A Gentleman’s Quick Reference to Sex on the First Date
85% of women that have sex on the first date really aren’t into it or even you so much. They have ulterior motives of trying to land you as a boyfriend for whatever their particular reasons may be…room and board, a new daddy for their kids, status with their girlfriends/family/etc., a new car, diamonds, travel, whatever their deal is. They’ll be good for a few more rounds, but if the relationship doesn’t materialize pretty quickly, then you’ll just fall into douchebag category like all the other men they’ve dated. Any way you look at it, this is the female version of objectifying a man’s body. Two star sex, at best, but I guess it’ll get the job done, right?
13% of women that have sex on the first date are doormats that are using you to stroke their fragile self-esteem. Be very careful, they’ll go psycho at any given moment…because they nearly begged you to bed them on the first date, and you did it. I know, like I said, they’re crazy. But, if you’re into that sort of thing, she’ll hang around for months and probably do your laundry and run your errands and whatever else you want her to, all the while stockpiling her resentments to unleash in a hailstorm of crazy at 2 in the morning when she finds some other woman’s car in your driveway. No matter that it’s your sister’s car..she’ll just accuse you of banging your sister and you will be dumbfounded in the driveway in your boxer shorts. Five star sex, but is it worth it?
1% of women that have sex on the first date are merely getting their rocks off. You are a nothing more than devices of short lived pleasure for each other. Think of it as mutual masturbation, with maybe even a shred of emotional connection. And it probably means she sees no long term potential with you, but thinks you’re hot. She’ll probably actually be pretty great as a person and in bed, but alas, this will be a one shot deal. Enjoy it for the night/weekend while it lasts, but beware your tender heart, because if you have feelings for her, you’ll be hurt for months. Four-five star sex that will be a permanent addition to your spank bank.
1% of women that have sex on the first date have fallen headlong into passionate love with you. If you’re not feeling the same, she’s going to be crushed, and may go a little nutso. If you are feeling the same, run with it and enjoy, she’s a catch and worth dealing with any drama, baggage and/or mild craziness…’cause we’re all a little crazy. No star rating here, it’ll be off the charts.
**Bonus** Any friends with benefits type of understanding falls into the first two categories in regards to motivation. The longer it goes on, the more likely one or both of you will be hurt when “The One” is found by either of you. By the way….”The One” is as unreal and mystical a creature as a unicorn. They don’t exist.
And if you’re wondering about me….well there’s a 1% chance. : )
Article by Beesknees12
"A Gentleman's Quick Reference to Sex on the First Date"
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