Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fixing Society with KVC

A sad Aspects of Human Nature is the Greed of the human race.  'I Want More than thy Neighbor'.  Take, take as much as I can...before I starve..before it vanishes...before I get caught filling my trough with a fat spirit and numb heart.  A mindset destined to create inequality.  A mindset intended to suppress (combat) competition.  (Competition is the name of Capitalism...may the best hoarder Win).
In the Land of Free Market, a land intended for free speech (or so called 'Free')...encouraged growth...there is a cold reality that remains:
Only the wealthy, the truly wealthy dictate the grounds in which you live and breathe.  On a planet whereby more people (than not) die of starvation....go to bed thirsty...wake up sick and unable to care for oneself...on this planet..exists a vast rift between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots'...and all those bottom feeders in between.
You're telling me that all those people are unmotivated, incapable of functioning within a society in a positive and constructive way?
These people don't want it?  Don't strive for it?
that there are plenty of folks out there edging for the opportunity, the chance to have something versus nothing.
Therein lies the rub: opportunity.
Where is the opportunity if the top heavies have no intention of sharing their wealth. (They are probably wondering 'Why Should They?).  The reason as to why they should is simple, the relationship is a symbiotic balance between the top heavy And those that do the labor for them.
Two solutions:
More jobs (all jobs MUST pay better as well)
Far higher taxation of all 'Haves'  and allow the state to create the wealth
(So, basically it's still just one solution).
Which sparks a debate of free market vs communism.  Let's be real, with all these hands in the pot...Utopia could never ever survive (reference U.S.S.R)....because, someone will disrupt that dynamic of equal sharing.
The problem is this with Utopian-like societies...motivation...
But, one thing is certain...if work is needed, and then work should be offered...who is not to be inclined to accept work when they need it?  The unmotivated people are, that's who.  Then How do you motivate the unmotivated ones?  Find their natural niche.  Meaning, there are more jobs for niche finders. (Niche sounds a little to much like snitch).  So...basically...get people to work.  But ultimately, better wages are essential to cleaning up this mess.  (How can you reward people who DESERVE the higher wage?).  Let them reward themselves through their dedication...but, at least give them a thriving opportunity to do so. (Remember, flowers that you water will survive...those you drought will often die).  Hence, each class needs the other.  No One Class could survive without the other (take away all the laborers and the wealthy die...who'll buy their products...AND...take the wealthy away, and then who will be paying the laborers?)

I Would Love To See Humankind Evolve...as in Really, Really El You Vee Love to see People (Humanity) Evolve!

What I mean is, this 'system' that is imposed on us, this whole, "Working for a wage" mentality that exists, nobody challenging it, because we are all too comfortable with it. And let's be honest, it's all about the ones at the top of the pile, the ones for whom us working, makes them wealthier that would never do anything to jeopardize their situation.
It just kills me that the world still works this way. Ultimately, the signs are there, that it's failing. We have witnessed massive financial institutions become so greedy by their very nature, cause global catastrophes by failing to circulate money, entire states in the continental US imploding, all the while, people in entire Countries still die of starvation every day. And we have never implemented a 'plan-B' because it's working for 'them'
I can understand a concept of exchanging labor for something, it's a good start, but for it being 'money' just seems so un-evolved, half-way through the first decade of an entire new Millennia. 
The fact that Government's perpetuate this mentality proves to me that they are content to instill the belief that, "You earn what you are worth" with this Dickensian 'Minimum-wage' incentive. I find the whole idea utterly repugnant. 
It does work for some, sure, this 'system' I can see that, for the ones who are fortunate enough to have good, developmental guidance in their formative years, or excel through schooling etc. But what of the rest of us? the ones like me, who just don't 'get it' fail to catch on and are a bit of a non-starter? For me, as far as the Government is concerned, I'll just have to settle for a minimum-wage job then.....The whole time paying taxes because they consider it a 'privilege' to work. (?) It's disgusting. Why do I have to consider myself a failure when it's this difficult and confusing system that's failing me?
Does -anyone- see my legitimate gripe here?
I don't know what else to put in it's place, but something needs to change.
It's time we 'evolved'

Thoughts by KVC.

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