or Ting as some people may say...
1 Last thing before I detach myself from the Internet...unplug from this whole entire world (or so it seems)...you may call it sacrilege...I call it peaceful...
No phone/text/email communications...unless of course I initiate them (would that make me a hypocrite?)...I only do those things (tings) if I deem them as absolutely necessary, OR if, I have had too much enjoyment with my passionate and forgiving companion...my Vino...my wine (only red of course!)...I am very much guilty of drinking and texting...as a matter of fact, I seem to text a lot more when influenced by RED...call that an obvious confession, I'm just being honest...
EVER start a day thinking that it's destined to go one way...only to surprise you and go a completely different direction? Unpredictable...I Just Love when that Happens!!! Well, Sometimes...depending on the outcome...but for the most part, the journey is mostly fun*
It happened to me...Today!
Remember what happened on January 25th of this year? Along with being the last peaceful and pleasant day that I spent with Kathryn...it also marks the inglorious day that saw Me start Trouble...
I had that unofficial race (in which I did Win) with an anonymous motorist...who eventually did catch up to me at a Traffic Light...and then proceeded to write me a citation for driving at an unreasonable speed?! ALL because I had lost him Making some sharp turns on some Wicked curves...with pinpoint accuracy under some extreme speeds...Call me the master of Centripetal Force...my slick driving and daring fanciness, just really pissed Him OFF...
Well I had that summons to Traffic court this morning...Weird thing though, The matter got resolved swiftly...AND...I left court without having to pay out a fine of any sort (or points added onto my license), PLUS...I received an offer...a monetary reimbursement...strange enough for you yet? It gets better...they, instead kept my privilege of driving my vehicle (that speedy black one)...Suspended...Yup, I Surrendered my plates to the Department of Motor Vehicles for the State of New York! The Kicker...it was all for a completely, unrelated reason...funny how things can really go haywire...maybe if tings were different on January 25th...then they truly might be different today!
You Live
and You Learn
you try to not forget your lessons...
root new Wisdom, Eliminate Negative Old Habits
better yet, USE these surprise detours to make yourself a better individual...not only for yourself, but everyone else...
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