"Maybe the Wolf is in LOVE with the Moon...
and each month it cries for
a love
it can not touch"
Nothing is truer than the words of Alpha Warrior!
Buenos Dias
How was your thanksgiving? I had an off the boat Irish neighbor friend and he quite couldn't fit in those H's in words...so he would say tings like tanksgiving. Always humored me. I have a fond appreciation for those daily quirks we encounter from all the unique (and everyone is unique in their own subtle way) individuals whom grace our paths.
Bless you all you quirky folks...and may you never leave your quirks behind!
My daily mediation methods allow me the wannabe zendom not to overreact. And that's factoring in all the obnoxious New York road rage.
If people just learn how to accept and appreciate each other...this wet rock we call home will be such a more pleasant world. Absent of greed and hatred would help a long, long way.
If only enlightenment came in a pill.
But unfortunately, a vanity pill would sell out tenfold over enlightenment.
We are bereaved of morals, ethics and logic...and no one seems to notice or care.
Because we are primal in our simplest form.
Again, I ask why?
Because survival is our paramount instinct.
Who cares if the world burns up tomorrow, as long as I get my tan today.
Because, tan people get more goodies I guess.
No, it shouldn't have to be that way...
If enlightenment can be approached.
I guess we are on a collision course with this rock's past history. A history of damnation and annihilation. A history that has repeated five times before. Unfortunately, our memories don't run that far back...
So Destiny has us repeat our fate.
Where is this world headed to, and the who
Is yet to be determined.
Or is it?
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