Under the dense cover of this graceful delicate foliage
That buffers your world from Mine
One in which you will find me....
Nailed to its bark, Being tapped for my sapp
Red in color, bitter in flavor...savory with satisfaction
Within A menagerie of hubris,
I am vilified and vindicated by my cascading tears
Mirrored by an Enchanting Song
A resonating Voice that echoes in my ears and out throughout my mind
Cut with a diamond's precision
This logic has been groomed to be my imperial jewel
Cursed by myth and legends...
Condemned by unsightly expectations...
Crushed with flawed, lost hope...
I sit, quietly hovering above the Cat's Meow
Wondering what the difference is
between truth and fiction
Fact versus Fantasy
Shrouded in my radiant haze,
Confined in this cavity I call space
that houses my horrors, and feeds my vices
invite thee
the pain of this pleasure
and the shine of my treasure...
and you will miss
the allure...of my elegance
My Smile, My Charm...My Attraction
Your loss will become my Albatross
Entangled in that decaying grip
Tempted by a crooked vamp
With Teeth that snarl, and a ghastly growl
Perched...on her scarecrow
Out on her lonely field
That buried her soul, and evicted her spirit
It's there that her ghost will live
Immortally convicted
Forever to share her time
Of distance, freedom and latitude...
Of Knowing...
Is my Punishment for Living
In a Prime,
Of an undeclared decadence!
Died Yesterday,
To understand the Touch that Life Brought
and the Agony it shares...
Baring a test of Wright and Rongs
I kneel before a dead God
Knowing what my imagination does not
I am a blasphemous fool
I am a tragic beauty
I am you
You are Me
When we understand
The Who,
The What
The Why...
We will find, there is very little that distinguishes our unique and glorious existence
We 'ARE' the same!!! Beautiful & absolute defiantly passionate as well as romantic messes...I know we have a lot to figure out but I am grateful I met you &curious to see if we get to go 'places' :D