Monday, November 15, 2010

Blame Never Solves Anything

I will apologize in advance for all the technical mumble jumble, but it is important to recognize that there is a direct correlation between your emotional status and your physical be kind with your heart and allow your body to flourish...bathe it in the warmth that you permit to be engulfed by...

      One of the most prevalent hormones circulating within the human body is cortisol (which is your body's fight or flight hormone...nicknamed the "stress" hormone of the body).  It serves for many necessary functions such as:  insulin release and glucose metabolism, blood pressure regulation, immune and inflammatory function, quick burst of energy, heighten memory, lower sensitivity to pain, and the basic backbone to maintaining homeostasis within the body...this all sounds good and important (albeit, a bit overwhelming to take in all at once).
     Prolonged states of elevated cortisol levels will lead to a less than desirable state by the host:  impairing cognitive performance, suppressing thyroid function, imbalances in blood glucose levels, decreasing bone density and muscle tissue, high blood pressure, suppressed immunity, increase in abdominal fat ( as well as, lowering of "good" cholesterol and increasing levels of "bad" cholesterol)...leading the body down a path a numerous physiological dysfunctions.
     Managing stress is much easier achieved in theory as opposed to being actively practiced in reality...there are techniques that can help you help manage it...ultimately, you would need to find what works best for you...

Stress:  a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension
     Bottled UP...People, for varies reason will shield their emotions...emotions that absolutely need to be openly expressed (or burned off?  Is it all the same?) and shared with those whom need to understand them or with anyone willing to listen.  A "collaborator" of emotional expenditures.  Otherwise what can happen?
One can develop anti-social behavior, enter a state of depression, experience temper outbursts, discover and endure gestational discomforts, low energy levels, weak hair follicle and nail cuticles...just to name a few.
You get the idea, it is a solitary state of existence with endless drawbacks immersed in a seemingly irreversible emotional cyclical roller coaster ride.  Complicated sentence, complicated emotions...lets figure them out.
     An Empath (derived from the Greek origin of pathos) is an individual whose imaginative projection of a subjective state gets infused into a Focal Point.  A capacity to internally experience the happiness or sadness of another sentiment being through consciousness rather than physically.  These individuals through reflective emotional implosions creative feedback loops of feelings.  A negative cycle is similar to a virus; spiraling out of control completely infecting and generating a venomous atmosphere of desolate despondency.  On the flip side, a positive upswing creates an intensely addictive and intoxicating euphoric state...which is the exact element that develops a state of dependency between two individuals.
     Holding in emotions eventually leads to fights because the barer of those feelings is constantly harboring those emotions...holding them in and dragging them about; always around and suppressed (buried deep)  < Just learn to Express >!  Always and Never are accusatory words intended to blind, blame, and sinfully guilt...nothing ever gets resolved while finger pointing.  By properly expressing the true nature of any problem and/or concern, 2two will work as one1...where condemnation ceases to exist.  Your most effective tool is the ability to actually listen to your counter part...this is coming from a deaf guy (ironic?)  If need be, step away from each other (two minutes 2:00 or two hours 2:00:00), how ever long...just take the time to cool down and calmly fortify a resolution.
     Survive the fight, live an other day?  Maybe a day whereby you feel stronger together?  Fighting with closure can be a therapeutic road in any relationship (under proper precautions coupled with a mutual understanding).

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