I know how to give a Gift!!
01. Chia Pet
02. a pair of clippers (better then diapers)
03. Nunchucks
04. A picture frame with someone else's picture in it
05a. A cane,
05b. a pen,
05c. a clock (or watch, whichever you prefer).
06. flowers from your neighbors garden
07. two empty beer bottles
08. A Yoda action figure
09a. A pencil sharpener
09b. A pencil
09c. Another pen
10. A woopy cushion
11a. A wooden spoon
11b. A plastic fork
11c. A paper plate
11d. A picture of my lunch
12. A crossword puzzle that I almost finished
13. The loose change from in my car
14. and any keys I no longer need
15. An ashtray
16. "The Nicotine Patch"
17. A moldy dish
18. A nasal cannula
19. An eye patch
20. with a parrot
21a. A box of Fossils
21b. A zip lock bag of lint
22. A magzine picture of Pete Townsend
23. Those cards in my wallet that I have no use for
24. A recycleabe container
25. A vase
26. A teapot
27. Oreo cookies
28. A digital Photo of ME fridge magnet
29. My 2011 Calender
30. The Iron from a Monopoly game set
31. A Tee shirt with my cats face on it (I will expect you to wear it)
32. A pair of gloves and a bib
33. A giant inflatable Giraffe
34. A hockey puck
35. My father's fishing pole
36. My sneakers (any pair you want)
37. A sour cherry lollipop
38. A magic message Egg
39. A baby shower card
40. A box of tissues
41. A desk fan
42. Visine (or Vaseline, perpetration H...take your pick)
43. A bag of fake coins (to go along with all the other Nonesense)
44. Dental Floss
45. Spam
46. Can of deorderizer
47. A book about mold
48. Balloons
49. A Barney suit
50. An electronic wine bottle breather
51. Rusty pipe
52. Crooked nail
53. Fake mustache
54. Mouthpiece
55. Jock strap
56. Pet Octopus or Emu
57. A Track player
58. Rubix cube
59. Flat tire
60. Green hat
61. Elmer's Glue
62. Suspenders
63. Hearing aid
64. Glass Eye
65. Dentures
66. Contact lense container
67. Peptol Bismal
68. One Hundred Sit ups
69. Stirrups
70. A dozen bagels with low fat cream cheese
71. An antenna
72. A dog whistle
73. Camouflage rubber boots
74. A friendly (or unfriendly) Skunk
75. Allen key
76. Zoombie bumper stickers
77. Scooby doo box set
78. Rubber Duck
79. Hand sanitizer
80. Typewritter
81. White Out
82. Mickey Mouse Dust Pan
83. Beenie with a propeller on it
84. Crate of Q Tips
85. Sugardaddy lunchbox
86. Handwipes
87. A stuffed porcupine
88. Jesus pill box
89. Cape and Tierra
90. Vitamin D pills and SPF 130 lotion
91. Light Saber
92. Clip on earrings
93. Hand crank telephone
94. Lord of the Rings Pez Dispenser set
95. Butterfly shaped light bulbs
96. Turtle shaped Taco Shells
97. A shiny Disco Tech ball
98. Seashells and rocks
99. Garbage bags...lots of them
100. My laundry bag and the kitchen sink
Feel free to re-gift!
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