Fed up with your coworkers? How about liven things up at the work place.
Be weary, be very weary...you may get fired and black balled...
But, bygone it, you're gonna go out with a bang.
Say fukk it and Kick back, this will and can be a legendary ride!
(They'll be talking about you in every meeting from here on out...as long as they stay in misery or in business)
Become a Super Duper Brown noser (god those people are annoying)
Or an Overachiever
Even worse an Underachiever
Playing loud obnoxious music (bonus points if you sing loudly and out of tune)
Even more annoying, really loud phone conversations about nothing!!
Being M.IA.
Taking credits from your coworkers for things you have not done
(Or do their job when they are not paying attention...and then criticize them for how lousy they've done their work)
Playing pranks on people...like every day (who has the energy for that?)
Making a mess
Bring in smelly food
Eat their food
Make lunch plans with them, and then stand them up
You bring in yourself smelly
Sniff them, and then tell them what it is that their smell reminds you of
Allude to discussion that you never had
Spam them with stupid things...all...day...long
Reply all works too
Blame, blame blame...or Constantly complaining about everything
Tell people how busy you are (this only works if you make it obvious that you're not busy at all)
Smile, a lot, to everyone :)
Hide things amongst their personally belongings (preferably living things)
Not responding/ignoring questions or not addressing problems
Worse is gossiping about or critiquing/criticizing everyone
Send flowers from one coworker to another
Organizing unnecessary meetings...about nothing
Volunteer for committees and then do none of the work
Get them ugly toys/things and decorate their personal space with them
You are loud and disruptive in meetings
On the flip side, nap in meeting (snore for bonus points)
Try to pass off new protocols/procedures as the current standard
Speak in different accents or dialects
Become an office drama Queen/King
Answer their questions with a question
Or just ask annoying questions (were you always a guy? Always straight?)
Mimic them
Try to convert their religions or political cause
Exaggerate/Brag about your success
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