Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Observe the Oblivious

Its OBVIOUS to me...where ever I go, NO matter what Time of Day...almost as if it is irrelevent of whom I come in contact with, regardless of what matters are at hand...
Where is it? Where has it gone?
Who is to blame?
Is it YOU and/or I?
Not to state the obvious...it is so blatantly shameful That THIS question begs to be asked...but
Where has common courtesy Gone?

This isn't your typical Jack-In The-Box
Type answer.

This comes with culture...
Our Culture
(As in "Our" I mean my Country in which I live in, which exists on a continent connected via oceans to an entire planet)
I can go ANYWHERE on This Planet, almost at will at any point...so, in many ways, my community is an extension to yours and so forth...
This therefore becomes a common problem...for anyone willing to think about the question.

Entitlement? That is a word I have already heard today.
Selfishness...doesn't the world revolve around just one person? You know who that One person is? As if there is any doubt to the answer to that question!
This Is all About One Person.
Complete disregard for the rest of the world...God Almighty, I almost sound like a Socialist.
Lets Define my Word
A UNIFIED body of Individuals, a commonwealth or state. People with a COMMON interest living within a specified or particular area. A Society. ETC.....
What gives?

Could "Our" overindulgence in technological spoils ruin patience we "once" had to actually carefully listen to each other? Pay closer attention to each other...without emails or text messages bombarding us, in essence, overstimulating and overwhelming our senses...exhausting our minds, and in turn, making us intolerable to the patience needed to exert that effort to...
Actually aspire to candidly focus our attention, in one direction...Forward...exactly to what is in Front of "Us"...
Otherwise, being somewhat Unconscious or unaware of how your projections riccohette throughout society...Will undoubtably lead to a...fizzling and faltering of public everyday practices of ettiquette and common courtesy...

When disrespect occurs (or is it ignorance?)(Does it even matter which?), what is the cause (or even why)
Its those who tolerate (and allow for) IT....
(is it enabling or harboring of those sort of tendencies?)
Aren't there consequences to actions?
What ever happened to the old adage
Treat Others the WAY that You would Want to be Treated...it is Spiritual Discipline that consciously allows One to carry out THE GOLDEN RULE

I get it though...
"Self Absorbed" indidviduals exist, they rarely think of or understand how THEIR actions AFFECT others...afterall, they are the only ONES that Matter right? The World REVOLVES around just them...unfortunately, a common human trait...
Behavior is Learned...if you have a GOOD Teacher, you reap the benefit of a good lesson plan...

People, who have good Etiquette...Are Respectful...Mindful....With Manners...
Were at some point recepients of these lessons, that after time became habits.

So, If ONE is unable to properly conduct sensible and cognizant types of public behavior...then excuse them and perhaps help them become a bit more heedful and attentive to what their behavior is leading towards...
Do so, in a polite and respectful way...lessons seem to be best past along when anomosity is not an issue.

In theory, this is all easy.
Sure I am a GOOD person.
Yes, I know what is wright from rong.
I can be worthy and dependable.
Yes, I can help You, Sure!

Theory is theory
But Practice is Always better
Yet again, wouldn't life be boring if the only flavor you had was Vanilla?

P.s. Which brings me to my final point...
Happy Birthday Sabrina Jade...
My eternal Antagonist and forever bound mismatched rival companion...
Habanero anybody?


  1. (this was so much better written before my browser lost it. but it wouldn't be fair to let my frustration deprive you of a comment I meant to leave.)

    Or, as George Costanza said, "you know, we're living in a society!"

    I mean, that I think you're right about spiritual discipline/practice/spirituality. How can we truly see where we are faltering from the "golden rule" without a spiritual practice, and by that I mean any self-awareness that leads to self-reflection, or maybe any self-reflection that stems from self-awareness? Both are important. Or maybe you don't even need spirituality, but you just need to drive for 6 hours...(why would that be autobiographical??)

  2. Mark Slaughter "knows of" Her Hidden Treasure...
    Her flame was only for the women –
    Not for us unlucky men;
    A weakness lay for feminine way:
    To feel an even fairer skin
    In silky slide.

    Her lips were for the satin love that
    Only flows from rising breast;
    The creamy tan was not for man
    To pull towards a chiselled chest
    In weathered hide.

    Her hidden treasure down below
    Would shy away from macho length
    And only rouse upon the blouse
    Undone by other sapphic strength –in time, inside

  3. Ms. Patricia Scaccio's comments:
    Mr. Patrick , (who ever you are) lets see.. Read a blog that you wrote / i guess. You say you write about life- ? And you just finshed college in 93 @ S.B. right? Lol You dont know me At all, my life, what I do, my family and friends... Etc. Etc.... people think they can figure it out from Facebook- Haaaaa your too young dear, yes.... Too young - i look very young for my age, as far as the vampire comment stalker. (i work nights) who the hell do you think you are just writing to a stranger like you know how its works... WoW I happen to be a very happy person... And before you get blocked here, no pic up mr Patrick?.. Whats the matter got something to hide?. Lol word to the wise, dont stalk strangers, or dare think your gonna give them unwarrented advice they didnt ask for or need. My god didnt they teach you that in school.?.?. Get a life!!!!!!!!!

  4. I agree that technology has interfeared with common courtesy and etiquette but it's not the it's the user of it. One cannot blame a television for a child who doesn't read right? The tv does not turn on itself. One cannot blame an automobile for helping us travel even places we should walk right? Responsibility needs to be taken by the user. Its easy to blame technology. When I am in a store shopping and my phone rings if I am conducting business with the cashier I do not answer my phone. I do not text when I am talking with someone and we do not answer then phone during family dinnertime. These are practices I've implemented with or without my iPad sitting next to me.
    As far as people being polite? I have found people to be very polite in my presence. The town I live in is filled with very nice people. My neighbors always say hello to me. We shovel each other out when it snows. We borrow tools, eggs and yes sugar when baking. I can't remember the last time I've had a door not held for me by a man or a woman. I smile and people smile back. In NYC I've asked many a stranger for a direction always to find a very rushed person taking the time to direct me. I am part a mothers group that meets once a week and there is no technology present except phones. I'm not sure why your experience is different. Having spent much time in florida this past year I find their manners are much better probably due to an easier way of life. I find them almost too polite for my fast paced lifestyle. My family in Italy is bound by many rules of etiquette. When they visit the etiquette and politeness is almost exhausting. Sometimes it's better to loosen up a bit.
    As far as treating others how you would be treated, people are generally self-centered. Moms and dads dote on their children making them the center of the world. Then they go through i hatenthe world stage/no one understands me then into young adulthood. Why should they consider others? It almost seems more natural to think the world revolves around yourself. The idea of thinking of others before yourself is a new concept unless you grew up in a family that emphasized this. I constantly have discussions with my children about how their actions effect the people around them. Even when my son feels shy I insist he say hello to his grandmother and grandfather. Manners and etiquette are thing that I was brought up with. With or without my cell phone. Values start in the home. Look not for the unhappy, impolite but the shining stars that shine theirr light of positivity and grace.
