Without doubt it can and/or will take months for any given individual personality to uncloak itself from behind the walls they my have created...again it is all based upon specifics of each individual. Some people can easily emerge and truly introduce themselves...while others need much more time to materialize from their hibernative/incubative state of existence...revealing who their true being is.
A Major reason why people remain guarded....fear of rejection. In other words, this is a defense mechanism geared around gaining acceptance. Perhaps the curtain will raise when the individual feels as if they have been accepted? That does make sense, yes...for those that don't focus on seeking approval, they often seem to say and do as they please...regardless how anyone else may feel...without the risk of a conscientious consequence. How delicious is that road!
I Have noticed that so many seek from the outside...Extrinsic Elements of satisfaction...
Experiencing True Love can best be explained when you have two separate individuals/interests that Know how to Protect, T O U C H, affirm and Greet each other without expecting anything in return...
You need to love yourself first before you're able to love another...
Never doubt yourself, Self Love confirms Self Worth!!!
Why is it so common that self love is lost with so many?
How can we experience Self Love?
Do we need to feel being Loved in order to understand Self Love?
No relationship is without growth...
hence the challenges...
First we grow intrinsically
We Help EACH other GROW
P.S. Is this confusion due to so many who are looking to be loved as opposed to being able to love...?
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