It started off With Our Friend "Joe"...and this one question "Can I Get a Date?" P.S. For all new readers (and all are truly welcome here), I do recommend that your first read should be the initial entry which was posted on September 27, 2010 (titled as 'Single Life')...this all started back then. Once you read the first entry, feel free to read any other in any order. Most importantly, please feel free to share and voice your thoughts. This is all our forum!
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Sweet Lover
So Soft, so sweet...
Ever so delicious...
My shadow in this world,
Darker than our nighttime sky
I thirst for your poison
My lone weakness
Fear, fear my wrath
Viscous and unrelenting
I, stand alone
In our universe
Lost beyond your horizon,
My appetite craves your venom
To sprout, far and above
All the stars...
Your light, runs red
My lips sink deep
Bathed in your toxic flow
I leave you there
Dead to rot
I stand over you
and Wait
To watch you become One with this earth
Turning to dust before my eyes
You, live on
In my thoughts
In my dreams
In the sky
Beneath my feet
We had a life, we had a destiny
You strayed away
Forever, now
A distant memory
The Best Fights on Jerry Springer Show
The staple of American Stupidity
live Jerry
live Jerry
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Little Ralphy on Maths
A First Grade Teacher asks her class:
"If there are 5 birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?"
She calls on little Ralphy. He replies, 'None, they will all fly away with the first gunshot...' The teacher replies, 'The correct answer is 4, but I like your thinking.'
Then little RALPHY says, 'I have a question for YOU Ms Anderson'
There are 3 women sitting on a bench having ice cream: One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream. The second is gobbling down the top and sucking the cone. The third is biting off the top of the ice cream. Which one is married?'
The teacher, blushing a great deal, replied,
'Well, I suppose the one that's gobbled down the top and sucked the cone.'
To which Little RALPHY replied, 'The correct answer is 'the one with the wedding ring on,' but I like your thinking.'
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
How to define Love?
Undefined, yet unrefined
Like any Ocean, on any planet in any Galaxy
Boundless and infinite in Depth and expression
Powerful, gripping...inspiring
It's the convergence of
All Emotions,
Every Feeling...
Every thought...
Honed in by lust, desire and an unrelenting will...
A mystery undisturbed by a common bond,
From a pure dying Art...
p a s s i o n
Ensnaring...Engulfing...not only of your mind
But, your body And spirit
Consuming by a Fierce Appetite
Forever burning
Risk, Chance...and Consequence
Our Love, is
Complicated, unreasonable, immortal
u n for giving....
Love is a surrender beyond reason and logic
Love comes unconditional, and without apologies...yet, always with acceptance
Love finds pain, and explores it past all thresholds
Love can be desperate, but comforting
Love will fool, Love will confuse...
love will Lie to our eyes and through our teeth,
yet love is always honest, when it whistles with our Heart
Love Hurts, Love Heals...Love Connects
Some people say that 'Love never lasts Forever'
I, respectfully decline to agree...
I believe True Love is Rare and the ultimate reward
of those
Taking chances
Placing trust
within the Hands their Destiny
Blessed by luck...
Love to claim another victim
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Does Time Exist?
(I've been there, and it's a miserable place to be.)
Time.Time makes us forget....
with Time our Memories change and fade
Time gives us a chance to change,
Of who we were and what we want to become
Time exists with us, for us, by us
We Define our own time
Time is what we make
How we see it and when we recognize it
Time will yield the path that we have gambled on
By our gambles, defines our path...time
Time only exist as A means to catalogue experiences...
Consequences and lessons
Time has no walls, no colors, no smells, no sounds...
You can't taste time, you can only live it
As this year ends, and the next one begins
(*When, Where and How did time ever start?) What....
Your life will be different, and that's up to you how
How you get there and How your consciousness perceives
This, that and the other thing
(Plus everything else)
Our minds understand
Series of linear Experiences
you choose to focus just on one become blind to all other world's hovering around yours
Time becomes what and how you make of it...
Time and time again
Come And Go...yet
Fall, Fail and withdraw from an old well
Buried deep inside unsuspecting Minds...
y o u r M I N D
Fields Time...
It comes with a cost
yes, growth is the cost of spending your time wisely...
Inch by Inch,
Your mind creates your world using time only your consciousness
Sees, feels and understands
it's up to you
To See your time down the Path in this glorious
Multidimensional Coexistence we define our understanding of our lives
and Time
Time is our creation to define an unknown circuitous path in this place that we are half blind, mostly deaf...and fairly tasteless of common courtesy...
At Least, let's make our time worth our time and yours
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Here and Now
I don't care.
I don't care if you are black, white, yellow, red or purple.
I accept you.
I don't care if you read the Bible, the Torah, the Aqdas, the Tipitaka, the Vedas or the Koran.
I accept you.
Furthermore...I just don't care if you believe in any god or many gods...
I accept you.
I don't care if you are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender or asexual.
I accept you.
You could be single, Monogamous or polygamous.
I accept you.
Tall, short, round, straight, pear, triangle (any shape).
I accept you.
Blonde, dark, red, pink bald...whatever your head may look like...
I accept you.
Smart, dumb...and anywhere in between.
I accept you.
Rich, poor, fake Rich, pretending to be poor.
I accept you.
Right or wrong.
I accept you.
Righteous or sinful.
I accept you.
No matter the continent, no matter the language, no matter the custom.
I accept you.
Regardless of left or right.
I accept you.
Crazy or sane.
Who am I to say?
(We all seem to have a little of both, no?)
My ego, sits nice and firm over my right shoulder...whispering in my ear...
We are all the same.
Therefore, who am I to pass judgement.
Who I am to point my fingers and condemn whomever I am sold as being in the wrong.
In my humble opinion...we all seem to have gotten this, that and the other thing wrong.
And we continually feed into our wrongs from our Rights...
how dare you? dare me?
Must We?
The chatter churns, musk grows...we are stuck in a dense fog...without thought, without direction.
Why, do we...cast stones...from our glass walls...?
And Assume that our Rights to be Wrong is perfectly acceptable...?
Man, woman and child will never evolve to a higher consciousness when each thought is derived from a self centered, ego encrusted plane of existence.
One Man, one words, your eyes...
this world
Our Home
One day, one person
At A Time...
It Starts Here, it starts starts with you.
I don't care if you are black, white, yellow, red or purple.
I accept you.
I don't care if you read the Bible, the Torah, the Aqdas, the Tipitaka, the Vedas or the Koran.
I accept you.
Furthermore...I just don't care if you believe in any god or many gods...
I accept you.
I don't care if you are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender or asexual.
I accept you.
You could be single, Monogamous or polygamous.
I accept you.
Tall, short, round, straight, pear, triangle (any shape).
I accept you.
Blonde, dark, red, pink bald...whatever your head may look like...
I accept you.
Smart, dumb...and anywhere in between.
I accept you.
Rich, poor, fake Rich, pretending to be poor.
I accept you.
Right or wrong.
I accept you.
Righteous or sinful.
I accept you.
No matter the continent, no matter the language, no matter the custom.
I accept you.
Regardless of left or right.
I accept you.
Crazy or sane.
Who am I to say?
(We all seem to have a little of both, no?)
My ego, sits nice and firm over my right shoulder...whispering in my ear...
We are all the same.
Therefore, who am I to pass judgement.
Who I am to point my fingers and condemn whomever I am sold as being in the wrong.
In my humble opinion...we all seem to have gotten this, that and the other thing wrong.
And we continually feed into our wrongs from our Rights...
how dare you? dare me?
Must We?
The chatter churns, musk grows...we are stuck in a dense fog...without thought, without direction.
Why, do we...cast stones...from our glass walls...?
And Assume that our Rights to be Wrong is perfectly acceptable...?
Man, woman and child will never evolve to a higher consciousness when each thought is derived from a self centered, ego encrusted plane of existence.
One Man, one words, your eyes...
this world
Our Home
One day, one person
At A Time...
It Starts Here, it starts starts with you.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Cure for Cancer
Whether it's True or Not...
A tyre possibility...only time will tell.
If it is true, then Man is becoming their own God....
A tyre possibility...only time will tell.
If it is true, then Man is becoming their own God....
Time and Karma
When a Bird is ALIVE...
it Eats Ants.
When the Bird dies...
Ants eat it.
One Tree can be made into a Million Matchsticks....
but Only One matchstick can burn a Millioooooon Trees.
can change at Any Moment....
don't devalue or hurt anyone in
(or the Next)
it Eats Ants.
When the Bird dies...
Ants eat it.
One Tree can be made into a Million Matchsticks....
but Only One matchstick can burn a Millioooooon Trees.
can change at Any Moment....
don't devalue or hurt anyone in
(or the Next)
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Fixing Society with KVC
A sad Aspects of Human Nature is the Greed of the human race. 'I Want More than thy Neighbor'. Take, take as much as I can...before I starve..before it vanishes...before I get caught filling my trough with a fat spirit and numb heart. A mindset destined to create inequality. A mindset intended to suppress (combat) competition. (Competition is the name of Capitalism...may the best hoarder Win).
In the Land of Free Market, a land intended for free speech (or so called 'Free')...encouraged growth...there is a cold reality that remains:
Only the wealthy, the truly wealthy dictate the grounds in which you live and breathe. On a planet whereby more people (than not) die of starvation....go to bed thirsty...wake up sick and unable to care for oneself...on this planet..exists a vast rift between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots'...and all those bottom feeders in between.
You're telling me that all those people are unmotivated, incapable of functioning within a society in a positive and constructive way?
These people don't want it? Don't strive for it?
that there are plenty of folks out there edging for the opportunity, the chance to have something versus nothing.
Therein lies the rub: opportunity.
Where is the opportunity if the top heavies have no intention of sharing their wealth. (They are probably wondering 'Why Should They?). The reason as to why they should is simple, the relationship is a symbiotic balance between the top heavy And those that do the labor for them.
Two solutions:
More jobs (all jobs MUST pay better as well)
Far higher taxation of all 'Haves' and allow the state to create the wealth
(So, basically it's still just one solution).
Which sparks a debate of free market vs communism. Let's be real, with all these hands in the pot...Utopia could never ever survive (reference U.S.S.R)....because, someone will disrupt that dynamic of equal sharing.
The problem is this with Utopian-like societies...motivation...
But, one thing is certain...if work is needed, and then work should be offered...who is not to be inclined to accept work when they need it? The unmotivated people are, that's who. Then How do you motivate the unmotivated ones? Find their natural niche. Meaning, there are more jobs for niche finders. (Niche sounds a little to much like snitch). So...basically...get people to work. But ultimately, better wages are essential to cleaning up this mess. (How can you reward people who DESERVE the higher wage?). Let them reward themselves through their dedication...but, at least give them a thriving opportunity to do so. (Remember, flowers that you water will survive...those you drought will often die). Hence, each class needs the other. No One Class could survive without the other (take away all the laborers and the wealthy die...who'll buy their products...AND...take the wealthy away, and then who will be paying the laborers?)
I Would Love To See Humankind in Really, Really El You Vee Love to see People (Humanity) Evolve!
What I mean is, this 'system' that is imposed on us, this whole, "Working for a wage" mentality that exists, nobody challenging it, because we are all too comfortable with it. And let's be honest, it's all about the ones at the top of the pile, the ones for whom us working, makes them wealthier that would never do anything to jeopardize their situation.
It just kills me that the world still works this way. Ultimately, the signs are there, that it's failing. We have witnessed massive financial institutions become so greedy by their very nature, cause global catastrophes by failing to circulate money, entire states in the continental US imploding, all the while, people in entire Countries still die of starvation every day. And we have never implemented a 'plan-B' because it's working for 'them'
I can understand a concept of exchanging labor for something, it's a good start, but for it being 'money' just seems so un-evolved, half-way through the first decade of an entire new Millennia.
The fact that Government's perpetuate this mentality proves to me that they are content to instill the belief that, "You earn what you are worth" with this Dickensian 'Minimum-wage' incentive. I find the whole idea utterly repugnant.
It does work for some, sure, this 'system' I can see that, for the ones who are fortunate enough to have good, developmental guidance in their formative years, or excel through schooling etc. But what of the rest of us? the ones like me, who just don't 'get it' fail to catch on and are a bit of a non-starter? For me, as far as the Government is concerned, I'll just have to settle for a minimum-wage job then.....The whole time paying taxes because they consider it a 'privilege' to work. (?) It's disgusting. Why do I have to consider myself a failure when it's this difficult and confusing system that's failing me?
Does -anyone- see my legitimate gripe here?
I don't know what else to put in it's place, but something needs to change.
It's time we 'evolved'
Thoughts by KVC.
In the Land of Free Market, a land intended for free speech (or so called 'Free')...encouraged growth...there is a cold reality that remains:
Only the wealthy, the truly wealthy dictate the grounds in which you live and breathe. On a planet whereby more people (than not) die of starvation....go to bed thirsty...wake up sick and unable to care for oneself...on this planet..exists a vast rift between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots'...and all those bottom feeders in between.
You're telling me that all those people are unmotivated, incapable of functioning within a society in a positive and constructive way?
These people don't want it? Don't strive for it?
that there are plenty of folks out there edging for the opportunity, the chance to have something versus nothing.
Therein lies the rub: opportunity.
Where is the opportunity if the top heavies have no intention of sharing their wealth. (They are probably wondering 'Why Should They?). The reason as to why they should is simple, the relationship is a symbiotic balance between the top heavy And those that do the labor for them.
Two solutions:
More jobs (all jobs MUST pay better as well)
Far higher taxation of all 'Haves' and allow the state to create the wealth
(So, basically it's still just one solution).
Which sparks a debate of free market vs communism. Let's be real, with all these hands in the pot...Utopia could never ever survive (reference U.S.S.R)....because, someone will disrupt that dynamic of equal sharing.
The problem is this with Utopian-like societies...motivation...
But, one thing is certain...if work is needed, and then work should be offered...who is not to be inclined to accept work when they need it? The unmotivated people are, that's who. Then How do you motivate the unmotivated ones? Find their natural niche. Meaning, there are more jobs for niche finders. (Niche sounds a little to much like snitch). So...basically...get people to work. But ultimately, better wages are essential to cleaning up this mess. (How can you reward people who DESERVE the higher wage?). Let them reward themselves through their dedication...but, at least give them a thriving opportunity to do so. (Remember, flowers that you water will survive...those you drought will often die). Hence, each class needs the other. No One Class could survive without the other (take away all the laborers and the wealthy die...who'll buy their products...AND...take the wealthy away, and then who will be paying the laborers?)
I Would Love To See Humankind in Really, Really El You Vee Love to see People (Humanity) Evolve!
What I mean is, this 'system' that is imposed on us, this whole, "Working for a wage" mentality that exists, nobody challenging it, because we are all too comfortable with it. And let's be honest, it's all about the ones at the top of the pile, the ones for whom us working, makes them wealthier that would never do anything to jeopardize their situation.
It just kills me that the world still works this way. Ultimately, the signs are there, that it's failing. We have witnessed massive financial institutions become so greedy by their very nature, cause global catastrophes by failing to circulate money, entire states in the continental US imploding, all the while, people in entire Countries still die of starvation every day. And we have never implemented a 'plan-B' because it's working for 'them'
I can understand a concept of exchanging labor for something, it's a good start, but for it being 'money' just seems so un-evolved, half-way through the first decade of an entire new Millennia.
The fact that Government's perpetuate this mentality proves to me that they are content to instill the belief that, "You earn what you are worth" with this Dickensian 'Minimum-wage' incentive. I find the whole idea utterly repugnant.
It does work for some, sure, this 'system' I can see that, for the ones who are fortunate enough to have good, developmental guidance in their formative years, or excel through schooling etc. But what of the rest of us? the ones like me, who just don't 'get it' fail to catch on and are a bit of a non-starter? For me, as far as the Government is concerned, I'll just have to settle for a minimum-wage job then.....The whole time paying taxes because they consider it a 'privilege' to work. (?) It's disgusting. Why do I have to consider myself a failure when it's this difficult and confusing system that's failing me?
Does -anyone- see my legitimate gripe here?
I don't know what else to put in it's place, but something needs to change.
It's time we 'evolved'
Thoughts by KVC.
Bernard's Voice
Words of wisdom that exemplify the human transgression that we all undergo as we live and learn our course in life.
- Bernard 'Northern Exposure'
"As you may know, I spent the last three months in Africa. A wondrous, magical place. But as shadows lengthen across the KBHR window, thoughts turn to homecoming. Journey's end. Because in a sense, it's the coming back, the return which gives meaning to the going forth. We really don't know where we've been until we've come back to where we were. Only, where we were may not be as it was because of who we've become. Which is, after all, why we left. "
- Bernard 'Northern Exposure'
Nine Types of Intelligence
The Nine Types of Intelligence
By Howard Gardner
1. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)
Designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations). This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef. It is also speculated that much of our consumer society exploits the naturalist intelligences, which can be mobilized in the discrimination among cars, sneakers, kinds of makeup, and the like.
2. Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”)
Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners. Interestingly, there is often an affective connection between music and the emotions; and mathematical and musical intelligences may share common thinking processes. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are usually singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss.
3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)
Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. It enables us to perceive relationships and connections and to use abstract, symbolic thought; sequential reasoning skills; and inductive and deductive thinking patterns. Logical intelligence is usually well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives. Young adults with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories, and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments.
4. Existential Intelligence
Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.
5. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart”)
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. It involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability to entertain multiple perspectives. Teachers, social workers, actors, and politicians all exhibit interpersonal intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders among their peers, are good at communicating, and seem to understand others’ feelings and motives.
6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)
Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople exhibit well-developed bodily kinesthetic intelligence.
7. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language. Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human competence and is evident in poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers. Young adults with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.
8. Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart”)
Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and one’s thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directioning one’s life. Intra-personal intelligence involves not only an appreciation of the self, but also of the human condition. It is evident in psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers. These young adults may be shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated.
9. Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”)
Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions. Core capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and an active imagination. Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects all exhibit spatial intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing or daydreaming.
By Howard Gardner
1. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)
Designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations). This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef. It is also speculated that much of our consumer society exploits the naturalist intelligences, which can be mobilized in the discrimination among cars, sneakers, kinds of makeup, and the like.
2. Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”)
Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners. Interestingly, there is often an affective connection between music and the emotions; and mathematical and musical intelligences may share common thinking processes. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are usually singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss.
3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)
Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. It enables us to perceive relationships and connections and to use abstract, symbolic thought; sequential reasoning skills; and inductive and deductive thinking patterns. Logical intelligence is usually well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives. Young adults with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories, and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments.
4. Existential Intelligence
Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.
5. Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart”)
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. It involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability to entertain multiple perspectives. Teachers, social workers, actors, and politicians all exhibit interpersonal intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders among their peers, are good at communicating, and seem to understand others’ feelings and motives.
6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)
Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople exhibit well-developed bodily kinesthetic intelligence.
7. Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language. Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human competence and is evident in poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers. Young adults with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.
8. Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart”)
Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and one’s thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directioning one’s life. Intra-personal intelligence involves not only an appreciation of the self, but also of the human condition. It is evident in psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers. These young adults may be shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated.
9. Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”)
Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions. Core capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and an active imagination. Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects all exhibit spatial intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing or daydreaming.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Saturday, May 17, 2014
If I were to be a woman, I would be a lesbian.
If I were to be short, I'd probably be a lot less quiet.
If I had a wife, I'd would be broke...and possibly unhappy.
If I had kids with her, I just might be desperate for a do over.
If I lived in Florida, I would be slow and Tan.
If I liked music, it would probably be pop. (Definitely not Rap)
If I cared about opinions, I would act and look just like all the other dudes.
If I had a clock, I would almost always be rewinding it.
If I met a woman that I really liked, I probably wouldn't tell her...or anyone else.
If I had a religion, it would probably be Buddhism.
If I liked to Travel, I would go somewhere that was quiet and friendly.
If I had a dog, it would be a Burmese mountain dog.
If I knew that someone was scared, I would stand tall and hope that they would see and grow strong.
If I could be a criminal, I would want to be a safe cracker.
If I died tomorrow, the only regret I would have is that I never had the chance to tell you what I wanted too.
If I had a test to give, I would not give you any of the answers.
If I could, I would...
If my body could regenerate, I would feel a lot better.
If you could see the real me, I might still tease the old you.
If jokes never existed, then I would have never bothered. (You are too serious for your own good)
If life could be only Be one day, I would pick a Sunday during Spring.
If I knew that prejudice exists, I would hope that common sense would prevail.
If I was forced to eat only one food...I would pick a salad with all the vegetables.
If I had one wish, it would be to make you happy. (Even at my expense)
If you read this, then I would hope that it made you think.
If I didn't work so much, I would be bored...and I might go insane.
If I were to be short, I'd probably be a lot less quiet.
If I had a wife, I'd would be broke...and possibly unhappy.
If I had kids with her, I just might be desperate for a do over.
If I lived in Florida, I would be slow and Tan.
If I liked music, it would probably be pop. (Definitely not Rap)
If I cared about opinions, I would act and look just like all the other dudes.
If I had a clock, I would almost always be rewinding it.
If I met a woman that I really liked, I probably wouldn't tell her...or anyone else.
If I had a religion, it would probably be Buddhism.
If I liked to Travel, I would go somewhere that was quiet and friendly.
If I had a dog, it would be a Burmese mountain dog.
If I knew that someone was scared, I would stand tall and hope that they would see and grow strong.
If I could be a criminal, I would want to be a safe cracker.
If I died tomorrow, the only regret I would have is that I never had the chance to tell you what I wanted too.
If I had a test to give, I would not give you any of the answers.
If I could, I would...
If my body could regenerate, I would feel a lot better.
If you could see the real me, I might still tease the old you.
If jokes never existed, then I would have never bothered. (You are too serious for your own good)
If life could be only Be one day, I would pick a Sunday during Spring.
If I knew that prejudice exists, I would hope that common sense would prevail.
If I was forced to eat only one food...I would pick a salad with all the vegetables.
If I had one wish, it would be to make you happy. (Even at my expense)
If you read this, then I would hope that it made you think.
If I didn't work so much, I would be bored...and I might go insane.
Why do people dedicate their lives to trivial things?
Are they proud to be selfish or greedy?
Are they satisfied with being ignorant or intolerant?
Do they feel superior and arrogant?
Self righteous? Self centered?
See through a narrow Tunnel?
Fear the opinions of their peers?
Yield to pressure of their surroundings.
Commandeer a life destined for unrealistic expectations?
Demand everything? Yet share nothing?
Fail to recognize a sun that neither sets, nor peaks around their calendar...
is not a movie...
Life is more like a journey, meant to be experienced...meant to teach...meant to be respected, treasured and appreciated!
The Best thing in Life
Is Not a Thing at All.
Are they satisfied with being ignorant or intolerant?
Do they feel superior and arrogant?
Self righteous? Self centered?
See through a narrow Tunnel?
Fear the opinions of their peers?
Yield to pressure of their surroundings.
Commandeer a life destined for unrealistic expectations?
Demand everything? Yet share nothing?
Fail to recognize a sun that neither sets, nor peaks around their calendar...
is not a movie...
Life is more like a journey, meant to be experienced...meant to teach...meant to be respected, treasured and appreciated!
The Best thing in Life
Is Not a Thing at All.
Wily and Witty Fox
I blinked my eyes, and set my trap
Under the dense cover of this graceful delicate foliage
That buffers your world from Mine
One in which you will find me....
Nailed to its bark, Being tapped for my sapp
Red in color, bitter in flavor...savory with satisfaction
Within A menagerie of hubris,
I am vilified and vindicated by my cascading tears
Mirrored by an Enchanting Song
A resonating Voice that echoes in my ears and out throughout my mind
Cut with a diamond's precision
This logic has been groomed to be my imperial jewel
Cursed by myth and legends...
Condemned by unsightly expectations...
Crushed with flawed, lost hope...
I sit, quietly hovering above the Cat's Meow
Wondering what the difference is
between truth and fiction
Fact versus Fantasy
Shrouded in my radiant haze,
Confined in this cavity I call space
that houses my horrors, and feeds my vices
invite thee
the pain of this pleasure
and the shine of my treasure...
and you will miss
the allure...of my elegance
My Smile, My Charm...My Attraction
Your loss will become my Albatross
Entangled in that decaying grip
Tempted by a crooked vamp
With Teeth that snarl, and a ghastly growl
Perched...on her scarecrow
Out on her lonely field
That buried her soul, and evicted her spirit
It's there that her ghost will live
Immortally convicted
Forever to share her time
Of distance, freedom and latitude...
Of Knowing...
Is my Punishment for Living
In a Prime,
Of an undeclared decadence!
Died Yesterday,
To understand the Touch that Life Brought
and the Agony it shares...
Baring a test of Wright and Rongs
I kneel before a dead God
Knowing what my imagination does not
I am a blasphemous fool
I am a tragic beauty
I am you
You are Me
When we understand
The Who,
The What
The Why...
We will find, there is very little that distinguishes our unique and glorious existence
One of my all time Favorite sit-coms...
Ala Enspanol style
Long Live Godzilla!
Ala Enspanol style
Long Live Godzilla!
Friday, May 16, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
What Do You Have to Lose?
Nothing except everything.
What is really here, and is truly a possession?
Why do people need to possess?
We only burrow things in life, most notably Time.
So make the most out of time, and worry less about things.
What is really here, and is truly a possession?
Why do people need to possess?
We only burrow things in life, most notably Time.
So make the most out of time, and worry less about things.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Flirt with Disaster
I feel like this terrible criminal, on the verge of becoming permanently convicted to some ugly and unparalleled state of purgatory. My alleged violation? Negligence of the Heart....
So here is my start, a common plea....yet I am sure that no defender would ever advocate or explain my actions in a way that justifies my whereabouts (nor my motives)! Stake me to a cross and let me sizzle with my albatross...I am destined to implode at my crossroad. Sanctioned by forgiveness herself, I have been outright denied any amnesty. My warrant has my declared name and my visage decorates countless public alerts. Be Aware, therefore beware...the devil that sports this fine coat:
this delinquency...
To calmly charm this basket full of dancing Cobras...
I felt the warmth, comforted the cold
I just suppose to juxtapose lies with truths and hopes with failures.
thing is my factual lie...
One big FAT why....?!
A circle with a hole, with nowhere to go...
My smile...look at that smile...
and dine with me, let's forget our troubles for a while
(I promise to ignore, and perhaps this world would change)
Feed the earth the substance to stand to tall,
ReLive these miracles, elevate beyond this dimension...
i am my own maker, these are my stages...
and everything in between
I am my own victim, and this is my path that I choose
Not too far, not too deep...just enough to grasp a taste
A feel for what's here
It's still my mind, that I choose to share...and tease the hungry appetites
All these starving angels finding flight with my words, my being
This, That or the Other...
I'm here and you're there
It still touches, and the taste lingers...
I, have dove off my cliff and splashed head first into your ocean...your's where I swim,
I like the threatening depths and unpredictable currents...
I live dangerously, carelessly and vicariously in a creation not too far from Me...yet too far to feel and breathe the harshness of my abyss...
Leaves no prisoners....only victims and criminals.
If you aren't one, then you must be the other...
My was my own first victim.
So here is my start, a common plea....yet I am sure that no defender would ever advocate or explain my actions in a way that justifies my whereabouts (nor my motives)! Stake me to a cross and let me sizzle with my albatross...I am destined to implode at my crossroad. Sanctioned by forgiveness herself, I have been outright denied any amnesty. My warrant has my declared name and my visage decorates countless public alerts. Be Aware, therefore beware...the devil that sports this fine coat:
this delinquency...
To calmly charm this basket full of dancing Cobras...
I felt the warmth, comforted the cold
I just suppose to juxtapose lies with truths and hopes with failures.
thing is my factual lie...
One big FAT why....?!
A circle with a hole, with nowhere to go...
My smile...look at that smile...
and dine with me, let's forget our troubles for a while
(I promise to ignore, and perhaps this world would change)
Feed the earth the substance to stand to tall,
ReLive these miracles, elevate beyond this dimension...
i am my own maker, these are my stages...
and everything in between
I am my own victim, and this is my path that I choose
Not too far, not too deep...just enough to grasp a taste
A feel for what's here
It's still my mind, that I choose to share...and tease the hungry appetites
All these starving angels finding flight with my words, my being
This, That or the Other...
I'm here and you're there
It still touches, and the taste lingers...
I, have dove off my cliff and splashed head first into your ocean...your's where I swim,
I like the threatening depths and unpredictable currents...
I live dangerously, carelessly and vicariously in a creation not too far from Me...yet too far to feel and breathe the harshness of my abyss...
Leaves no prisoners....only victims and criminals.
If you aren't one, then you must be the other...
My was my own first victim.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Fondling Thoughts
Freaky does what Freaky Wants...!
F is for that Fanatic Fool inside of us All...
R is that Rare monster that Roars and howls at those prim and proper sheep in our Risqué....
E is for how Extraordinaire and Exceptional We R!
A...Atypically Awesome...Everything About us :)
K feeds our Kinky side...
Y is the Ying that we use to oppose their Yang!
Freaks are Mavericks that create thorns with their thoughts that pierce through any heart and quarantine logic with the simple and basic lustful trust ingrained by all the Rules and Regulations that get subjected to us all....
Free your Freakiness, and indulge in some creativity...
Tempt Fate, release the Freak...
your Thirsty Soul
this, that and the other thing
It's true,
I'm a Think Freak.
How Sexy!
F is for that Fanatic Fool inside of us All...
R is that Rare monster that Roars and howls at those prim and proper sheep in our Risqué....
E is for how Extraordinaire and Exceptional We R!
A...Atypically Awesome...Everything About us :)
K feeds our Kinky side...
Y is the Ying that we use to oppose their Yang!
Freaks are Mavericks that create thorns with their thoughts that pierce through any heart and quarantine logic with the simple and basic lustful trust ingrained by all the Rules and Regulations that get subjected to us all....
Free your Freakiness, and indulge in some creativity...
Tempt Fate, release the Freak...
your Thirsty Soul
this, that and the other thing
It's true,
I'm a Think Freak.
How Sexy!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
The Dark yields me peace
In those shadows I grow my horns
and with those horns
I tilt my head
and barrel through any WALL or any Man
lacking remorse
A Trial of blood beds deep within this dark
Moist, Fresh and delightfully calming
There you will find my lurking double
Drop by drop my little red rum casts my dye
There is where I sleep, it's always where I'll die
In the Dark
My Home
My World
it's where I've done my best work...
I dug my grave, I have wished my will
I smile here, because I know my charm
I have felt its touch
Graced with gifts, conned by time
It's dark home...horns and all
I fear for the soulless prey...innocent and weak...
Whom wander into my dark and forbidden home
they didn't listen,
one that they warned about
My Hungry Growl
tempt my wicked hands
Liberate my sanguine soul
here, where I call home
In those shadows I grow my horns
and with those horns
I tilt my head
and barrel through any WALL or any Man
lacking remorse
A Trial of blood beds deep within this dark
Moist, Fresh and delightfully calming
There you will find my lurking double
Drop by drop my little red rum casts my dye
There is where I sleep, it's always where I'll die
In the Dark
My Home
My World
it's where I've done my best work...
I dug my grave, I have wished my will
I smile here, because I know my charm
I have felt its touch
Graced with gifts, conned by time
It's dark home...horns and all
I fear for the soulless prey...innocent and weak...
Whom wander into my dark and forbidden home
they didn't listen,
one that they warned about
My Hungry Growl
tempt my wicked hands
Liberate my sanguine soul
here, where I call home
Reading is Sexy
The mind explores well beyond all walls...
No harsh climbs...just an easy ascension into a world without limits, without bounds, without Laws!
up a book
You Will Never Discover
how far your Mind's Eye sees....
don't take my word on it...
After all, you look so damn sexy Reading
Message by The Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society
as well as....Yours Truly
No harsh climbs...just an easy ascension into a world without limits, without bounds, without Laws!
up a book
You Will Never Discover
how far your Mind's Eye sees....
don't take my word on it...
After all, you look so damn sexy Reading
Message by The Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society
as well as....Yours Truly
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
My unfettered half
You thrill my mind, you've revived my soul...
In the distance...I hear your echoes
Your purrs resonate through my very core...
who and what leaves their trail
To Your Beating Heart
My kisses grip,
Clamp like a vice...
Like a tiger on the prowl
I spot my prey...
Fierce, Feral...Mine
To Be Had
As I Pounce
In my primal essence
Wild in fury,
With an unforgiving virile prowess....
My sheer power flows like a diluvian cascade...
Overwhelming your senses...
Strangling you in my trance
Enchanting you with my charm...
Delighting you in addiction...
I am your words, my thoughts
A World, As seen through my eyes
Where I reside, as a lone standing King
Untouched, unseen...
Yet my reach has stood the test of time, place and distance...
Like a python, caught in my belly
You are my victim, you will succumb
In the distance...I hear your echoes
Your purrs resonate through my very core...
who and what leaves their trail
To Your Beating Heart
My kisses grip,
Clamp like a vice...
Like a tiger on the prowl
I spot my prey...
Fierce, Feral...Mine
To Be Had
As I Pounce
In my primal essence
Wild in fury,
With an unforgiving virile prowess....
My sheer power flows like a diluvian cascade...
Overwhelming your senses...
Strangling you in my trance
Enchanting you with my charm...
Delighting you in addiction...
I am your words, my thoughts
A World, As seen through my eyes
Where I reside, as a lone standing King
Untouched, unseen...
Yet my reach has stood the test of time, place and distance...
Like a python, caught in my belly
You are my victim, you will succumb
Never Cut Your Nose to Spite My Face
Otherwise, the three Old wise Mice may loose their way...and find a true calling under a Red Roof for a burden that once upon a time was considered lost beyond a fallen wall...Phee Phi Pho Phum.
How you say? I tell you how, or why...never when, but always what...but more importantly it's the who!
Who, Who!?
My weekend was successfully boring, and a bit annoying with some outside interference from people who base all their inside information derived from a psychic reader. Who's obviously wrong!
Let me tell you,
Tell me how you let this rubbish numb your mind and feed your eyes!
Hmmmm.....trusting a psychic is not like trusting a parachute.
When a psychic fails to prevail a truth...much like a forget.
But, when a parachute fails you (which it rarely does) rarely lives long enough to tell you:
'I told you so'
Either Way, sit strong or steer clear...
I need a big dose of luck and a bigger, fatter fuck you too...
to those who see the world with their head stuck in the sand. I hope that the tide doesn't come up on them (you) too soon....
Otherwise, out to sea without a clue
of where to go, where you've been Or how you even got there.
of where to go, where you've been Or how you even got there.
Au Revoir
Beware of stormy seas
Crazy Biotches)
Both will drown you
Without cause
Without a trace
tickle my soul and make my heart salivate with possibilities...
an extreme unconscious roller coaster, oozing with Artistic Flow
regurgitate or repeat my solemn medicine of garbage....
Ugly boys (girls), cute girls (boys), smart, dumb, short or tall...they all create problems...I should have just advised her to turn into an asexual lesbian (how vogue would that be), and change her full name to just one Word (how eye catchingly effective). How does Capricia sound?
She'll skip the remainder of her teenage years...and express route herself (itself) to a new age Margaret Mead, ala EP du jour.
If I can fantastically escalate something to Epic proportions....I sure bring my best effort.
At the crossroads of Chaos and Destruction sits my throne...overlooking all this world's wicked nonsense....I bring it with the best of them...and a very select few are privy to it, this and that!
But, this psychic...I out to get me.
I'm surprised that the psychic has not charged me for crimes against humanity...if only I were lucky enough to be savage and unjust ride a wave of corruption....
I don't mind admitting when I am wrong...
But, I certainly don't like being given credit for unfulfilled Acts (it makes me feel deprived of a lost opportunity)
My Mind warps around a soulless land intended to house the simple and greedy...this land,
barren of loyalty to that in which naturally exists....
A land where truths go to hide or die...
Land divided, land soon to be conquered...
Land with (shiny) things created to fill imaginations,
Bought to replace hopes and expectations...and give false identities
On this Land sits this pile of:
faith, vision, trust, integrity and ability for growth
....Free Will
All Slivered in branches, cut by gluttonous hands
Selfishly hoarding all dying ends...
I sit, on my throne....and watch this world churn and burn
Fueling this eternal unrelenting fire....
Smoke clouds our path
Chokes our breath
Yet, we some way fuel this road
Burning, to a chard...our world, our home, our land
A (Our) land meant to be lived, to be be enjoyed
Yet our (simple) minds...seem stuck, behind a blind eye
Yelling, screaming for Hope...only to to be heard by deaf ears...
is where I lived
where I died...
Caught in the crosshairs
Of this violent fire...
Brought alive by words and swords
Pronounced dead, right beside me...
On our crispy field
That we once fled to
An unspoiled paradise...
Like a vice, we fuel this fire and break our words
only to die an glorious and forgotten death...
Is it worth it?
Is this all worth the tears? The Fights? The Fires? The Outrage?
Stop ignoring your obligation to time and space....
Paying homage to fate
Bowing to desire
Yielding to pleasure...
This course...of fight and ruin a forest that stood beyond creation
i wish that i was a large cloud...hovering over this world...
how i wish i could drain our land of this nonsense, this turmoil...and extinguish all these fires that will eventually leave us all lonely and homeless.
was I born with a conscious?
On a land destined to be stolen and burned?
I wish that my script had a different writer...with a different direction...
soon or not,
I want to close my eyes and find this to be the dream I never had.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Forever Single
She Told me that she is Too Good Looking to date someone Ugly...!
Yet, not attractive enough to date someone handsome...
Oh, is that right? dear...first off Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder!
Some of the most gorgeous women that I have ever been graced with...most folk seem uninterested or repelled by them....
But, my tastes are my tastes...
And their beauty is priceless to me.
Got it?
Get it!
Your statement....what is it?
Is this a complaint? A declaration? An elaboration? A contemplation? What exactly is the point that you would like to make?
By stating that you are too ugly for the good looking and too good looking for the uglies...?
A little friendly advice:
The beauty of the heart is immeasurable
The ugliness of a soul has No Limits
It's up to us to choose which it is that we want to strengthen...Our Ugliness or Our Beauty...
That which we feed, will blossom into what we become...
Yet, not attractive enough to date someone handsome...
Oh, is that right? dear...first off Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder!
Some of the most gorgeous women that I have ever been graced with...most folk seem uninterested or repelled by them....
But, my tastes are my tastes...
And their beauty is priceless to me.
Got it?
Get it!
Your statement....what is it?
Is this a complaint? A declaration? An elaboration? A contemplation? What exactly is the point that you would like to make?
By stating that you are too ugly for the good looking and too good looking for the uglies...?
A little friendly advice:
The beauty of the heart is immeasurable
The ugliness of a soul has No Limits
It's up to us to choose which it is that we want to strengthen...Our Ugliness or Our Beauty...
That which we feed, will blossom into what we become...
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