Thursday, October 30, 2014

Two Years Ago Today

Superstorm Sandy drowned the Jersey Coast, Staten Island and the South Shore of Long Island.
I was coming off of a weekend Halloween party in which the host had spent in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars...that's over $100,000 in US currency.
I had spent that weekend starting to thing what truly is important in life.

Two years later, and plenty of things are still unfixed.

Censored Mind

I have been told by many friends that I am a walking collection of Deanisms.  (For those that don't know, Dean...or my, use it with respect!)
These Deanisms are a random and honest depiction of my exact feeling at that very moment that encapsulates the truth behind what I am witnessing.
Yes, I am the ultimate witness.  Quiet and observant...I will notice, and I will share my perceived truths...
won't do is play ball and pretend that I like you and that everything is cool...when it's not.

I read for fun, and I think for pleasure...but, I can't in good conscious let you 'Act' that you are capable of either.
(Look at me all prim and proper on my high horse), knock me down And prove me wrong.  Can You?  Then, by all means...please do try.
I would rather be single and sexless, than married and sexless...or married and unfaithful.
Some lessons I knew, some I learned...and most, I have not fully comprehended yet...but I am still trying...still growing, always learning.
Perfection is a 'Sexy' theoretical idea, that's just out of our reach.  It looks beautiful from afar, but like any carrot to all Rabbits...just a tad bit too far.
I was born with many tools, except with the tools I claim that I need to feed me the success that would distinguish me from the rest.
We all need some new tools/skills to improve. Upgrading ourselves to a higher status.  Marvelous I say.
On this road we call Life...I find Everyone complains, why should I?
Why should I do anything, that everybody else does?
Why would I want to be like everybody else?
From what I see, too many people are selfish, greedy, manipulative, self centered, arrogant, vain, ignorant, righteous and uninspiring.
I will drink my wine, and make love to my philosophical ideas...before bed...since, there is where my dreams are my reality..and no one else can brand them black and spit them straight to a communal grave.
I sit and listen to rain.  It offers peace, harmony and acceptance...Everyone, is always welcome to come out and stand in its graceful Serenity.
I fight for my morals.
...disRespect 'mine'...
I will turn my back to yours.
I smile in good gesture, I expect the same in return.
That's where I get it really wrong...I have expectations of others.
Some days I can't do anything right.  Other days, I can't do any wrong.  There is rarely any rhyme, reason or logic....just good or bad luck. Funny...
I don't believe in luck.
I cringe and empathize when your in pain.  You smile and walk away when you notice mine...
It a romantic idea to say that life is fair, or what comes around goes around.
Really, now?  How true is that...?
I saw a psychic, he was a good show...but he still has no real useful powers...probably, none of them, look for your answers elsewhere!
If I could flip a switch and change everything I would start with the big bright bulb overhead that starts it all.
I wonder...what if man never succeeded...would I still be here?
Why do I care, when no one else does?
Why do I find myself asking questions...when everyone else is happy receiving orders and following directions?
I am lucky and damned at the same time, which is still a lot better than just being damned.
A wish...if you had one...most people would want something.  I, on the other hand, would want something for everyone...maybe it might appease their personal hunger for perpetual gratification and continual material stimulation in search of satisfaction...and just leave me alone.
Alone is where I work best.  Many people like (some even love) my best.  But nobody likes me when I am there in the midst of a cryptic world creating my, I choose to be alone.  It's easier for everyone...
I've tried to cry, and I just can't...I don't think anyone noticed.
Most people don't notice much other than the mirror in front of them.
Most people don't really know what a mirror is...they just see what it does.
The herd is big, the herd is loud...the herd can't see me, won't hear...
If I help a person, maybe two...possibly more (like I do daily) one notices (not that I care for recognition)...that person (or people) tend to forget...because they can't understand, what they can't see.
I am tired of teaching the same the same people.
I am tired, how so many people think and act the same.
Similar to a dog or a cat, after all humans are animals.
With the sole purpose of ensuring the survival of their DNA.

S E E how simple this, that and everything else is?
And you thought that all this was special with a meaning.
Shame on you for thinking that you are more important than everything.  You should be as so lucky to be here...because you could be somewhere where you can't think this over, or read my thoughts.

Life is this circle, that will forever go round and round...with or without you or I.
At least do something good for someone...before your time is up, and then you can't.  At least you can have that one final justifying lap....vindicating that your circle had some meaning, other than just to look at your center.

My thoughts, my quotes
Your eyes, 
My Mind to yours...
t h i n k if you can, because most won't even 'if' they can.
The thirst for material often numbs the mind of is justice, and robs the soul of its substance!

Your bulb, that you see in your sky...might be blinding a beautiful mind.  Wouldn't you wish I could change it for you.
Even if you never thank me, at least might think beyond it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Know Thyself

I am who I am...
I never pretend to be someone that I am not
I fuel my life with fury and passion
I hold my convictions close and dear
I vent with whispers
And fight with vengeance
I despise how this world is
And how weak so many people seem to be
I am tired of how things are supposed to be
Because it's outdated and counterintuitive
To achieve a growth of higher consciousness 
Somedays, I close my eyes
And wonder...
Wish of...a place
So very different...
From the earth we stand on
Under an ocean of stars...
The 'Why' has disappeared
me wondering....
Full well knowing,
How things have to be

The Should is outdated
T I M E S change
Life evolves
This world is very different...
It went from a flat heaven with endless seas
To nothing more than a glorified fish bowl
At the mercy of the hand that feeds the frenzy
With nothing more than the crumbs of its floor

I want to see change for the betterment of humanity

Improve your vision through your diet

Jim Carrey Spoofing Matty Mac

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Impressing Strangers

Or just,
Flat out...
Making yourself out to be some weirdo or creep.

No, Seven
Very simple
Always special
Magic Tricks

Friday, October 24, 2014

Another Thought, Another Day


memories s n e a k out of my mind

find my Eyes
down my Cheeks.

Leaving hints of things that were...
Ideas of things that could be

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Brad Pitt

Skimming like a school girl in the middle of a kick ball game.
I'll be there for you...

Friday, October 17, 2014

Mad Intentions

I'm brimming with Intention...
Scolding with Anger...
how Blind this place has become

will in
never, be granted permission from the silent voice that continuously echoes around and through this floating rock we sit on...

So, why wait...when I can just go, take and do.
This walk is but but a grant from time...slated to expire
Much like all codes and procedures
That vilify or vindicate our logic
Exonerate or convict the thieves, corrupters, crooks and malcontents
Express or suppress all thoughts and desires....
Disrupting and/or regulating society with
(coded, norms and morals)
Sinners Sin
Saints Honor
Truth gets used to blame
Blame hides truths
Truths hide behind the lies
Used to incriminate saints
And honor sinners...liars...and cheats

This road,
It's the only road
A road on which all have to walk through
A road filled with cheats, liars, crooks, corrupters, thieves, malcontents and saints
A path
Densely packed with blocks, bends, twists and cliffs...
Interrupted by choice
Distracted through deception

My sight is fine,
My vision is flawless
Unblemished by the weak attempts
To Skew or disguise faults within our stars
(My heart reason screams)

We live addicted to the chaos of panic
and the virtue of the community
One, in which I painted with a brush
That tints pain,
Highlights delight...
Befuddled, we yawn....
Turning down the light...
Closing our eyes
Slowly and quietly dozing to bed...
Here, we lay
Mummified in time
Motionless to change
Irrelevant to the events that will ultimately
Putting closure to our consciousness
Losing hope, dropping faith
Leaving behind all human mindfulness

It's time,
It'd time to change the bulb

We need to form a common goal of greater good
Or anything else here...
Is far from it.

Smile, and the world smiles back

My smiles break through walls, stripping years of guarded layers...
Deep, endlessly through a mindless reincarnated memory
Found by the unforgiving trials and tribulations we all call life

My smile:

With this smile, I calm the oceans
With this smile, I can feel the earth shift
In my moment, with my smile my life can change
Sometimes for the better...sometimes for the worse

What is fact, my smile
Causes movement

We All Need To Smile More

You never know who's watching and paying attention...
And how it might change their day
Which might chain itself an event...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Perfect Selfie

Please people, selfies are a vain attempt to capitalize on arrogance.

Women are definitely raunchier (or lewd) than men.
Albeit, more clever about it.

Nothing Like Pam's Wednesday Night Class

Well, I don't exactly know how and where to, I'll start where it's easiest...the beginning.  About a month or so ago, I noticed a new hire at one of the hot yoga studios that I attend.  She looked exactly like an old friend of mine...a friend who I can honestly say is a tad bit unpredictable and crazy.  This new hire (I don't even know her name), is an attractive blue eyed blonde.  Marginally above average in height.  A strong and athletic build.  She also had tattoos.  I can be such the sucker for tattoos (if they are well done and well placed).  There she was on the opposite side of the yoga room, with her yoga mat all laid out participating in the class.  Of course I noticed...she's new and attractive.  I would have to be blind or gay not to heed any of my attention in her direction.  She leaves my mind the instant I leave the much for lasting impressions.
Fast forward to last night.  I get there somewhat early, the room is fairly void of people...but several mats already occupy spots.  I lay my mat as close to the exit doors as possible (on occasion when the instructors choose to have pity...they will open the doors during peak and tense moments in those moments...I cherish that cool breeze that comes and soothes my exhaustion).'s time...class begins...guess who is situated directly next to me?  Yup, the attractive new hire in her skin tight short shorts and dinky tank top.
Whatever, I'll focus and kill the poses in class...maybe she'll notice my effort/skill, maybe she won't.  We go through the's as tough as any hot yoga class gets (if you think that I am over exaggerating...I dare any if you to take that specific class at that studio)...I'm doing good, real good...but not great.  Not that I am keeping score, but the blonde...she's having a tough go in the class.  Though, There are points during the class, where she's the shining star...and I am nothing but her shadow.  But, overall...I outplayed and I outlasted her (it's the competitive athlete in me to push myself to and through all challenging points).  The class comes to an end.  Each class ends with a personal rest period called Shavasna (aka the corpse pose)...there I am, all sprawled out on my back with my eyes shuttering to stay closed.  That's when I start to hear this bizarre commotion coming from the blonde.  So I open one eye and briefly/nonchalantly glance in her direction.  What do I see?  Well, she is directly facing me (about eight inches away) some funky quasi split position.  She is using her arms on either side of her to lift her hips in a grinding fashion towards me.  This can't be, I pay no attention and ignore her.  She's continuing to dry hump in my direction, faintly grunting as she's performing whatever cool down exercise that she thinks suits her current needs.  It's driving me mad, to be perfectly honest with first break from her direct sight...I roll away from her and leave the room.  I wait until the entire room clears before I return and gather my belongings and leave the studio....wondering, muttering to myself as I drive home...god exists, and god is a woman...intent on torturing me.

Become a Workplace nuisance

Fed up with your coworkers?  How about liven things up at the work place.
Be weary, be very may get fired and black balled...
But, bygone it, you're gonna go out with a bang.
Say fukk it and Kick back, this will and can be a legendary ride!
(They'll be talking about you in every meeting from here on long as they stay in misery or in business)

Become a Super Duper Brown noser (god those people are annoying)
Or an Overachiever
Even worse an Underachiever
Playing loud obnoxious music (bonus points if you sing loudly and out of tune)
Even more annoying, really loud phone conversations about nothing!!
Being M.IA.
Taking credits from your coworkers for things you have not done
(Or do their job when they are not paying attention...and then criticize them for how lousy they've done their work)
Playing pranks on every day (who has the energy for that?)
Making a mess
Bring in smelly food
Eat their food
Make lunch plans with them, and then stand them up
You bring in yourself smelly
Sniff them, and then tell them what it is that their smell reminds you of
Allude to discussion that you never had
Spam them with stupid
Reply all works too
Blame, blame blame...or Constantly complaining about everything
Tell people how busy you are (this only works if you make it obvious that you're not busy at all)
Smile, a lot, to everyone :)
Hide things amongst their personally belongings (preferably living things)
Not responding/ignoring questions or not addressing problems
Worse is gossiping  about or critiquing/criticizing everyone
Send flowers from one coworker to another
Organizing unnecessary meetings...about nothing
Volunteer for committees and then do none of the work
Get them ugly toys/things and decorate their personal space with them
You are loud and disruptive in meetings
On the flip side, nap in meeting (snore for bonus points)
Try to pass off new protocols/procedures as the current standard
Speak in different accents or dialects
Become an office drama Queen/King
Answer their questions with a question
Or just ask annoying questions (were you always a guy? Always straight?)
Mimic them
Try to convert their religions or political cause
Exaggerate/Brag about your success

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Words and Thoughts for Inspiration...

for a Better Tomorrow

People are created to be loved.
Things are created to be used.
The reason why this world is in constant
Turmoil and Chaos....embroiled in such sanguine and unforgiving conflict...
Is because All Things seem to get All the Love...
and people are being consistently exploited,
CAPITALIZED, commercialized, manipulated....
Mistreated and cheated...
Bled dry of all tears and sweat...left for dust in a decaying world....
All as a consequence of
'The Love of and for Things'

Being mindful teaches us to be cognizant of the moment,
When aware of the Me, You in the here And now...
We understand and appreciate this, that and 'Us'
Beyond all costs...this buried treasure
A gift so priceless...yet so
M I S hand led
So beneath an appetite for lust and greed...

Is not realizing,
Not listening
And duplicating past failures....

At this pace,
You and I
Will be a forgotten memories
Replaced by artificial emotions
Electronic hearts
and computed reasoning

There is now a cost on what should never be priced.
That being you and I...
we have no one to blame but ourselves.

be that change that you want to see in this world...
Before this world,
A battery so charged with possession, material and gluttony
Forgets who we really are
And why we are here.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Politicians are Crooks

It's time to bring back Tar and Feathering
They're all crooks.
All the honest ones have become corrupt out of necessity to exist...
Or they have had their political careers killed off by all the crooks that tried to own them.

A Profound Political Question,
for all my Politically correct friends:
Must the country,
My country...this country...any country...
Continue to give (and give, and give)
Precedence to Private Financial gain
Market D E T E R M I N I S M
Humanism and
public values?

P L U S....

When and how has The United States
Become the forefront world wide educator on Democracy...?
In order to become globally viable,
The United States
their Own!

Question and comment courtesy acclaimed Author William Greider

A L O N E (Ly)

Isn't  it
when you're the ONLY one who
can SEE how much of a Fraud,
how Evil And Sneaky someone is....

And Everyone Else is Completely o b l i v i o u s
to that FACT!

Come on,
*smacks head*
Snap the Fuck Out of it!
C A N ' T you see...
why? won't? you? see?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Under the Stand

Our Lives
become better when....
We Dissociate from...and become
of Material:

Making Our Worth
by Simply Determining
how much Love
this World With


I love rambles the way the sky lights up the moment sunshine sparks it....gradually igniting, injecting life in those early morning moments...watching a pitch black darkness fade...slowly turning before my eyes from a gorgeous midnight horizon into a hypnotic blue heaven, as everything starts to glow...illuminating, gleaming, coming alive...with all sorts of colors like red, yellow, rose and green.  Yes, your words foster a world in my mind that can never be doubted or explained.  Like a mystery, I swarm a hive that fuels a maze-like journey...leaving a trail of crumbs...for you to find me as I hibernate in my solitary foxhole...somehow indigenous to humble simplicity.  Here...I heed no acknowledgment for rules, regulations, gender roles or money.  I watch the herd of sheep that walk upright...parading back and forth...without an understanding, nor any direction.  They act pompous and pretentious.  They act entitled.  They behave with superiority...they indulge in what they condemn.  Yet, they breathe the same air...and drink the same water.  I may not know much, but I know enough...that no two people are ever, in a hierarchy of spirituality...No difference.  Everyone expresses themselves in their own unique brand.  I guess the easiest ones are the 'Ones' that convey theirselves to a broader spectrum....a larger masses, in turning winning the battle of survival.  Yes, life is a battle...but, having a birth given advantage...certainly makes me thankful, of where I am and what I am.

Who I am is the conundrum.  I am a persuasion of natural philosophy, walking a planet inhabited by six or so billion people...with other endless lifeforms...right here, under my feet and over my head.  Why should I be any better, then any other life...or for that matter, any less valuable?  Limitless and priceless, 'Is' what we have at our fingertips.

It's very refreshing for me to be up and out before anyone else...Its downright liberating!  Watching the world around me come alive...I love that, this and everything else.

I watch people.  I watch everyone, Actually.  And I notice everything about them...and in my head, I figure them all out...from the breakfast (or lack thereof), to their hairstyle (which they had last Monday...and why they chose it) what their purpose will be to their lives, as well as, to how they will affect me...and I effect them!  They jump rope as if they fear the ground...yet, they still think that they are different and better...yet they look exactly like the rest of this herd...from their bran flakes to their Hondas or all looks exactly the same to me.  They hold empty opinions, they all have these prejudices...they all follow some silly rule...they all say and think the same way as the next person.  Worst part about them...they could care less about anyone in need of a little smile or a simple pat on the back.  Oblivious.  Self Centered.  Primordial sophistication!

I feed their minds from an empty belly.  I watch and wash their fields...yet, not one single share of a act that this world so desperately needs.  The worst are those that literally believe they have everyone figured out...well almost everyone.  (Not everyone streams along with a mindless herd).  In reality, we all are obnoxiously different in moving...roving...mulling about with an aimless purpose...holding up wisdom for a half hearted fight over imaginary goals.

While this world is burning down...aren't these herds aware...?  Of the anarchy of humanism?  Crumbling beneath my feet....watching, everything...turn to dust...or a number on a factory line.  The corporate world has turned everything into a robot...and I refuse, under all conditions (well, almost all...even I have a price...I would be stupid not to)...I refuse to join in on this madness that is overrun by Corporate Society. feels good to just vent it all out.

Today's Weather

Fool me Once...Shame on You!


me twice...
S H A M E on ME!!

Fool me everyday, and you're the Weatherman.

It's supposed to be me sunny and mild today.
Chillier with chance of rain tomorrow.

Chance of rain, is similar to saying
Maybe I am pregnant, maybe I am not. can't be ever...half pregnant!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Don't argue with an Idiot

Arguing with Idiots is reminiscent of
chess with a Pigeon.

matter how Good,
How Much Better you really are...
The Bird(brain) is going to Shit on the board and strut around as if it won anyway.


Just don't,
With An Idiot.
It's not worth the hassle.

Are Artificial Sweeteners Good?

Nothing fake is ever good for you.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Today was Yesterday's Tomorrow

Anxious moments, tireless days...sleepless nights
I sit in my thoughts, remembering my treasured hours
Evaporating in a shadow of my disappearing memories
where did the time go?
past us all on by

Like a view from my window
Going from the summer
Through the pastels of Fall
and now settling into a winter hole
Of fading sky dims
as the cool air grows thin
The sound quiets, the mood swings sway
The bridge gate drops, my conscious walls go up...

You come,
Knocking on my door
Fist to fist
Striking my invisible ironclad portal
Slaying my demons 
Penetrating past my impenetrable inhibitions
and Deepest, Darkest Secrets

It's here I stand
Face to face
With my faithless fate
Looking back into my forgotten past
Recalling my fights
Measuring my victories
Mourning my defeats
It's my lust for battle
That depraves all satisfaction
Of a worthiness immeasurable of any and all resolution
A Destitute without direction
Much like my endless dark tunnel
on resolving
Finding an end, discovering light
illuminating my long lost journey
One dominated and
Overpowered by conflict
No different than any other...
Plaguing flights all throughout humanity

My fears, much like your tears
make up our Oceans
These oceans feed our minds
Our sprits
and our souls...
Giving Us All
The gift of Life
A life with experiences
Experiences that teach lessons
Lessons in life of how to swim and experience our oceans
Appreciate Life
and Grow into a world with Deep Oceans
And cosmic,
Endless Horizons

Your words touch my mind
A mind that has build a world
Too Sensitive to break from a lack
Of trust
Of love
Of passion
Of fight...
Our words, Our actions
Speak volumes of how our world grows,
Into a future
Susceptible to destruction
Of a hand designed 
Just like yours or mine

Be weary
Be prepared
To fight for what's right
A world with no harsh words
A world of many faces
Built for everyone
To have the right
The Privilege
Of seeing these oceans
The heavens
Love, lust, passion
Holding curiosities 
Testing boundaries 
Limits of unsolved mysteries

This shouldn't
This can't be be the way that this...
How Our World...
Our Life Dies

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mercury Levels of Fish

Directly From the FDA site itself!

Meet Peregrine

A fellow writer with a wickedly daunting eye that peers through an event horizon that will draw in all curious minds....


So, I had heard that Sarah Silverman once had stabbed current Minnesota politician Al Frankan...with her pencil.  I know what you're thinking.  Typical unexplained female craziness.  It will happen to every guy during their lifetime if they are around enough women long enough.  Some female that I knew once confessed to me that she stabbed an old boyfriend in the back...and then she drove him to the hospital.  She claimed that she felt threatened by him...but she had a knife, and he had turned his back to her...real threatened.  Whatever, let sleeping beauties lie.
A flaw in the design?  Perhaps.  But, with all remarkable works of beauty, comes that added bonus of intense passion that surmounts to extreme unexplained craziness.  I can't nor would I even attempt to rhyme and reason through the maze of the female psyche...but I will stare in a fantastical bewilderment and admire such intricate beauty...

I love my crazy women the way the ocean loves it's aquatic life...
Without one, the other may cease to exist.
Beyond all spectacular evolutionary achievements...

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Condition Me This

“Actual love, as in unconditional love doesn’t mean you love everything about the person. It means you don’t need them to be different than they are for you to be happy

 ~ Lisa Hayes
Lisa is a Relationship coach and Author/blog writer "Escape From Relationship Hell"


The Condition
of Your Personal Relationships


Of Your Degree

Inappropriate Halloween Customs for your young ones

Too funny not post here folks.Making the list:  a three year old Hannibal Lectur, a surfer missing her left arm (her little brother is a shark), the main character from 'A Clockwork Orange', a Marijuana Leaf, a Hooters girl, a bum, Chucky...just to name a couple.