Four days "Putzing" in the sunshine state has been quite pleasant. I have seen and spent time with my father, the daughter of my father's oldest sibling (my cousin), my father's brother (my uncle), my father's two sisters (my aunts) and their children (my two cousins) with their friend...might I add a rowdy and colorful bunch of pleasant folk...somewhat a free-for-all comedic setting under a satirical spotlight.
Thus far during my respite I was a spectator at a Parade in Tarpon Springs (the U.S. city with the highest percentage of Greek-American people amongst their populous....being a sailor, i was right at home), in which i subjected myself to a healthy alotment of suntime and ultimately turned my flesh from pale to rogue...currently I am extra tempermental and extremely combustible, i dare you to touch me!
Episodes with food have been anything but disciplined events of gorging (at moments), exercise to a minimum and soul searching at a maximum...
So I am a bloated, tempermental and highly combustible in a state where everybody painstakenly drives five miles under the speed limit and apparently stop for all yellow lights (options that aren't viable in New York unless of course you don't mind being harassed by other motorists and pedestrians)...getting chummy with the "locals" you find a lot of pick-up trucks, mullets and poor dental plans...for the remaining tenents of the Sunshine State you get many eclectic out of state liscence plates.
FOUR things that people Here seem to consistently like and occupy their attentions with (albeit not everyone fits in General categories): Nascar, beer, guns and some guy named Tebow (you'd think he invented the atom and then cracked it!). By the way, I have had an easier time spoting Armories and Adult Entertainment (ala Caberet) then getting directions to the closest library (which I have yet to locate in spite of activitly seeking one out). There is just something that I like about libraries, and it goes beyond the librarians!
Well...all this brings me to a point (It might be hard to believe, that i may carry points and hold perspectives...but it may not necessarily make me valid or right, the grandiose beauty of free will coupled with a sprirted democratric type of debate!).
Being "here" now, as in today 28 March 2012...Floridians are in heated debates over the Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford Florida, an area not too far from Orlando Florida (an area known for tourism and high volume of attraction and activity). George Zimmerman, a self annoited neighborehood watchman engaged Trayvon in some sort of confrontation resulting in the shooting death of this 17 year old boy.
I understand Why this tragedy happened...and unfortunately it takes a tragic event to bring to light evolution. From here on out, its up to the people to elect officials to make a stand on some pertinent issues.
Facts: George did not know Trayvon and Trayvon did not Know George. George's neighborhood had been recently robbed several times and George was a known Cuckoo type at the local precinct for calling them over forty times in the past year (which George did that very night of the shooting). Trayvon was tall, Six foot Three (almost two meter tall)...and in a hoodies probably looked big/thick. Final and most CRITICAL fact...somebody sold George a Gun (and functioning bullets).
Even though I wasn't in Sanford Florida on 26 February 2012,
I still get it why George shot Trayvon. George felt compelled to defend his turf from a large trespasser. George had a gun, which allowed him to feel empowered enough to initiate a confrontation.
Don't misunderstand my point!!!!
I am NOT advocating George, not in the least bit.
Two Wrongs NEVER make a right!!!
Trayvon was young and dumb and allowed himself to get goated into a confrontation with a crazy...
and you need to be a bit crazy to carry that psychological options to take the life of somebody else.
Chalk it up to Trayvon for being at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong starnger.
My turn...Now I will play Devil's Advocate
Are you ready???
If George was Never allowed to carry a concealed firearm would he initiated a confrontation with Trayvon???
Why hasn't anyone brought this point up?
Oh, because gun lobbyist wouldn't want that point brought up. You know, they guys and gals paid by the gun manufacturers to make sure that politicians advocate favorable laws conducive to armory sales...why does everything trace back to money???
Ok then...should gun purchasers (becoming carriers) at least be EFFECTIVELY psychologically evaluated before purchasing a firearm?!
Because I firmly believe, on the night of 26 March 2012 in Sanford Florida...any and all large trespassers on the night in question would have had a similar fate within George's presence....irrelevant of race or gender...anyone that George perceived as a threat was destined to meet George and his gun if tensions swelled as high as they did with Trayvon.
Could Trayvon have taken precautions to defuse the situation...probably. Did he? Well, i can affirmly attest that he did not.
But like, I already said...I was not There, so I don't Know what happened...even if George swears to tell me the truth, I still was not there!
As long as people like George carry Guns...then that is a sure recipe for stupidity that will never be hesitated to be exercised.
To the Martin Family, my condolances.
But think of this...Litigate against Gun Manufacturers. The people ultimately responsible for putting the gun in the hand of a less then stable man who would have shot me just as easily as he shot your son! Make them rethink how good of an idea it is to readily allow anyone with enough money to purchase a gun. Because it is TOO simple to buy a gun Here in Florida...easier then borrowing a book from the library, thats for sure!
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