Monday, October 11, 2010

Contemptment of the hearT

     There is a certain percentage of our population that feels it needs the security of a relationship in order to enjoy the community spoils.  The reason why anyone should be in a relationship is because it feels right, it feels natural...and goodness comes from it.  People who force relationships often find that a negative road lies ahead.  Some people will do anything to stay committed within a relationship, such as ignoring problems or assuming all types of issues are regular occurrences...this will eventually sink relationships.  Others claim too much responsibility to save the situation, that in turn hides someone's faults or mistakes...on the flip side you will find some who will never accept responsibility for any wrong doing.   Even an unreasonable acceleration of the seriousness of the relationship can be used to forcefully keep the other mate committed...all with the stated intentions to create A "pseudo" solution aimed at rectifying existing problems.  Others demand too much without reciprocating or considering the needs and costs of their significant other.  People will also enter into a hostile defensive mode if they feel that their fragile emotional exposed desperate state is not substantiated from the other individual....why are you in the relationship?
Sometimes our selfish sides rule the roost...our pride hides the truth...


  1. Dont forget about the ones that enter into a relationship because they think they can help a person... when in the end...all their efforts of helping went un-noticed and caused more pain for themselves all in the name of supposed love lol... People expect something out of a relationship and that is the problem... You should expect nothing... just be in it because its what you want without conditions... People will always have rules... =/

  2. There are also cultural obligations expected in some societies...&/or the unfortunate circumstance of using 'logic' to commit oneself. The problem with these scenarios and situations - are that the heart, passion and emotion are sacrificed. Which leaves us ALL in search for the answer to the question if Romance and long lasting relationships actually exist. Is there REALLY the opportunity to have a long lasting passionate & loving relationship? or do 'we' have to sacrifice the passion in order to be with someone that will 'stay'.... what is worse? a passion that fizzles or one that never began? It has taken about a decade but I am realizing that the senses we have are meant to be 'felt' whether it be painful or exhilarating vs the numb feeling of arbitrary logic...
