Complication: complexity, intricacy; especially : a situation or a detail of character complicating the main thread of a plot; a making difficult, involved, or intricate; a complex or intricate feature or element; a difficult factor or issue often appearing unexpectedly and changing existing plans, methods, or attitudes
As a general outsider (with the occasional inside experience), i can absolutely STATE that every human to human dynamic has it fair share of "unexpected" variations to any given situation...and everyone i know offers their best to further deepen that metamorphosis. Its an unexplained phenomena, considering that we crave stability and consistency...yet we are so quick to toss out our wild cards...Lets call it "tweaking the Design". Maybe its an unsubstantiated sense of fear for losing control of a situation, perhaps its just an unconscious desire for variety...whatever the purpose, it exists. With no Rhyme or Reason.
Another notable consistent behavior within human interconnections is the art of arguing and disagreeing. Every relationship has those...the more stable ones know how to overcome them. Correct and forget. (Maybe not fully correct, but make an amendable bilateral effort to best deal with the situation). After that, just get ready for the next turbulent issue (small or LARGE...its on its me).
Lust: an intense longing : craving; enthusiasm, eagerness; personal inclination : wish; pleasure, delight
When it is impossible to distinguish within a relationship that barrier between love and lust, hold it dear because you are in the midst of a very powerful that holds no prejudices nor any boundaries. I am well aware of how cliche that all of this sounds; but these are the markers that stain two imprisoned converging energies. Most importantly, if its inevitable that a relationship is close to death...and you are willing to undoubtedly and undeniably fight for it...then you are at the right place, fighting for your instinctual convictions.
"I don't want to sound sexist here, but I do think men make better Santa's. Men have bigger bellies, men are used to sitting long periods of time and men have lots of experience making promises they have no intention of keeping." - Jay Leno.
Yes... caught between the two love/ lust... which is it? & do I even 'want' or care to know ;D