Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Trick Your Mind

Just enough,
Razzle your brain...and grow a third tongue.
I am a mover, I am a shaker...I am a midnight smoker
Groove to my tune,
Come and sing my song with me.
Flee your world, run from your prison
Escape your life, come and join mine....
My rules are free
My Muse, oh such a muse...such a tease
Come Away with me...
I promise not to be mean
I promise to come clean
Like my fun, like my soul
Dry like our sun, high like our sky...
I hum to my mind
Like humpty did to his dumpty
and you see
HOW I was hardly
Ever so slightly
Mildly offended
Shameless like Miley
Dumber than the rest
A true believer
(I am so gullible)
sins are for sinners
Justice for the corrupt
Flying is overrated, swimming is too damn tiring
Arguing is way overdone, reason never finds logic
and I always seem to misplace my keys, or my cell phone...even my head, sometimes...
Almost always if I wasn't so attached to it
I grin, but never boast
I smile, but not always to all the pretty women
I cry in crowded moments
I growl when we disagree
I bite when you deserve it
But I never, ever think you don't!
I called you a liar when you lied
You lied, right?
I apologized when I knew I should...and I meant it.
I fell when I lost my balance, and I got lost when I drifted off my path
But I always seem to find
The How, When and Where
Of what happened
You think that you know?  You think that your smart?  Really?  Really?  smart?
Nope...everyone is exactly just like me...
Super special silly stupid.
No exceptions with absolutely no substitutions...
Exact replicas actually.
Wow, it's like a mirror from dr monroe's place
With a chair and everything.
But...lets just play the hypothetical game...ok?
If I were a carrot, and you had a carpet....how far would our teeth go before the clock would strike midnight, and turn us into nothing but a shoe and a pumpkin?
I bet even a doctor wouldn't be able to fix that (us)
Doctors have pills for that...maybe we ought to take more
Before Oprah tells us too.
So, I saw these two nuns and they acted like rabbis...the first threaten to spank me, the other to circumcise me.
I turned them both down...and then they told me I was a bad believer and I would die or burn or something like that....
Oh well, I had a nice run...all good things must come to an end.
I sat there quietly, and watched as all my friends and foes....mostly all family...
Come up and share one final good bye...
A kiss here, a high five there.,.those were the good old days....with my good old boys...doing good old boy things...our good old way...
I lived, I laughed, I loved...but I was never forgotten
I bathed, I dined, I whined....but I never lost sight on how important everything
I know now, less than what I once swore that I once owned and knew....
But, at least I knew enough, to know that less is always more...even if none of it ever feels as if it's ever enough...
We Were all once contenders
Not to be confused with these pretenders
That come here, confused and work really hard to blind our purpose and hide our fate...
Four words plus a thank you to those folks
Fuck You Very Much
and Thank you for not smoking
The elevator was broke, so I had to take the stairs...
They were long, really long...
How long you ask?
Two thousand years long....
I got to the top floor....just in time to hear the fire alarm come on
Warning, Warning Mr Dr Rogers....
I fell down the mountain, bumping my head Along the way
I woke up in this dungeon...
It was cold and lonely
I rubbed my hands together
and I sang our song to pass the time...
Start to finish
a n d
Like that (yeah, it was that easy)
I retold my story to every single one of you (God willing)
Same ending as the first...with a standing ovation
My membership expired (again)
So....I packed my bags....
And wondered...
Was it all worth it?
Yes, I answered!
Yes it was...
And then I realized that I lived the dream...and knew it.
Like that, I was gone....


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