I have been told by many friends that I am a walking collection of Deanisms. (For those that don't know, Dean...or Deano...is my nickname...now, use it with respect!)
These Deanisms are a random and honest depiction of my exact feeling at that very moment that encapsulates the truth behind what I am witnessing.
Yes, I am the ultimate witness. Quiet and observant...I will notice, and I will share my perceived truths...
won't do is play ball and pretend that I like you and that everything is cool...when it's not.
I read for fun, and I think for pleasure...but, I can't in good conscious let you 'Act' that you are capable of either.
(Look at me all prim and proper on my high horse)....so, knock me down And prove me wrong. Can You? Then, by all means...please do try.
I would rather be single and sexless, than married and sexless...or married and unfaithful.
Some lessons I knew, some I learned...and most, I have not fully comprehended yet...but I am still trying...still growing, always learning.
Perfection is a 'Sexy' theoretical idea, that's just out of our reach. It looks beautiful from afar, but like any carrot to all Rabbits...just a tad bit too far.
I was born with many tools, except with the tools I claim that I need to feed me the success that would distinguish me from the rest.
We all need some new tools/skills to evolve...to improve. Upgrading ourselves to a higher status. Marvelous I say.
On this road we call Life...I find Everyone complains, why should I?
Why should I do anything, that everybody else does?
Why would I want to be like everybody else?
From what I see, too many people are selfish, greedy, manipulative, self centered, arrogant, vain, ignorant, righteous and uninspiring.
I will drink my wine, and make love to my philosophical ideas...before bed...since, there is where my dreams are my reality..and no one else can brand them black and spit them straight to a communal grave.
I sit and listen to rain. It offers peace, harmony and acceptance...Everyone, is always welcome to come out and stand in its graceful Serenity.
I fight for my morals.
...disRespect 'mine'...
...disRespect 'mine'...
I will turn my back to yours.
I smile in good gesture, I expect the same in return.
That's where I get it really wrong...I have expectations of others.
Some days I can't do anything right. Other days, I can't do any wrong. There is rarely any rhyme, reason or logic....just good or bad luck. Funny...
I don't believe in luck.
I cringe and empathize when your in pain. You smile and walk away when you notice mine...
It a romantic idea to say that life is fair, or what comes around goes around.
Really, now? How true is that...?
Really, now? How true is that...?
I saw a psychic, he was a good show...but he still has no real useful powers...probably, none of them do...so, look for your answers elsewhere!
If I could flip a switch and change everything I would start with the big bright bulb overhead that starts it all.
I wonder...what if man never succeeded...would I still be here?
Why do I care, when no one else does?
Why do I find myself asking questions...when everyone else is happy receiving orders and following directions?
I am lucky and damned at the same time, which is still a lot better than just being damned.
A wish...if you had one...most people would want something. I, on the other hand, would want something for everyone...maybe it might appease their personal hunger for perpetual gratification and continual material stimulation in search of satisfaction...and just leave me alone.
Alone is where I work best. Many people like (some even love) my best. But nobody likes me when I am there in the midst of a cryptic world creating my best...so, I choose to be alone. It's easier for everyone...
I've tried to cry, and I just can't...I don't think anyone noticed.
Most people don't notice much other than the mirror in front of them.
Most people don't really know what a mirror is...they just see what it does.
The herd is big, the herd is loud...the herd can't see me, won't hear...
If I help a person, maybe two...possibly more (like I do daily)...no one notices (not that I care for recognition)...that person (or people) tend to forget...because they can't understand, what they can't see.
I am tired of teaching the same lesson...to the same people.
I am tired, how so many people think and act the same.
Similar to a dog or a cat, after all humans are animals.
With the sole purpose of ensuring the survival of their DNA.
S E E how simple this, that and everything else is?
And you thought that all this was special with a meaning.
Shame on you for thinking that you are more important than everything. You should be as so lucky to be here...because you could be somewhere where you can't think this over, or read my thoughts.
Life is this circle, that will forever go round and round...with or without you or I.
At least do something good for someone...before your time is up, and then you can't. At least you can have that one final justifying lap....vindicating that your circle had some meaning, other than just to look at your center.
My thoughts, my quotes
Your eyes,
My Mind to yours...
t h i n k if you can, because most won't even 'if' they can.
The thirst for material often numbs the mind of is justice, and robs the soul of its substance!
The thirst for material often numbs the mind of is justice, and robs the soul of its substance!
Your bulb, that you see in your sky...might be blinding a beautiful mind. Wouldn't you wish I could change it for you.
Even if you never thank me, at least then...you might think beyond it.
The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it is not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of the other person without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other.
You are closer to being in Love than you may realize ;)