What an odd way to end the Summer of 2011, as we approach Labor Day weekend. In a few more weeks the leaves will turn orange and brown and slowly wittle down to shriveled remnants of their old selves...just another cyclical phase of life. One end brings a new beginning...nothing in life is permanent, even reputations can change with the right effort and exposure.
Reading over the news stories, each one seems dumber then the next. Take Steven Seagal. He has some ridiculous reality show where he "spearheads" police raids. Armed in a military tank, he invaded (along with a swat team) a man's Hen farm. In the mayhem during this siege...authorities managed to kill off a large majority of this mans livestock, as well as, his eleven month old puppy. This was all caught on tape, and to no surprise, everyone involved is going to be sued. Another bizarre, why did this even make any sort of international news story, an English man by the name of Benedict (such an official name) Garrett was rehired for his teacher apprentice type of Middle School work. He was originally fired when A student saw an adult film trailer starring this teacher. Mr Garrett also is in the "home entertainment" business...he'll dress up like a fireman and police officer for you (only if you like), amongst other things. Why is this story even in the news? The only redeeming story I read today was the deaf guy regaining his hearing from the 5.8 earthquake down in Virginia...call me biased, tell me I have Tunnel Vision...I'm just going to scope myself out an earthquake!
By The Way (abbreviated btw...so nonchalant)
If you Don't Stand for Something,
you will surely fall for anything...
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