Friday, October 29, 2010

Agree to Disagree

     For all that i have seen, the One 1 critical element (absolutely necessary) in order to successfully mend a Fractured X relationship is the willing participation of BOTH parties...colluding...on a tonic for answers and solutions.  Relationship challenges (typically) arise from problems generated by one individual and experienced by their counterpart...hence making this an issue of 2.  Therefore, since two people are involved on this issue at takes effort by both to rectify their conundrum.  If one refuses to address the problem(s), then the problem gets ignored and/or grows.
RESOLUTION is necessary for progress...
People who refuse to make an effort in reforming their relationship, merely (to me at least) reflects a lack of interest in respecting their partners and their connection to each other.  Before you know it, the smallest amount of inconvenience becomes a MAJOR source of tension.  Again, back to resolution...just work together...both parties need to commit...COMMIT to you understand what that means?  Once you start that commitment, follow it to the end.  Start stop attempts do just that...start and then stop...right BACK to the beginning.  Back to the old...did anything change?  At all?  In order to succeed, lay the foundation for the necessary components of the commitment...this means allocated time and thought out effort...and then stick to the plan!
 When building bridges, one must compromise and almost concede on certain issues in order to triumph...again, how committed are you on resolving (there's that darn word again) your relationship discrepancies.  Just about any tumultuous situation, in any given relationship can be addressed for the better...only if there are two willing parties!

 I hate coffee but i will meet you for a cup
Starbucks cappuccino latte?

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