It started off With Our Friend "Joe"...and this one question "Can I Get a Date?" P.S. For all new readers (and all are truly welcome here), I do recommend that your first read should be the initial entry which was posted on September 27, 2010 (titled as 'Single Life')...this all started back then. Once you read the first entry, feel free to read any other in any order. Most importantly, please feel free to share and voice your thoughts. This is all our forum!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Weak, Bleak and Malnourished
Magnets fascinate me, deaf people entertain me almost as much as senile folk, women sneaking up on me entice me, new knowledge thrills me, the heat overwhelms me, my relatives really overwhelm me, banks annoy me, cops irritate me, rent a cops really irritate me, trips excite me...spontaneous trips really get me worked up, work refreshes me, good deeds enlighten me, people never seem to surprise me...arrogance/pretentiousness/elitism/ignorance/greed seems to be at the root of this world's ugliness....
Wouldn't you agree?
Knowledge is true power!
Thirsty my friends?
Did you Read the 'Rules' before you broke them?
I write my own rules, only to challenge my limits...
Limits intended to be surpassed...
For all rule followers out there...
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Jokes and Blokes
It's bloody murderous out there,
...those Aborigines have and will continue wrestling crocodiles
(It's so much easier sending an email)
I must oblige their wishes
I must adhere to a space and place
Here, Not There
Exalted, Liberated
Where I can be heard, seen and felt
Hallmark Heartfelt Moments....Priceless
*If a pancake were square...would it still be called a pancake?*
Attention to detail is my quintessential talent that enables me that walk Into a thickening madness.
My mind's eye has the key to that door you stare at
My soul hovers, over and above a world embittered by Chaos...
Climbing heights before diving into the dark abyss...
Simple lives, liquid lies
Like an octopus...with all Eighteen (or so) tentacles...wrapped around my throat
Tightly squeezing, lightly stroking
Bewildered, manipulated, transiently lost in your lucid false reality...
I see your facade,
I see your masquerade....
I see your fate...
I know your destiny, I sense your fall...
Imminent, yet reversible...
I fend devils disguised as saviors....
You embrace black evils that ultimately will suffocate you...
If only my word, held the weight of your deaf ears...
You'll know in the end, that I held the truths that you so vehemently sought yet if I were an unwelcome conqueror in a vast and deserted barren land..far from here, lost in hope
Strike the moon, when it's full and bright...
Spot the stars, as they cover the sky...
It's where I exist, it's how I see...
Not Only you...but the rest of time
High Place Phenomenon
That weird urge to jump off a bridge, explained
Article by
Brian Alexander NBC News contributor
There you are, driving across a bridge spanning a deep ravine, when suddenly you sense an urge to drive off it. Yet you’ve no desire to kill yourself.
Believe or not, this feeling now has a name. In a research study published last month in the Journal of Affective Disorders, a team from Florida State University’s psychology department explored this freaky feeling and dubbed it high-place phenomenon.
“We were talking one day in a lab meeting and some of us had experienced it,” recalled psychology doctoral student Jennifer Hames. But when the lab searched the psychology literature, they could find no mention of it. “So we thought, What a great study!”
It could, they thought, shine light on one of Freud’s ideas, that some people have a “death wish,” and that some suicides are purely impulsive, absent any sign of depression or even sadness.
Hames and her colleagues surveyed 431 college students, asking them about urges to jump from high places and thoughts of suicide. They also assessed the students’ levels of depression, and their sensitivity to anxiety. That doesn’t mean how anxious they are; it means how sensitive they are to the physical effects -- faster heart beat and shortness of breath -- that accompanies anxiety. Those physical sensations can themselves be interpreted as dangerous.
About a third of the sample said they’d felt the urge to jump at least once. People who had thought of suicide were more likely to say yes, but over 50 percent of those who said they’d never considered suicide experienced the phenomenon, too.
When the results were correlated, the team arrived at the following, admittedly somewhat speculative, scenario: Imagine a person with high anxiety sensitivity. She leans over a ledge of the Grand Canyon. In super fast reaction to her physical sensation of anxiety, her survival instinct forces her away from the edge. Yet when she looks at the ledge, she sees it’s sturdy. There was never any danger. Her brain tries to process an answer to the question “Why did I back up if it was safe?” A logical answer is that she must have been tempted to jump.
In other words, Hames explained, people misinterpret the instinctual safety signal, and conclude they must have felt an urge to leap. Hence the study’s title: “An Urge to Jump Affirms to Urge to Live.”
Pauline Wallin, a psychologist in private practice in Camp Hill, Pa., thinks Hames might be onto something, but also suggests that we think about leaping from a high place for the same reason 13-year-girls like going to Halloween haunted houses -- for the thrill, and as practice “for not buckling under to fear.”
Hames is now planning further research to find out if "high place phenomenon" holds up. One starting strategy might be, she said, to take a bunch of students to the top of a high parking garage, have them lean over the edge, and measure their physical signs of anxiety.
Presumably extra credit will given.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Why Do We Fall in Love With Someone?
The 11 Reasons Why We Fall in Love With Someone
by Marla Pachter
What are the factors that cause people to fall in love? According to the authors of “Falling in Love: Why We Choose the Lovers We Choose,” these are the 11 most common variables:
1. Similarity in attitudes, background, personality traits
2. Geographic proximity
3. Desirable characteristics of personality and appearance
4. Reciprocal affection, the fact that the other likes us
5. Satisfying needs
6. Physical and emotional arousal
7. Social influences, norms, and the approval of people in our circle
8. Specific cues in the beloved’s voice, eyes, posture, way of moving
9. Readiness for a romantic relationship
10. Opportunities to be alone together
11. Mystery, in the situation or the person
Eric Barker, blogger at Barking Up the Wrong Tree, explores these findings in greater detail in this blog post.
Worth a read, whether you’re in a relationship, single, or somewhere in between.
Excerpts of Intelligence
Hey there Ms,
My bell has been tolled, ringing with a ferociously loud tone...boisterously echoing throughout a long abandoned village. Deserted by a godless religion, left to rot in the heart of the underwhelming and undeserving!
But, a glow emerged, a shining star...far beyond the heavens. In a faithless society, where words mean nothing more than an interpreting mind...a beacon began to flash.
In a rhythmic pattern, with a very detailed message.
As if touched by a God, the earth parted...a light came forth,
From a crowned hidden jewel...what a true and genuine pleasure to stumble upon this gem.
I can't begin to explain to you (although I strongly suspect that you will not only understand and recognize, but also sympathize with me) how many times my (in your case, your) written words have built fictitious worlds to third parties (aka, a readers conscious) such a vivid and painful extent, that readers start believing and personalizing what their minds see.
How clever of one's Personal interpretation/perception to effectively deceive the mind.
I have been threaten and/or insulted (privately and/or publicly) after certain readers have read certain posts. I find that readers immerse themselves in written worlds to the point in which they make it all too personal...the story seems to somehow mold and conform itself as it imbeds within the reader's existing psyche. Someway, somehow...I am writing to them, about them...and if the right note is played I get an emotional knee-jerk reaction...
Sure, there are points of inspiration that spark a line...but, once a story is in's soaring on its own energy and accord.
I, too, have forewarned readers not to fully believe what they read.
My warnings, at times, just seem to be nothing shy of just some mumble jumble gibberish or undesired rhetoric.
To follow my conscious flow, is an unforgiving and dangerous expedition.
If a readers gets persuaded and seduced by that onslaught....of words, down my raging intense...
its becomes an inevitable fate to drown in its relentless path.
It's reckless, and gloriously tragic to say the least...
Nonetheless, indicative of a well written thought.
Loved Your post, and it truly is my pleasure to come across your thoughts.
I look forward to reading more of your world.
Perhaps, just perhaps, you may help spark and incite some long overdue inspiration.
I seem to be stalled in my creative department...I need a new injection of life behind my words.
Who knows, maybe I have been hexed by a scorned reader...
Have a great day Ms Intelligent-ly,
Mr Fe +
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Accidental Penis
What a huge cock-up!
Reporter accidentally draws penis during live bulletin
Traffic chopper ... reporter stands next to her sketch
The balls-up took place as Siobhan Riley informed viewers in Saginaw, Michigan about traffic hold-ups caused by building works.
While drawing a map of the affected area, Riley accidentally sketched a huge man's member.
Huge area affected ... Riley sketched todger on map of Saginaw, Michigan
Her X-rated diagram was spotted by a viewer who quickly uploaded it to YouTube - where it has been watched by more than 280,000 people in the past 48 hours.
US TV presenter draws phallic shape on screen during live news bulletin in Michigan
While some internet users have speculated Riley could get fired for her mishap others have taken the opportunity to poke fun at her mistake.
Rocketpunch12210 wrote: "Looks like whatever they are constructing, it is already fully erected."
While tazdaman351 added: "I'm glad there wasn't an accident. That would have been messy."
Karma Never Fails
Words with out action
Are much like a sail in the midst of a windless journey...
Be kind
Be respectful
Take note
Do good
You never know when you become vulnerable
and need a helping hand...
Are much like a sail in the midst of a windless journey...
Be kind
Be respectful
Take note
Do good
You never know when you become vulnerable
and need a helping hand...
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
How do solar flares affect the human consciousness?
Paul Lenda, Guest
Everything within this dense configuration of Reality that we call the Universe is interconnected. Through this interconnectedness, everything affects everything else. From the dawn of human spiritual experiences to present-day scientific discoveries, the reality of oneness and interconnectedness has continued to permeate as a recurring aspect of existence within the vastness of what we refer to as Reality. We are realizing, with a continuously-growing conviction, that change and transformation, whether it be in society, consciousness, or otherwise is directly affected by other elements of our universe that we sometimes fail to realize have the ability to affect us in transformational ways.
These connections, which many times are unable to be seen through the limited field of human awareness act as two-way portals and tunnels through which energy particles and fields travel through. This may seem like something out of a sci-fi story but has time and time again been proven to be a very genuine part of our reality. It was only in 2008 that it was publicly stated that there are magnetic portals that connect the sun’s magnetic field with the earth’s. A year earlier scientists uncovered an elaborate and vast web of cosmic filaments hundreds of millions of light years long that connect galaxies to each others. Not only are the sun and the earth linked with each other but so are galaxies light years upon light years away. Distance is no obstacle for the interconnectedness of our universe.
Getting back to the sun and the earth, we come to a very significant and important realization…that solar flares have a direct effect on everything that exists on our blue marble…even human consciousness. Solar flares were found to directly affect the mental and physical state of humans in 2008 and three years later, we are seeing just how true that finding truly is. The sun has such incredible power that it is able to send solar flares shooting into the Earth’s atmosphere and affecting its electromagnetic energy field, as well as affecting each person’s electromagnetic energy field.
When looking at profound shifts in society and consciousness, we can find the pineal gland to be of particular importance. Yes, this tiny part of our brain that has been professed as being a DMT production laboratory acting as our gateway into more subtle planes and dimensions of Reality also regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production…it is incredibly sensitive to magnetic fields.
The case for solar flares directly affecting human consciousness is of the utmost important right now, since we can see all around us and within our own lives the intense changes and transformations occurring. These changes are exasperated by the electromagnetic forces at play around us. The Russian scientist Tchijevsky put together the histories of 72 countries beginning at 500 BCE and culminating in 1922 within the present era. He constructed an Index of Mass Human Excitability, in which he found that 80% of the most significant human events occurred during a 5 year period surrounding the peak of solar activity. What this discovery shows us is that when solar-geomagnetic activity is changing the fastest, it has the greatest potential to affect our moods, behavior patterns, creativity and trends. We are in for quite an interesting next few years.
There is a positive side to the increase in sun activity. Periods of increased solar activity don’t just correlate with societal unrest, but also give rise to innovation and enhanced imagination in architecture, arts and science. The old social structures which are not helping humanity become more consciously evolved might be replaced with more suitable and sustainable models. Above all else, this is a time of opportunity and possibility and the chance to use these rushes of energy to create humanitarian advances and a sustainable living environment.
Something that each and every one of us can do is to increase the emotional balance and coherence within ourselves. Harmony is essential in times of chaos. This will enable us as individuals to use these influxes of energy to our advantage. When we raise our internal coherence, we can positively affect our personal relationships and our social environment, which will also be positively reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity.
We are all affected slightly differently by these cosmic forces, such as solar flares, which is why one person may be affected negativity whereas another in a more positive way. Those individuals who have compressed anger, fear, and jealousy will see their energy fields weaken. Our thoughts help shape and create our reality so it should be of little surprise that the toxic emotions and feelings that we may choose to marinate within our minds may result in the weakening of our energy fields, leading us to become more vulnerable to the negative effects of theseelectromagnetic solar energy influxes. In order for us to not get into such a downward spiral, we need to identify the negative emotions before we are able to resolve them. If our electro-magnetic energy field is weakened, we become more likely to be significantly affected by the increasing solar activity.
The increase in solar activity activates compressed jealousy, anger, and fear in our minds, no matter if we are conscious or unconscious of this process. If people have not been working on healing these issues, the issues become stronger and magnified when there is a period of increased solar activity as there is now. We are living in a difficult period of our timeline, yet we should not allow ourselves to become sad about the state of everything because we can use this period to our advantage. Let’s use this period of increased solar energy to create great opportunities for positive social transformation…the world desperately needs it.
About the Author
Paul is a conscious evolution guide, author of The Creation of a Consciousness Shift, and co-founder of SHIFT>, a social community focused on anchoring in the new paradigm and assisting the positive transformation of humanity. With the drive to be aware of and experience the wider horizon of Reality, Paul has developed an extensive background in the spiritual and transformative elements of life; one that is both knowledge and experienced-based. Visit his website and follow him on Twitter @paullenda
What did God say to Adam?
"I will give you two gifts.
The First,
A Mind
to think with...
The second,
A Penis...
To use as you please...
The bad news...I won't allow you to use both at the same time!"
The First,
A Mind
to think with...
The second,
A Penis...
To use as you please...
The bad news...I won't allow you to use both at the same time!"
Awkward Animal Moments
Article by Jill Reilly
These hilarious images show photo opportunities gone awry as pets, ponies and piglets fight and bite back.
Sick of posing for photos these animals decided to make a scene and create a snap these subjects will never forget.
The terrifyingly funny - and likely harmless - attacks range from camels taking a liking to female hair to a goat kid flying headbutt.
Tasty nibble: A hungry camel decides this woman's head looks like a viable option for lunch
Ninja dog: This dog takes a well-aimed kick at this woman's face in an attempt to be the star of the show
Charge: A hapless teenager doesn't know which way to turn when a horse charge directly at her
And woe betide any human nose that comes within nipping distance of this hungry hedgehog!
One of the photos shows a woman attempting to take a 'seflie' with her dog - but his disobedient streak emerges and he clamps his jaws around her face.
Another snap a holiday photo going awry went a camel decided he was sick of posing and grabbed his victim's hair
Bored of posing: This holiday snap went awry went a camel decided he was sick of posing and grabbed his victim's hair
Attack: A hungry hdgehog bites a woman's nose and right a raccoon opens his mouth for a bite
Disobedient :A 'selfie' with a dog has a lot more emotion in than this woman bargained for
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Are you 'Old School'?
I am!
I believe in having:
Good Manners,
Respecting my elders
Helping others when I can.
Monday, July 22, 2013
25 Romantic Stories and Photos
From ‘Humans of New York’
by Jillian Lucas on July 19, 2013
Humans of New York, the photographic archive of the amazing people roaming around the streets of the Big Apple, was started by Brandon Stanton in the summer of 2010. What began as a journey for a young photographer, exploded into a visual story, twisting its way through the tourist-filled streets, traffic-packed asphalt and winding subway tunnels of this manic city that millions of unique and beautiful individuals call home. Here are the 25 most romantic photos and stories throughout the history of HONY.
Girl-in-black was explaining how much she enjoyed the fact that girl-in-white always wrote her handwritten notes. As she was explaining this, I noticed that girl-in-white’s eyes were lighting up. She turned to girl-in-black and said: “Can you cover your ears for a second?”
Then she leaned toward me and whispered: “She doesn’t know this yet, but it’s our anniversary this weekend, and I’ve just covered the entire house in sticky notes.”
“I love her randomness.”
“Tell me about a time she was random.”
“Three hours ago. I went to pick her up, and I found her double-dutching on the sidewalk with some kids. Then she went inside and came out wearing this.”
“We met when I left a funny comment on a blog post. I was living in Australia when I wrote the comment, and it made her laugh in Austria. So she sent me an email, and we began writing to each other everyday. Eventually we met. I was afraid the excitement would fade when we met face-to-face, but it never did. We got married last week, on the seventh anniversary of that comment.”
“What’s the best day you’ve ever spent together?”
“Probably that day on the Ponts des Arts.”
“What’d you do?”
“Just held hands.”
“We’re coming up on a year of marriage.”
“Tell me your favorite thing about each other.”
“Her ability to intuit my moods.”
“Her living room choreography of every song that comes on the radio.”
“I started off asking him about his service: his rank (Chief Petty Officer), his ship (USS Michael Murphy), etc. He was quite comfortable with the line of questioning. Then I suddenly asked: “What’s your favorite thing about your wife?”
His eyes bulged ever-so-slightly, he swallowed once, and without missing a beat, answered: “Her drive and determination.” Well done, Sailor. Steady under fire.”
“My favorite thing about her is how consistent she’s been.”
“And that’s my answer too. For 56 years he has been amazingly supportive of everything I’ve wished to do.”
“I always ask couples what their favorite things about each other are…”
“Well we aren’t a couple. We’re just friends. I’m helping him walk.”
“Oh, um…..”
“But we can still answer. I love his honesty.”
“And she’s my favorite person to have next to me.”
“Everything I’ve given her, she’s given me back, and more. It started when we first met. We were living in the same building at the time. I told her that I was going to hire someone to clean my apartment, and she volunteered to do it. When she finished, I tried to pay her, but she took the money and bought me things. I tried to pay her again and again, but each time she used the money to buy me more things.”
“This man was from Israel and had a very thick accent, so he was a little difficult to understand. He was standing alone when I found him, but he kept telling me he wanted to take a picture with “his bike.” I couldn’t see a bike anywhere, so I kept asking him to repeat himself. “My bike,” he said, “my bike.” Just when I was about to give up, his bike walked up.”
“What’s your favorite thing about her?”
“She’s sensitive. I always say she’s like a flower, you have to be delicate because she’s easily ruffled.”
“What’s your favorite thing about him?”
“He doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”
“I was in line at the City Clerk’s Marriage Bureau, waiting for Brandon and Melody to register, when I spotted these two. They were from Dallas, but had decided to marry in New York. When I asked for their photograph, they told me they needed a witness for their marriage. So my name is actually on their marriage certificate.”
I asked them 'what is their favorite thing about each other?'
They responded, 'you can make it up.'
So here it goes....
"I love how every morning he cuts out and tapes my horoscope to my coffee cup."
"I can't live without that glow...that sparkle in her eye...every time she sees me after I have been out for a while."
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