Saturday, July 20, 2013

Why do people get mad at me for being an Intovert?

Some people get upset,
Others get weirded out...

Two words:  CHILL OUT

Why are people so ego driven and make everything about them?
(As if I do the things that I do in order to tinker in your life's plan)
Please, you give yourself too much glamour...
So important,
so precious...
don't get me wrong...I am NOT picking on anyone.
But, this world was not created to tailor to your liking...
(It's more like, you are here and it up to you to adjust)

Either way...
I am an Introvert.

Accept me as I am...
Accept me as I come...
Accept for how quiet and reserved I may seem...

Try and Change me...
I won't want to change for you or anybody else!!!

I will NEVER ask to change who you are (or how you act).
I am at peace with accepting who you are and how you act
So, learn to accept myself...and others.
Yes, we may all be different in our own way...

So, guess what?
In order to achieve a higher sense of being,
Learning to accept others for who they are...will be your first big step,
Higher Enlightenment

With all my glorious nonsense,
Meet who I am (and all my fellow peers):

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