Wednesday, December 6, 2017

All Of Me, and Sum of You

Inappropriate or not, I would have to say sure why not!
I bet that caught you by surprise.
So, I'll leave all the planning up to you.  If I have a voice (which rhymes with choice), I would vote for something small, quiet and under the radar.  Basically, I'd vote independent. City Hall fits the bill.  So, let me know when and I'll see what I can do.
Yes?  Sounds reasonable?
I'm not too fancy, I don't even believe in bells or whistles.  Usually, when I match it's mostly by chance.  So, don't expect a tux.  You can bring any and all cats, because I like cats.
Some even argue that I'm a big cat.
What a pain in the ass I am.
Almost Suessesque.
My finesse has a touch all of its own.
Just like a mind.
With many built in corridors.
Feels like a maze, only you can't always tell that you're going in circles.
Round and round.
But if you like to chase your own tail, you'll fit exactly within the round square.
I'm not misunderstood, as much as, disregard like loose change.
Random fact, the Trevi fountain in Roma collects thousands of dollars in loose change a day.
The whole beggars can't be choosers thing, way over blown...if you know where to bag and choose.
Cha Ching
Bada Boom, Bada Bing, Bada Bang...Bada swim
Waters are only deep if you fear them.
Skies are only high if you can't see them.
Those that are blind really can't tell, nor do they fear.
Fear is the tool that helps reason through survival.  Fear can also hamper growth.
Said the guy who placed his hand in fountain full of change.
Wisdom isn't much as....earned.
It took the Romans four decades to realize a homeless man was clearing out the fountain every night.
Everybody likes tax free change.
Moral of the story, you just never know until you try.
Tax free or not.

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Repeat Offenders

"Maybe the Wolf is in LOVE with the Moon...
and each month it cries for 
a love 
it can not touch"

Nothing is truer than the words of Alpha Warrior!
Buenos Dias 
How was your thanksgiving?  I had an off the boat Irish neighbor friend and he quite couldn't fit in those H's in he would say tings like tanksgiving.  Always humored me.  I have a fond appreciation for those daily quirks we encounter from all the unique (and everyone is unique in their own subtle way) individuals whom grace our paths.
Bless you all you quirky folks...and may you never leave your quirks behind!
My daily mediation methods allow me the wannabe zendom not to overreact.  And that's factoring in all the obnoxious New York road rage.
If people just learn how to accept and appreciate each other...this wet rock we call home will be such a more pleasant world.  Absent of greed and hatred would help a long, long way.
If only enlightenment came in a pill.
But unfortunately, a vanity pill would sell out tenfold over enlightenment.
We are bereaved of morals, ethics and logic...and no one seems to notice or care.
Because we are primal in our simplest form.
Again, I ask why?
Because survival is our paramount instinct.
Who cares if the world burns up tomorrow, as long as I get my tan today.
Because, tan people get more goodies I guess.
No, it shouldn't have to be that way...
If enlightenment can be approached.
I guess we are on a collision course with this rock's past history.  A history of damnation and annihilation.  A history that has repeated five times before.  Unfortunately, our memories don't run that far back...
So Destiny has us repeat our fate.
Where is this world headed to, and the who
Is yet to be determined.
Or is it?

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Finse, Norway

Geez wheez Jazzy Jazz

I often find my humble thoughts and effervescent soul gravitating somewhere else...if you know what I mean, and what I mean tends to be what I know...and that would be a who, not to be confused with an owl (although owls are somewhere between cool and awesome)...with a where, and that's somewhere else (as I stated earlier).  Somewhere natural, somewhere special.
Anyhow, enough with my gibberish...and let's go to that somewhere place, won't you say?
Dilly, Dilly!
The place I was thinking is Norway.
It's a place that's cool and awesome if you know where to go.  See, that's what this is all about.
The where!
Now, combine that with things (mostly nouns) that fiddle your fancy...and I can't think of a better place that would pique your interest.
Norway you say?  Or was that no way?  It's still a way.
Then you're saying there's a chance!
Or was that more of a lets see what type of way?
Say it ain't so,
Maybe, so.
Spark a fire, and come nestle down so I can show you...
Please, by all means
Come this way.
Listen, listen to the crystals
These cold and transient crystals harmonizing in a way that you haven't heard before....
Like angels in an ice palace
With their trumpets
Greeting our spirits
Stoking our fire
Burn, Burn
Burn heaven deep within the depth of our souls....
Gently teasing our primal desires
Speaking to our unconscious eye
It's here, where you let yourself become seduced
In the Ice Palace
So, far...far away
Paradise isn't a fantasy, it's a destination
It's an existence...
It's here, and you should hear it
Talk to your inner self, like none other before

Thirteen years strong and going
Welcome to the Ice Music Festival
and it
Starts Up the 2nd of February
The original venue was Geilo, Norway...but due to the strict climatic conditions necessary to play musical instrument constructed from ice, the site and date were slightly altered in order to create an optimal environment for all participating acts.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Space Mountain

Happy Thursday, otherwise known as thirsty Thursday!
And who isn't Thursday?  Possibly The Nature Boy...
I almost gave you'll a prank call yesterday.  Oh so close.
Do you even like prank calls?  Who doesn't enjoy an occasional change of pace type of day?  I'll give 10,000 reasons why change can be very good.
So, you are wondering how this gets done?
I have been convincing my coworkers to place prank calls for me for years.
I know, how silly.
But they're fun.
You see, nobody expects to receive a prank call from an adult.
That's why they work.
The element of surprise.
Well, now....there isn't much of a surprise, is there if I prank call there, I said.
I guess you can pretend to be tricked and/or surprised.  You can play along.
I'm such a scutch.
I feel bloated this week, too much salt.  It was the teriyaki in the meatballs and the pesto with the orzo.  Are you an orzo fan?
I know, orzo rhymes with bozo...another buzz word for a scutch.
But it was, oh so good.
Yummy yum yum...tada, my bowl is empty and I'm going for seconds yummy.
You know the type.
Always trying to heist an extra calorie here or there.
It's why I hound and scold my clients.
And they ultimately pay me back with blood, sweat and tears.
So, without much to do...tell me, how are things in your time zone?

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Days in the Sun

An original song written for the newest version of Beauty and the Beast.  There is beauty in us all, just as there is a beast resides In our souls.  To our past lives, a memory so vague...that we can barely remember it at all.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Ching Chong A World Away

I dedicate this song to all the tragic romantics out there chasing their hopeless fairy tales.
For every Jimmy Wong, there will always be an Alexandra Wallace.
Ting Tong to you all and enjoy the song!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Lucky Eight

Seven years later, time almost seems to have passed overnight.  My world isn't too different from within its core, but on the surface you'd think that worlds have shifted into a parallel dimension.  I am still who I am, and that's who I have always been.  A scutch in your side, a thorn through your heal.  Patty is pissed at me over two voodoo dolls.  Dave hit me in the head with a ball and it's not even past ten in the morning.  Amanda and Melissa growl at me.  Steve doesn't get it, and neither did Joe (rhymes with Wow).  Rob doesn't want to get involved (too late).  A couple more ransoms in its bunch.  But...At Least Denise (and to some degree Hannaberry) appreciate my non-malcontent humoring chaos.  Denise said that I seem to be feistier than normal today.
That just comes from the layout of the day.
I can't wait for Yoga later. I wonder if the woman who has a bizarro resemblance to Angelina Jolie who followed me around the studio (either by chance or design...I don't know which) on Tuesday will be there today. Next time I see her I'll find out one way or the other what her intentions are, and I will deal with them accordingly.

Like words uttered, just flowing by with(out) discretion.
A song between our ears, a melody on our tongue.
My voice, my story...your eyes, your mind.
We are all interconnected...but not directly interrelated...
Distance has space, space is far and outreaching.
Endless like a mind, my mind, your mind...our minds.
It's where we have already met. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

This Could Be You

Dave Wilson is at his best when he displays empathetic compassion when dealing in situations that require patience and understanding.  Most people, in those sort of situations get frustrated and tend to raise their voice when dealing with others.
No, not Dave.  At least during most of those situations.
Most people let their hostility dictate their interaction.  Which may lead to poor communication, and in some instances,  sarcasm in escalating such situations.
Usually, Dave doesn't.
Mediocrity tends to be the standard norm.
Dave aims to keep mediocrity as his minimum.
Most people keep their minimum as their best (like Steve).
Dave details the significance of connection and links it to the success of his interactions when he maintains a calm and steady mind.
Because, all actions are spawned by a mindful observation and inspired through hopeful initiative.
Dave, can be damn good when he decides to conquer his inhibitions and undertake what most (if not all) individuals succumb to the many pitfalls that plague everyday man!

Happy birthday Caliendo

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sunday, July 30, 2017

What are the Telltale Signs of Emotionally Mature Men?

My blog has been read in over eighty countries, by somewhere in te neighborhood of a hundred thousand people world wide.  The most popular engine search that brings readers my way is the question:
When do men emotionally mature?
The answer to that question varies between individuals.  The mode (statistical value that occurs most frequently) answer unfortunately is 43 years old.  Sorry ladies.  On the flip side, the female mode value is 32 years old.  Theoretically, the ideal match would be a 43 year old male with a thirty two year old woman.  That would be the point in which their emotional maturities would coincide....but again, this is all individually based on other factors such as environment and genetic make up.  
Since I am not quite 43 years old....Theoretically, I am not fully emotionally mature based on this mode value.  Nonetheless, I feel that I met my emotional maturity quite some time ago when I started to refuse seeking to be enabled by others.
So, with that I present you an article and a seperate link to an second article on male maturity.
Read at ypur leisure.  Enjoy!

     Have you ever dated a great guy who seems like he’s got “it all together,” only to find out weeks or months later that he’s really more of a boy than a man? If so, you know trying to build a relationship with an emotionally immature guy is like trying to build a house out of cards. Having a fulfilling, honest, loving long-term relationship is hard enough with two grown-ups. If one partner isn’t capable of really showing up, it won’t work

Wouldn’t it be great if you could identify the guys who were mature enough to be a good partner before wasting a bunch of time and getting physically and emotionally involved? So let me ask you. Do you know what an emotionally mature man look like? How does he act? How does he respond to conflict?

Here are 5 telltale signs of an emotionally mature man.

1) He’s Decisive

Have you met guys who just can’t seem to make a decision? They waffle, they stress, they can’t seem to make up their minds. The emotionally mature guy has no problems making decisions about life, relationships and commitments without wavering or stressing out. He’s clear about wanting to be with you and he’s clear about what he wants with a woman and in a relationship. He doesn’t go “hot and cold.”

2) He Takes Responsibility

If you hear a man complaining about things in his life, blaming others and generally experiencing a lack of control, he’s not just unlucky, he’s lacking maturity. The mature man is nobody’s victim. He takes responsibility for his actions. You’ll rarely see him whine, and he doesn’t blame others when things go wrong. Instead he’s in service to making things right.

3) He Has a Higher Purpose

You know those guys who are absolutely passionate about their work or their cause? This is a sign that they’re more emotionally mature than the guys whose lives revolve 
solely around themselves. The mature man has a purpose in life greater than himself. If you see that a man is committed to a larger purpose, it’s a safe bet that he’s done “the work.”

4) He Has Close Relationships

The best true signal of how a man will handle his relationship with you is how he relates to others he’s closest to. Look at his relationships. What are his friendships like? Sure he has “buddies,” but does he have intimate friendships? The mature man is comfortable being truly close and open with others in his life.

5) He’s Capable of Expressing Himself 

A mature man doesn’t just stuff his feelings down inside. He doesn’t always come right out and say it, but he can explain his feelings, his choices, and his likes and dislikes. If he can’t express what he’s thinking, or gets frustrated, irritated, or mad at you for wanting to communicate and share feelings, then you’re dealing with an emotionally immature man.

The mature man can express what’s going on in his heart and mind without outbursts or withdrawal. If you seem to attract emotionally immature guys, pay attention to the signs of a mature man so you can avoid repeating the pattern.

When you get involved with an immature guy, and try to deal with and make things work with him, your life will get messy and you’ll start acting immature as well. Immaturity is contagious. If you pay attention, you will quickly and easily begin to see the signs of emotional maturity (and also the LACK of those signs) so you can make the best possible choice for yourself.

You deserve a fulfilling, long-lasting relationship with a man who’s ready and willing to do his part in creating a great relationship. He should be able to “show up” with you.

I’ve helped thousands of women – single and in relationships – understand how to identify the RIGHT man and grow a relationship into a loving and lasting love affair.

I’ll talk with you again soon, and Best of luck in Life and in Love.

Article by
Christian Carter 
Author of the Book
"Catch Him & Keep Him"

As an added bonus, here is a link to a similar article from the Male perspective on the same topic.
Please read, learn and enjoy!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Seeing is Believing

We all have gifts.  Some more useful than others.

My gift is the ability to look into your soul and explain all the simple and intricate complexities that comprise of the whole.  Now, the matter of truths becomes the issue.  Most times, I feel that we are in denial.  Denial is the least complicated explanation of the question why (or what).  By denying, we lack ownerip of accountability...and life is all about accountability.

I once asked a blind man if they wished that they could see.
He told me that there is nothing worth seeing that can't be heard.  Plus, what's the sense of seeing if you don't understand what you see.

Ivanhoe and a Shake

This woman walks into a library and straight to the main desk.  

The librarian asks her: "yes, can I help you?"

The woman immediately replies:
  "I'll have one hamburger, medium fries and one small soda please."

The confused librarian tells this woman: "excuse me ms, but you've walked into a library."

The woman says, "oh I'm sorry", 
and whispers  "I'll have one hamburger, medium fries and one small soda please."

Sunday, July 23, 2017

We All have Scars

Some scars are visible, yet most, unfortunately remain naked to the eye.  Leaving those around us susceptible to the unknown hazards of all invisible obstacles presented by the unpredictable consequences from our scarring safeguards.
Poor us.
Poor you.
Poor everyone.
So, unbeknownst to all those who get intertwined, be aware of what may lay ahead, or below...possibly above....maybe in between.
You just never know how to anticipate what unseen scars present.
Consider yourself warned, and not just on my end...but by all ends.

Now, on a more important note!
How to deal with these situational traps?
Learn the person and understand the situation.  Make the adjustments. Deal with those scars with a delicate and diplomatic, person appropriate approach.  Don't anticipate their response, as much as, accept and look to be sympathetic to their situation.
Remember my friends, it's better to be understanding than understood.

With that said...

Fool me once, your bad...
Fool me twice, I should have listened to those I chose not to hear.

Got it?
Keep it.
Otherwise, no one will bother to care beyond your scar.
If they even see one.
Otherwise, an unseen scar is just that...nothing....
Making you mostly misunderstood.

And trust me, I know how it feels to be misunderstood.
It sucks like sand in the desert.
Leading to...
Somehow you sprout a cactus, and then every wonders how you've come to sport a cactus.
By default,
Making you someone with a cactus.
would trust someone with a cactus?

Scars come in many forms.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Slow Hands

We should take this back to my place 
That's what she said right to my face 
'Cause I want you bad, yeah, I want you, baby 
I've been thinking 'bout it all day 
And I hope you feel the same way, 
yeah 'Cause I want you bad, yeah, I want you, baby

Slow, slow hands 
Like sweat dripping down that dirty laundry 
No, no chance 
That I'm leaving here without you on me 
I, I know, yeah, I already know that there ain't no stopping 
Your plans and those slow hands 
Slow hands  

I just wanna take my time 
We could do this, baby, all night, yeah 
'Cause I want you bad Yeah, I want you, baby  

Slow, slow hands 
Like sweat dripping down that dirty laundry 
No, no chance 
That I'm leaving here without you on me 
I, I know, yeah, I already know that there ain't no stopping 
Your plans and those slow hands  

Fingertips putting on a show 
Got me now and I can't say "No" 
Wanna be with you all alone 
Take me home, take me home 
Fingertips putting on a show 
Can't you tell that I want you, baby, yeah  

Slow hands 
Like sweat dripping down that dirty laundry 
No, no chance 
That I'm leaving here without you on me 
I, I know, yeah, I already know that there ain't no stopping  

Slow hands 
Like sweat dripping down that dirty laundry 
No, no chance 
That I'm leaving here without you on me 
I, I know, yeah, I already know that there ain't no stopping 
Your plans and those slow hands  

Slow hands 
Slow hands

by Niall Horan

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


I have random ideas, much like anyone who is willing to climb the walls of unencumbered thoughts.  Thoughts March up and down our minds, just like a parade...and its up to us to choose a focal its up to us to choose to let it a ripple in the water, it fades with distance and time.
Time is more than a watch or a calendar.  Time is a point, or is it the point?  Simply put, Time is a human invention.  Time means nothing if you don't know what to do with it.
Does time have a start or finish?
Does time rush us?
Does time allow for appreciation?
Does time forgive?
Can time count?
Time on counts if we make it count.
Even out loud.  Or spoken softly....but can it be heard?  Can it be felt?  Does feeling make us aware of existence?  Are we so simple that we need that external reinforcement for stimulation?
Perhaps, we are bland like water?
Water is the reason why we exist.
Whether I can walk, float, fly or drive...water is always the reason why.
You might as well rename our planet Water...since that is what it is mostly holds.
A cosmic chance billions of years ago, and now we have this...
Who is grateful for this, or that?
Everyone should be...because there will come a time of cessation...and when that happens...what will you have to show for your brief time with us on earth and water?
Life may be cyclical....but....Remember, The One constant rule in existence is change.

I find it peculiar that we get mad at the mirror for what it shows us.
Without water, there can't be a mirror.

Monday, April 17, 2017

This Is Us

Being alive, as we all are, is not the same as experiencing living life.  There are many factors, namely intrinsic ones that often dictate how alive we really are.
Fear. Separation. Hate. Anger.
Fear of letting go, hence why we clench onto the material.
Fear of surrendering to the unknown.  It feels safer to suffer with the familiar than to release into the uncertain.
Fear of change....what if the alternate reality can't satisfy us as our current and/or past reality served us?
Fear feeds off of worries, usually found in the past.  Fear focuses on the future...all the while ignoring the present.  That is what happens when you sacrifice the present for the future.
Fear is our prison, it also serves to disconnect us from what's around us.  It causes rifts, it causes causes us to build walls with moats and to put up signs restricting who comes and who goes.  Fear fuels problems that lead to feuds.
Fear is what's holding back the growth of humanity.
When the tradition of fear is overcome...That is when our heart opens with joy.  A day without fear becomes a day with freedom...Because you are no longer your own prisoner.

True self is a non-self. We are the energy which has sprouted from a universe abundant in life.
When our awareness reflects our understanding that we have come from borrowed energy, the elements of our universe....and that there is no separation between us....once our wisdom makes that connection, we should realize that we are not all separate entities within this universe...but rather, we are all interconnected.
You can think of this as a garden, and we all co-exist within the same garden.  Once that idea becomes known, our outlook should change how we think, how we act...and how we treat one another.  Perhaps even losing the anger and hate that creates a lack of cohesion.
Truth be told, We are truly fortunate to be given the chance to consciously experience the gift of life.

With this insight of non-self and should make the effort and focus into maximizing the experience of life...each and every day!
Making our words, thoughts and actions relevant and aware in living the present moment...while avoiding submerging ourselves with fear, worry and ultimately suffering. 

We Need Mindfulness for a Better Future.
We Need Collective Enlightenment in order to better preserve the World of Tomorrow.

Freedom isn't given to us, as much as, created within us
The Same applies to happiness.

One more lasting thought
Life is way too important to take too seriously

Friday, March 31, 2017

Hoc Legere Scis Nimium 
Eruditionis Habes igitur tu es

Monday, March 20, 2017

Observe the Unobserved

Buenos Dias on this fine and dandy post Saint Paddy's Day.  

Would you believe that I started this seventy-two hours ago?  That sums up my hectic daily operations and navigations.  Although I did post Jack Kornfield's video on Saturday (my first post in probably two or three months)...Which I am saddened that I have done.  Jack is a Buddhist teacher.
Yeah, I am Very guilty for going off the grid...which I often like to do...but, at least I still write when I do...which I haven't been doing for a variety of reasons...and it has created some negative internal animosity.  Plain and simple, I feel my best when I roam the grounds of my existential mind...and I share that world  with whomever is willing to roam that land with me.
Writing is my soulful elixir.  You call them rambles, I call it cerebral ecstasy.  An imaginary paradise of sorts, with a meaning more relevant than any promise of any heaven.
It's always been such a funny little truth how we exist on a wandering path of parallel we inadvertently mirror one another...without effort, mind you.  But with much recourse. As Life simply stated...twin souls....yet trapped in conflicted worlds.
If I could change my road, I would without thought or if I am picking up a pair of dice.  With a light flick of my wrist, all would change.
Too busy should never be an excuse, since we all live in the same dimension with the same sense of chance and consequence...but, it is what it's been...and that's a place that barely allows me to breathe, smile or sweat. There might be an award for me at the end of this rainbow, but I won't place any bets or make any promises.
The only promise I need to make is that I will persist and I will ascend to the pinnacle I hold myself accountable too.  This round planet has too many sharp curves, but it's how we react to them that defines us.  Merciless and void of compassion.
I dreamt last night that I was standing on a street corner of a somewhat familiar, yet still fantastical street corner when this collisions of cars just erupted in front of me.  Frozen in time, I had no chance to react to this seemingly instantaneous occurrence.  Not able to react or respond.  Almost as if I was invisible to all.  Yet, I was completely spared of any repercussions.
That's my life, I am in my peaceful bubble in the midsts of complete chaos.
Spared by its expense, yet kept as it's hostage.
Crammed on my corner.
Mute to the world.
In many ways I feel the comfort of it, in other ways I feel my voice may eventually get heard.  Maybe that's my optimism, maybe it might be a yearning for brighter hope.  I suppose it's better to be positive than to be negative.  It sets up for a happier expectation.
Which is a good thing.
In my opinion.
Which is like every other.
A commonality in humanity.
But, at least I know it.
And some people feel that it's better not too.
Again, in my opinion...ignorance is one of the sins of humanity.
With it comes a lack of awareness, an absence of mindfulness.  Which creates an attitude of selfishness and an empire of self absorbed ideals.
Which only fuel a detachment from the greater scheme.
A dissociation amongst our molecular connection.

That's me, thinking out loud in my bubble.
Thanks for joining me

Feel free to stay a while, it's quiet and peaceful here...and it should take you out of your chaos.  I've tried existing in that inner turmoil.
And quite frankly, it's not how I like to exist.


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Jack Kornfield

enjoy liberating the disconnect
connect the dots that most people can't seem to see

Jack will be giving a talk at the Bryant Hotel on April 28
Like I said,
Sit Back

Thursday, January 26, 2017

An Arm of Its own

How exactly would you handle your self when your mechanical arm gets out of hand on national TV?   And you are Speaking French?

Geez, I've had bad days...but a tad bit different.  Thumbs Up, thumbs down...lets just agree to pretend that none of this ever happened.