Friday, February 20, 2015

Yoga for Life

Ok, ok...let me just say...not all yoga classes are the same...and neither are the instructors!  It's more than just a medical fact.  It goes beyond all reasonable facts, and defies all our logic.  It's like roaming through a smorgasbord And cafeteria on an empty stomache and bank account...nowhere to go but ask for anything but what you actually need.
Now, that we laid down the ground rules for this exercise...its imperative that what we discuss, stays with us...which is not intended to be used for any unauthorized usage unless permission is asked for and granted.  Got It?  Good!  Now keep it and on with this and the rest of my unquestionable level of ridiculous nonsense.  On With Our Show...

So, there I was.  Tuesday afternoon Basic Alignment Yoga with Jesse.  He is a tall and thin fellow...almost as tall as me, minus sixty or so pounds (mostly muscle of course).  He is one of those flamboyant types...and I could care less.  Just a side note... I don't care what anyone's race, gender, political affiliation, sexual orientation or religion is.  There are two types of people out there...those that I like and those that I don't.  If you are a good person, you fall in the former.  If you are a donkey arse dick, you fall in the later.  Any questions?  Great...!

Now, there I hour into the class.  We went through our routine.  The whole time, working on a respectable exertion level with marginal to acceptable results on my poses.  We are now into our cool down phase.  A series of stretching poses followed by a brief meditative period lying supine on our mat.  We come up on our final stretching pose known as the happy baby pose.  For those of you who don't know this are lying on your back with your legs straight up in the air.  You can hold your feet on the instep or outer edge of the foot in order to increase the magnitude of the stretch.

Anyhow, there I was...on my back with my legs up in the air as I held both of my essence, with my arse facing upwards.
Out of nowhere, Jesse shows up and swiftly lays a small blanket on my arse and he kneels on me.  That's right, I am on my back and the gay instructor decides to sit on me.

WTF dude is my immediate thought.  Now, in case you don't all know...I love my personal space.  As a matter of fact, I don't like anyone in my in almost always.  Well, Jesse picks up on my unease...he quickly gets off of me and mimmics his move to the young lady next to me.
Now, I love yoga...I really do...but, this touching bussiness that the instructors do to me (male and female Instructors) is just not that acceptable to me.  I won't stop going, primarily because I am addicted to the positive results that I have earned thus far...and I fully plan on gaining many more.  So, that's my morning two cents.

Ciao and Namaste

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the happy baby pose...especially rocking side to side - heaven on the lower back ;)
    Not sure if it would work with someone sitting on me...I ditto your sentiments!
