The American family (for those that have a Television set and use it, check out the show 'Modern Families', i hear that its hysterical) is one that (for the most part) seems fragmented and disconnected from its genesis that dates back to the 1950's. Good old time American Traditions. From Leave it to Beaver to the Brady Bunch, and everyone before, during and after...all had a common theme of family connectivity and unity. We live in the generation of text messaging and emailing...only with appointments can you spend time with relatives, partners, and friends. Am I the only one that sees fault in this set-up?
The modern home will sport a Television and/or computer...seemingly in just about every room...with cell phone in pocket i am off to conduct an investigation into the death of our family values. With the holiday season about to christen the public masses (food and festivities galore; why gorge the soul?), we are full throttle immersed into this never ending yet so overly hypnotic commercial holiday season (one that usually starts with candy and ends with a resolution...i deal with many resolutionists).
Maybe it is time to start new traditions...even if they last only fif15teen minutes. Set aside those Hectic work schedules so you can all sit together share a meal/snack, or to take a short walk, and if you really can manage it take a trip (hold the itineraries for someone else). Basically do something to spend time together and hear each other out...use it as a time to reconnect...bring back that needed sense of belonging.
Parades, holiday parties, religious services, volunteer at soup kitchens/charity functions/shelter, shop for gifts and crafts, make greeting cards/home decorations/holiday treats, attend plays/concert, play in the many different ways to spend time with those whom are important in your life. Since each family is different, solutions are never simple (ie...single mom/part time dad, step parent, foster family, blended family, same sex couple or any variation on today's nuclear family set up). No matter, or however complicated your situation may be (or uncomplicated, its all the Good ; ), its in the effort of finding "new" ways to see each other more...
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