Why?do this? Why?
if i let her go, she might get lucky and find someone who will treat her the way she deserved to be treated...someone who will be with her emotionally, as well as, physically...
this is what every relationship merits...I did her a favor, if she only knew
Like a band aid, ripped right off
-This can not be happening
it did
-Why me
(Some of my stuff went missing...what ever the reason...who ever did it. All i know is that it happened)
-Deal or no Deal?Why bargain now, seriously...
because there are always options
dead dreams...what about all the plans
NO controlllllllll
At some point it happens
-Accepting versus resigning
It always takes two to make or break a relationship
I broke the vulnerable walls of a facade...i needed the sun and wind to cleanse the air..i need what everybody needs and deserves...
Again... 'my' interest is peaked with a familiar deity listed at the end of this post... mmmmmm... not much to say right now - just absorbing as well as acknowledging the absoluteness that relationships that two....*confident as well as affirmative nod & off to read another post* ;D