Along with being The favorite word of my High Scool Football coach...that whole situation, looking back on it now...was very much a degenerate series of circumstances...
You have NO idea, or you might...
is that overwhelming feeling you get, right before you get inspired to do something incredibly stupid!
It started off With Our Friend "Joe"...and this one question "Can I Get a Date?" P.S. For all new readers (and all are truly welcome here), I do recommend that your first read should be the initial entry which was posted on September 27, 2010 (titled as 'Single Life')...this all started back then. Once you read the first entry, feel free to read any other in any order. Most importantly, please feel free to share and voice your thoughts. This is all our forum!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
If ONLY it were a Commonality
"The More ANGER carried within your Past...kept locked in your heart...
the less able you are of sharing love IN the Present" Our World that is drained of Affection, thirsty for search of devoted emotional treasure...
Where is the Appreciation, the Rejoice...the Adoration? Admiration?
LoveRegardRespect!!! Cherish...
Why is anger the easy emotion to hold on to? Such a psychosomatic-like emotion...Anger hurts the initiator first and most...
More people practice sharing their love and forgeting their anger...this world will be a better place...No Question About It!
There is a peaceful resolution to all problems...everyone has problems, it now becomes a "how to" issue in order to rectifying effective is it?
Choose Peace and Love
Selecting to use Hate to deal with Anger
It is always a's your decision to make.
P.s. Wine Spectators
Wine of the Year 2011
Kosta Browne Pinot Noir
Runner up
Kathryn Hall Cabernet Sauvingnon
the less able you are of sharing love IN the Present" Our World that is drained of Affection, thirsty for search of devoted emotional treasure...
Where is the Appreciation, the Rejoice...the Adoration? Admiration?
LoveRegardRespect!!! Cherish...
Why is anger the easy emotion to hold on to? Such a psychosomatic-like emotion...Anger hurts the initiator first and most...
More people practice sharing their love and forgeting their anger...this world will be a better place...No Question About It!
There is a peaceful resolution to all problems...everyone has problems, it now becomes a "how to" issue in order to rectifying effective is it?
Choose Peace and Love
Selecting to use Hate to deal with Anger
It is always a's your decision to make.
P.s. Wine Spectators
Wine of the Year 2011
Kosta Browne Pinot Noir
Runner up
Kathryn Hall Cabernet Sauvingnon
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Micki McWade's Ten Tips for Sanity
Maintaining sanity during divorce, while large waves of unpredictable and conflicting emotions rise and fall, is an enormous personal challenge. Remaining sane and grounded, however, is our adult responsibility regardless of the temptation to think and act otherwise. Children need their parents more than ever and work responsibilities continue.
The definition of, and suggestions for maintaining sanity during a divorce differ, depending on whether you are the initiator of the divorce or the one who is left. The emotional state and perspectives are quite different. Here are some suggestions for each perspective.
Maintaining sanity during divorce, while large waves of unpredictable and conflicting emotions rise and fall, is an enormous personal challenge. Remaining sane and grounded, however, is our adult responsibility regardless of the temptation to think and act otherwise. Children need their parents more than ever and work responsibilities continue.
The definition of, and suggestions for maintaining sanity during a divorce differ, depending on whether you are the initiator of the divorce or the one who is left. The emotional state and perspectives are quite different. Here are some suggestions for each perspective.
1. Realize that you are further along emotionally than your spouse. Usually the initiating spouse has considered this decision for some time before the announcement is made to his or her spouse.
2. Remember that rejection is always a negative experience. Even though there may have been discussion about the marriage not working well, hope for future improvement is usually present and the initial announcement of divorce is experienced as a shock.
3. Anticipate change. Your spouse will have his or her own needs, so no one gets everything she or he wants. The expectation that life will be the same after divorce, with the exception of your spouse being gone, is unrealistic. For longer marriages, property will be divided and the children's time will be shared with the other parent. Children will have their own surprising reactions.
4. Expect conflicting emotions. Divorce is a huge life transition with surprises all along the way. Even if you are the one who wants the divorce, feelings of loss are inevitable. Those who are already seeing another person may not realize this at first but unraveling a significant relationship is painful.
5. Allow your children to adjust to the separation for at least a year before introducing them to a new partner. Introducing someone new before the separation agreement is signed can wreak havoc in divorce negotiations and will be painful for the children. Your happiness about the new person does not mean the kids will be happy about it.
1. Understand that your spouse has had time to adjust to the idea of divorce, having thought about it long before the announcement was made. You may wonder how he or she could be okay when you feel so badly. You will improve in time too.
2. Be aware that men and women do divorce differently. Men are pragmatic. They are usually bottom-line focused and go for the best deal they can get. Women experience the settlement as an indication of their worth to their husband or partner. They are often shocked and hurt by their partner's proposals. Women are naturally more communal and their instinct is usually inclusive, while in the case of divorce, men can be exclusive.
3. Focus on yourself and avoid (as much as you can) getting wrapped up in wondering about how your mate is doing, what she's saying, who he's with, etc. This will lead to feelings of victimization and depression. Focus instead on what you can do for yourself and your children. Read a book, listen to music, exercise, read stories to your kids, volunteer for an organization, Don't isolate yourself. Join groups that interest you. Gain independent experience, try new things.
4. Remember that your children need you. They still need a functional parent even if you are very upset. Tell them your upset is temporary and you will feel better soon. That will give them hope that the future will be better. Take care of yourself and find support. Call your local churches to find a divorce support group. Read supportive literature.
5. Try not to speak badly of the parent who left. A common misconception is that the one who left the home left both the spouse and the children. That's not usually an accurate interpretation and hurts the children. He or she has left the marriage, not the kids and in fact, not their spouse entirely. The relationship has changed but a co-parenting relationship will go on forever.
The definition of, and suggestions for maintaining sanity during a divorce differ, depending on whether you are the initiator of the divorce or the one who is left. The emotional state and perspectives are quite different. Here are some suggestions for each perspective.
Maintaining sanity during divorce, while large waves of unpredictable and conflicting emotions rise and fall, is an enormous personal challenge. Remaining sane and grounded, however, is our adult responsibility regardless of the temptation to think and act otherwise. Children need their parents more than ever and work responsibilities continue.
The definition of, and suggestions for maintaining sanity during a divorce differ, depending on whether you are the initiator of the divorce or the one who is left. The emotional state and perspectives are quite different. Here are some suggestions for each perspective.
1. Realize that you are further along emotionally than your spouse. Usually the initiating spouse has considered this decision for some time before the announcement is made to his or her spouse.
2. Remember that rejection is always a negative experience. Even though there may have been discussion about the marriage not working well, hope for future improvement is usually present and the initial announcement of divorce is experienced as a shock.
3. Anticipate change. Your spouse will have his or her own needs, so no one gets everything she or he wants. The expectation that life will be the same after divorce, with the exception of your spouse being gone, is unrealistic. For longer marriages, property will be divided and the children's time will be shared with the other parent. Children will have their own surprising reactions.
4. Expect conflicting emotions. Divorce is a huge life transition with surprises all along the way. Even if you are the one who wants the divorce, feelings of loss are inevitable. Those who are already seeing another person may not realize this at first but unraveling a significant relationship is painful.
5. Allow your children to adjust to the separation for at least a year before introducing them to a new partner. Introducing someone new before the separation agreement is signed can wreak havoc in divorce negotiations and will be painful for the children. Your happiness about the new person does not mean the kids will be happy about it.
1. Understand that your spouse has had time to adjust to the idea of divorce, having thought about it long before the announcement was made. You may wonder how he or she could be okay when you feel so badly. You will improve in time too.
2. Be aware that men and women do divorce differently. Men are pragmatic. They are usually bottom-line focused and go for the best deal they can get. Women experience the settlement as an indication of their worth to their husband or partner. They are often shocked and hurt by their partner's proposals. Women are naturally more communal and their instinct is usually inclusive, while in the case of divorce, men can be exclusive.
3. Focus on yourself and avoid (as much as you can) getting wrapped up in wondering about how your mate is doing, what she's saying, who he's with, etc. This will lead to feelings of victimization and depression. Focus instead on what you can do for yourself and your children. Read a book, listen to music, exercise, read stories to your kids, volunteer for an organization, Don't isolate yourself. Join groups that interest you. Gain independent experience, try new things.
4. Remember that your children need you. They still need a functional parent even if you are very upset. Tell them your upset is temporary and you will feel better soon. That will give them hope that the future will be better. Take care of yourself and find support. Call your local churches to find a divorce support group. Read supportive literature.
5. Try not to speak badly of the parent who left. A common misconception is that the one who left the home left both the spouse and the children. That's not usually an accurate interpretation and hurts the children. He or she has left the marriage, not the kids and in fact, not their spouse entirely. The relationship has changed but a co-parenting relationship will go on forever.
How can simple be so complicated?
Our special Author for this Article...Ms Margret Klaw is obsessed with the topic of women's economic self-sufficiency. When she was in her early twenties, She thought it was important, as an abstract principle, for women to be able to support themselves. But didn't know the half of it. Being a divorce lawyer for more than two decades has made Margret see up close and personal the devastating effect that total dependence on a husband can have. Take it Away
Margret says...
I am not surprised by women older than me who embraced a traditional homemaker role at a time when other options weren't really on the table. But I continue to be surprised by the large number of women my age and younger -- women who were raised with the expectation that they would have careers, women with college or graduate school degrees -- who never seriously entered the workforce and find themselves at age forty or fifty without he ability to earn a living...
I completely understand how it happens. A couple meet in college or grad school, get married, work for a year or two, wife gets pregnant, stops working for a brief period, husband's career builds, wife doesn't return to work because husband is capable of supporting them both, wife becomes absorbed with the very considerable pleasures of full time motherhood, wife has a second and maybe a third child. Fast forward fifteen years, children are all in school, wife's job is managing the family and household, husband's job is to earn all the money, and the marriage falls apart.
Unless they are really wealthy, it's a disaster. You just can't divide up one income stream and have it support two households without a significant drop in everyone's living standard. And how do you navigate the difficulties of an unhappy marriage when any thinking you try to do about what would really be best for you and your children is completely intertwined with a sickening fear of not being able to pay the bills, of going to work at Starbucks (if they'll even have you), because your twenty-year-old B.A. in English is not going to qualify you to do anything that pays more than $12 an hour? Women living this nightmare are desperate and terrified.
By contrast, women who can support themselves are able to think about divorce entirely differently. Are they still in love? Would it be better for the children, on balance, if they stay or go? They may be unhappy, but they feel they have choices. There is just no question that money is power and the power dynamic in marriages where one person is financially dependent on the other is dramatically different from marriages where either spouse could pay their own rent if they had to.
Fairy tales die hard. Our culture may still whisper into the ears of young women that Prince Charming will come, sweep you off your feet, and take care of you -- which is fine if it happens, enjoy the ride -- but make sure you have a Plan B, because you absolutely cannot count on happily ever after.
Second Article by Elisabeth Joy LaMotte
The discovery of infidelity leads many couples to seek therapy, as they typically struggle with a range devastating emotions. Shock, disbelief, confusion, fear and outrage are all common; so are doubts about the future of the marriage. As one of my clients recently explained:
We Have a wonderful marriage. At least I thought we did. My wife and I have been together for twelve years; we have great kids and a great life. Never in a million years did I think she was capable of cheating. I always viewed an affair as a deal breaker -- as something that could not happen to me. I assumed that if she ever cheated, I'd be out the door. But the reality is that I have no clue how to deal with this mess, and no idea whether I will stay
My client is not alone. Many people assume that they would end their marriage if they discovered infidelity. Unfortunately, no marriage comes with an absolute guarantee, and -- while there is no valid excuse -- even good people in great marriages are sometimes unfaithful.
There are many myths and misconceptions about infidelity. The biggest one is that if an affair happens, the marriage is doomed. As a couples therapist, I have worked with enough amazing couples in strong marriages to know that this is not the case. Some people even strengthen their relationship as they do the hard work that it takes to recover from the devastating consequences of an affair.
If you discover that your spouse has been unfaithful, there are some basic steps that you can take to determine if your marriage is savable. These tips are not necessarily the complete solution to an exceptionally difficult situation; however, they can be a useful framework to help you determine whether you and your spouse are up for the hard work to re-build trust and get through the pain and loss associated with infidelity. It's a tough road, but one that many couples have traveled with success.
1: Read the book Not "Just Friends"
Pick up Shirley P. Glass' book, Not "Just Friends". It has an exceptionally modern and thoughtful take on fidelity and will be relevant to both you and your spouse. Ask your spouse if he or she is willing to read this book with you and complete the exercises. If your spouse agrees and is actively engaged in the reading from the moment the book is in his or her hands, this is a very encouraging sign.
2: Seek Couples Therapy
Find an experienced couples therapist. Infidelity is traumatic enough to warrant reaching out to a professional for help and support. Visit the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy's (AAMFT) web site to find a skilled professional in your area. This site only lists therapists who have met rigorous training standards and completed hundreds of supervised hours in couples therapy. If your spouse is willing to see a therapist with you, this is another encouraging sign. If not, this is a cause for concern.
3: Ask Your Spouse to Cut Off Contact with the Affair Partner
Ask your spouse if he or she is willing to end the other relationship for good and cut off all contact. I'm not just talking about physical contact. For the marriage to recover, there must be no contact, electronic or otherwise. This other person must be completely out of the picture; it will therefore be necessary to un-friend this person on Facebook, un-follow this person on Twitter and delete this person from all phones. If your spouse works with this person, collaborate with the couples therapist to set up the parameters to manage this difficult ongoing challenge. Perhaps your spouse can change divisions or departments or at least cut out the after-work office happy-hours.
Is your spouse willing to cut off contact? Is your spouse willing to let you know when this person attempts to make contact (which they will) and to discuss with you whether and how to respond? If your spouse is willing to completely cut this person off, that is an excellent sign. If you are hearing all kinds of excuses, this is cause for serious concern.
Unfortunately, your spouse's infidelity is something you never forget. However, this does not mean that your relationship is doomed. The steps listed above are by no means easy, but if your spouse is willing to do whatever it takes, then staying together is a choice worth considering, especially if children are involved. Remember that infidelity is much more common and much more complicated than people realize, and you are not alone in this difficult journey.
Margret says...
I am not surprised by women older than me who embraced a traditional homemaker role at a time when other options weren't really on the table. But I continue to be surprised by the large number of women my age and younger -- women who were raised with the expectation that they would have careers, women with college or graduate school degrees -- who never seriously entered the workforce and find themselves at age forty or fifty without he ability to earn a living...
I completely understand how it happens. A couple meet in college or grad school, get married, work for a year or two, wife gets pregnant, stops working for a brief period, husband's career builds, wife doesn't return to work because husband is capable of supporting them both, wife becomes absorbed with the very considerable pleasures of full time motherhood, wife has a second and maybe a third child. Fast forward fifteen years, children are all in school, wife's job is managing the family and household, husband's job is to earn all the money, and the marriage falls apart.
Unless they are really wealthy, it's a disaster. You just can't divide up one income stream and have it support two households without a significant drop in everyone's living standard. And how do you navigate the difficulties of an unhappy marriage when any thinking you try to do about what would really be best for you and your children is completely intertwined with a sickening fear of not being able to pay the bills, of going to work at Starbucks (if they'll even have you), because your twenty-year-old B.A. in English is not going to qualify you to do anything that pays more than $12 an hour? Women living this nightmare are desperate and terrified.
By contrast, women who can support themselves are able to think about divorce entirely differently. Are they still in love? Would it be better for the children, on balance, if they stay or go? They may be unhappy, but they feel they have choices. There is just no question that money is power and the power dynamic in marriages where one person is financially dependent on the other is dramatically different from marriages where either spouse could pay their own rent if they had to.
Fairy tales die hard. Our culture may still whisper into the ears of young women that Prince Charming will come, sweep you off your feet, and take care of you -- which is fine if it happens, enjoy the ride -- but make sure you have a Plan B, because you absolutely cannot count on happily ever after.
Second Article by Elisabeth Joy LaMotte
The discovery of infidelity leads many couples to seek therapy, as they typically struggle with a range devastating emotions. Shock, disbelief, confusion, fear and outrage are all common; so are doubts about the future of the marriage. As one of my clients recently explained:
We Have a wonderful marriage. At least I thought we did. My wife and I have been together for twelve years; we have great kids and a great life. Never in a million years did I think she was capable of cheating. I always viewed an affair as a deal breaker -- as something that could not happen to me. I assumed that if she ever cheated, I'd be out the door. But the reality is that I have no clue how to deal with this mess, and no idea whether I will stay
My client is not alone. Many people assume that they would end their marriage if they discovered infidelity. Unfortunately, no marriage comes with an absolute guarantee, and -- while there is no valid excuse -- even good people in great marriages are sometimes unfaithful.
There are many myths and misconceptions about infidelity. The biggest one is that if an affair happens, the marriage is doomed. As a couples therapist, I have worked with enough amazing couples in strong marriages to know that this is not the case. Some people even strengthen their relationship as they do the hard work that it takes to recover from the devastating consequences of an affair.
If you discover that your spouse has been unfaithful, there are some basic steps that you can take to determine if your marriage is savable. These tips are not necessarily the complete solution to an exceptionally difficult situation; however, they can be a useful framework to help you determine whether you and your spouse are up for the hard work to re-build trust and get through the pain and loss associated with infidelity. It's a tough road, but one that many couples have traveled with success.
1: Read the book Not "Just Friends"
Pick up Shirley P. Glass' book, Not "Just Friends". It has an exceptionally modern and thoughtful take on fidelity and will be relevant to both you and your spouse. Ask your spouse if he or she is willing to read this book with you and complete the exercises. If your spouse agrees and is actively engaged in the reading from the moment the book is in his or her hands, this is a very encouraging sign.
2: Seek Couples Therapy
Find an experienced couples therapist. Infidelity is traumatic enough to warrant reaching out to a professional for help and support. Visit the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy's (AAMFT) web site to find a skilled professional in your area. This site only lists therapists who have met rigorous training standards and completed hundreds of supervised hours in couples therapy. If your spouse is willing to see a therapist with you, this is another encouraging sign. If not, this is a cause for concern.
3: Ask Your Spouse to Cut Off Contact with the Affair Partner
Ask your spouse if he or she is willing to end the other relationship for good and cut off all contact. I'm not just talking about physical contact. For the marriage to recover, there must be no contact, electronic or otherwise. This other person must be completely out of the picture; it will therefore be necessary to un-friend this person on Facebook, un-follow this person on Twitter and delete this person from all phones. If your spouse works with this person, collaborate with the couples therapist to set up the parameters to manage this difficult ongoing challenge. Perhaps your spouse can change divisions or departments or at least cut out the after-work office happy-hours.
Is your spouse willing to cut off contact? Is your spouse willing to let you know when this person attempts to make contact (which they will) and to discuss with you whether and how to respond? If your spouse is willing to completely cut this person off, that is an excellent sign. If you are hearing all kinds of excuses, this is cause for serious concern.
Unfortunately, your spouse's infidelity is something you never forget. However, this does not mean that your relationship is doomed. The steps listed above are by no means easy, but if your spouse is willing to do whatever it takes, then staying together is a choice worth considering, especially if children are involved. Remember that infidelity is much more common and much more complicated than people realize, and you are not alone in this difficult journey.
To Donnie Boy
No horsing show up with your Game Face On!
Happy Birthday
Another year celebrated and experienced...
Within the flash, Another lesson pack Time of Exploits...
Where does Time truly Go?
Always forward, and always Fast...
So enjoy this quick, fun ride we call Life!
Happy Birthday
Another year celebrated and experienced...
Within the flash, Another lesson pack Time of Exploits...
Where does Time truly Go?
Always forward, and always Fast...
So enjoy this quick, fun ride we call Life!
Monday, November 28, 2011
N9NE Rules to Keep U Organic
as per HBO
of course, the best station on the Telie? I wouldn't know...
Always keep your Conscious Honest...lying to yourself will only confuse you!
Or so it is said
Keep your Body Happy and Healthy...this allows for your mind to be Clean to Function Optimally
At Least thats what I hope
Its said that Appearance is more relevant then shallow waters, most just float...few dare to dive
Keep your customers/spouses/significant others Review-Proof
...always sunny, fine and dandy...thank you
Crush your Enemies (my favorite)...before they become significant
Treat work like a Lover...treat your lover with passion and without regard to cost
Do better then manage, but Meet to Master your Lover's Expectations
Is Unhappiness the true Price of Success?
Bad News, its for the birds...
of course, the best station on the Telie? I wouldn't know...
Always keep your Conscious Honest...lying to yourself will only confuse you!
Or so it is said
Keep your Body Happy and Healthy...this allows for your mind to be Clean to Function Optimally
At Least thats what I hope
Its said that Appearance is more relevant then shallow waters, most just float...few dare to dive
Keep your customers/spouses/significant others Review-Proof
...always sunny, fine and dandy...thank you
Crush your Enemies (my favorite)...before they become significant
Treat work like a Lover...treat your lover with passion and without regard to cost
Do better then manage, but Meet to Master your Lover's Expectations
Is Unhappiness the true Price of Success?
Bad News, its for the birds...
Chest Pump for Willy
According to Greenpeace...
The Irish Sea (which is the body of water located between Britian and Ireland; it connects on the North to the Atlantic Ocean and to the South to the Celtic Sea)...
Is the MOST radioactively contaminated body of water on the plant (approximately EIGHT MILLION LITRES of NUCLEAR WASTE)...
Anyone care for a swim?
The waste is a by product dump (since 1952) from nearby Sellafield reprocesing plants...which consequently contaminate the seawater, sediments and Marine Life...
in sixty some odd years, wastes include Plutonium and Technetium...about th only person excited by this might be Doctor Emmett "Doc" Brown...
Any ways, why the Irish Sea today?
As CNN recently Reported, Prince Will (that noted Chap that the Paparrazzi love to follow)... took part in a rescue mission after a cargo ship sank in the Irish Sea early Sunday morning...
as BBC confirmed, TWO of the crew were pulled to safety, however five still remain missing after one body was recovered...
Fox News explained that the two men were airlifted to safety by a four-man crew, which included the Duke of Cambridge -- second in line to the throne -- who is a Royal Air Force helicopter pilot...
The coastguard received a mayday call at 2 a.m. local time from the Swanland cargo carrier ship located 20 miles northwest of the Llyn Peninsula, North Wales, after its hull cracked.
The ship, carrying eight people and 3,000 tons of limestone, capsized before rescue forces arrived, notes MSNBC.
"We know that at least some of them are wearing immersion suits and have strobe lighting with them, however sea conditions are challenging at best," Jim Green, a coastguard spokesman told
The British RAF, the Irish Coastguard and an Irish Naval ship are continuing to search for the missing five people.
The Irish Sea (which is the body of water located between Britian and Ireland; it connects on the North to the Atlantic Ocean and to the South to the Celtic Sea)...
Is the MOST radioactively contaminated body of water on the plant (approximately EIGHT MILLION LITRES of NUCLEAR WASTE)...
Anyone care for a swim?
The waste is a by product dump (since 1952) from nearby Sellafield reprocesing plants...which consequently contaminate the seawater, sediments and Marine Life...
in sixty some odd years, wastes include Plutonium and Technetium...about th only person excited by this might be Doctor Emmett "Doc" Brown...
Any ways, why the Irish Sea today?
As CNN recently Reported, Prince Will (that noted Chap that the Paparrazzi love to follow)... took part in a rescue mission after a cargo ship sank in the Irish Sea early Sunday morning...
as BBC confirmed, TWO of the crew were pulled to safety, however five still remain missing after one body was recovered...
Fox News explained that the two men were airlifted to safety by a four-man crew, which included the Duke of Cambridge -- second in line to the throne -- who is a Royal Air Force helicopter pilot...
The coastguard received a mayday call at 2 a.m. local time from the Swanland cargo carrier ship located 20 miles northwest of the Llyn Peninsula, North Wales, after its hull cracked.
The ship, carrying eight people and 3,000 tons of limestone, capsized before rescue forces arrived, notes MSNBC.
"We know that at least some of them are wearing immersion suits and have strobe lighting with them, however sea conditions are challenging at best," Jim Green, a coastguard spokesman told
The British RAF, the Irish Coastguard and an Irish Naval ship are continuing to search for the missing five people.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Six Irrestible Traits found in Potential Partners?
What Six you Say?
I read this article, and i found a few "types" omitted...or perhaps neglected. Either way, i can not say that his article did the very least, pose an interesting perspective on the psychology behind who we choose and why...
Its easy for me to describe what I look for
Smart is Golden
Savvy keeps the mood smoothe
Funny, does mean witty
I need someone patient
Someone able to anticipate
Basically someone who is going to be good to me
Everything else, in my mind will be very easy to reciprocate...
What sort of criteria...standards do you hold?
Notice I left looks out...looks, isn't everyone ugly at some point or another?
Looks are truly superficial...shallow enough to drown by!
Just be Mindful!
That is all I ask...
its easy for me to stake that claim...
mindfulness...awareness of others
my innate, God given gift
Enjoy the read|main5|dl6|sec3_lnk3|114992#/slide-1
I read this article, and i found a few "types" omitted...or perhaps neglected. Either way, i can not say that his article did the very least, pose an interesting perspective on the psychology behind who we choose and why...
Its easy for me to describe what I look for
Smart is Golden
Savvy keeps the mood smoothe
Funny, does mean witty
I need someone patient
Someone able to anticipate
Basically someone who is going to be good to me
Everything else, in my mind will be very easy to reciprocate...
What sort of criteria...standards do you hold?
Notice I left looks out...looks, isn't everyone ugly at some point or another?
Looks are truly superficial...shallow enough to drown by!
Just be Mindful!
That is all I ask...
its easy for me to stake that claim...
mindfulness...awareness of others
my innate, God given gift
Enjoy the read|main5|dl6|sec3_lnk3|114992#/slide-1
What's the deal with Anterior Pelvic Tilts?
Brought to you for the purpose of learning about your body
Today's discussion will be about a very common postural dysfunction known as an anterior pelvic tilt. A Thomas Test is a physical examination/evaluation that exposes an anterior pelvic tilt.
With an Anterior Pelvic Tilt...
the Pelvis is position/angeled forward and downward (rotation)...typically in response to weakened muscles in the hip region. Hips are slightly flexed and lumbar spine is excessively hyperextended. Hip flexors, erector spinae are short. Abdominal, hamstrings, gluteus maximus muscles may be weak. Increased risk of lower back injury during standing or lying hip extension, flexion, or stabilization activities, and weighted overhead activities. See abdominal weakness and hip flexor inflexibility.
Examples of affected exercises:
Hack Squat
Military Press (standing)
Roman Chair Situp
Example preventative / corrective exercises:
Hip Flexor: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Erector Spinae: Lower Back Stretch
Abdominal: Crunches
Hamstrings: Leg Curl
Gluteus: Seated Leg Press
A more involved description of an anterior pelvic tilt, when the ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine) is lower than the PSIS (posterior superior iliac spine). This leads to a downward/forward slope of the pelvic region.
When the PSIS are higher than the ASIS, we see an increase in the lumbar lordosis and a decrease in the hip angle.
As already stated, clinical issues associated with anterior pelvic tilt include: tight hip flexors; tight quadriceps; tightened spinal extensors; weakened abdominal muscles; obesity; and increased lumbar lordosis.
Now that We know What an anterior pelvic tilt is...
In anatomical terms, "anterior" refers to the "front" side of the body (the side your face is on), and "pelvic tilt" means that the pelvis is tilted to one side. In this case, the tilt is towards the front...I sound like a broken record, but sometimes that is how we learn...hearing it over and over again!
Since our spines are naturally slightly curved, but with anterior pelvic tilt the curve is excessive compared to a neutral posture. According to some physiotherapists, a desirable tilt is 0-5 degrees in men and 7-10 degrees in women. You can estimate your tilt by standing with your back against the wall and measuring how much space is between your lower back and the wall. If you can fit one hand in there you're fine. If you can fit a couple of wine bottles you're in trouble.
But what exactly is the problem with the anterior pelvic tilt? Well, for one thing, it doesn't make your posture look very good – at least not if you're a guy. If you're a woman, you may be able to pull it off. An arched back is considered a feminine trait, after all. Still, there's no need to go overboard, because the second reason to avoid (excessive) anterior pelvic tilt is that it causes lower back pain, especially with old age. Besides, a protruding belly doesn't look good on anyone.
Identifying the muscles that need fixing
Not using certain muscles eventually causes other muscles to overcompensate, which leads to some muscles becoming lengthened and weak and other muscles short and stiff. Here's a list of things that typically lead to anterior pelvic tilt (or characteristics of anterior pelvic tilt; it's difficult to say what causes what):Lengthened (weak) hamstrings
Lengthened (weak) abdominals
Lengthened (weak) glutes
Shortened (tight) erector spinae
Shortened (tight) hip flexors
Hamstrings are the long thick muscles on the back of your legs that flex the knee and extend the hip. Abdominals are the muscles around the torso. While the outermost muscle (rectus abdominus) is responsible for that six-pack look, it's the deeper muscles that have the biggest effect on posture. Glutes are simply the butt muscles.
The erector spinae (or spinal erectors) is a group of muscles in the back that supports the spine. Finally, hip flexors are a group of muscles near the pelvis that move the hip forward during walking and running.
Exercises for correcting anterior pelvic tilt
To fix the problem and bring the pelvic tilt back to normal levels, a set of exercises that target these issues is needed. In essence, we need to do two things:
Make the hamstrings, deeper abdominals and glutes stronger
Stretch the spinal erectors and hip flexors
There are numerous exercises that can be done to achieve these ends, and quite possibly the most effective ones are those that also involve weights and gym equipment. However, there are also exercises that you can do at home using only your body weight. It's these exercises we'll be looking at next.
Exercise 1: Glute bridge
This exercise, also known as supine hip extension or pelvic lift, strengthens both the glutes and the hamstrings.
One variation of the exercise is to straighten one leg so that only one foot is on the ground, hold for a while and then do the same with the other leg.
Exercise 2: Front and side plank
Plank exercises are good for making the abdominal muscles stronger. In contrast to sit-ups, which mainly affect the superficial muscles, planks target the deeper muscles. In addition to the usual front plank where both feet and elbows are on the ground, you can do side planks:
This exercise can also be made more difficult by lifting one of the legs up and holding for at least 30 seconds.
Exercise 3: Lunge stretch
The lunge stretch exercise stretches the hip flexors. It's also called by various other names like hip flexor lunge, lunging hip flexor stretch, psoas stretch, etc. Depending on who you ask, you may get a different answer as to how to perform the exercise...God I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE <3 LUNGES
This exercise can also be done as a forward lunge, in which you begin from a standing position and then lunge forward and drop your hips towards the floor. Performed this way, you'll target glutes and hamstrings more than the hip flexors, unless you also do the stretch.
Exercise 4: Lower back stretch
The lower back stretch is an exercise that stretches the erector spinae. It's also known as all fours back stretch, back arch stretch, cat pose stretch, and various other names.
You can alternate between the two arches, but keep in mind that it's the upward arch that stretches the erector spinae.
As an aside*
I find that the Cobra, is a wonderful Low Back Strengthening Exercise. From a Prone position with your palms position flat underneath your shoulder and your legs (adductors engaged! Very important for the effeciency of the exercise) together...Using JUST your low back strength, lift up.
Exercise 5: Supine pelvic tilt
Finally, here's an exercise imitating what you want to happen through all your hard work. Like planks, the supine pelvic tilt mainly targets the deeper abdominal muscles.
The exercise itself is very subtle, but it gives a good idea of what you're trying to achieve. You can alternate between short reps and holding the tilt for a longer period.
There are several exercises that can be performed to train the muscles that are weakened (hamstrings, deeper abdominals and glutes) and stretch the ones that are overcompensating (hip flexors and the erector spinae). You may get better and faster results by combining many different exercises, but the ones shown here will get you started.
Personally, I recognize my posture from the first picture showing excessive anterior pelvic tilt. I also have occasional problems with pain in the lower back. Until now, I haven't really known what the precise issue with my posture was, but thankfully, I was pointed in the right direction by some members of the forums.
For anyone interested in this condition when applied to someone wheelchair you go. There are also technical issues which may cause a client to present with an anterior pelvic tilt when sitting in his/her wheelchair. These include: excessive lumbar contour in the back rest; back support too vertical for the client, causing the client to lean forward; and having an anterior slope on the seat of the wheelchair.
It is only by taking the client out of the wheelchair and completing a thorough hands-on evaluation that we can understand the client’s range of motion and flexibility available in the pelvis-spine and in the pelvis-hip joints. Using this information, we have a better understanding of the client’s presenting posture and whether the client has a fixed or flexible anterior pelvic tilt.
In addressing the seating needs of a client who presents with an anterior pelvic tilt, we have to be cognizant of addressing the cause(s) of the posture, rather than providing a bandage solution. What do I mean by this? Well, often when a client presents with an anterior pelvic tilt, as the day progresses and the client fatigues, the client may lean more forward in his/her wheelchair, trying to gain more support through surfaces in front of the client, such as a lap tray. A bandage solution to this is to reach for a chest harness to try to pull the client back into an upright posture, but what we may find is that the chest harness does not work adequately to hold up fatigued muscles, and the client leans into the harness when fatigued. To truly address the cause of the forward leaning often associated with anterior pelvic tilt, we have to determine the cause of the presenting anterior pelvic tilt and address this with seating and wheelchair configuration choices.
Ensure maximizing the client’s footprint means that the surface area contact is optimized on the areas on which the client can take load. This will include the cushion, footplates, backrest, headrest (if applicable), and arm rests/lap tray (if the client does not use his/her upper extremities for functional mobility). We may consider the use of a positioning belt to help maintain the pelvis in a neutral position (if the anterior pelvic tilt is flexible and if the client can tolerate correction). We may need to consider tilt in space to aid with positioning. It is only after we have looked at the cause(s) of the anterior pelvic tilt and have maximized the client’s seated footprint through other choices that we would consider a chest harness.
To illustrate the importance of footplates to which you might be able to relate. Have you ever sat on a bar stool that was missing the bottom rung? (If you have not, try to imagine what it would be like.) If you were to reach forward without having a stable base of support for your feet, you would find that you could not reach very far … or you might find that you try to wrap your legs around the bar stool to give yourself support so that you can try to reach for that nice, cold drink! Proximal stability is needed for distal
The content of this blog is not meant to be prescriptive; rather it is meant as a general resource for clinicians to then use clinical reasoning skills to determine optimal seating solutions for individual clients.
P.s. Stretches that may help by Lani Muelrath
Effective stretches that anyone can do to help relieve muscle tightness that contributes to an excessive anterior pelvic tilt...Stretching Specifics To Alleviate Excessive Anterior Pelvic Tilt
When muscles are too tight, they shorten, pull and tug on bone and can easily bring them out of proper anatomical alignment.
Since we already know that there are specifically three muscle groups that contribute, through tightness, to the excessive anterior pelvic tilt. Fortunately, these respond well to precise stretches:
Rectus Femoris (a part of your quadriceps)
Lumbar Erectors (spinal erectors)
Psoas: The psoas muscle is a hip flexing muscle. The psoas muscle attaches to all five lumbar vertebrae, and thus takes part in forward movement of the lumbar spine.
As a consequence, when the psoas muscle is too tight – or too strong relative to other muscles of the pelvic area – it contributes to excessive extension of the upper lumbar area, and deeper flexion in the lower lumbar area.
This simply means that there is an increased “sway” in the lower back. This is stressful to the lumbar region contributes to excessive anterior pelvic tilt.
This is why it is important to keep the psoas muscle from being over strengthened, and why it is also important to keep it from being too tight by implementing stretches specific to the psoas muscle.
Rectus Femoris: The rectus femoris, commonly known as part of the quadriceps muscles group, aids in flexing the hip as well as extending the knee.
Unlike the psoas, the rectus femoris doesn’t attach to the lumbar region, but rather to the front of the pelvis.
This muscle can easily become tight due to repeated lifting of the leg forward and/or specific sports activities. It also responds well to stretching – and stretching it feels good, too!
Lumbar Erectors: The lumbar erectors run up the sides of your spine in the low curve of your back behind the waist, and are often shortened due to tightness in its anterior pelvic tilt bedfellows, the psoas and the rectus femoris.
These muscles respond best to a safe, gentle stretch initiated in the abdominal wall.
To help correct the excessive anterior pelvic tilt, perform each of these exercises for 3 times on each side for a 30 second hold. You can start with one set a day and work your way up to 2 to 3 times a day, and maintenance at 3 days a week.
Note: Be sure the muscles are warm before you start to stretch. See Stretching: Don’t Do It Cold!
I hope everyone today learned a little something about the importance of developing symmetrical strength in your body. Everything in Moderation folks. So keep your body balanced and you will feel better about your'll feel happier in General. Enjoy this great weather we are having, and grab yourself some good wine!
Today's discussion will be about a very common postural dysfunction known as an anterior pelvic tilt. A Thomas Test is a physical examination/evaluation that exposes an anterior pelvic tilt.
With an Anterior Pelvic Tilt...
the Pelvis is position/angeled forward and downward (rotation)...typically in response to weakened muscles in the hip region. Hips are slightly flexed and lumbar spine is excessively hyperextended. Hip flexors, erector spinae are short. Abdominal, hamstrings, gluteus maximus muscles may be weak. Increased risk of lower back injury during standing or lying hip extension, flexion, or stabilization activities, and weighted overhead activities. See abdominal weakness and hip flexor inflexibility.
Examples of affected exercises:
Hack Squat
Military Press (standing)
Roman Chair Situp
Example preventative / corrective exercises:
Hip Flexor: Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Erector Spinae: Lower Back Stretch
Abdominal: Crunches
Hamstrings: Leg Curl
Gluteus: Seated Leg Press
A more involved description of an anterior pelvic tilt, when the ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine) is lower than the PSIS (posterior superior iliac spine). This leads to a downward/forward slope of the pelvic region.
When the PSIS are higher than the ASIS, we see an increase in the lumbar lordosis and a decrease in the hip angle.
As already stated, clinical issues associated with anterior pelvic tilt include: tight hip flexors; tight quadriceps; tightened spinal extensors; weakened abdominal muscles; obesity; and increased lumbar lordosis.
Now that We know What an anterior pelvic tilt is...
In anatomical terms, "anterior" refers to the "front" side of the body (the side your face is on), and "pelvic tilt" means that the pelvis is tilted to one side. In this case, the tilt is towards the front...I sound like a broken record, but sometimes that is how we learn...hearing it over and over again!
Since our spines are naturally slightly curved, but with anterior pelvic tilt the curve is excessive compared to a neutral posture. According to some physiotherapists, a desirable tilt is 0-5 degrees in men and 7-10 degrees in women. You can estimate your tilt by standing with your back against the wall and measuring how much space is between your lower back and the wall. If you can fit one hand in there you're fine. If you can fit a couple of wine bottles you're in trouble.
But what exactly is the problem with the anterior pelvic tilt? Well, for one thing, it doesn't make your posture look very good – at least not if you're a guy. If you're a woman, you may be able to pull it off. An arched back is considered a feminine trait, after all. Still, there's no need to go overboard, because the second reason to avoid (excessive) anterior pelvic tilt is that it causes lower back pain, especially with old age. Besides, a protruding belly doesn't look good on anyone.
Identifying the muscles that need fixing
Not using certain muscles eventually causes other muscles to overcompensate, which leads to some muscles becoming lengthened and weak and other muscles short and stiff. Here's a list of things that typically lead to anterior pelvic tilt (or characteristics of anterior pelvic tilt; it's difficult to say what causes what):Lengthened (weak) hamstrings
Lengthened (weak) abdominals
Lengthened (weak) glutes
Shortened (tight) erector spinae
Shortened (tight) hip flexors
Hamstrings are the long thick muscles on the back of your legs that flex the knee and extend the hip. Abdominals are the muscles around the torso. While the outermost muscle (rectus abdominus) is responsible for that six-pack look, it's the deeper muscles that have the biggest effect on posture. Glutes are simply the butt muscles.
The erector spinae (or spinal erectors) is a group of muscles in the back that supports the spine. Finally, hip flexors are a group of muscles near the pelvis that move the hip forward during walking and running.
Exercises for correcting anterior pelvic tilt
To fix the problem and bring the pelvic tilt back to normal levels, a set of exercises that target these issues is needed. In essence, we need to do two things:
Make the hamstrings, deeper abdominals and glutes stronger
Stretch the spinal erectors and hip flexors
There are numerous exercises that can be done to achieve these ends, and quite possibly the most effective ones are those that also involve weights and gym equipment. However, there are also exercises that you can do at home using only your body weight. It's these exercises we'll be looking at next.
Exercise 1: Glute bridge
This exercise, also known as supine hip extension or pelvic lift, strengthens both the glutes and the hamstrings.
One variation of the exercise is to straighten one leg so that only one foot is on the ground, hold for a while and then do the same with the other leg.
Exercise 2: Front and side plank
Plank exercises are good for making the abdominal muscles stronger. In contrast to sit-ups, which mainly affect the superficial muscles, planks target the deeper muscles. In addition to the usual front plank where both feet and elbows are on the ground, you can do side planks:
This exercise can also be made more difficult by lifting one of the legs up and holding for at least 30 seconds.
Exercise 3: Lunge stretch
The lunge stretch exercise stretches the hip flexors. It's also called by various other names like hip flexor lunge, lunging hip flexor stretch, psoas stretch, etc. Depending on who you ask, you may get a different answer as to how to perform the exercise...God I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE <3 LUNGES
This exercise can also be done as a forward lunge, in which you begin from a standing position and then lunge forward and drop your hips towards the floor. Performed this way, you'll target glutes and hamstrings more than the hip flexors, unless you also do the stretch.
Exercise 4: Lower back stretch
The lower back stretch is an exercise that stretches the erector spinae. It's also known as all fours back stretch, back arch stretch, cat pose stretch, and various other names.
You can alternate between the two arches, but keep in mind that it's the upward arch that stretches the erector spinae.
As an aside*
I find that the Cobra, is a wonderful Low Back Strengthening Exercise. From a Prone position with your palms position flat underneath your shoulder and your legs (adductors engaged! Very important for the effeciency of the exercise) together...Using JUST your low back strength, lift up.
Exercise 5: Supine pelvic tilt
Finally, here's an exercise imitating what you want to happen through all your hard work. Like planks, the supine pelvic tilt mainly targets the deeper abdominal muscles.
The exercise itself is very subtle, but it gives a good idea of what you're trying to achieve. You can alternate between short reps and holding the tilt for a longer period.
The muscles that are required to maintain a natural posture don't get enough exercise during daily routines, especially if you work at a desk job. This causes some muscles to weaken and others to compensate. As a result, the pelvis tilts forward, which in turn results in a postural problem known as anterior pelvic tilt. Many people have some degree of (excessive) anterior pelvic tilt, whether or not they realize it.There are several exercises that can be performed to train the muscles that are weakened (hamstrings, deeper abdominals and glutes) and stretch the ones that are overcompensating (hip flexors and the erector spinae). You may get better and faster results by combining many different exercises, but the ones shown here will get you started.
Personally, I recognize my posture from the first picture showing excessive anterior pelvic tilt. I also have occasional problems with pain in the lower back. Until now, I haven't really known what the precise issue with my posture was, but thankfully, I was pointed in the right direction by some members of the forums.
For anyone interested in this condition when applied to someone wheelchair you go. There are also technical issues which may cause a client to present with an anterior pelvic tilt when sitting in his/her wheelchair. These include: excessive lumbar contour in the back rest; back support too vertical for the client, causing the client to lean forward; and having an anterior slope on the seat of the wheelchair.
It is only by taking the client out of the wheelchair and completing a thorough hands-on evaluation that we can understand the client’s range of motion and flexibility available in the pelvis-spine and in the pelvis-hip joints. Using this information, we have a better understanding of the client’s presenting posture and whether the client has a fixed or flexible anterior pelvic tilt.
In addressing the seating needs of a client who presents with an anterior pelvic tilt, we have to be cognizant of addressing the cause(s) of the posture, rather than providing a bandage solution. What do I mean by this? Well, often when a client presents with an anterior pelvic tilt, as the day progresses and the client fatigues, the client may lean more forward in his/her wheelchair, trying to gain more support through surfaces in front of the client, such as a lap tray. A bandage solution to this is to reach for a chest harness to try to pull the client back into an upright posture, but what we may find is that the chest harness does not work adequately to hold up fatigued muscles, and the client leans into the harness when fatigued. To truly address the cause of the forward leaning often associated with anterior pelvic tilt, we have to determine the cause of the presenting anterior pelvic tilt and address this with seating and wheelchair configuration choices.
Ensure maximizing the client’s footprint means that the surface area contact is optimized on the areas on which the client can take load. This will include the cushion, footplates, backrest, headrest (if applicable), and arm rests/lap tray (if the client does not use his/her upper extremities for functional mobility). We may consider the use of a positioning belt to help maintain the pelvis in a neutral position (if the anterior pelvic tilt is flexible and if the client can tolerate correction). We may need to consider tilt in space to aid with positioning. It is only after we have looked at the cause(s) of the anterior pelvic tilt and have maximized the client’s seated footprint through other choices that we would consider a chest harness.
To illustrate the importance of footplates to which you might be able to relate. Have you ever sat on a bar stool that was missing the bottom rung? (If you have not, try to imagine what it would be like.) If you were to reach forward without having a stable base of support for your feet, you would find that you could not reach very far … or you might find that you try to wrap your legs around the bar stool to give yourself support so that you can try to reach for that nice, cold drink! Proximal stability is needed for distal
The content of this blog is not meant to be prescriptive; rather it is meant as a general resource for clinicians to then use clinical reasoning skills to determine optimal seating solutions for individual clients.
P.s. Stretches that may help by Lani Muelrath
Effective stretches that anyone can do to help relieve muscle tightness that contributes to an excessive anterior pelvic tilt...Stretching Specifics To Alleviate Excessive Anterior Pelvic Tilt
When muscles are too tight, they shorten, pull and tug on bone and can easily bring them out of proper anatomical alignment.
Since we already know that there are specifically three muscle groups that contribute, through tightness, to the excessive anterior pelvic tilt. Fortunately, these respond well to precise stretches:
Rectus Femoris (a part of your quadriceps)
Lumbar Erectors (spinal erectors)
Psoas: The psoas muscle is a hip flexing muscle. The psoas muscle attaches to all five lumbar vertebrae, and thus takes part in forward movement of the lumbar spine.
As a consequence, when the psoas muscle is too tight – or too strong relative to other muscles of the pelvic area – it contributes to excessive extension of the upper lumbar area, and deeper flexion in the lower lumbar area.
This simply means that there is an increased “sway” in the lower back. This is stressful to the lumbar region contributes to excessive anterior pelvic tilt.
This is why it is important to keep the psoas muscle from being over strengthened, and why it is also important to keep it from being too tight by implementing stretches specific to the psoas muscle.
Rectus Femoris: The rectus femoris, commonly known as part of the quadriceps muscles group, aids in flexing the hip as well as extending the knee.
Unlike the psoas, the rectus femoris doesn’t attach to the lumbar region, but rather to the front of the pelvis.
This muscle can easily become tight due to repeated lifting of the leg forward and/or specific sports activities. It also responds well to stretching – and stretching it feels good, too!
Lumbar Erectors: The lumbar erectors run up the sides of your spine in the low curve of your back behind the waist, and are often shortened due to tightness in its anterior pelvic tilt bedfellows, the psoas and the rectus femoris.
These muscles respond best to a safe, gentle stretch initiated in the abdominal wall.
To help correct the excessive anterior pelvic tilt, perform each of these exercises for 3 times on each side for a 30 second hold. You can start with one set a day and work your way up to 2 to 3 times a day, and maintenance at 3 days a week.
Note: Be sure the muscles are warm before you start to stretch. See Stretching: Don’t Do It Cold!
I hope everyone today learned a little something about the importance of developing symmetrical strength in your body. Everything in Moderation folks. So keep your body balanced and you will feel better about your'll feel happier in General. Enjoy this great weather we are having, and grab yourself some good wine!
Friday, November 25, 2011
...You stop chasing
all the Wrong things,
You give the right things
A chance to catch You
...Life, at this moment...
may make little sense
and Until it Does
Laugh at the Confusion
Smile with the Tears
and Remember
Everything Happens for a Reason!
...Life is too short to not carry through with your passions...Smile often and chuckle with gratitude...Love truly and unconditionally...learn to forgive quickly and quietly...mercy in the heart is Golden for the Soul!
Be Daring
Be Different
Be Impractical
Life According to George Barnard Shaw
Progress is Impossible without Change...For individuals who are UnAble to Change Their Minds...will never be able to change anything...stale is stagnant, and stagnancy is a prosaic numbing state of existance
all the Wrong things,
You give the right things
A chance to catch You
...Life, at this moment...
may make little sense
and Until it Does
Laugh at the Confusion
Smile with the Tears
and Remember
Everything Happens for a Reason!
...Life is too short to not carry through with your passions...Smile often and chuckle with gratitude...Love truly and unconditionally...learn to forgive quickly and quietly...mercy in the heart is Golden for the Soul!
"... Two Souls with but A Single Thought...lead to Two hearts that will Beat as One"
- John Keats
One of the most challenging things
in life is deciphering from...
which bridges to cross
and which to burn
Be Daring
Be Different
Be Impractical
Life According to George Barnard Shaw
Progress is Impossible without Change...For individuals who are UnAble to Change Their Minds...will never be able to change anything...stale is stagnant, and stagnancy is a prosaic numbing state of existance
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Meet Ms. Michelle Watson
My new most Favorite quasi buddy Fifteen15Minutes of Fame Celebrity...Welcome Honey to your now famous, or shall I say infamous showdown with the intolerant and oppressive Police of Yavapai county...those friendly bunch of desert rednecks.
For those unfamiliar with Ms Watson's heroics. She was spotted by the authorities as her vehicle (a white Honda Civic, my sister has the same's a cute car) was weaving in and off the road where it meets the sidewalk.
*Just for the record, I have done that very same order of avoiding colliding with other careless drivers whom were a bit oblivious to their environment (as in me!). It's a great thing that I have Knievel in my driver's skill set...only a select few can appreciate that comment (for anyone who has experienced my driving, you'll know what I mean...for all else, you'll just have to mysteriously imagine my driving spectacles).
So, our heroine...the stuff legends are made of!!! gets stopped
A minor wrestling match ensues between our bodacious icon and Officer Wing.
She does what she has too
Sometimes you just need to recognize when you need to back off Soprano to be Champ...
Our Very Lovely Belle was almost immediately then forced to the ground and mercilessly handcuffed...I hate it when angry people get Kinky.
Everything from here on out proceeds with much Profanity and perhaps a little brutality...Our Girl pinned to the cold slab of a hardend sidewalk is aggressively lifted by the dopey Officers that surrounded her and, rather noisily hauled off in Cope Car #1317
In good spirits, our darling princess offers her peace with a Hulking and Ripe, friendly as pie smile coupled with two endearing and enthusiastic thumbs up!!
You go Girl
I wish I could help you more, but unfortunately I don't know too many attorneys in Yavapai County.
At least, the world is now aware of your legendary plight through these unjust waters of conformity.
Be good, be well and be blessed Michelle
For those unfamiliar with Ms Watson's heroics. She was spotted by the authorities as her vehicle (a white Honda Civic, my sister has the same's a cute car) was weaving in and off the road where it meets the sidewalk.
*Just for the record, I have done that very same order of avoiding colliding with other careless drivers whom were a bit oblivious to their environment (as in me!). It's a great thing that I have Knievel in my driver's skill set...only a select few can appreciate that comment (for anyone who has experienced my driving, you'll know what I mean...for all else, you'll just have to mysteriously imagine my driving spectacles).
So, our heroine...the stuff legends are made of!!! gets stopped
A minor wrestling match ensues between our bodacious icon and Officer Wing.
She does what she has too
Sometimes you just need to recognize when you need to back off Soprano to be Champ...
Our Very Lovely Belle was almost immediately then forced to the ground and mercilessly handcuffed...I hate it when angry people get Kinky.
Everything from here on out proceeds with much Profanity and perhaps a little brutality...Our Girl pinned to the cold slab of a hardend sidewalk is aggressively lifted by the dopey Officers that surrounded her and, rather noisily hauled off in Cope Car #1317
In good spirits, our darling princess offers her peace with a Hulking and Ripe, friendly as pie smile coupled with two endearing and enthusiastic thumbs up!!
You go Girl
I wish I could help you more, but unfortunately I don't know too many attorneys in Yavapai County.
At least, the world is now aware of your legendary plight through these unjust waters of conformity.
Be good, be well and be blessed Michelle
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
How far are You willing to Fight for a Relationship?
Being in my fair share of emotionally draining relationships, I found this interesting perspective /slash/ discussion on relationships and the Human Psyche
In the spirit of the upcoming 'Twilight' movie, I would like to talk about the undead: vampires. More precisely, emotional vampires. Are there people in your life who just sap your emotional energy once they walk in the door? Do you feel totally spent after interacting with some people? There are vampires among us, and I am actually more frightened about sitting next to one at a dinner party than meeting Count Dracula himself.
My colleague Eli Finkel at Northwestern University conducted a very important series of studies on what he calls high-maintenance interactions. In essence, these studies are about social coordination, and how the lack of social coordination can deplete our ability to exert self-control.
Self-control is critical to everyday life. With high self-control, we can limit food temptations, complete difficult tasks at work, and, resist the urge to smack a co-worker when he/she is being a bit too condescending.
The problem with self-control is that it’s a limited capacity system. Like our muscles, our ability to exert self-control can be depleted when taxed too much. In these situations, we ruin the diet, give up on difficult chores, and let our co-workers (or partners) have it! Self-control is so important to everyday life that I bet you can think of one example of a self-control failure from your own life within the past hour!
According to the results of Finkel’s studies, high-maintenance interactions put a lot of pressure on our capacity for self-control. Consider this awesome example: Finkel and colleagues asked research assistants to subtly mimic research participants (or be misaligned with them -- that is, rather than getting in-synch with someone, make sure you’re out of synch) when engaged in a joint picture description task. Later, the participants were asked to play the game Operation. The key outcome variable was how efficient the participants were in removing “body parts” during the game. This makes perfect sense -- Operation is a game that requires attention and fine motor control, and if you’re energy is sapped from a high-maintenance interaction, your play will likely suffer.
Sure enough, Finkel and colleagues observed that when the research assistant mimicked participants behaviors closely, the participants scored better in Operation; similarly, when the research assistants were misaligned (out of synch), the participants were significantly worse at Operation! These researchers show that you can vary both the high-maintenance interaction (e.g., get two people to enter data together but have the instructor make many errors, which is maddening for the person entering the data) and the outcome (e.g., persistence on standardized test problems) and the results look essentially the same as in the Operation experiment: The more burdensome the interaction, the more our self-control is depleted in the end.
What does this have to do with the undead? I hope it’s obvious by now that this research suggests that some people -- and, more accurately, some interactions -- can sap our self-control and therefore make it much harder to effectively regulate our emotions.
What can you do about this? First, be aware of high-maintenance interactions in your day-to-day life. Is it harder to concentrate after a phone call from a narcissistic friend? Do you hate Thanksgiving because your brother-in-law interrupts every time you open your mouth?
These are high-maintenance interactions, and I’d encourage you to reflect on how many of these types of exchanges you can reasonably cut out of your life.
I recognize that it’s impossible to get rid of all the high-maintenance interactions (and high-maintenance people, for that matter… Yes, I’ve said it: Some people create many more high-maintenance interactions than others.) Therefore, my second piece of advice is to make sure you have many sources for low-maintenance interaction. Finkel’s data suggests that low-maintenance interactions (e.g., the behavioral mimicry condition) don’t enhance our self-control per se but can be effective in preventing the hits to self-control that we see in high-maintenance interactions.
It may be the case that we can energize ourselves by interacting with low-maintenance partners. By extension, perhaps this is why our pets are so important for our health? I’ve known some vampire dogs in my day, but, in general, pets and supportive friends are good ways to restore our self-control after a day of working (and maybe living) with the undead.
Article by David Sbarra
In the spirit of the upcoming 'Twilight' movie, I would like to talk about the undead: vampires. More precisely, emotional vampires. Are there people in your life who just sap your emotional energy once they walk in the door? Do you feel totally spent after interacting with some people? There are vampires among us, and I am actually more frightened about sitting next to one at a dinner party than meeting Count Dracula himself.
My colleague Eli Finkel at Northwestern University conducted a very important series of studies on what he calls high-maintenance interactions. In essence, these studies are about social coordination, and how the lack of social coordination can deplete our ability to exert self-control.
Self-control is critical to everyday life. With high self-control, we can limit food temptations, complete difficult tasks at work, and, resist the urge to smack a co-worker when he/she is being a bit too condescending.
The problem with self-control is that it’s a limited capacity system. Like our muscles, our ability to exert self-control can be depleted when taxed too much. In these situations, we ruin the diet, give up on difficult chores, and let our co-workers (or partners) have it! Self-control is so important to everyday life that I bet you can think of one example of a self-control failure from your own life within the past hour!
According to the results of Finkel’s studies, high-maintenance interactions put a lot of pressure on our capacity for self-control. Consider this awesome example: Finkel and colleagues asked research assistants to subtly mimic research participants (or be misaligned with them -- that is, rather than getting in-synch with someone, make sure you’re out of synch) when engaged in a joint picture description task. Later, the participants were asked to play the game Operation. The key outcome variable was how efficient the participants were in removing “body parts” during the game. This makes perfect sense -- Operation is a game that requires attention and fine motor control, and if you’re energy is sapped from a high-maintenance interaction, your play will likely suffer.
Sure enough, Finkel and colleagues observed that when the research assistant mimicked participants behaviors closely, the participants scored better in Operation; similarly, when the research assistants were misaligned (out of synch), the participants were significantly worse at Operation! These researchers show that you can vary both the high-maintenance interaction (e.g., get two people to enter data together but have the instructor make many errors, which is maddening for the person entering the data) and the outcome (e.g., persistence on standardized test problems) and the results look essentially the same as in the Operation experiment: The more burdensome the interaction, the more our self-control is depleted in the end.
What does this have to do with the undead? I hope it’s obvious by now that this research suggests that some people -- and, more accurately, some interactions -- can sap our self-control and therefore make it much harder to effectively regulate our emotions.
What can you do about this? First, be aware of high-maintenance interactions in your day-to-day life. Is it harder to concentrate after a phone call from a narcissistic friend? Do you hate Thanksgiving because your brother-in-law interrupts every time you open your mouth?
These are high-maintenance interactions, and I’d encourage you to reflect on how many of these types of exchanges you can reasonably cut out of your life.
I recognize that it’s impossible to get rid of all the high-maintenance interactions (and high-maintenance people, for that matter… Yes, I’ve said it: Some people create many more high-maintenance interactions than others.) Therefore, my second piece of advice is to make sure you have many sources for low-maintenance interaction. Finkel’s data suggests that low-maintenance interactions (e.g., the behavioral mimicry condition) don’t enhance our self-control per se but can be effective in preventing the hits to self-control that we see in high-maintenance interactions.
It may be the case that we can energize ourselves by interacting with low-maintenance partners. By extension, perhaps this is why our pets are so important for our health? I’ve known some vampire dogs in my day, but, in general, pets and supportive friends are good ways to restore our self-control after a day of working (and maybe living) with the undead.
Article by David Sbarra
Ever Experience another Creature's Cemetary Site?
From crazy to interesting...walk back in time and relive a part of this planet's history...a bit Jurrasic Park for you?
SANTIAGO, Chile -- More than 2 million years ago, scores of whales congregating off the Pacific Coast of South America mysteriously met their end.
Maybe they became disoriented and beached themselves. Maybe they were trapped in a lagoon by a landslide or a storm. Maybe they died there over a period of a few millennia. But somehow, they ended up right next to one another, many just meters (yards) apart, entombed as the shallow sea floor was driven upward by geological forces and transformed into the driest place on the planet.
Today, they have emerged again atop a desert hill more than a kilometer (half a mile) from the surf, where researchers have begun to unearth one of the world's best-preserved graveyards of prehistoric whales.
Chilean scientists together with researchers from the Smithsonian Institution are studying how these whales, many of the them the size of buses, wound up in the same corner of the Atacama Desert.
"That's the top question," said Mario Suarez, director of the Paleontological Museum in the nearby town of Caldera, about 700 kilometers (440 miles) north of Santiago, the Chilean capital.
Experts say other groups of prehistoric whales have been found together in Peru and Egypt, but the Chilean fossils stand out for their staggering number and beautifully preserved bones. More than 75 whales have been discovered so far – including more than 20 perfectly intact skeletons.
They provide a snapshot of sea life at the time, and even include what might have been a family group: two adult whales with a juvenile between them.
"I think they died more or less at the same time," said Nicholas Pyenson, curator of fossil marine mammals at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Pyenson and Suarez are jointly leading the research.
As for why such a great number perished in the same place, Pyenson said: "There are many ways that whales could die, and we're still testing all those different hypotheses."
The scientists have yet to publish their findings about the fossil bed and the extensive remains, which began to emerge in June last year during a highway-widening project that is now on hold.
So far, the fossils have been found in a roadside strip the length of two football fields – about 240 meters (260 yards) long and 20 meters (yards) wide.
Pyenson said the spot was once a "lagoon-like environment" and that the whales probably died between 2 million and 7 million years ago.
Most of the fossils are baleen whales that measured about 8 meters (25 feet) long, Pyenson said.
The researchers also discovered a sperm whale skeleton and remains of a now-extinct dolphin that had two walrus-like tusks and previously had only turned up in Peru, he said.
"We're very excited about that," Pyenson said in a telephone interview. "It is a very bizarre animal."
Other unusual creatures found elsewhere in the fossil-rich Atacama Desert include an extinct aquatic sloth and a seabird with a 5-meter (17-foot) wingspan, bigger than a condor's.
Erich Fitzgerald, a vertebrate paleontologist at Museum Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, emailed that the latest find is very significant.
"The fossils are exceptionally well preserved and quite complete – a rare combination in paleontology and one that will likely shed light on many facets of the ... ecology and evolution of these extinct species," Fitzgerald said.
He said it's possible "these fossilized remains may have accumulated over a relatively long period of time."
Hans Thewissen, an expert on early whales, agreed. Another scenario, he said, is that the whales might have gathered in a lagoon and then an earthquake or storm could have closed off the outlet to the ocean.
"Subsequently the lagoon dries up and the whales die," said Thewissen, a professor of anatomy at Northeast Ohio Medical University. He said the accumulation of so many complete skeletons is "a very unusual situation."
"If this were a lagoon that dried up, you might see signs that ocean water evaporated," such as crystallized salt and gypsum in the rock, said Thewissen, who is not involved in the research. "On the other hand, if a giant wave or storm flung the whales onto shore, it would also have pushed the ocean floor around, and you would see scour marks in the rocks."
Dating fossils is complicated, experts said, and it will be very hard to distinguish dates precisely enough to determine whether the whales all died simultaneously.
The researchers have been told to finish their onsite studies so that fossils can be moved out of the path of the widened Pan American Highway, or Route 5, which is Chile's main north-south road.
Many of the fossils have been transported in plaster coverings to the museum in Caldera. Researchers from Chile's National Museum of Natural History are also studying the fossils.
Pyenson and his team are working quickly under tents to document the intact skeletons. With funding from the National Geographic Society, the Smithsonian team is using sophisticated photography and laser scanners to capture 3D images of the whales that can later be used to make life-sized models of them.
Suarez, the paleontologist, had long known about the whale bones just north of Caldera – they could be seen jutting out of the sandstone ridge alongside the highway at the spot known as Cerro Ballena, or Whale Hill. When the road work began last year, the construction company asked him to monitor the job to avoid destroying fossils.
"In the first week, about six or seven whales appeared," Suarez said. "We realized that it was a truly extraordinary site."
The Chilean government has declared the site a protected zone, and Pyenson said he hopes a museum will be built to showcase the intact skeletons where they lie, in the same way fossils are displayed at Dinosaur National Monument in Utah and Colorado.
Suarez thinks there are probably fossils of hundreds of whales waiting to be uncovered – enough to keep him working at this one spot for the rest of his life.
"We have a unique opportunity to develop a great scientific project and make a great contribution to science," he said.
Article by Ian James
SANTIAGO, Chile -- More than 2 million years ago, scores of whales congregating off the Pacific Coast of South America mysteriously met their end.
Maybe they became disoriented and beached themselves. Maybe they were trapped in a lagoon by a landslide or a storm. Maybe they died there over a period of a few millennia. But somehow, they ended up right next to one another, many just meters (yards) apart, entombed as the shallow sea floor was driven upward by geological forces and transformed into the driest place on the planet.
Today, they have emerged again atop a desert hill more than a kilometer (half a mile) from the surf, where researchers have begun to unearth one of the world's best-preserved graveyards of prehistoric whales.
Chilean scientists together with researchers from the Smithsonian Institution are studying how these whales, many of the them the size of buses, wound up in the same corner of the Atacama Desert.
"That's the top question," said Mario Suarez, director of the Paleontological Museum in the nearby town of Caldera, about 700 kilometers (440 miles) north of Santiago, the Chilean capital.
Experts say other groups of prehistoric whales have been found together in Peru and Egypt, but the Chilean fossils stand out for their staggering number and beautifully preserved bones. More than 75 whales have been discovered so far – including more than 20 perfectly intact skeletons.
They provide a snapshot of sea life at the time, and even include what might have been a family group: two adult whales with a juvenile between them.
"I think they died more or less at the same time," said Nicholas Pyenson, curator of fossil marine mammals at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Pyenson and Suarez are jointly leading the research.
As for why such a great number perished in the same place, Pyenson said: "There are many ways that whales could die, and we're still testing all those different hypotheses."
The scientists have yet to publish their findings about the fossil bed and the extensive remains, which began to emerge in June last year during a highway-widening project that is now on hold.
So far, the fossils have been found in a roadside strip the length of two football fields – about 240 meters (260 yards) long and 20 meters (yards) wide.
Pyenson said the spot was once a "lagoon-like environment" and that the whales probably died between 2 million and 7 million years ago.
Most of the fossils are baleen whales that measured about 8 meters (25 feet) long, Pyenson said.
The researchers also discovered a sperm whale skeleton and remains of a now-extinct dolphin that had two walrus-like tusks and previously had only turned up in Peru, he said.
"We're very excited about that," Pyenson said in a telephone interview. "It is a very bizarre animal."
Other unusual creatures found elsewhere in the fossil-rich Atacama Desert include an extinct aquatic sloth and a seabird with a 5-meter (17-foot) wingspan, bigger than a condor's.
Erich Fitzgerald, a vertebrate paleontologist at Museum Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, emailed that the latest find is very significant.
"The fossils are exceptionally well preserved and quite complete – a rare combination in paleontology and one that will likely shed light on many facets of the ... ecology and evolution of these extinct species," Fitzgerald said.
He said it's possible "these fossilized remains may have accumulated over a relatively long period of time."
Hans Thewissen, an expert on early whales, agreed. Another scenario, he said, is that the whales might have gathered in a lagoon and then an earthquake or storm could have closed off the outlet to the ocean.
"Subsequently the lagoon dries up and the whales die," said Thewissen, a professor of anatomy at Northeast Ohio Medical University. He said the accumulation of so many complete skeletons is "a very unusual situation."
"If this were a lagoon that dried up, you might see signs that ocean water evaporated," such as crystallized salt and gypsum in the rock, said Thewissen, who is not involved in the research. "On the other hand, if a giant wave or storm flung the whales onto shore, it would also have pushed the ocean floor around, and you would see scour marks in the rocks."
Dating fossils is complicated, experts said, and it will be very hard to distinguish dates precisely enough to determine whether the whales all died simultaneously.
The researchers have been told to finish their onsite studies so that fossils can be moved out of the path of the widened Pan American Highway, or Route 5, which is Chile's main north-south road.
Many of the fossils have been transported in plaster coverings to the museum in Caldera. Researchers from Chile's National Museum of Natural History are also studying the fossils.
Pyenson and his team are working quickly under tents to document the intact skeletons. With funding from the National Geographic Society, the Smithsonian team is using sophisticated photography and laser scanners to capture 3D images of the whales that can later be used to make life-sized models of them.
Suarez, the paleontologist, had long known about the whale bones just north of Caldera – they could be seen jutting out of the sandstone ridge alongside the highway at the spot known as Cerro Ballena, or Whale Hill. When the road work began last year, the construction company asked him to monitor the job to avoid destroying fossils.
"In the first week, about six or seven whales appeared," Suarez said. "We realized that it was a truly extraordinary site."
The Chilean government has declared the site a protected zone, and Pyenson said he hopes a museum will be built to showcase the intact skeletons where they lie, in the same way fossils are displayed at Dinosaur National Monument in Utah and Colorado.
Suarez thinks there are probably fossils of hundreds of whales waiting to be uncovered – enough to keep him working at this one spot for the rest of his life.
"We have a unique opportunity to develop a great scientific project and make a great contribution to science," he said.
Article by Ian James
Crime, Passion and Revengeful Lust
I read this crazy true story about a romance gone horibly wrong, and I thought that I would share its lunacy...check it out for yourself!
Article by Emery P. Dalesio
GREENSBORO, N.C. — Mary Ann Holder wanted to see her married former flame one last time as their bitter love triangle threatened to open a new and potentially costly chapter in court.
The meeting ended with Randall Lamb, 40, being shot and Holder, 36, taking her own life Sunday. Later, police found that Holder gunned down four children living in her home, including her two sons, and the older boy's girlfriend. Two are dead. Three of the children survived and were in critical condition Monday.
Investigators were trying to unravel the violent chain of events and understand why Holder took out her rage on children. Holder left notes taking responsibility for the shootings and apologizing for the pain she was causing, Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes said. The notes also indicate Holder was angry about how her relationship with Lamb ended.
"They were obviously shot for the purpose of killing them. You can call it an execution, you can call it a shooting, you can call it whatever you want. The result is the same," he said. "We may never know exactly what her thoughts were and why."
Investigators said Holder and Lamb had been having an affair for almost four years and it was grinding to an acrimonious end.
In February, Lamb's wife, Jennifer, sought a court order to keep Holder away from her and her husband. Jennifer Lamb stated in the complaint that Holder would constantly call and text their cell phones and that Holder also sent nude pictures of herself. In June, Holder filed restraining orders against Lamb and his wife, saying they stalked and harassed her and that Lamb constantly drove past her house.
Authorities said Lamb agreed to meet Holder at a community college parking lot around 9 a.m. Sunday. His wife was about to file an alienation of affection lawsuit against Holder. North Carolina law allows a married person to sue the person with whom his or her spouse had an affair.
Holder shot at him multiple times and hit him once in the shoulder, the sheriff said. Lamb called his wife, who reported the shooting to 911 dispatchers. He was in stable condition on Monday.
Holder then drove off to pick up her 14-year-old son. Phone records indicate that about 45 minutes later, Zachary Smith was sending a text message thanking his hosts for letting him stay over the previous night.
Nearly half an hour later, a sheriff's deputy on the lookout for Holder's black SUV drove past it and turned around after seeing what he thought was a puff of smoke inside the vehicle. Holder was found dead inside with a gunshot to the head, and Zachary critically wounded was in the SUV's back seat. Deputies recovered two handguns inside the vehicle, one in Holder's lap, the sheriff said.
The officers then went into Holder's home in the Pleasant Garden community south of Greensboro and found her son, 17-year-old Robert Dylan Smith, dead. Smith's girlfriend, Makayla Woods, 15, and Holder's nephew, Richard Suttles, 17, were also shot inside the home and were in critical condition Monday. Holder's niece, Hannaleigh Suttles. 8, died Monday.
The victims appeared to have been shot while they slept in a bedroom and the home's living room, said Barnes's chief deputy, Col. Randy Powers.
Holder's decision to take in her dead sister's children appeared to add to the pressures of what appeared to be a life in turmoil, neighbor Teresa Scott said.
"Why would you take them children, keep them children, when your life's rocky, up and down?" said Scott, who said Holder began renting the home across the street about four years ago.
Holder's children were kind and vigilant toward the elderly couple across the road, Teresa Scott said. They volunteered to help with yard maintenance and inquired about the health of her husband, Joe, who has had recent health problems.
In the past, Lamb also appeared to like Holder's children, Teresa Scott said. "They'd pack up things and go places together," she said.
But it was also clear the affair between Holder and Lamb had become rancorous, Teresa Scott said. Robert Smith posted no trespassing signs on trees in the front yard this year in response to the rising level of tension between Holder and Lamb, Scott said.
No one answered the door at Lamb's home or at the homes of neighbors at the end of long driveways.
The multiple shootings stunned law officers, Barnes said.
"We've got death. We've got drama. We've got a situation basically no one could ever imagine," Barnes said.
Wicked crazy story. Just when you think that things are going wrong, someone else out there usually has it a tab bit worse.
Article by Emery P. Dalesio
GREENSBORO, N.C. — Mary Ann Holder wanted to see her married former flame one last time as their bitter love triangle threatened to open a new and potentially costly chapter in court.
The meeting ended with Randall Lamb, 40, being shot and Holder, 36, taking her own life Sunday. Later, police found that Holder gunned down four children living in her home, including her two sons, and the older boy's girlfriend. Two are dead. Three of the children survived and were in critical condition Monday.
Investigators were trying to unravel the violent chain of events and understand why Holder took out her rage on children. Holder left notes taking responsibility for the shootings and apologizing for the pain she was causing, Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes said. The notes also indicate Holder was angry about how her relationship with Lamb ended.
"They were obviously shot for the purpose of killing them. You can call it an execution, you can call it a shooting, you can call it whatever you want. The result is the same," he said. "We may never know exactly what her thoughts were and why."
Investigators said Holder and Lamb had been having an affair for almost four years and it was grinding to an acrimonious end.
In February, Lamb's wife, Jennifer, sought a court order to keep Holder away from her and her husband. Jennifer Lamb stated in the complaint that Holder would constantly call and text their cell phones and that Holder also sent nude pictures of herself. In June, Holder filed restraining orders against Lamb and his wife, saying they stalked and harassed her and that Lamb constantly drove past her house.
Authorities said Lamb agreed to meet Holder at a community college parking lot around 9 a.m. Sunday. His wife was about to file an alienation of affection lawsuit against Holder. North Carolina law allows a married person to sue the person with whom his or her spouse had an affair.
Holder shot at him multiple times and hit him once in the shoulder, the sheriff said. Lamb called his wife, who reported the shooting to 911 dispatchers. He was in stable condition on Monday.
Holder then drove off to pick up her 14-year-old son. Phone records indicate that about 45 minutes later, Zachary Smith was sending a text message thanking his hosts for letting him stay over the previous night.
Nearly half an hour later, a sheriff's deputy on the lookout for Holder's black SUV drove past it and turned around after seeing what he thought was a puff of smoke inside the vehicle. Holder was found dead inside with a gunshot to the head, and Zachary critically wounded was in the SUV's back seat. Deputies recovered two handguns inside the vehicle, one in Holder's lap, the sheriff said.
The officers then went into Holder's home in the Pleasant Garden community south of Greensboro and found her son, 17-year-old Robert Dylan Smith, dead. Smith's girlfriend, Makayla Woods, 15, and Holder's nephew, Richard Suttles, 17, were also shot inside the home and were in critical condition Monday. Holder's niece, Hannaleigh Suttles. 8, died Monday.
The victims appeared to have been shot while they slept in a bedroom and the home's living room, said Barnes's chief deputy, Col. Randy Powers.
Holder's decision to take in her dead sister's children appeared to add to the pressures of what appeared to be a life in turmoil, neighbor Teresa Scott said.
"Why would you take them children, keep them children, when your life's rocky, up and down?" said Scott, who said Holder began renting the home across the street about four years ago.
Holder's children were kind and vigilant toward the elderly couple across the road, Teresa Scott said. They volunteered to help with yard maintenance and inquired about the health of her husband, Joe, who has had recent health problems.
In the past, Lamb also appeared to like Holder's children, Teresa Scott said. "They'd pack up things and go places together," she said.
But it was also clear the affair between Holder and Lamb had become rancorous, Teresa Scott said. Robert Smith posted no trespassing signs on trees in the front yard this year in response to the rising level of tension between Holder and Lamb, Scott said.
No one answered the door at Lamb's home or at the homes of neighbors at the end of long driveways.
The multiple shootings stunned law officers, Barnes said.
"We've got death. We've got drama. We've got a situation basically no one could ever imagine," Barnes said.
Wicked crazy story. Just when you think that things are going wrong, someone else out there usually has it a tab bit worse.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Philosophical Investigations by Ludwig Wittgenstein
The limits of my Language indicate the limits of my mind...all I KNOW is what I can describe with words...all else goes untold, unheard...becoming more of the unknown!
Truth lives Within Wit...Jousting Verbal Calistentics that jar with swanky thoughts, coupled with clever Blessings and incitfully subtle insults...
Esprit de l'Escalier
Scrumptiously Delicious...miraculously blank
Almost as if there are invisible ideas clamoring to be discovered...the forbidden enemy of the insecure...Jammed together during rush hour
Complete Katzenjammer!
A kiss is natures lovely trick to stop all thoughts dead in its tracks when words become superfluous...
First conquer fear, that's the first step towards accomplishment...boundaries bend, test your limits
Word of the Day
means possessing an abnormal fear of failure
P.s. think before you rush a judgement on somebody don't always know what experiences that other person has lived through to become who they schadenfreuden bastard
Truth lives Within Wit...Jousting Verbal Calistentics that jar with swanky thoughts, coupled with clever Blessings and incitfully subtle insults...
Esprit de l'Escalier
Scrumptiously Delicious...miraculously blank
Almost as if there are invisible ideas clamoring to be discovered...the forbidden enemy of the insecure...Jammed together during rush hour
Complete Katzenjammer!
A kiss is natures lovely trick to stop all thoughts dead in its tracks when words become superfluous...
First conquer fear, that's the first step towards accomplishment...boundaries bend, test your limits
Word of the Day
means possessing an abnormal fear of failure
P.s. think before you rush a judgement on somebody don't always know what experiences that other person has lived through to become who they schadenfreuden bastard
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The American Hurricane
Calling me Hip merely implies primitive sophistication within a vast Abyss that leads to a known world of controversial guesses and nonsensical estimations...On an unexplained road in a fateful direction of faith in answers to be...
Where has Honor gone? Chivalry? Valiance? Integrity? Righteousness? Decency? Morality? Justice, Virtue, Fairness?
A culture of Totalitarian Beasts...killing our spirit with psychic bullets, cell by cell, soul for soul...
Absurd Lies derived by the media in newspapers and television slowly dissect the heart if society...skewing thoughts through a series of sentimental cheats...we are all attempting quick grasps at the secrets of sanity and stability for the Immensity of the Purpose of Our Existence.?.?.tussling with the ability to hold the Maximum of impossible combination's within one's windowed mind...
Feeding an insatiable Obsession...reliving the same question that never gets resolved...yet sentiments become the promiscuous emotion of the detached.
Touch my Moral Consciousness, and I will Never be the Same.
Arguing with Gods only awakens devils that contest my visions...The devil always seems to inhabit my creations.
Life forces us all to not only be exceptional, but also insignificant...marvelous and awful...Good and Bad
Never Wince...fight with a trumpet of defiance
Where has Honor gone? Chivalry? Valiance? Integrity? Righteousness? Decency? Morality? Justice, Virtue, Fairness?
A culture of Totalitarian Beasts...killing our spirit with psychic bullets, cell by cell, soul for soul...
Absurd Lies derived by the media in newspapers and television slowly dissect the heart if society...skewing thoughts through a series of sentimental cheats...we are all attempting quick grasps at the secrets of sanity and stability for the Immensity of the Purpose of Our Existence.?.?.tussling with the ability to hold the Maximum of impossible combination's within one's windowed mind...
Feeding an insatiable Obsession...reliving the same question that never gets resolved...yet sentiments become the promiscuous emotion of the detached.
Touch my Moral Consciousness, and I will Never be the Same.
Arguing with Gods only awakens devils that contest my visions...The devil always seems to inhabit my creations.
Life forces us all to not only be exceptional, but also insignificant...marvelous and awful...Good and Bad
Never Wince...fight with a trumpet of defiance
"Revolutions are the periods in History were individuals Matter the Most"
-Norman Mailer
Friday, November 18, 2011
A Man Without Imagination will Never Fly
When you have love in your's similar to sunlight bathing the flowers of a beautiful garden...
Man must admit that he/she exists within a world contrived by and of material....regardless of whatever else might exists!
(assume your full responsibility of free will...even though truths of right or wrong, good or bad are not revealed or understood)
P.s. A woman is the only thing that I fear (even though I)KNOW that she will never want to hurt me...
A Failure to LIVE...
to take RISKS
is a failure to realize your own potentialMan must admit that he/she exists within a world contrived by and of material....regardless of whatever else might exists!
(assume your full responsibility of free will...even though truths of right or wrong, good or bad are not revealed or understood)
"Wearing a turtleneck is like being strangled all day by a really weak person...Now, when I wear a backpack with my turtleneck, it's like a weak midget trying to take me down!"
P.s. A woman is the only thing that I fear (even though I)
Excuses never Solve anything
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Your Actions Express Your Priorities
We are so critical of ourselves, in all actuality far more critical then how others perceive us...why do we seem to be so hard on ourselves then? If the process involves, learning from mistakes...then we should be forgiving in nature and always be anticipating growth through new acquired knowledge and experiences. (An Eye for an Eye will undoubtedly make this World Blind). Be mindful or your surroundings and open to the prospect of missed's self indulgent arrogance and ignorance that stunts personal growth, factor in self pity...and stagnancy occurs!
"Real change of self isn’t found in some new way to think about yourself, but in the freedom from the need to think about yourself at all." ~Guy Finley
To declare a "NO" from your deepest conviction is far better then to please (or avoid trouble) with a "yes"
"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world ... as in being able to remake ourselves." ~Gandhi
Always remember to be kind, to yourself and everybody else...always
Cowards seem to fear exhibiting love...yet it is the birthright of the brave to share theirs with the world. I see weakness in man as an accident, yet a strong non-violent man is UNJUST by accident. I Was Once Told that an Ounce of Practice weighs much much more, then a Ton or Preaching!
"Real change of self isn’t found in some new way to think about yourself, but in the freedom from the need to think about yourself at all." ~Guy Finley
To declare a "NO" from your deepest conviction is far better then to please (or avoid trouble) with a "yes"
"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world ... as in being able to remake ourselves." ~Gandhi
Always remember to be kind, to yourself and everybody else...always
Cowards seem to fear exhibiting love...yet it is the birthright of the brave to share theirs with the world. I see weakness in man as an accident, yet a strong non-violent man is UNJUST by accident. I Was Once Told that an Ounce of Practice weighs much much more, then a Ton or Preaching!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
It has NEVER mattered to me,
The shape that you come in, from the color of your hair or even the types of clothes you wear...
I don't care about level of education, class or community status
Believe in whatever you want, I won't ever try to change your beliefs...but if you ask me mine, I will only explain my perspective...
Gender and sexual orientation is irrelevant...
This world is filled with a variety of races...I see no distinction...we are all still the same, Human!
If you are good to me and to others...then it's simple, I would go out of my way to be good to you...
Mistreat me, or anybody else...and I will still forgive you...hope for the better, at some point down the road...preferably sooner, rather then later...
As an aside...tangents...rambles
why must our short lives be continually rushed?
The shape that you come in, from the color of your hair or even the types of clothes you wear...
I don't care about level of education, class or community status
Believe in whatever you want, I won't ever try to change your beliefs...but if you ask me mine, I will only explain my perspective...
Gender and sexual orientation is irrelevant...
This world is filled with a variety of races...I see no distinction...we are all still the same, Human!
If you are good to me and to others...then it's simple, I would go out of my way to be good to you...
Mistreat me, or anybody else...and I will still forgive you...hope for the better, at some point down the road...preferably sooner, rather then later...
As an aside...tangents...rambles
why must our short lives be continually rushed?
Ah, Women
the ultimate RoLlErCoAsTeR ride...
with them, the highs are never GREATER
soaring up into the Heavens
but when the lows hit...
they seem to come so frequent!
Good Conscience,
Evidence of Truth
come only from senses
therefore, aren't all things subjected to interpretation...whichever interpretation prevails at a given more a result and function of POWER rather then the TRUTH!!!
All truth is simple...Isn't that my guilty little lie! But it is my conviction that will serve as my ultimate weapon against lies...
I Stared into the Abyss so long, that I found it staring back at me
P.s. when Anyone declares someone as an idiot, a bad individual of some sort,
don't they seem to get annoyed
When they find out that
Those accused turn out to be something other then what they thought and stated?
If I have Wit with Wisdom, then let those be on my epitaph of my emotions
with them, the highs are never GREATER
soaring up into the Heavens
but when the lows hit...
they seem to come so frequent!
Good Conscience,
Evidence of Truth
come only from senses
therefore, aren't all things subjected to interpretation...whichever interpretation prevails at a given more a result and function of POWER rather then the TRUTH!!!
All truth is simple...Isn't that my guilty little lie! But it is my conviction that will serve as my ultimate weapon against lies...
I Stared into the Abyss so long, that I found it staring back at me
P.s. when Anyone declares someone as an idiot, a bad individual of some sort,
don't they seem to get annoyed
When they find out that
Those accused turn out to be something other then what they thought and stated?
If I have Wit with Wisdom, then let those be on my epitaph of my emotions
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Eat to live...rather than live to Eat
I came across this interesting article on dietary habits...I am not endorsing any specific lifestyle of eating...choose what you wish, and blame no one other then yourself if the end/net result is less then desirable. We truly are, what we eat.
For the record, I am a jar of natural peanut butter...and a bar of bittersweet chocolate.
"Although some historians and anthropologists say that man is historically omnivorous, our anatomical equipment teeth, jaws, and digestive system favors a fleshless diet. The American Dietetic Association notes that "most of mankind for most of human history has lived on vegetarian or near-vegetarian diets."
And much of the world still lives that way. Even on most industrialized countries, the love affair with meat is less than a hundred years old. It started with the refrigerator car and the twentieth-century consumer society. But even with the twentieth century, man's body hasn't adapted to eating meat. The prominent Swedish scientist Karl von Linne states, "Man's structure, external and internal, compared with that of the other animals, shows that fruit and succulent vegetables constitute his natural food." The chart below compares the anatomy of man with that of carnivorous and herbivorous animals.
When you look at the comparison between herbivores and humans, we compare much more closely to herbivores than meat eating animals. Humans are clearly not designed to digest and ingest meat.
Meat-eaters: have claws
Herbivores: no claws
Humans: no claws
Meat-eaters: have no skin pores and perspire through the tongue
Herbivores: perspire through skin pores
Humans: perspire through skin pores
Meat-eaters: have sharp front teeth for tearing, with no flat molar teeth for grinding
Herbivores: no sharp front teeth, but flat rear molars for grinding
Humans: no sharp front teeth, but flat rear molars for grinding
Meat-eaters: have intestinal tract that is only 3 times their body length so that rapidly decaying meat can pass through quickly
Herbivores: have intestinal tract 10-12 times their body length.
Humans: have intestinal tract 10-12 times their body length.
Meat-eaters: have strong hydrochloric acid in stomach to digest meat
Herbivores: have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a meat-eater
Humans: have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a meat-eater
Meat-eaters: salivary glands in mouth not needed to pre-digest grains and fruits.
Herbivores: well-developed salivary glands which are necessary to pre-digest grains and fruits
Humans: well-developed salivary glands, which are necessary to pre-digest, grains and fruits
Meat-eaters: have acid saliva with no enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains
Herbivores: have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains
Humans: have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains
Based on a chart by A.D. Andrews, Fit Food for Men, (Chicago: American Hygiene Society, 1970)
Clearly if humans were meant to eat meat we wouldn't have so many crucial ingestive/digestive similarities with animals that are herbivores.
Many people ask me, "If we weren't supposed to eat meat than why do we?". It is because we are conditioned to eat meat. Also, the ADA (American Dietetic Association) tells us that "most of mankind for most of human history has lived on a vegetarian or Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet."
A popular statement that meat eaters say is; "In the wild, animals kill other animals for food. It's a part of nature." First of all, we are not in the wild. Secondly, we can easily live without eating meat and killing. We all would be healthier this way. Finally, as I have already shown, we weren't meant to eat meat. Meat putrefies within 4 hours after consumption and the remnants cling to the walls of the intestines for 14-21 days. If a person is suffering from constipation the rotting meat can stay in the intestines for months or years. Furthermore, the saliva in humans is more alkaline, whereas in the case of flesh-eating or preying animals, it is clearly acidic. The alkaline saliva does not act properly on meat.
The final point I would like to make on how we as humans were not meant to eat meat is this; all omnivorous and carnivorous animals eat their meat raw. When a lion kills an herbivore for food, it tears right into the stomach area to eat the organs that are filled with blood (nutrients). While eating the stomach, liver, intestine, etc., the lion laps the blood in the process of eating the dead animal's flesh. Even bears that are omnivores eat salmon raw. However, eating raw bloody meat disgust us as humans. This is why we must cook it and season it to buffer the taste of the flesh.
If a deer is burned in a forest fire a carnivorous animal will NOT eat its flesh. Even circus lions have to be feed raw meat so that they will not starve to death. If humans were truly meant to eat meat then we would eat all of our meat raw and bloody. The thought of eating such meat makes one’s stomach turn. This is my point on how we as humans are conditioned to believe that animal flesh is good for us and that we were meant to consume it for survival and health purposes. If we are true carnivores or omnivores we would eat animal flesh raw and bloody. Cooking our meat and seasoning it with salt, ketchup, mayo, mustard or tabasco sauce disguise the awful taste of flesh. This is the only way we as humans would eat meat because we refuse to eat it raw and bloody like real carnivores.
Overall advantages of vegetarianism
You can reap a lot of benefits by being a vegetarian and people have become more aware of the health benefits of being a vegetarian. Animal rights issues is only one of the reasons why people decide to go on a vegetarian diet. People are beginning to care more about the environment. However, the main reason why most people go on vegetarian diet is due to the health benefits.
Meat is not good for you as it clogs your thinking. This is especially true if you eat red meat; white meat has less fat compared to red meat. Excessive intake of fats into your body can result in having a high level of cholesterol. If you think that not eating meat is going to make you look scrawny or unhealthy please think again. Just imagine that cows, goats, gorillas, elephants, rhinoceroses and so on are all vegetarians (herbivores) but look at how tough these animals are. They also have a longer life span compared to the carnivores (meat eating animals).
If you look at the chicken and vulture (carnivores), these animals eat just about everything and notice how unhealthy these animals look. The Chinese believe that the chi or life force in your body is less when you consume meat and so do the Indians with their ancient yogic principles [their life force was called prana].
The great Tai Chi masters of China were adept at preserving their chi. Even though some of the masters were not vegetarians they still had a balanced diet. It has now been scientifically proven that a balanced vegetarian diet is better compared to a diet that is taken with meat.
There are a lot of misconceptions about being a vegetarian; protein is one of the main topics of debate as a lot of people think that you can only get protein from meat. Vegetarians get a lot of protein when they eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. What vegetarians don't get is the excess protein of the traditional American diet. This type of diet leads to liver toxicity, kidney overload and mineral deficiency diseases.
A lot of people also think that a vegetarian diet is not a balanced diet. Vegetarian diets have a proportion of three macro nutrients which are complex carbohydrates, protein and fat. Vegetarian food sources (plants) tend to be higher sources of most micro nutrients. Another myth that needs to be clarified is the so-called lack of calcium among vegetarians. Many vegetables especially green leafy ones have a good supply of calcium. The truth is that vegetarians suffer less from osteoporosis (a deficiency of calcium that leads to weak bones).
It is not my intention to force people to become vegetarians. However, vegetarianism is my answer to complete health and wellness. The three issues to consider in regard to vegetarianism are: spiritual, mental and physical (nutritional).
The spiritually aspiring person attempts to work on his/her self. The purpose of spiritual growth is to move away from the animal nature into the more human nature that God intended for us to have. Meat eating inhibits this. The same science that attempts to ignore the existence of a force higher than man also proved that aggression levels are much higher in meat eaters than non-meat eaters! The animal instincts become more powerful every time you eat meat. Another spiritual aspect of being a meat eater is when one must question the necessity and method of killing animals. However, everyone has their own morals to which they must determine for themselves. It is not the purpose of my dissertation to force a specific moral behavior on anyone. Most spiritual people believe in auras. Kirilian photography shows us that a force field still remains around dead or amputated flesh. You adopt that animal aura when you eat it's dead flesh. Fruits and vegetables have a higher vibration al aura than animal products.
“You are what you eat”, is a slogan that I love to use to show the mental aspect of vegetarianism. When animals are slaughtered, fear and aggression enzymes are shot into their muscle tissue. They remain in the meat until the consumer ingests the flesh and adapts the same emotions. Fruits and vegetables do not have emotions; therefore, when they are picked they do not release any emotional cells prior to digestion. The enzymes within fruits and vegetables supply the body with sufficient nutrients that will always uphold a healthy state of mind.
Fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients; the very thing the body needs to live a long disease and pain free life. The same cannot be said for meat. Nutritionally, the alkaline-based digestive system of humans will not properly break down substantial acid substances of meat.
Colon cancer is rampant! This is caused by the slow evacuation and putrefaction of meat in the colon. Lifelong vegetarians never suffer from such an illness. Many meat eaters believe that meat is the sole source of protein. However, the quality of this protein is so poor that little of it can ever be utilized by humans. This is due to its incomplete combination of amino acids [the building blocks of protein]. Studies show that the average American gets five times the amount of protein needed. It is a common medical fact that excess protein is dangerous. The prime danger of excess meat consumption is uric acid (the waste product produced in the process of digesting protein). Uric acid attacks the kidneys and breaks down the kidney cells called nephrons. This condition is called nephritis; the prime cause of it is overburdening the kidneys. More usable protein is found in one tablespoon of tofu or soybeans than the average serving of meat!
Have you ever seen what happens to a piece of meat that stays in the sun for three days? Meat can stay in the warmth of the intestine for at least four to five days until it is digested. It does nothing but wait for passage. Often, it usually stays there for much longer. Medical doctors have found traces of undigested meat remaining in the colon for up to several months. Colonic therapists always see meat passing through people who have been vegetarians for several years, thus indicating that meat remains undigested there for a long time. Occasionally this has been documented in twenty-year vegetarians!
Some vegetarians claim they are more satisfied after they eat. The reason for this is that there are fewer ketones (protein-digestive substances) formed when vegetable protein is digested. For many, ketones cause a trace amount of nausea which one normally interprets as a decreased desire for food due to this uncomfortable and slight degree of queasiness. Although the body calls for more food, the taste buds tolerate less. This is the danger of the popular high-protein diet substances on the market. This abnormally high level of ketones is called ketosis and refers to the state of starvation that the body incurs due to the inability of the appetite to call for nutrition. Most Americans who eat the wrong type of carbohydrates never recognize the high amount of complex carbohydrates required to overthrow this condition. Keep in mind that when the blood ketone level are too high it results in abnormally acidic blood called acidosis.
Tigers or lions who eat meat have an acid-based digestive systems. Our Hydrochloric Acid isn’t strong enough to fully digest meat. Also, their intestines measures about five feet long, not twisted and turned, layer over layer, compacted into a small area like the human intestine [which is twenty feet long].
Meats are frozen for a long period of times. Some meats (especially poultry) are frozen up to two years. Cold temperatures do not kill all species of bacteria. Worse than this, as it is shipped and stored, most frozen meat is thawed and refrozen many times. This is almost unavoidable.
Meat eaters suffer more frequently from various types of food poisoning than vegetarian. Statistics show that every American has had food poisoning at least once. When you've felt ill, had diarrhea or were just a little sick to your stomach, no doubt you had not the slightest idea that you had been poisoned by scavengers living off the dead carcass you just ate.
Meat is costly and it is the most wasteful source of resources. When one removes meat from his or her diet a whole new world of eating opens up. Cooking and preparing vegetarian style is no more time consuming than cooking meat. It costs less than half as much to eat vegetarian as it does to eat meat. There are excellent, nutritious, and easy to prepare vegetarian dishes that are Italian, Chinese, Indian, Mid-Eastern, French, Spanish, etc.
Additionally, one can enjoy many other foods that he or she has never tasted because of the meat craze. Most consumers have eaten no more than five or six varieties of beans and legumes. This is less than 10% of what is available.
In my opinion, there are far more benefits to becoming a vegetarian then there are staying a meat eater. Due to the fact that I was raised on meat, I have experienced both worlds. As a meat eater I was constantly sick, tired, and overweight. As a vegetarian, I am healthy, full of energy and maintaining a perfect weight. I love being a vegetarian and it shows. Because I wish the best for myself, it’s just second nature to want the best for others. From my past experience and research, going vegetarian is the best thing anyone can do for their mind, body and spirit."
For the record, I am a jar of natural peanut butter...and a bar of bittersweet chocolate.
"Although some historians and anthropologists say that man is historically omnivorous, our anatomical equipment teeth, jaws, and digestive system favors a fleshless diet. The American Dietetic Association notes that "most of mankind for most of human history has lived on vegetarian or near-vegetarian diets."
And much of the world still lives that way. Even on most industrialized countries, the love affair with meat is less than a hundred years old. It started with the refrigerator car and the twentieth-century consumer society. But even with the twentieth century, man's body hasn't adapted to eating meat. The prominent Swedish scientist Karl von Linne states, "Man's structure, external and internal, compared with that of the other animals, shows that fruit and succulent vegetables constitute his natural food." The chart below compares the anatomy of man with that of carnivorous and herbivorous animals.
When you look at the comparison between herbivores and humans, we compare much more closely to herbivores than meat eating animals. Humans are clearly not designed to digest and ingest meat.
Meat-eaters: have claws
Herbivores: no claws
Humans: no claws
Meat-eaters: have no skin pores and perspire through the tongue
Herbivores: perspire through skin pores
Humans: perspire through skin pores
Meat-eaters: have sharp front teeth for tearing, with no flat molar teeth for grinding
Herbivores: no sharp front teeth, but flat rear molars for grinding
Humans: no sharp front teeth, but flat rear molars for grinding
Meat-eaters: have intestinal tract that is only 3 times their body length so that rapidly decaying meat can pass through quickly
Herbivores: have intestinal tract 10-12 times their body length.
Humans: have intestinal tract 10-12 times their body length.
Meat-eaters: have strong hydrochloric acid in stomach to digest meat
Herbivores: have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a meat-eater
Humans: have stomach acid that is 20 times weaker than that of a meat-eater
Meat-eaters: salivary glands in mouth not needed to pre-digest grains and fruits.
Herbivores: well-developed salivary glands which are necessary to pre-digest grains and fruits
Humans: well-developed salivary glands, which are necessary to pre-digest, grains and fruits
Meat-eaters: have acid saliva with no enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains
Herbivores: have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains
Humans: have alkaline saliva with ptyalin to pre-digest grains
Based on a chart by A.D. Andrews, Fit Food for Men, (Chicago: American Hygiene Society, 1970)
Clearly if humans were meant to eat meat we wouldn't have so many crucial ingestive/digestive similarities with animals that are herbivores.
Many people ask me, "If we weren't supposed to eat meat than why do we?". It is because we are conditioned to eat meat. Also, the ADA (American Dietetic Association) tells us that "most of mankind for most of human history has lived on a vegetarian or Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet."
A popular statement that meat eaters say is; "In the wild, animals kill other animals for food. It's a part of nature." First of all, we are not in the wild. Secondly, we can easily live without eating meat and killing. We all would be healthier this way. Finally, as I have already shown, we weren't meant to eat meat. Meat putrefies within 4 hours after consumption and the remnants cling to the walls of the intestines for 14-21 days. If a person is suffering from constipation the rotting meat can stay in the intestines for months or years. Furthermore, the saliva in humans is more alkaline, whereas in the case of flesh-eating or preying animals, it is clearly acidic. The alkaline saliva does not act properly on meat.
The final point I would like to make on how we as humans were not meant to eat meat is this; all omnivorous and carnivorous animals eat their meat raw. When a lion kills an herbivore for food, it tears right into the stomach area to eat the organs that are filled with blood (nutrients). While eating the stomach, liver, intestine, etc., the lion laps the blood in the process of eating the dead animal's flesh. Even bears that are omnivores eat salmon raw. However, eating raw bloody meat disgust us as humans. This is why we must cook it and season it to buffer the taste of the flesh.
If a deer is burned in a forest fire a carnivorous animal will NOT eat its flesh. Even circus lions have to be feed raw meat so that they will not starve to death. If humans were truly meant to eat meat then we would eat all of our meat raw and bloody. The thought of eating such meat makes one’s stomach turn. This is my point on how we as humans are conditioned to believe that animal flesh is good for us and that we were meant to consume it for survival and health purposes. If we are true carnivores or omnivores we would eat animal flesh raw and bloody. Cooking our meat and seasoning it with salt, ketchup, mayo, mustard or tabasco sauce disguise the awful taste of flesh. This is the only way we as humans would eat meat because we refuse to eat it raw and bloody like real carnivores.
Overall advantages of vegetarianism
You can reap a lot of benefits by being a vegetarian and people have become more aware of the health benefits of being a vegetarian. Animal rights issues is only one of the reasons why people decide to go on a vegetarian diet. People are beginning to care more about the environment. However, the main reason why most people go on vegetarian diet is due to the health benefits.
Meat is not good for you as it clogs your thinking. This is especially true if you eat red meat; white meat has less fat compared to red meat. Excessive intake of fats into your body can result in having a high level of cholesterol. If you think that not eating meat is going to make you look scrawny or unhealthy please think again. Just imagine that cows, goats, gorillas, elephants, rhinoceroses and so on are all vegetarians (herbivores) but look at how tough these animals are. They also have a longer life span compared to the carnivores (meat eating animals).
If you look at the chicken and vulture (carnivores), these animals eat just about everything and notice how unhealthy these animals look. The Chinese believe that the chi or life force in your body is less when you consume meat and so do the Indians with their ancient yogic principles [their life force was called prana].
The great Tai Chi masters of China were adept at preserving their chi. Even though some of the masters were not vegetarians they still had a balanced diet. It has now been scientifically proven that a balanced vegetarian diet is better compared to a diet that is taken with meat.
There are a lot of misconceptions about being a vegetarian; protein is one of the main topics of debate as a lot of people think that you can only get protein from meat. Vegetarians get a lot of protein when they eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. What vegetarians don't get is the excess protein of the traditional American diet. This type of diet leads to liver toxicity, kidney overload and mineral deficiency diseases.
A lot of people also think that a vegetarian diet is not a balanced diet. Vegetarian diets have a proportion of three macro nutrients which are complex carbohydrates, protein and fat. Vegetarian food sources (plants) tend to be higher sources of most micro nutrients. Another myth that needs to be clarified is the so-called lack of calcium among vegetarians. Many vegetables especially green leafy ones have a good supply of calcium. The truth is that vegetarians suffer less from osteoporosis (a deficiency of calcium that leads to weak bones).
It is not my intention to force people to become vegetarians. However, vegetarianism is my answer to complete health and wellness. The three issues to consider in regard to vegetarianism are: spiritual, mental and physical (nutritional).
The spiritually aspiring person attempts to work on his/her self. The purpose of spiritual growth is to move away from the animal nature into the more human nature that God intended for us to have. Meat eating inhibits this. The same science that attempts to ignore the existence of a force higher than man also proved that aggression levels are much higher in meat eaters than non-meat eaters! The animal instincts become more powerful every time you eat meat. Another spiritual aspect of being a meat eater is when one must question the necessity and method of killing animals. However, everyone has their own morals to which they must determine for themselves. It is not the purpose of my dissertation to force a specific moral behavior on anyone. Most spiritual people believe in auras. Kirilian photography shows us that a force field still remains around dead or amputated flesh. You adopt that animal aura when you eat it's dead flesh. Fruits and vegetables have a higher vibration al aura than animal products.
“You are what you eat”, is a slogan that I love to use to show the mental aspect of vegetarianism. When animals are slaughtered, fear and aggression enzymes are shot into their muscle tissue. They remain in the meat until the consumer ingests the flesh and adapts the same emotions. Fruits and vegetables do not have emotions; therefore, when they are picked they do not release any emotional cells prior to digestion. The enzymes within fruits and vegetables supply the body with sufficient nutrients that will always uphold a healthy state of mind.
Fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients; the very thing the body needs to live a long disease and pain free life. The same cannot be said for meat. Nutritionally, the alkaline-based digestive system of humans will not properly break down substantial acid substances of meat.
Colon cancer is rampant! This is caused by the slow evacuation and putrefaction of meat in the colon. Lifelong vegetarians never suffer from such an illness. Many meat eaters believe that meat is the sole source of protein. However, the quality of this protein is so poor that little of it can ever be utilized by humans. This is due to its incomplete combination of amino acids [the building blocks of protein]. Studies show that the average American gets five times the amount of protein needed. It is a common medical fact that excess protein is dangerous. The prime danger of excess meat consumption is uric acid (the waste product produced in the process of digesting protein). Uric acid attacks the kidneys and breaks down the kidney cells called nephrons. This condition is called nephritis; the prime cause of it is overburdening the kidneys. More usable protein is found in one tablespoon of tofu or soybeans than the average serving of meat!
Have you ever seen what happens to a piece of meat that stays in the sun for three days? Meat can stay in the warmth of the intestine for at least four to five days until it is digested. It does nothing but wait for passage. Often, it usually stays there for much longer. Medical doctors have found traces of undigested meat remaining in the colon for up to several months. Colonic therapists always see meat passing through people who have been vegetarians for several years, thus indicating that meat remains undigested there for a long time. Occasionally this has been documented in twenty-year vegetarians!
Some vegetarians claim they are more satisfied after they eat. The reason for this is that there are fewer ketones (protein-digestive substances) formed when vegetable protein is digested. For many, ketones cause a trace amount of nausea which one normally interprets as a decreased desire for food due to this uncomfortable and slight degree of queasiness. Although the body calls for more food, the taste buds tolerate less. This is the danger of the popular high-protein diet substances on the market. This abnormally high level of ketones is called ketosis and refers to the state of starvation that the body incurs due to the inability of the appetite to call for nutrition. Most Americans who eat the wrong type of carbohydrates never recognize the high amount of complex carbohydrates required to overthrow this condition. Keep in mind that when the blood ketone level are too high it results in abnormally acidic blood called acidosis.
Tigers or lions who eat meat have an acid-based digestive systems. Our Hydrochloric Acid isn’t strong enough to fully digest meat. Also, their intestines measures about five feet long, not twisted and turned, layer over layer, compacted into a small area like the human intestine [which is twenty feet long].
Meats are frozen for a long period of times. Some meats (especially poultry) are frozen up to two years. Cold temperatures do not kill all species of bacteria. Worse than this, as it is shipped and stored, most frozen meat is thawed and refrozen many times. This is almost unavoidable.
Meat eaters suffer more frequently from various types of food poisoning than vegetarian. Statistics show that every American has had food poisoning at least once. When you've felt ill, had diarrhea or were just a little sick to your stomach, no doubt you had not the slightest idea that you had been poisoned by scavengers living off the dead carcass you just ate.
Meat is costly and it is the most wasteful source of resources. When one removes meat from his or her diet a whole new world of eating opens up. Cooking and preparing vegetarian style is no more time consuming than cooking meat. It costs less than half as much to eat vegetarian as it does to eat meat. There are excellent, nutritious, and easy to prepare vegetarian dishes that are Italian, Chinese, Indian, Mid-Eastern, French, Spanish, etc.
Additionally, one can enjoy many other foods that he or she has never tasted because of the meat craze. Most consumers have eaten no more than five or six varieties of beans and legumes. This is less than 10% of what is available.
In my opinion, there are far more benefits to becoming a vegetarian then there are staying a meat eater. Due to the fact that I was raised on meat, I have experienced both worlds. As a meat eater I was constantly sick, tired, and overweight. As a vegetarian, I am healthy, full of energy and maintaining a perfect weight. I love being a vegetarian and it shows. Because I wish the best for myself, it’s just second nature to want the best for others. From my past experience and research, going vegetarian is the best thing anyone can do for their mind, body and spirit."
Monday, November 14, 2011
Be thankful for
All these difficult people you have to deal with daily...
They help increase your own personal mental discipline
and remind you of how not to treat others!
"Love your Enemies
...Do Good to those that hate you...
Bless those that Curse you
...pray for those that Mistreat you."
They help increase your own personal mental discipline
and remind you of how not to treat others!
"Love your Enemies
...Do Good to those that hate you...
Bless those that Curse you
...pray for those that Mistreat you."
Marriage and Idolatry...with Free Will
Seventeenth century Poet, John Milton wrote an Epic Poem known as Paradise Lost...originally published in a ten book series, and later republished in a twelve book collection. His story chronicles two convergent saga's.
The First, the battle over control of Heaven amongst the contingency of God's Angels. A battle that spans three days, Ultimately ending in the expulsion of Lucifer and his followers from Heaven.
The Second story is the creation of God's prize...mankind...Adam and Eve.
Milton's first purpose
"justify the ways of God to Men"
and to clarify and demonstrate the conflicts of eternal foresight and free will...
Adam and Eve are created in God's image and are without sin with total power and freedom to rule over the created world...but it came with One Rule
"do Not EAT from the TREE of the Knowledge of Good and Evil"
Man has free will, something God's Angels Never had.
The fallen Angel, Lucifer
in a effort to show God that Humans had faults
disguised himself as a serpent and using her vanity as a ploy to tempted Eve with an apple from the Tree...Lucifer succeeds using rhetoric. Deceived, Eve sins when she eats the apple. Adam witnesses her inadvertent Sin, and joins her...he declares that since Eve is made from his flesh...forever bound together, then they shall be in sin together...fully aware he is in Sin. Soon there after, the two, for the first time experience GUILT and SHAME...they go to God and ask for GRACE
then come the vision and hopes of redemption
Only to be Cast OUT of Eden
that may they find "a Paradise within THEE, happier far"
Human folklore, as per Mr Milton
Biblical in origin, mystical through legend...
why am I touching upon this?
It was brought to my attention that if you google "Human Dynamics in Paradise Lost"
this will be your seventh destination
The First, the battle over control of Heaven amongst the contingency of God's Angels. A battle that spans three days, Ultimately ending in the expulsion of Lucifer and his followers from Heaven.
The Second story is the creation of God's prize...mankind...Adam and Eve.
Milton's first purpose
"justify the ways of God to Men"
and to clarify and demonstrate the conflicts of eternal foresight and free will...
Adam and Eve are created in God's image and are without sin with total power and freedom to rule over the created world...but it came with One Rule
"do Not EAT from the TREE of the Knowledge of Good and Evil"
Man has free will, something God's Angels Never had.
The fallen Angel, Lucifer
in a effort to show God that Humans had faults
disguised himself as a serpent and using her vanity as a ploy to tempted Eve with an apple from the Tree...Lucifer succeeds using rhetoric. Deceived, Eve sins when she eats the apple. Adam witnesses her inadvertent Sin, and joins her...he declares that since Eve is made from his flesh...forever bound together, then they shall be in sin together...fully aware he is in Sin. Soon there after, the two, for the first time experience GUILT and SHAME...they go to God and ask for GRACE
then come the vision and hopes of redemption
Only to be Cast OUT of Eden
that may they find "a Paradise within THEE, happier far"
Human folklore, as per Mr Milton
Biblical in origin, mystical through legend...
why am I touching upon this?
It was brought to my attention that if you google "Human Dynamics in Paradise Lost"
this will be your seventh destination
Saturday, November 12, 2011
All is Fair, except in Love and War
Or so is it said...
All relationships,
no matter how strong, loving, positive, substantiated, sensible, validated, honest, honorable, virtuous, righteous, respected, reputable, pure, angelic, endearing or creditable they may be,
they all still have one critical common component.
Whether its a parent and a child,
between siblings, friends, neighbores, co-workers or lovers
it never truly frames a dislike between two individuals, as much as, identifies a disagreement. Strong relationships have certain practices that help overcome difficult situations and ongoing firestorms.
First, identify the true other words stay on topic. Compounding existing issues with nonrelevent concerns (from past problems) will only haze the direction of the arguement, and possibly soil a possible simple resolution. Focus on the quarrel. Next, find the appropriate time to discuss it...choose a time whereby emotions will not dictate and harbor ill, calm collected minds work best in finding answers.
Once you engage in discussion for a resolution...avoid attacking the other individual, focus your efforts on the ACTUAL problem. Simple ways to stay on course, use the word "I" instead of "You"...AVOID BLAME, always. Never blame the other person for YOUR feelings and thoughts.
Also, avoid deciding for what the other person thinks or just don't know what is going through someone mind. Let them speak for themselves, let them explain!!! Don't assume things either...find out what really is going on and fully check things out.
***Say "I am Sorry", when you are wrong...admit your mistakes, it goes a long way***
Some problems need third parties, seek that help out. A new, fresh perspective might be exactly what the dilmena needs in order to be resolved. Some differences have no that may mean that COMPROMISE is the best option...perfect endings usually only happen in Disney Movies. The Goal here should be that there will be two winners! Not One. You may not fully agree with the end result...just let it go...far...away. Grudges harbor negativity; it will deplete your energy. If you aren't happy after all this...then maybe, this is not for you...and what you might be looking for is elsewhere. Relationships based on HOPE for future developments never last and rarely end well.
All relationships,
no matter how strong, loving, positive, substantiated, sensible, validated, honest, honorable, virtuous, righteous, respected, reputable, pure, angelic, endearing or creditable they may be,
they all still have one critical common component.
Whether its a parent and a child,
between siblings, friends, neighbores, co-workers or lovers
it never truly frames a dislike between two individuals, as much as, identifies a disagreement. Strong relationships have certain practices that help overcome difficult situations and ongoing firestorms.
First, identify the true other words stay on topic. Compounding existing issues with nonrelevent concerns (from past problems) will only haze the direction of the arguement, and possibly soil a possible simple resolution. Focus on the quarrel. Next, find the appropriate time to discuss it...choose a time whereby emotions will not dictate and harbor ill, calm collected minds work best in finding answers.
Once you engage in discussion for a resolution...avoid attacking the other individual, focus your efforts on the ACTUAL problem. Simple ways to stay on course, use the word "I" instead of "You"...AVOID BLAME, always. Never blame the other person for YOUR feelings and thoughts.
Also, avoid deciding for what the other person thinks or just don't know what is going through someone mind. Let them speak for themselves, let them explain!!! Don't assume things either...find out what really is going on and fully check things out.
***Say "I am Sorry", when you are wrong...admit your mistakes, it goes a long way***
Some problems need third parties, seek that help out. A new, fresh perspective might be exactly what the dilmena needs in order to be resolved. Some differences have no that may mean that COMPROMISE is the best option...perfect endings usually only happen in Disney Movies. The Goal here should be that there will be two winners! Not One. You may not fully agree with the end result...just let it go...far...away. Grudges harbor negativity; it will deplete your energy. If you aren't happy after all this...then maybe, this is not for you...and what you might be looking for is elsewhere. Relationships based on HOPE for future developments never last and rarely end well.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Expectations Lead to Dissappointments
So Don't Expect anything
from anyone
and you will never be disappointed!
If you must rely on something,
then rely only on yourself...
this is your best truth!
If we just accept others, for WHO they ARE
as opposed to,
try to change them...
our dissappointments in them
will cease to exist
No One can be Everything
and it shouldn't be
All or Nothing either
from anyone
and you will never be disappointed!
If you must rely on something,
then rely only on yourself...
this is your best truth!
If we just accept others, for WHO they ARE
as opposed to,
try to change them...
our dissappointments in them
will cease to exist
No One can be Everything
and it shouldn't be
All or Nothing either
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tell a Woman
That she's the World's
Most Beautiful
Most Sought after
Gorgeous and Attractive lady
Your eyes have ever seen...
A Million times over
1,000,000 +
and she will never believe You...ever her ugly
Just Once
and she will NEVER forget
Most Beautiful
Most Sought after
Gorgeous and Attractive lady
Your eyes have ever seen...
A Million times over
1,000,000 +
and she will never believe You...ever her ugly
Just Once
and she will NEVER forget
Psalm 23 +
Even Though I Walk down through...the Darkest Valley known as the Shadow of Death...
I will fear No Evil...
thou art for me...prepare a table before my enemies...
Goodness and Mercy will forever follow me...
my refuge, my harm, no disaster
Drowned by abundance...suffocated by greed...ruthless transgressors
In the face of the Wicked...who draw their swords and bend their bows
for their Own sword will pierce their Own bows become broken
in the days of the Blameless...wickedness will smoke, just vanish!
Self Restoration down the path of Righteousness
delivered from the wicked...a stronghold in salvation
for the Lord is my Sheppard;
I Shall Not Want!!!
for I am Who I Am
I will fear No Evil...
thou art for me...prepare a table before my enemies...
Goodness and Mercy will forever follow me...
my refuge, my harm, no disaster
Drowned by abundance...suffocated by greed...ruthless transgressors
In the face of the Wicked...who draw their swords and bend their bows
for their Own sword will pierce their Own bows become broken
in the days of the Blameless...wickedness will smoke, just vanish!
Self Restoration down the path of Righteousness
delivered from the wicked...a stronghold in salvation
for the Lord is my Sheppard;
I Shall Not Want!!!
for I am Who I Am
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Carlos Castaneda says
can elect to make yourself Miserable,
if You prefer too,
make yourself someone Stronger...
It will be the same effort
either or!
To be fearless in the face of danger...this requires you to demonstrate that you have a daring spirit...Take a Chance...
someone Intrepid, Adventurous...someone Free
Free of Fear, free from fear of losing...
Nervy, brash, reckless, confident,impulsive
...A DareDevil...
undaunted, valiant, crazy, wacky...brave...Wild...
If you lost your fear, your inhibitions...
what would you do?
So...Whats Stoping you?
Mary thinks its not so easy...I say, that it's the mind that dictates that fear...
and the Net will Appear
can elect to make yourself Miserable,
if You prefer too,
make yourself someone Stronger...
It will be the same effort
either or!
To be fearless in the face of danger...this requires you to demonstrate that you have a daring spirit...Take a Chance...
someone Intrepid, Adventurous...someone Free
Free of Fear, free from fear of losing...
Nervy, brash, reckless, confident,impulsive
...A DareDevil...
undaunted, valiant, crazy, wacky...brave...Wild...
If you lost your fear, your inhibitions...
what would you do?
So...Whats Stoping you?
Mary thinks its not so easy...I say, that it's the mind that dictates that fear...
and the Net will Appear
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Its not Mysticism, its Life
A True State of Happiness...
is being satisfied, even when faced with imperfections!
Look Beyond Fault, realize that is where true beauty exists.
Nothing in This Life will ever, truly be perfect...right? The closest we come to some level of "perfect" will be with our efforts, so make it count. Always.
is being satisfied, even when faced with imperfections!
Look Beyond Fault, realize that is where true beauty exists.
Nothing in This Life will ever, truly be perfect...right? The closest we come to some level of "perfect" will be with our efforts, so make it count. Always.
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Opposite of Love is Indifference
" Nothing can stop a Man,
with the Right Mental Attitude
from Achieving his Goal!
Yet, nothing on Earth
can Help the Man
with the Wrong
Mental Attitude!"
-President Thomas Jefferson
Why is it that all relationships
(on any level...from any direction)
come with a serious variant side effect?
Any guesses to what I am referencing?
Its the inevitable struggle for dominance...
a tug of war
for control
But of What???could this purpose be???
Why does every situation come down to a
Win or Lose
Always, what is it with the Human Nature, Dominance and Destruction?
Perhaps if people were more honest to whom their character is, a bit more open with whom they are with...and most importantly,just over all nicer (I detest deviance and deception) to each other...things will just run so much smoother!
Here is an after thought by fellow peer Samuel McCrohan
As per Olympia's Request...
Rumors come from Haters...
Spread through Foolishness...
Accepted with Stupidity!
Just for the record, just in case if anyone is keeping a Record,
Olympia says she has an affinity towards Greek Sailors
I personally, don't know any Greek sailors, do you?
Spread through Foolishness...
Accepted with Stupidity!
Just for the record, just in case if anyone is keeping a Record,
Olympia says she has an affinity towards Greek Sailors
I personally, don't know any Greek sailors, do you?
P.S. I had a Bizarre run in
Early this Morning
with a Hostile Deer
He tried running me off of the Road
I feel better
knowing that he was not injured
by my car...thank goodness that I am Good Driver
with minor damage sustained to the car
I can live with that
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Me Behave?
Now let me tell you a little something about my childhood...OK?
As a child...
I saw Tarzan almost NAKED,
Cinderella arrived home after Midnight,
Pinocchio told MANY lies,
Aladdin was a Thief,
Batman drove over 200 Miles per Hour,
Snow White LIVED with Seven Men,
Popeye Smoked from a Pipe and had Tattoos,
Pac Man ran around to Digital Music hopped up on PILLS
that Enhanced his Performance,
and my favorite...
Shaggy and Scooby...were "mystery" solving Hippies
that always had the Munchies
welcome, now you are in my world
Now let me tell you a little something about my childhood...OK?
As a child...
I saw Tarzan almost NAKED,
Cinderella arrived home after Midnight,
Pinocchio told MANY lies,
Aladdin was a Thief,
Batman drove over 200 Miles per Hour,
Snow White LIVED with Seven Men,
Popeye Smoked from a Pipe and had Tattoos,
Pac Man ran around to Digital Music hopped up on PILLS
that Enhanced his Performance,
and my favorite...
Shaggy and Scooby...were "mystery" solving Hippies
that always had the Munchies
welcome, now you are in my world
A very Common Question?
"You spent the First 1/2 of your Life becoming somebody...
Now you can work on becoming nobody,
which really is somebody.
For when you become nobody there is
NO tension
NO pretense
NO one trying to be anyone or anything
The Natural State of the mind shines through unobstructed
and the natural state of the mind is pure love"
Now you can work on becoming nobody,
which really is somebody.
For when you become nobody there is
NO tension
NO pretense
NO one trying to be anyone or anything
The Natural State of the mind shines through unobstructed
and the natural state of the mind is pure love"
-Ram Dass
But How Common?
Common Enough to Warrant an answer.
Anything to Be Said?
Perhaps this
Pop Quiz
People who exude supreme self confidence...
*(different from self arrogance, In that the arrogant individual whats you to feel impressed by them...the confident individual is indifferent if you gather any impression at all by anything that they do or say)...
understand that everyone has their personal repertoire of unwanted character flaws and faults...Yet, they do not concern themselves with how their own shortcomings are perceived. Completely comfortable with themselves! The vast majority of individuals who harbor volatile insecurities often get so blinded by them that it inhibits them from expanding outside of their comfort zone...minimizing opportunities to meet new people or experience new and exciting things.
*Free yourselves from Self-Consciousness
Engaging individuals have such a strong grasp on that Human Dynamic,
(how lower confidence levels cause these inhibitions)
that they have mastered the ability to create a comfortable environment for others to open up themselves in. Drawing them out!
(as another aside, people love to talk about themselves...just a reminder if commonality seems to falter)
A Sparkle in the Eye and a Joy in the Step...
With a Little Charisma, coupled with plenty of FULLY present, be here in the moment. Best of all, know how to focus on that individual. Be Yourself and Surround yourself with Positive people
...misery does love company...
So Don't Give it ANY
Genuine Interest in Others is the Key Component in being able to create the calmness to attract others to you.
Magnetic. Authentic. Just Smile!
Confidence=no fear of failure
most failures hurt a lot less then you expect
When you are OK with yourself, people naturally like to be around you because on an unspoken gives them Permission to relax and be themselves.
P.S. Don't let other people's responses to you determine how you react to them...just leave them with a smile.
Such Affluent Behavior to practice building a better life as opposed to rebuilding the old one!
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