The Travesty, Comedy and Tragedy in the Science of Relationships...
Relationships are finicky, since our heart often betrays our minds. is the scoop:,
She has a child
and a Boyfriend
and an Ex that she never formally broken off a relationship with (perhaps a judge did that for her)
She loves both Men
Both Men want to get married to her
Both men are here in her picture....
What Should She Do?
First off, I can't be the one deciding your direction. I can only simply point you in a way...And make Your decision.
You can't possibly even think of getting engaged until you sort this out. You have a few options:
Option A You decide to close the door on your Ex, and move onward and forward with your present boyfriend.
Option B break it off with your current beau and get back together with your Ex.
Option C Break it off with your boyfriend, yet continue to date him and your Ex until you decide which of the two suits you best. This is the riskiest option because they may then decide that you are playing them...And they may not want to stick this through with you.
These are your three basic options, and the decision MUST come from your heart. (In all actuality it should not matter what anyone else says or thinks). After all you do have a child to consider for in this equation.
Good Luck in what you decide
of course my kitty cat nature is just making sure this is not a reference to 'me'... there are too many inconsistencies... in the facts as well as options - but if it happens to be I would be more than happy to clarify? ...