Seventeenth century Poet, John Milton wrote an Epic Poem known as Paradise Lost...originally published in a ten book series, and later republished in a twelve book collection. His story chronicles two convergent saga's.
The First, the battle over control of Heaven amongst the contingency of God's Angels. A battle that spans three days, Ultimately ending in the expulsion of Lucifer and his followers from Heaven.
The Second story is the creation of God's prize...mankind...Adam and Eve.
Milton's first purpose
"justify the ways of God to Men"
and to clarify and demonstrate the conflicts of eternal foresight and free will...
Adam and Eve are created in God's image and are without sin with total power and freedom to rule over the created world...but it came with One Rule
"do Not EAT from the TREE of the Knowledge of Good and Evil"
Man has free will, something God's Angels Never had.
The fallen Angel, Lucifer
in a effort to show God that Humans had faults
disguised himself as a serpent and using her vanity as a ploy to tempted Eve with an apple from the Tree...Lucifer succeeds using rhetoric. Deceived, Eve sins when she eats the apple. Adam witnesses her inadvertent Sin, and joins her...he declares that since Eve is made from his flesh...forever bound together, then they shall be in sin together...fully aware he is in Sin. Soon there after, the two, for the first time experience GUILT and SHAME...they go to God and ask for GRACE
then come the vision and hopes of redemption
Only to be Cast OUT of Eden
that may they find "a Paradise within THEE, happier far"
Human folklore, as per Mr Milton
Biblical in origin, mystical through legend...
why am I touching upon this?
It was brought to my attention that if you google "Human Dynamics in Paradise Lost"
this will be your seventh destination
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