Tom is scared of food, and Melissa made my bag of clothes smell like bananas...damn her, and damn them. She'll get hers too, one day not too late...soon enough.
Two in the morning and you're writing emails about your mini fridge, as if your trying to make all other appliance jealous. Might I suggest a hot plate or crockpot be added to your repertoire.
Whatever you do, don't forget to drink your is, without doubt, the most crucial nutrient your body needs.
Speaking of nutrition, I baked two duck eggs with spinach and squash. Of course I added in a small container of egg white solution to up the quantity of overall nutrition. I also brought with me two apples. I already finish about a forth of the baked eggs and for dessert I had one Apple. In about sixty minutes, I should be having my second dose of my baked eggs.
Maybe I should start a cooking podcast.
If only I had the desire for attention.
I love going ignored, don't let that confuse you though...I do like educating and inspiring even more.
Remember, you must love yourself first before you can even begin to allow outside love to find you...and when you find it, grow with it.
The One constant in life is change.
I have eleven remaining appointments today, what will I do after I am done like a nun...rosary and all...some hot vinyasa with meg and her sorority girl following. They can be so nauseatingly cliquish, but they do look cute in their yoga pants but too annoying in their Kardashian tone. This world has already been hand delivered to a domaine of eternal useless stupidity. And I, it's ever loving...everlasting quiet observer....just watch in a stupendous amazement the obsolete idiotic chaos that I am force fed to endure.
It's where yuck and puke meet for brunch.
Personally, I love brunch. The best of all worlds.
I live and die with my eggs, regardless of weather...season...or mood!
Roll that thought and smoke it.
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