention
If you steal credit for other people's ideas
If you no idea of empathy
If you constantly seek out mirrors
If you cut lines
If you are a hypocrite
If you don't tip
If you don't listen
If you like starting arguments
If your constructive talks revolve around insults and put downs
If you believe that being "nice" and expecting nothing in return is a stupid idea
If you complain about everything and everyone
If you only pretend to do good when others are watching
If you ignore others because they are just not that important
If you believe that you are entitled to special treatment
If you believe that it's normal for everyone to tolerate your obnoxious behavior
If you make a mess knowingly and expect someone to clean it up for you
If you like being loud in quiet atmospheres
If you are a narcissist

You Just Might Be an Arsehole

Asshole Evaluation Chart

Asshole Rating Self Exam

"Don't be an Asshole!  Just because you have don't need to Act Like One."

Christian Simamora
Marry Now, Sorry Later

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