Question: What is cited as the most frequent cause for ending a romantic relationship?
answer: Jealousy - just ask author Roger Hock
You see what i see? Jealousy is an emotion...its typically joined at the hip with negativity. Jealous thoughts and emotions signal insecurities, anxiety, and fear over an anticipated loss of a valued commodity...aka your relationship. The heart by which breathes jealousy often thrives from anger, sadness, and disgust (separate from envy)...with envy comes admiration...Lets complicate this just a little bit more because jealousy is not a singular emotion/behavior but an expression of diverse emotions and behaviors.
Its an aversive juggernaut resulting in activity conceptualized from emotions, thoughts and deeds, in response to ultimate threats to ones self esteem, quality, or existence...spawned through a perception of real or potential attraction between your partner and a rival.
You can almost argue that its a protective reaction to a perceived threat to a relationship? Emanating by the threat of separation? Loss can and is painful.
I was curious as to where i stood, so i took an online test...I scored an 1eleven1 out of ONE100HUNDRED. So what does that mean?
Assuming that i honestly answered the questions, which i would like to think that i did...and the test told me.?.?.Well???I would tell you, but that is my secret...
What can you say about yourself on this matter...your relationship can hinge on it
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