Saturday, September 14, 2019

From Sticks n Stones to Flesh and Bones

I am not judging anyone, nothing intentionally hurtful that anybody posts online do I consider wrong.  It's artistic expression for each poster...therefore, it's appropriate for the individual.
I may not understand everyone's point, I may not even agree with all the posts.  But I would never outright call other people's words, art, views as wrong.
I do find bullying (which is a form of racism) as wrong though, that's not artful expression.  I would call that hurtful and malicious and there is no place for such behavior whether it's here, home, work school or anywhere else.
This world as a whole needs to become better c-o-n-n-e-c-t-e-d  and more understanding, versus controlling and domineering.  People NEED to stop fearing what the don't know or understand and MAKE the effort to expand their realm of knowledge and comprehension.
As a race, we need to enlighten ourselves before we devastate modern humanity and endanger the well being of future generations...which we are on a fast track on doing.
This planet grows older and older as we learn to interpret time and space.  There's a good chance we've done this all before, and from the looks of it...failed.
That's the thing about history, if we forget about what it can teach us, we become doomed to repeat it.
Albert Einstein might have been a high school dropout, but his wisdom and insight can reveal many dark truths that our inner sinner preys upon...
He said that he may not know what weapons will be used for War World III, rest assured world war four will be fought with sticks and stones.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

LIFE happens

I have no choice, I am going to be dead one day whether I like it or not.  It's my inevitable end in the cycle of life.
I accept my fate, and I will try to live up to my fullest 
until when that moment comes 
in which 
I cease to 
So, what's it here for me or am I here for it...?

Life is here, I am fortunate enough to be allowed to explore it.
Life is a series of lessons intended for me to experience.
Life is timeless, permanent and immortal, without a master...yet I am it's slave.
Life grows, always...
Life changes, all the time for everyone and everything.
Life holds no virtues or morals, nor does it ever apologize.
Life is for the strong, weak...and those all those in between.
Life has no rules, other than survival of the fittest.
Life exists in cycles. Dark or bright, awakened or hibernating.  With constant chaos and mindful randomness.
Life reaches everywhere.
Life does not judge, nor does it discriminate...but also seems to be unequal and unfair.
Life gives all a chance to make the most of what we can.
Life is the only priceless gift we all are given, and our mindset determines how respectful we are of it and with it.
In Life we chose to be who and what we are, that's the power of free will...just sometimes we choose to surrender it and pretend to be victimized by circumstance.
I can't buy a thought (or maybe I could), but I certainly can create one...and that's the beauty of life.
I'm lucky enough to be here and now, so are you.
I'm lucky enough to share with you, everything that I offer to divulge.
I'm lucky and cursed enough to know that life isn't here forever for me, because it is infinite and eternal...unlike me, but I still have my will and sense of being...and know one will ever take that away from me, unless I allow it.

From time to time, I think of all the ifs, ands or buts....and I realize
This isn't too bad because it could always be worse.
Here is where I find my gratitude, the greatest thing I can give back to life.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

a road to s o m e w h e r e

We have chosen all our stops in life
For better or for worse
Everything is
A lesson to be learned
Taught by our inner guide, 
Our greatest teacher
To our most naive student

look inside first
Before you seek a forward step
Our inner whisper
Speaks v o l u m e s
Worth endless lifetimes

Lost means gone
What's misplaced gets rediscovered

It's how we look,
It's what we learn
This is how we grow
Whether it's here, there or somewhere else
Blooming or not
We still feel the earth beneath us
And our star above us

Rooting deep
Spreading tall
Forever growing
Refusing to fall victim to the stagnancies of everything
And to be here, in the moment
Experiencing what our purpose really is
From here to there
In The NOW
And that somewhere is Infinity

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

From Forwards to Backwards and Beyond

Juanita ana banana,

Name me All your most favorite fruits, in color coordinated alphabetical order.  Leave no pits behind.

Next, I saw an enormous moon this morning...rumor has it, the next one will be even bigger...because it will be nearer.  A Super Snow Moon, or so they say.  Don't you ever wonder who "they" really are?  'They' are probably boring and monotoned.  With plaid socks and pocket protectors.  Looking up at speckles of light through telescopes, all the while speaking into mental megaphones.  Making midgets from dwarfs.  This world that we live in has over corrected their political correctness, only to confuse my muse and create doubt from wrong within a right...but only on left handed turns without stops...should one fully yield, and come completely to a halt.  It's no ones fault, if our truth is hidden within a mystery vault.
Nope, it's no one's fault...because we live in a politically correct world where fault only lies with those who have been run over by the bus.  After all, they chose to step onto the overcrowded road...littered in signs....stating what's right and what's not.
I'm so confused.
But wait, how could that be.
As in me.
Yes, Me.
Or I.
I descend upon this land, with my mirror in hand.  And I, through reason and logic know how and what to decipher (without insult) my lefts from wrongs...without yielding myself or selling my soul to a void of collective mindlessness.  How can I go forward in life, if I am constantly detouring in circles on this over stimulated rock that lies an astronomical unit away from its inferno.
Only time can tell that infinite story,
The man made measure of life...
Man is here to create death, destruction and demise.
For I am just another man, who sees nothing but what has been done...and where we are heading to...
Time, has met me now
Time, has led me here
Time, has brought us all front and center
But NO one accepts the responsibility
But NO one assumes the strongest path
But NO one dares walk a line crooked from corruption....
Greed finds teeth bitten in the flesh of a core, weakened by all the division that time brought us all.
Humanity will remain divided as long as it works on an individual basis, irrelevant of what is to come...because, with time, everything will change...and we will become the forgotten ghosts of yesteryear.
To bad, what a pity and here we were thinking that this all mattered for something significant.
Change for the better is but a dream that will only exist in a thoughtless life, where self becomes selfs as a whole...and time, at that point won't matter...because a higher conscious sees no barrier between here, there or anywhere.

Fill that pit with smoke and fire and watch it burn bright with light...void of desire.
The enemy of us, and friend of the me.
Like I said, too bad.

Monday, February 18, 2019

PUFF like that Magic Dragon

Tom is scared of food, and Melissa made my bag of clothes smell like bananas...damn her, and damn them.  She'll get hers too, one day not too late...soon enough.

Two in the morning and you're writing emails about your mini fridge, as if your trying to make all other appliance jealous.  Might I suggest a hot plate or crockpot be added to your repertoire.
Whatever you do, don't forget to drink your is, without doubt, the most crucial nutrient your body needs.
Speaking of nutrition, I baked two duck eggs with spinach and squash.  Of course I added in a small container of egg white solution to up the quantity of overall nutrition.  I also brought with me two apples.  I already finish about a forth of the baked eggs and for dessert I had one Apple.  In about sixty minutes, I should be having my second dose of my baked eggs.
Maybe I should start a cooking podcast.
If only I had the desire for attention.
I love going ignored, don't let that confuse you though...I do like educating and inspiring even more.

Remember, you must love yourself first before you can even begin to allow outside love to find you...and when you find it, grow with it.
The One constant in life is change.

I have eleven remaining appointments today, what will I do after I am done like a nun...rosary and all...some hot vinyasa with meg and her sorority girl following.  They can be so nauseatingly cliquish, but they do look cute in their yoga pants but too annoying in their Kardashian tone.  This world has already been hand delivered to a domaine of eternal useless stupidity.  And I, it's ever loving...everlasting  quiet observer....just watch in a stupendous amazement the obsolete idiotic chaos that I am force fed to endure.
It's where yuck and puke meet for brunch.
Personally, I love brunch.  The best of all worlds.
I live and die with my eggs, regardless of weather...season...or mood!
Roll that thought and smoke it.

Monday, February 11, 2019

You Miss 100% of the Shots You don't Take

First place and counting, that's right how about them Islanders!  It's still a long ways away before Lord Stanley's Cup tournament...quite possibly the most intense tournament in North American professional sports, with participants from all around the world.  It's the only sport in the world that it's a good thing to score a goal and get into a fist fight in the same game.  You certainly aren't allow (nor is it condoned) to do that in any other sport...and I am including boxing and MMA.
FYI (short for your information)
DYK (an abbreviation for did you know) that I use to take hot yoga with a former MMA champ?
His name is Chris Wiedman, and he is a swell of a guy.
You just never know who you are going to meet at yoga class, you really don't.
I've met some really crazy people there too.  As a matter of fact, most people at hot yoga are crazy.
But don't let them know I said so, after all what's that saying about throwing stones if you live in a glass house.
That's why I always wanted to live in a teepee, there is no need OR desire to throw stones.  Stone throwing is overrated and underscored.
Unless you're skipping stones, because that's fun and good.
As a kid, I could spend an entire afternoon trying to skip the perfect stone...hence, how and why I have profoundly come to peace with the philosophy that perfection is a transient illusion that leads to anxiety, angst and a constant insatiable desire for more of everything.
Being that I have said less with more before, I might as well quite while I am a head with short hair....once upon a time I had a lot of hair, and all that got me was a big bill for shampoo and conditioner.
Can I please, please...please find the resolve for happiness even with nothing in hand.
That would be a great humanistic lesson to be had.
Don't you say?

The quote by Wanye Gretzky

Friday, January 18, 2019

OUR Path to our Holy Grail

As Monty Python once proclaimed, "I'm not dead yet!"
How have you been?  How have things been?  How has life been treating You?
Are you in a happier place?  

     Happiness comes from within, peace comes from understanding and accepting the inner self.  Strength comes from not fearing our weaknesses.  Success is what we choose to make of it.  We often defeat ourselves and we tend to blame the world for them.  In general, I would write more if I gave myself that added time to spend doing what I love to do.  In my defense, I have been very active vocalizing my philosophies with others on a more one to one I have taken the spoken word approach...which deprives the rest of whatever audience might want to listen.  I am me, will always be...and I will never apologize or adulterate who I am.  I like me for being me.  I like incorporating me in all sorts of environments that might find some sort of new angle on old perspectives.  I find life too short to worry about things beyond our level of influence.

I can only control (if, and it's a big if I allow myself to) my thoughts, which in turn can impact my:
feelings & emotions
motives, initiations and actions
Basically...My Overall Outlook and all my magnificent, miraculous and marvelous reactions on how I fit within this world that we all call home.

Because this IS home to all of us, not just to you and I.

The We part is what seems to seperate and alienate us from one an other.
We instinctively shy away from things different from our familiarities.  Leading to self insecurities from these unknowns.  Therefore, we either try to change or destroy what we can not understand.  More times than not, we are unwilling to even attempt to understand...
We can trace most, if not all our problems back to our Ego (here we go) and our greed for substance.

In order for this entire planet to change for the better,
Man has to bypass the ego
Overcome ignorance and arrogance
Become more open minded in understanding what needs to be understood in order to bridge misunderstandings
and embrace the possibility of a higher state of a collective consciousness and enlightenment.

Like I said, I am not close to being Dee Ee Dee dead!